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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    well how would i go about doing the 20 ether 20 bullet thingy?
    FaV 16 years ago
    At me idea. The player has two weapons: the automatic device and a shot-gun (for example). In the left hand thrusts the automatic device, in right - a shot-gun. Presses on the mouse and starts to shoot with two hands. It really to make?
    Fixo 16 years ago
    I'm trying to make a mod but I've got a problem. I've placed some items, props and no random objects "terrain" but when I want to play it some times it crashes and some times it starts but every thing is swarming with items and props !!!! What should i do ???
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "SmokinBaraka" said:
    well how would i go about doing the 20 ether 20 bullet thingy?
    Make a new item, add condition numbers so that you can only use it when you have 20 of each (you're looking for condition 0) and finally add effect number 16 to take 20 from bullets, ether and add 20 sniper bullets.

    "FaV" said:
    At me idea. The player has two weapons: the automatic device and a shot-gun (for example). In the left hand thrusts the automatic device, in right - a shot-gun. Presses on the mouse and starts to shoot with two hands. It really to make?
    I'm assuming that the automatic device is another weapon. If so look at the modding library: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=8&t=944&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15</a><!-- l -->

    "Fixo" said:
    I'm trying to make a mod but I've got a problem. I've placed some items, props and no random objects "terrain" but when I want to play it some times it crashes and some times it starts but every thing is swarming with items and props !!!! What should i do ???
    Check debug_start.txt int he main Notrium directory once it crashes before it even starts. The problem should be right at the bottom of the document. Usually you're missing out on a line or did something like this:

    16;//effect number
    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    how do i make it so the character starts with an item like how the human always starts with the flashlight etc...
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Go to the player_races file and scroll down until you see entries in the specialties section which usually start with "start". Eg.

    Start with (item);//description
    0;//difficulty level
    15;//parameter0 - item number
    1;//parameter1 - amount
    Fixo 16 years ago
    Thank you but every thing is swarming with items and props
    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    i just thought that maybe, if the map your making is currently just ONE area (as in you don't walk to the left into another area), then in the plot objects file, it says like spawn so many items, it may be having to spawn all those items in that ONE area, so it would be overly crowded with items/props, so you could try just temporarily make the whole area no random objects to stop this, or edit the plot_objects file as to spawn only a few of each thing

    this is just a thought, i dont know if im right or wrong (new to this stuff dont forget) but i like to try and help
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Actually, I'm about 90% sure those are defined in the areas file, not the plot_objects file.
    Fixo 16 years ago
    thank you MageKing17 I get it now
    FaV 16 years ago
    Whether it is possible to make the weapon, shooting different types of shells. In particular, a nade.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Yes. We can see this in the Opposing Forces mod. I'll use a handgun as an example. You'll need an item which runs a script. That script will take away the handgun with effect number 16 and replace with a different handgun, which fires different bullets.
    SmokinBaraka 16 years ago
    Start with shellmaker;//description
    0;//dificulty level
    cannot drop shellmaker;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    this is what i have in player-races to make my human start with a shotgun shell maker, but when i try to play the game, it like freezes at "generating new game", when i remove it from player races teh game works?, is there something wrong with this entry?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Nothing is wrong with that, by the looks of it. Check the shellmaker in items.dat
    Teshin 16 years ago
    How can I edit the animations.dat file? I tried to edit the text but Notrium didn't work after that..
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Make sure that that the amount of frames matches what you have down there. Eg:

    Story stuff;
    Other story;
    Even more story;
    Stuff to make the reader think;
    Mihael 16 years ago
    have a problem with the inventory
    i am modding barebones but i cant make the player in the inventory (where you can put weapons on the player)
    how can i do that?Please help
    My english is bad becouse i live in croatia
    Mihael 16 years ago
    Have another problem
    I made my own alien hybrid in photo shop.His hand are purple but when he takes a gun his hands they change color.
    Why is that happening?
    fifth 16 years ago
    well, my english is kinda bad but i'll try my best to describe my problem:
    i wanna make a weapon that is like three (or more/less) kannons on each side of the player like this:
    thats the player
    | |
    | |A--------
    | |
    | |B--------
    | |
    | |C-------
    | |
    well, A B and C are the kannons and the strokes are the bullets (remember the cannons have to be on both sides)
    and of course you can't aim with em they are bound to the players direction
    the best would be if they wouldnt shoot all at once (first a shoots then b then c)
    i hope you guys can give me a hint how to make a weapon like that (if its possible)(muhahahahaha if you can say me how to do this i finaly get my battleships working )
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "fifth" said:
    (muhahahahaha if you can say me how to do this i finaly get my battleships working )
    That sounds like a great idea! First of all you need 3 different weapons. When you fire the A weapon you lose the A item (effect 16), gain the B item (effect 16) and then wield the B item (effect 59). Then it can simply rotate through all three. Eg:

    16;//effect number
    16;//effect number
    59;//effect number

    "Mihael" said:
    Have another problem
    I made my own alien hybrid in photo shop.His hand are purple but when he takes a gun his hands they change color.
    Why is that happening?
    Double check the image and the weapon frames in player_races.

    "Mihael" said:
    have a problem with the inventory
    i am modding barebones but i cant make the player in the inventory (where you can put weapons on the player)
    how can i do that?Please help
    My english is bad becouse i live in croatia
    I think your problem is that you don't have the item which opens the inventory. Notrium doesn't automatically assign "I" to the inventory, you need to do it yourself. In Barebones, however, this has already been done for you. Simply pick up "default item" and then try.
    fifth 16 years ago
    ah, thanks for this but i still got the main problem how to make em shoot to the left/right like the cannons of a ship. (sorry im realy not good at modding yet)

    edit: i know its starting to get ridiculous but i just realised that i would have to place the canons by myself so they wont be all at one spot. if anybody would have a clue how to place em at designated spots around the player id be the gladest modder you ever saw (hope you're even able to understant what i wanna say)
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Effect 24:

    24=fire weapon parameter1, times parameter2, (parameter3, 0=normal direction, 1=towards nearest enemy, 2=random direction, 3=shoot in direction parameter4 from the creature, 4=shoot in absolute direction parameter4),

    So you want it to look like this:

    <number of your weapon>;//parameter1
    <direction you want to shoot in>;//parameter4
    Admiral 16 years ago
    Guys (& gals) I have a problem... I want to include a shop in my mod, this is a simple menu based shop system However... the buy concept is fine, its the sell... in principle the Idea is thus: when the play obtains an item the item in question is deposited in the players inventory... this happens all the time in Notrium... BUT a secondary 'sell: (Item name)' is placed in the Sell menu of the shop.

    This item simply removes the sold item from the player inventory and adds the currency value to the player's purse.

    Problem... the player can simply drop the sell-able item (but the option to sell it remains... the condition (0=must have item parameter0 amount parameter1) will prevent the player from being able to use the 'sell: ' item but it will clutter up the sell menu) is there any known way of remedying this?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    You have two options for this. I highly recommend the first one as it will not clog up the scripts file and game performance will be better. But the first one will require you to change some of your selling stuff and buying and selling will be done in seperate inventories.

    1. Give all items a second use key (I recommend "s"). The effect under this should then detect whether the player is near the shop plot_object (Condition 1) and the normal selling effects would then apply. Here's an example for double item uses:

    Item used!;//event text
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    U;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    0;//effect number
    Sold!;//event text -Start of next use
    none;//event failure text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//vanishes after event, 0=no, 1=yes
    S;//use key
    -1;//quick key
    4.000000;//condition parameter0
    94.000000;//condition parameter1
    0;//effect number

    2. Make several constantly running scripts which detect if the player has the item, and then the items get taken away etc.
    Admiral 16 years ago
    Yes 1. sounds MUCH easier than 2. (I had planned for buy/sell to be in different inventories: The player uses the shop item: selects buy/sell: buys/sells: returm to shop menu or leave)

    Though (it came to me last night ) it might work if certain shops only bought certain items from the player... the later in the game, the more items the shop will buy from the player. So there is a set number of 'sell: item' items in the sell menu?

    I'll try both and see.

    Many thanks Aegis
    FaV 16 years ago
    People how to put sectors in the certain order on a map, as in OP and Tutorial, but on two axes X and Y.
    Redemption 16 years ago
    Edit map.dat (You will need to edit areas.dat to give each area it's own class).
    FaV 16 years ago
    How? With the isolated areas all is clear. With starting - too. But how to establish two axes. In tutorial I have found law (area class 0-7), but the second axis?
    Меня понятно?\Me it is clear?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Look at the default Notrium's map... it gives a pretty clear example.
    FaV 16 years ago
    But they are random generated on a map!
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    So? How does this stop you from seeing how to make a 2-dimensional map?
    FaV 16 years ago
    We each other have not understood. I have created 20 maps \ sectors and I want, that they settled down on a global map of all Notrium how it is necessary for me. Shall tell, that one sector was above another, and the third - at the left and other.
    Redemption 16 years ago
    -1;-1; 1;-1;-1
    -1; 4; 0; 2;-1
    -1;-1; 3;-1;-1

    The above code is an example of a left/right and up/down map. From the start area (0) the player will have the option to go up (to 1), right (to 2), down (to 3) or left (to 4). The numbers (excluding the -1's) are area class numbers from areas.dat, so area 3 for example will be any area with a class of 3. The vertical placements of areas is the same as horizontal placement, only the areas are placed above each other instead of to the side.
    seddo111 16 years ago
    my question is similar to this one.
    i have created my map, named it but now need to get its climate and everything else sorted out, but have no idea how
    please help
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Go to to areas.dat. Create an entry for your maps and fill in the climate_type lines. The climates are from climate_types.dat.
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