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  • Impalpable Eidolon (Version 0.9 Under Development)

    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I also had trouble simply getting a bullet to go straight without being influenced by the mouse, which it always is if it comes from the player or even a plot object for some reason. So I had to do custom collision detection for attacks since there is no bullet being fired. Than you've got issues like creatures touching each other causing them to slide up and down on the vertical plane. This is due to very rigid collision detection for creatures. In the future it might be nice to edit the collision zones for creatures at least in size.

    As far as I've managed as well I've been unable to figure out how to do a multi-planar side-scroller like alot of the classics where you could move from the foreground in the background. So I'm afraid at least for now it's set up more like really old beat-em ups like karateka which only using a single plane. It's really easy to get bogged down real quick with how much you have to keep track of that you usually don't. So as long as you don't mind thinking ahead and ironing out the what ifs it's quite possible to manage it.

    For now I think I'm going to work on the interface and maybe see if I can't edit the font since I want a score object. Maybe in the future we'll get an encrypted high-score table where various scores from previous plays can be shown, but that is just wishful thinking for now Asides from the fact the mod would be really easy to hack high scores from lol, so high score tables would be somewhat of a joke.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Let us know something about the enemies, How are you planning to make them smart?
    ville 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I also had trouble simply getting a bullet to go straight without being influenced by the mouse, which it always is if it comes from the player or even a plot object for some reason. So I had to do custom collision detection for attacks since there is no bullet being fired. Than you've got issues like creatures touching each other causing them to slide up and down on the vertical plane. This is due to very rigid collision detection for creatures. In the future it might be nice to edit the collision zones for creatures at least in size.

    I've added quite a few nice weapon shooting effects in 1.33, you might want to check them out. You can now even make a weapon fire at an absolute direction.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    "Quanrian" said:
    I also had trouble simply getting a bullet to go straight without being influenced by the mouse, which it always is if it comes from the player or even a plot object for some reason. So I had to do custom collision detection for attacks since there is no bullet being fired. Than you've got issues like creatures touching each other causing them to slide up and down on the vertical plane. This is due to very rigid collision detection for creatures. In the future it might be nice to edit the collision zones for creatures at least in size.

    I've added quite a few nice weapon shooting effects in 1.33, you might want to check them out. You can now even make a weapon fire at an absolute direction.

    You're not talking about option 3 for effect 24 ? Hopefully you're talking about the option I suggested.
    ville 20 years ago
    Plenty of new effects, you might find one that suits you. Sadly I didn't have time to test them, so you just have to hope that at least one works.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Plenty of new effects, you might find one that suits you. Sadly I didn't have time to test them, so you just have to hope that at least one works.

    Well gee that's reassuring

    I'll probably just use the ones that don't use the mouse. I'm not gonna worry about all that yet though since I kind of just want to spruce up how the mod itself looks. Make it alot more difficult to tell it came from the Barebones especially lol.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I'm back from my holidays now, and I've been successfully telling Quanrian this is both insane and impossible. I hope he won't listen to me.

    Come on, that's what moddings all about.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    I didn't think it was possible to change the view like that. How do you make the background side-scroller? Just make a sky and ground graphic from side perspective? How does the game keep the player from walking up into the sky? Probably a bit too much to ask, but I want to know.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    I didn't think it was possible to change the view like that. How do you make the background side-scroller? Just make a sky and ground graphic from side perspective? How does the game keep the player from walking up into the sky? Probably a bit too much to ask, but I want to know.

    You'll just have to wait for the demo to see how I did it. As far as the sky and ground, you obviously would need them in perspective as well, that's a given. Keeping a player out of the sky can be done in numerous ways and it all depends if you really want them out of the sky or not, generally speaking you'd tie something into either a script when they touch the terrain that represents the sky or the terrain's effects itself. Maybe in your side-scroller you're flying something airborne and not ground laden. What I am working on is fairly rigid in what I'm going to allow.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Well there hasn't been much progress lately due to a certain MMO game tying up way too much of my time. I have however worked out at least the start for the interface and have a much better idea of where I want to go with the whole mod in general. I want to setup more stuff obviously, at least one enemy, perhaps a boss type enemy and give the game it's own unique look as I stated before. Once I've got at least a level I'll put that up as a demo. I will probably post some screenshots before that time, so keep an eye out for them. Happy holidays to everyone as well
    Marevix 20 years ago
    For shame, a moderator double-posting. I'm looking forward to this, just to see how it is accomplished.
    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    Marevix, Quanrian is giving us updates whether or not someone posted already. Besides, he's the moderator. He could flood all the topics with spam if he wanted to
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    For shame, a moderator double-posting. I'm looking forward to this, just to see how it is accomplished.

    Check the dates on thoses posts. There is several days span between them. Double posting is posting several times in the same day, or even the same hour usually. As was stated, I'm just posting updates, I don't really require feedback at this point, since well there isn't really anything to get feedback on yet. I did say I'd post a screenshot and I've got one now. This one closer emulates how the look of the game is going to be.

    Screen Shot

    This is a shot depicting the overall look, including the new interface. You'll notice the two spheres, one being shattered, and the other small one, which is the spawner. You'll also notice things are very barren, there isn't much to look at. Nor is there anything to do besides bust the sphere's that float towards you I'm going to try and keep the look consistant with what you see in the screenshot.
    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    Looks nice. I can see how you changed the view now.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Let us know something about the enemies, How are you planning to make them smart?

    I'm not sure how I missed this post. They probably wont be that smart at all. Though I'm really not sure on this one yet since I don't have any enemy creatures made up besides the sphere I used for collision/hit detection testing. In the least they'll probably stop before they get close enough to push you and advance on the player if they back off. Pretty basic, and they might be able to block your attacks and possibly even counter them. Making each fight more challenging. However none of this is really concrete.

    "HarmlessHermit" said:
    Looks nice. I can see how you changed the view now.

    Well it does give you a general idea. Setting up the a shot like that however could be done with stills Seeing it actually work in motion will give you a much better idea. No, I did not mock that up either, that is an actual action shot from the mod. It was kind of tricky catching the impact of the fist against the sphere, which as you notice causes it to shatter. The one thing I couldn't get rid of to clean up the interface was the No Weapon text. So that may have to remain. Otherwise you'll notice the interface itself is very minimalistic.


    Well I got gravity and what I can only describe as air-walking which will eventually become an actual jump. I also have a floor and one platform. The only small snag with the collision detection on having a floor is there seems to be a slight snag where two collision blocks collide when walking backwards. So you have to let off the key and than press it once more. So it's not super serious, but it's something I'll try and iron out.

    I have learned that the exact degree rotation done in the map editor is actually off by a degree or so. So this should probably be fixed. So that's pretty much it for now. No new enemy yet, but I'll get there.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Looks good so far. I thought it'd look a bit more like Mario though.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    Looks good so far. I thought it'd look a bit more like Mario though.

    No and thank god it's not. I think Mario has enough clones out there as it is I got some animations ready last night but they're not rendered. So I've got quite a bit of work left to do before I release a demo.
    ville 20 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I have learned that the exact degree rotation done in the map editor is actually off by a degree or so.

    Sound like something I'll have to get into next year.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    cool looking.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Sound like something I'll have to get into next year.

    I actually looked in the Terrain Maps file to see if the degree was off. As far as I can tell it's right. Though if you place some at a perfect degree that cannot turn at all, for some reason it will shift up or down along it's path. So obviously it's not at a perfect angle or it wouldn't do that. Obviously for my mod it's very important that things walk in a straight line

    I've made some good process. I decided to get rid of the platforming for now because as well as the ground works for the player, it seems to be very problematic for the AI and it wasn't vital. I've started putting in the first actual enemy but it's still devoid of any animations beyond walking and has only the simplest AI. The player can now jump but for some reason I'm having a frame skipping issue with the animation which can mess it up.


    Alright well I'm pretty sure I solved the skipping problem with the jump animation. Apparently something was out of sync and that was what was causing the problem. So I just adjusted some timing and it seems to work flawlessly now.

    So recap, Quis can - Walk, Punch, Duck/Roll, and Jump so far.

    Animations I plan on adding are Block, Second Punch and maybe a Hit Animation.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    I've made some mild progress. The enemy now has an attack animation and some slightly better AI. I plan on adding a block for both the player and enemy. The way things are going I should be able to put out the demo by early January.


    As you can see I put up an actual name for the mod. It is not the original name, but since the theme of the game has shifted greatly since its inception I decided to change the name to something a bit more mature. My original concept was alot more... whimsical, and so was the name. Anyways keep an eye out for more info, for those of you that are interested.
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    Wanna play it! Cool!
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Somethings have gotten done I had mentioned before. I got both the player and enemy able to block now. Blocking is actually fairly important as the enemy can attack slightly further away than you can, so if you don't block there is a good chance you'll get hit. Everything takes timing as I mentioned before as well, so it's more like a duel and alot less like the button mashing that is overly common in even modern day fighters. So now I've got to work out balancing things and generally polishing everything and than I might have a demo soon.
    ville 20 years ago
    Aiming for something like those fighting game platformers? The kind where you walk around until you meet an opponent, then fight him/her to death, then continue.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    You said that you removed the platforming and groundwork- mind clarifying? Perhaps another screenshot would describe it better.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Aiming for something like those fighting game platformers? The kind where you walk around until you meet an opponent, then fight him/her to death, then continue.

    That was actually my original goal before I thought I could add in platforming. Some platforming elements will be present, but it's mainly going to be as you said, walking till you meet an opponent. I know it doesn't sound very exciting, but hopefully it will be when it gets to the point of a demo. I also planning on having a story and perhaps some other surprises.

    "Marevix" said:
    You said that you removed the platforming and groundwork- mind clarifying? Perhaps another screenshot would describe it better.

    You sound like you're fishing for a screenshot, but that's ok I removed the single platform and what served as a floor, the platform you could of seen, however the floor was invisible, so a screenshot would of served you very little good. I changed up the intro and outro from the plain gray screen that I was using before since I started with the Barebones Mod. I'll have a screenshot for you soon by the way I'd like to add more to the environment so it's not so barren, but I've actually got to make that stuff I appreciate the interest my mod is getting, even if it is very minimal.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    The only real purpose of this post is to put out a screenshot, so enjoy

    New Look

    I've got a ways still before I can put out the demo. I was hoping to have the demo out by New Years, but that probably isn't going to happen. So perhaps a couple weeks into January at the latest I'll have Ville post a demo. I encourage other modders to put demos out as well since the Modding section on Notrium's frontpage is oddly barren considering just how many mods are in the works.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    From the looks of it this is going to be quite a different style of mod. I don't see a crosshair, so it doesn't seem as if we're going to be shooting anything. It's almost as if Quis took a few hits of acid before wandering out of his house (if he lives in one). I have beta 2 of my mod out if Ville wants to put it in the mods section.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    From the looks of it this is going to be quite a different style of mod. I don't see a crosshair, so it doesn't seem as if we're going to be shooting anything. It's almost as if Quis took a few hits of acid before wandering out of his house (if he lives in one). I have beta 2 of my mod out if Ville wants to put it in the mods section.

    You are certainly correct about the crosshair being absent. The mod does not use the mouse at all. Quis does not live in a house. You're also right about the look being quite different as that was planned from the get-go. As I've said before however, what you see in screenshots may not be the final look as I can often change my mind on things.


    I've got the stamina bar implemented in the scheme of things now. So Blocking is now an integral part of the fighting as it recharges your stamina which depletes with each swing, allowing you to attack more often. I think I finally got most of the collision issues handled as well. You can now duck punches from the enemy as well, something I had planned anyways, but forgot about till Ville reminded me in his own little way.

    Sorry if these frequent updates are annoying for some, but I am working on the mod just about every day. I try to limit them to when I think I've actually made real progress. I've got alot of background graphics and such to add, and when I do you'll probably see another screenshot.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    I feel so happy. Finally, Notrium is following in the footsteps of it's predeccessors, such game creation systems as ZZT. Do any of you remember ZZT? Oh, the engines people made for it! Several side-scrolling engines came out for it, I beleive, but they were all too tichy to be usefull. I hope we can make LOTS of engines for Notrium. Side-scrolling, space-combat, and the top-down standard Notrium engines are all that we have at present, but it would be cool if someone made even more engines. (An RTS engine, while probably impossible or requiring massive amounts of scripting, would be an innovation beyond the original outlook of Notrium) The whole goal of Game Creation systems, I have noticed, is to push the boundry limits. At last, Notrium has started uncurling and begun pushing the limits.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    I feel so happy. Finally, Notrium is following in the footsteps of it's predeccessors, such game creation systems as ZZT. Do any of you remember ZZT? Oh, the engines people made for it! Several side-scrolling engines came out for it, I beleive, but they were all too tichy to be usefull. I hope we can make LOTS of engines for Notrium. Side-scrolling, space-combat, and the top-down standard Notrium engines are all that we have at present, but it would be cool if someone made even more engines. (An RTS engine, while probably impossible or requiring massive amounts of scripting, would be an innovation beyond the original outlook of Notrium) The whole goal of Game Creation systems, I have noticed, is to push the boundry limits. At last, Notrium has started uncurling and begun pushing the limits.

    I'll take that as a bit of flattery with a touch of hopefulness

    I'd be lying if I said I haven't hit my fair share of snags. I certainly am hopeful to see more varied mods, but I really don't mind the top down view if it works for a particular mod. For mine top-down just didn't appeal to me. First and foremost I wanted to have some decent detail in my graphics and it's very hard to show dimension and depth properly in top down so I opted for side-view.

    At the point I'm at now I don't believe it's ready for a demo release, but it certainly is on its way. One noteable addition is the display of an enemies health as a normal bar, not the tiny ones over their head. This was more or less a must have since there is no mouse, so you can't float it over them to see their health, and even if there was it would distract too much from the normal gameplay.

    Something else of note is that I'll be composing music for the mod, which I don't believe anyone has done 'yet'. Don't expect anything spectacular, but I am putting some work into the song and right now I've got a pretty decent one to start with and there will probably be several. They're all also going to be fairly short since I'm designing them more or less as loops. I may try some dynamic stuff with music, but don't count on it since I've got so much other stuff to do and I'd consider something like icing and not integral.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    I just took another look at the screenshot. What is that oddish brown thing?

    Also, and I swear that I saw this exact same statement posted yesterday, (maybye ZeX went insane and deleted it) I'd be happy to help compose the music if there's a way you could convert midi files to mp3 files.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    It seems like Quis is getting ready to punch him, so I think it's an enemy. Looks a bit like him
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    "Marevix" said:
    I just took another look at the screenshot. What is that oddish brown thing?

    Also, and I swear that I saw this exact same statement posted yesterday, (maybye ZeX went insane and deleted it) I'd be happy to help compose the music if there's a way you could convert midi files to mp3 files.

    You're not going insane, I cleaned up the thread. I forgot to put to pm me lol. So I sent Mageking a message and removed all the off topic threads, including the bit from my own post.

    That brown thing is an enemy by the way. He's the only enemy I've made so far. It does have a name, but I'm keeping that to myself for now I still have alot of planning left to do so it may turn out that the demo has no story in it. I probably wont change/add much more, just tweak it a bit more. I haven't really been able to work on it lately, but I'll probably send something to Ville in maybe a few days.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Can I call it Chocolate Pudding until you tell us it's real name?
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