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Guide to make ALOT of money

Noctudeit 20 years ago
I have found a good reliable way to make alot of money pretty fast (without hacks/edits), and I though I'd share it. The whole reason I spent the time to do this, is that I really wanted a space station, but couldn't afford in in a million years through my usual methods.
First off, proceed through the story line as quick as possible untill you have the laser ship.
Then, assemble a good fleet to go with your laser ship (I used all tigers)
Next, find a moon that has a High Wealth/Population rating, 7/5 or above is good, and has a low military rating 1 or 2. (it is also nice if it pays well for at least one of your goods)
Now attack this moon over and over again, as your ships need repaired, just have them repaired on the moon you're attacking...
Eventually you will have something like 3000 weapons, 2500 slaves and 4000 goods to sell (if you haven't sold them already). and you should have been able to keep your ships repaired this whole time with just the cash you get from the battles.
Sell everything off, you should get around 74000 gold for this if you did it long enough.
Now go assault Venus to get your spacestation, now land on Venus and repair everything.
Replace ships in your fleet at this point if needed, and have fun beating up other planets with your new spacestation I recommend hitting Earth a time or two as it has very high wealth/population and low military.
Kejardon 20 years ago
I've actually gotten three space stations in one game (though I cheated to get that kind of money). A word of recommendation: Do NOT attack an asteroid. There's no limit to the size of army they may have, and it's based on how much your ships are worth. So, 3 space stations = hundreds of enemy ships.
ville 20 years ago
Wow, I never remembered the game had such extent!
slinking_ferret 20 years ago
laser ship ? space station? what uhhhh wher do you get thos
michael 20 years ago
how do you buy ships? I had to steal them all.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
You have to steal them all.
LunaticNeko 20 years ago
You have to take them all.
Noctudeit 20 years ago
You cannot buy ships. You are given the laser ship through the story of the game. A space station can be taken by assaulting a planet that is defended by one and disabling it (Venus is where I got mine). The reason it takes ALOT of money to get one is because you have just disabled it, and it must be repaired or it will die pretty quickly in a battle. The cost of repairing a space station is around 40,000 gold (don't remember exactly) However, once it is repaired, it will have over 9000 'life'. It's not really that great, it does good damage, and has a ton of life, but is not maneuverable at all and tends to take a lot of damage in a fight. Therefore, it costs a lot to keep one in your fleet as you have to constantly perform costly repairs. I did not get this ship for any other reason than to proove to myself that I could without hacking or editing my files. On a side note, it would have been cool if you could use your space station as a base of opperations, leave it to guard a planet that you have conqured, and have it collect tribute from the population (and slaves if they step out of line) manufacture new ships/weapons, and allow free repairs for your fleet.
Noctudeit 20 years ago
"Kejardon" said:
I've actually gotten three space stations in one game (though I cheated to get that kind of money). A word of recommendation: Do NOT attack an asteroid. There's no limit to the size of army they may have, and it's based on how much your ships are worth. So, 3 space stations = hundreds of enemy ships.
I just had to try this for myself and OMG!!!! I attacked an asteroid with just one space station, and the screen was so full of enemy ships that I couldn't even see ROFLOL Needless to say, I got PWNED! I wonder if this was intentional or a bug, as it only happens when attacking asteroids... hmmm
michael 20 years ago
I have beeten the game. I was just wondering why you need sooo much money to steel a ship.
ville 20 years ago
The space stations were never meant to be captureable, I never even thought someone might capture one. That's why you're getting some funny bugs if you attack asteroids with them.
michael 20 years ago
ah yes I have a station now. it is all powerfull.
Click 20 years ago
"Noctudeit" said:
I have found a good reliable way to make alot of money pretty fast (without hacks/edits), and I though I'd share it. The whole reason I spent the time to do this, is that I really wanted a space station, but couldn't afford in in a million years through my usual methods.
First off, proceed through the story line as quick as possible untill you have the laser ship.
Then, assemble a good fleet to go with your laser ship (I used all tigers)
Next, find a moon that has a High Wealth/Population rating, 7/5 or above is good, and has a low military rating 1 or 2. (it is also nice if it pays well for at least one of your goods)
Now attack this moon over and over again, as your ships need repaired, just have them repaired on the moon you're attacking...
Eventually you will have something like 3000 weapons, 2500 slaves and 4000 goods to sell (if you haven't sold them already). and you should have been able to keep your ships repaired this whole time with just the cash you get from the battles.
Sell everything off, you should get around 74000 gold for this if you did it long enough.
Now go assault Venus to get your spacestation, now land on Venus and repair everything.
Replace ships in your fleet at this point if needed, and have fun beating up other planets with your new spacestation I recommend hitting Earth a time or two as it has very high wealth/population and low military.

If only it was real money...
Rokan'sharp'claw 19 years ago
"ville" said:
The space stations were never meant to be captureable, I never even thought someone might capture one. That's why you're getting some funny bugs if you attack asteroids with them.
So you mean capturing space stations is a bug?I would like one but I hate the idea of a hundred ships on you.
ZeXLR8er 19 years ago
Hmm, I'm a little confused, what 'space stations' are we talknig about?
Peter 19 years ago
Those things orbiting Earth, Venus and Mars.

Has anyone tried to use the battle station in solar flight mode?

And I dont understand the cheating, dont know how to do it... What to rewrite...
slyvena 19 years ago
The one's that orbit miitary three planets
Anonymous1157 19 years ago
I dunnow about you people but i'm going to go try it.
slyvena 19 years ago
Using the station is solor mode makes you warp tot eh sun, and orbit around it, you can't move. So if you have a station and another ship it is usful for teleporting to the middle of the uneverse.
Anonymous1157 19 years ago
It's a solar system not a galaxy:
Stars and planets belong to solar systems. Solar systems belong to galaxies. Galaxies belong to universes. Universes belong to an endless void of space which as far as i'm concerned has NO name.
ops: I'm off topic, aren't I?

Your method works. Slyvena has a good point. I'm not so sure about making plenty of money, because I killed Pluto AND Charon at the same time. Why's it spelled with a K in the game? Hmm...
Pete 19 years ago
Noctudeit 19 years ago
My god... it's been ages since I've been here. I can't believe this thread is still active. But at any rate, I just thought I would comment that the reason the space station 'warps' you to the sun is the gravity calculation. The sun has more gravity than anything in the game, and the space station has IMMENSE mass according to the game calculator.
Noctudeit 19 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
Universes belong to an endless void of space which as far as i'm concerned has NO name.

Actually... It's called the "Cosmos". Just a trivial factoid.
MageKing17 19 years ago
The fact that this thread is still here astounds me. Just as a question, does anyone here still want to know how to cheat? I used to hack my save file on a regular basis, and I'm sure if I redownloaded wazzal and took a look I could give you all some tips.
Noctudeit 19 years ago
When I first posted this, cheating wasn't what I had in mind. Anyone can cheat, but I wanted to acquire and repair a space station legitimately. Editing the .dat file is easy enough, and I did so to see what happens if you kill the aliens the first time you meet them
Bones 17 years ago
Listen to this: I had about 25 (CHEATER!!!) space stations, gone to an asteroid...
There was about a 1000 of ships...
I could not see the space...
Destroyed in about 4 seconds... ops:
E_net4 17 years ago
*points the last post's date*
*goes away*
Pete 17 years ago

No really, this is an old thread. REALLY old thread. I mean, the first post on this page is by my old nick, and THAT is old!
Idiota 17 years ago
Really guys, don't go kicking old threads to see if they live. They're dead.
Forum » Guide to make ALOT of money

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