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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    seddo111 16 years ago
    thank you , ill give that a try
    JDIZZLE 16 years ago
    Hey guys you may or may not have seen the mod i'v started about Stargate but i would greatly appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I want to make a (Plot Object?) that when you right click it it brings up a seperate inventory than your normal one. I want to be able to pick an "address" from the list and then when you walk in to another (plot object?) you are taken to that area's corresponding (Plot Object) of the address you chose. My idea is to have a dummy object before you pick an "address" but when the address item is used it makes the dummy object a teleporter to the right place in the area that the player chose. I have limited access to my Notrium computer so i want to make sure i am not wasting time on coding this idea if it won't work. Just telling me i'm on the right track would be awesome!
    Aegis 16 years ago
    To bring up a seperate inventory you need to use effect number 52 to change the inventory and 62 to open the inventory.
    It'll probably look like this:

    Address Changer;//name---------------------------------------
    -1;//map type to place to -1=any map 0=> type from areas.dat
    0;//plot_object class
    46;//object definition number
    0;//number of objects to be placed
    0;//location type, 0=random, 1=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from player start, 2=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from object parameter0, 3=coordinates [parameter0, parameter1] (0=min, 1=max) vary location=parameter2
    0.000000;//location parameter0
    0.000000;//location parameter1
    0.000000;//location parameter2
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    0;//particle to shown on radar
    none;//radiate sound
    -1.000000;//time to delete object in milliseconds, -1=don't delete
    0;//trigger event by 0=player click, 1=player near, 2=near or click, 3=map creation (try to avoid any creature specific effects when using this, also does not check conditions), 4=interval parameter1
    0;//trigger event parameter1
    1;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    2;//vanishes after event, 0=no, but cannot be reused, 1=vanishes, 2=no, and can be reused
    52;//effect number
    62;//effect number
    35;//effect number - Enables restore player's inventory

    The player's inventory needs to be changed back to the normal inventory after use. This can be done with a script.

    Restore players Inventory;//name
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    50;//run every n milliseconds
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    1;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    52;//effect number

    The "address inventory" should be filled with items that change the player's "address bar" through effect 17. If the inventory is empty when used then Notrium will crash
    You can give items to this special inventory by using effect number 16 and changing the 3rd parameter to 1 as the player has inventories 0 to 20. 0 is default. 1 will be the address inventory.
    Now you'll need multiple plot_objects to detect what the player's bar is, then use it to transport the player.
    One of them might look something like this:

    Address Transporter 1;//name---------------------------------------
    -1;//map type to place to -1=any map 0=> type from areas.dat
    0;//plot_object class
    46;//object definition number
    0;//number of objects to be placed
    0;//location type, 0=random, 1=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from player start, 2=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from object parameter0, 3=coordinates [parameter0, parameter1] (0=min, 1=max) vary location=parameter2
    0.000000;//location parameter0
    0.000000;//location parameter1
    0.000000;//location parameter2
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    0;//particle to shown on radar
    none;//radiate sound
    -1.000000;//time to delete object in milliseconds, -1=don't delete
    1;//trigger event by 0=player click, 1=player near, 2=near or click, 3=map creation (try to avoid any creature specific effects when using this, also does not check conditions), 4=interval parameter1
    0;//trigger event parameter1
    1;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    use.wav;//sound, none for nothing
    2;//vanishes after event, 0=no, but cannot be reused, 1=vanishes, 2=no, and can be reused
    38;//condition - Detects what value the bar is
    5.000000;//condition parameter0 - The address bar number (change this for different addresses)
    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    21;//effect number
    -1.000000;//parameter1 - Keep this as -1 to make life easier
    5.000000;//parameter2 - Change this to the plot_object the player will transport to
    0.000000;//parameter3 - Change this to 1 if you want nearby creatures to be transported too

    In short, the player right clicks on a plot_object which accesses a special inventory with a list of different items. Each items changes the player's address bar (through effect 17). When the player is ready they will walk over different plot_objects stacked over each other. Only one will activate, transporting the player to its destination.
    JDIZZLE 16 years ago
    Wow thank you, this was exactly what i was looking for. I had a general sense of the effects that would be required but i had no idea about the empty inventory thing. I will definitely put this code to work and credit you in my mod. BTW feel free to stop by the Stargate Mod forum if you wanna throw some ideas at me. Cya later!

    P.S do you know how near creatures will be to be transported with the player? I only want them transported if they follow the player into the plot object immediatly after the player. So will that be a problemo?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Nearby is normally following distance or melee attacking distance. Its normally pretty close. Make the creatures which follow the player slightly faster then you are. That way they'll always be transported along.
    JDIZZLE 16 years ago
    OK cool, that will work.
    mitchell 16 years ago
    Hi, Im trying to start a mod using barebones, I have the modding faq, and I tried to copy the flame thrower from the default, I copied it in items, weapons, and particles, then put it in with the map editor, and I could pick it up, but not wield it. At first there wasnt even the ragdoll picture there, but I sorted that out, now its there, and the arm slots go green, but it does nothing when I click there to try and wield it. It was doing the exact same as it does when you dont have ether, but I had 20 cans of it. Anyone know why?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Make sure you match up all of the parameters and identifiers numbers. But that probably wont be the problem. Each weapon has a weapon class which determines which players can use it, damage multiplication on enemies (the flame thrower is great on aliens but not so good on robots) and what the graphic would look like. The flame thrower uses class 3, and the Barebones mod doesn't have a class 1, 2 or 3. So go to player_races and add this code in below weapon class 0:
    1;//weapon class number
    1;//can use the weapon class (0=cannot, 1=can)
    creature0.png;texture name
    2;//row that contains the 4 weapon frames
    2;//weapon class number
    1;//can use the weapon class (0=cannot, 1=can)
    creature0.png;texture name
    2;//row that contains the 4 weapon frames
    3;//weapon class number
    1;//can use the weapon class (0=cannot, 1=can)
    creature0.png;texture name
    2;//row that contains the 4 weapon frames

    This will make weapon classes 1,2 and 3 now work for your mod. You can also customise the classes by adjusting the weapon_x and weapon_y parameters to change where the bullet comes out of.
    I hope that helped.
    mitchell 16 years ago
    The weapon number was wrong in the items file, and now it works.
    Admiral 16 years ago
    I don't suppose there is a way to disable item CLASS dropping? (I know you can disable individual item dropping in player races.dat) but any way of blocking the dropping of many different items? Or disable dropping items altogether?
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "Admiral" said:
    I don't suppose there is a way to disable item CLASS dropping? (I know you can disable individual item dropping in player races.dat) but any way of blocking the dropping of many different items? Or disable dropping items altogether?
    Use the player_race speciality 0 to disable class dropping. "0=cannot drop item class parameter0"
    Use effect 60 to disable item dropping altogether. "60=player (parameter1, 0=cannot, 1=can) drop items"
    fifth 15 years ago
    hi guys? you still remember me? the guy with 4 posts and the questions about weapons not shooting at the center of the player? well after a long time of "wtf why is my computer not working" and all that stuff im once again back at notrium modding^^ and how it is with the noobs i allready got my next question XD um here it goes: i realy need to know how to let weapons shoot left and right well so if i aim straightb forward the bullet flies left/right... sorry if this is in the faq i didnt saw it! so please make my weapons stop shoot straight^^

    oh and a huge sorry. i know im bad at english

    edit: omg just noticed that i already asked that last time. terribly sorry ops:

    edit2: erm new problem: i made some simple graphics (desk chairs usw.) and in the map editor they are fine but ingame they have these realy anoying small white borders. someone knows how to get rid of them?
    Acron 15 years ago
    I don't know if this should be here, but I haven't saw any other topics more apporiate to my question. So here it is: How did Ville make pictures for notrium, I mean the picture when you die, start, and when you repair the pod and fly away. I'm asking because I'm wondering 'bout this question a long time and it didn't let me sleep Thanks, that's really all
    Curudan 15 years ago
    Is there a list of "specialties" for the player_races.dat? The Modding FAQ says that they are zero to seven but it doesn't mention what they do.

    EDIT:Never mind i found it, at the bottom of the player_races.dat.
    Redemption 15 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    edit2: erm new problem: i made some simple graphics (desk chairs usw.) and in the map editor they are fine but ingame they have these realy anoying small white borders. someone knows how to get rid of them?
    I had this for a while in Aleryon Betrayal. You need to set the object_definition to be transparent.
    Curudan 15 years ago
    Is there any way to do a delayed effect on a creature besides using a countdown bar? I tried calling a script from within a timed block, but i don't think the script was affecting the creature.
    fifth 15 years ago
    @redemption: thank u very much, it worked ^w^
    anruca 15 years ago
    Hi ya people.
    I have a question that has been bugging me for some time now. Is it possible to have a player that in different maps changes into something els? like in the Wazzal 2 The Final Down on planets to be in human form and in space to be in a ship.
    Well can there be more than 2? like to change your ship into another one? exchange it. Or maybe to be perfected?
    Is that possible to change from one into another character? but to have different things?
    For example to have one ship and if it is destroyed to use the second one???
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "anruca" said:
    Hi ya people.
    I have a question that has been bugging me for some time now. Is it possible to have a player that in different maps changes into something els? like in the Wazzal 2 The Final Down on planets to be in human form and in space to be in a ship.
    Well can there be more than 2? like to change your ship into another one? exchange it. Or maybe to be perfected?
    Is that possible to change from one into another character? but to have different things?
    For example to have one ship and if it is destroyed to use the second one???
    Short answer: Yes.

    Slightly longer answer: How much effort are you willing to put into it?

    Long answer: Ask someone else.
    Aegis 15 years ago
    Long answer: Yes, all you do is change the player's race. So can have as many different player types as you want.
    Use effect number 34 to change the race.
    34=change player race into parameter1
    anruca 15 years ago
    Thanks guys.
    KArthur90 15 years ago
    I got a question too. It's half graphics half programming:
    I need to make a sidewalk. Since terrains don't change from one to another on a hard limit, they change through a gradient, I can't make sidewalks with plain terrains.
    So I've tried with prop objects, but the sidewalk pieces are noticeable when the player uses his/her flashlight/torch.

    Here's a sample map to express what I'm trying to say. It's hosted here on the forums.
    <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">download/file.php?id=40</a><!-- l -->
    Idiota 15 years ago
    Hmm... I didn't download the file, but I can imagine quite well what your problem is. It's just the way the notrium engine handles terrain textures, because the game will allways assume you are walking at ground level. An exception to that is the trees, but sadly, you can't walk on those.

    So what you're looking for would be a workaround to make it look like the sidewalk is real, and the fact that you tried using props for this means that you too realized this as the core of the problem. I can only confirm the thoughts you have already established, sadly. I'd say that you've reached one of the limits of the Notrium engine.

    However, I do remember that there used to be a mod around here somewhere (some sort of zombie shooter iirc) in which someone else stumbled upon the same problem. I'm talking about years back most likely, and by no means do I remember what the name of the mod was, but you might want to look for the thread to see if the maker ever stumbled upon an answer. Might just do it for you if I have enough time tonight. I'll do some digging.

    EDIT: Not quite the same as I had imagined, but it is what I meant. I'll quote Quanrian:

    "Quanrian" said:
    The only way to keep your textures from blending is to use plot objects instead and simply tile them. I know it's tiresome, but blending is something automatically done to the terrain and it can't be toggled off. You might be able to get away with just placing a plot object over the sections that blend to give it that sharper look you seem to be going for.

    As you can see, it's just another confirmation of the already established problem. But maybe you haven't tried his exact approach yet: To use plot objects only at the edges of terrain to make them look sharper. I dunno, maybe you already read it, but still.

    EDIT 2: I read your problem in your own thread now too... Sorry, I don't really check these forums a whole lot anymore, just the stickies mostly.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    You could also try making the "sidewalk" terrain only part of the tile, and have the edges of the tile be grass or whatever so that the sharp lines are outside the area the engine automatically blends.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    You could also try making the "sidewalk" terrain only part of the tile, and have the edges of the tile be grass or whatever so that the sharp lines are outside the area the engine automatically blends.

    As I pressed the quote button to counter that, I realized that your method might actually work quite good! Can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work (other than being impractical if you really want a certain size of sidewalk)
    KArthur90 15 years ago
    Yeah... The sidewalk would take the whole map across, as each map is a piece of road or a road crossing. Can't I change layers or sth?

    Or...... Maybe do a huge prop that only covers the terrain's blending while the rest of the sidewalk is actually terrain?
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    "KArthur90" said:
    Yeah... The sidewalk would take the whole map across, as each map is a piece of road or a road crossing. Can't I change layers or sth?

    Or...... Maybe do a huge prop that only covers the terrain's blending while the rest of the sidewalk is actually terrain?

    Try to avoid 'huge props', they tend to slow Notrium down exponentially, keep things as small as you can.

    The way you suggest may work, however I think that you'd still have the same problem: the prop that covers the terrain's blending will be highlighted by the torch or any lighting, and look strange. It may work, but that's a problem I'm forecasting you'll have. Mageking's idea is the best one I can think of: just make a prop with the sidewalk in the middle and ground fading out to nothing on each side. Even though the prop will still be highlighted by lights, at least it will be highlighted evenly and so won't look to strange.

    Another thought: if you've downloaded the Wazzal II mod, just have a look at the road terrain tiles I'm using (mainly in the Kravaak planet on the first map). All I did was make a 128*128 terrain tile with the road lines in the middle (in your case, you could put the sidewalk in the middle) and lay them down in strips for the roads (again, this would work just as well for footpaths). Since Notrium blends the terrain out from the middle, the sidewalk should remain almost completely opaque. It's very simple, and I can't see why this wouldn't work for you, just lay the footpath tiles out in strips in the Map editor, al la:

     *    *   *   ||  *   *    *  
    * * * || * * *
    * * * || * * *
    * * * = = = =
    * * * * * * *
    * * * * * * *

    || ...vertical footpath tile
    = ...horizontal footpath tile

    Give it a go.

    EDIT: attached the terrain tile I mean.
    KArthur90 15 years ago
    I've been messing with the graphics and for now, I'll stick to the tiled weirdly highlighted sidewalk. In future versions I might work on that again.
    But now, I seem to be having another kind of problem. This time it lies on the programming itself. I know the only "real" way to count time in-game is through the the bar type 6 (seconds from game start). What I'm trying to do is create two another bars, one for hours and one for minutes. Each 60 seconds in real time, corresponds to ten minutes in game. So i did the following:
    When the seconds bar reach 60, it adds 10 to the minutes bar and subtracts 60 from the seconds bar.
    When the minute bar reaches 100% (which value is 60) it'll add one to the hour bar and subtract 60 from the minutes bar.
    When the hour bar reaches 100% (24) it'll simply subtract 24 from itself.
    For now I've done only the seconds/minutes interaction.

    Now here's the problem. At first, no matter what I did, the minutes counter was subtracted by one, each second, until it reached 0. Then it stoped. While the second counter kept going.

    First I need some help with the second bar. I currently have the following:
    On bars.dat there's
    Real Secs;//name
    6;//bar type, 0=normal, 1=show body temperature, 2=show number of items parameter0, 3=show wielded weapon ammo, 4=show armor, 5=show carry weight, 6=show seconds from game start
    1;//visible (only applicable for player's bars)
    0;//visible on enemies
    1;//show number
    1;//blue color component for maximum

    On player_races.dat there's

      in game secs;//description
    0;//difficulty level
    0;//diff lv

    But the seconds bar don't reset back to zero after 60 secs.
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    Hi KArthur90, without going into your coding in-depth, I would highly, highly recommend against doing the kind of complex coding you're attempting with the Player_races.dat file. Try using "scripts.dat" instead, by simply using a "if bar seconds = 60" condition and a "set bar seconds to 0" and "add 10 to minute bar" effects. That's essentially how I've got it working in my mod. The player races file is only intended for the most basic of scripting, simply making a bar increase/decrease, however even that I've found is often easier to do in scripts.dat.
    Redemption 15 years ago
    I tried messing around with the sidewalk problem for a bit, and I've come up with a solution: use the blending system against itself!
    Basically, what I've done is put two tiles against each other in the editor, then played the game to take a screenshot of them blending. After that I used paint (curse you, non-working photoshop!) to cut out the tiles with the blending going on. I then put the new, pre blended, tiles next to each other to see how it worked out. The engine blended the tiles which were already blended, and the whole thing cancelled itself out.

    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    I tried messing around with the sidewalk problem for a bit, and I've come up with a solution: use the blending system against itself!
    Basically, what I've done is put two tiles against each other in the editor, then played the game to take a screenshot of them blending. After that I used paint (curse you, non-working photoshop!) to cut out the tiles with the blending going on. I then put the new, pre blended, tiles next to each other to see how it worked out. The engine blended the tiles which were already blended, and the whole thing cancelled itself out.

    That is absolutely brilliant, great work. I've been wanting a work-around for this for years now, and have never even considered doing it that way. I've tried your method too and it works perfectly, just a bit of effort getting it started but once you've got a systematic method it's a breeze. Really well thought up.

    By the way, who needs Photoshop when there's GIMP?
    KArthur90 15 years ago
    ZeXLR8er, thanks for the tip. It worked flawlessly. Well... almost...
    You see, I got the clock working. Each three seconds is equal ten minutes in game. The problem is that I get the following:
    Let's say the clock starts at 20:30. It goes then 20:40, 20:50, however, when it was supposed to show 21:00, it actually shows 20:60, followed by 21:10. I based myself on the original Notrium clock script. Though notrium doesn't have 60 minutes

    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    0;//run every n milliseconds
    0;//message type, 0=quick message, 1=journal
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    0;//delay script for n seconds after conditions met
    0;//disabled after first use, 0=no, 1=yes
    6.000000;//condition parameter0
    3.000000;//condition parameter1
    17;//effect number
    4;//effect number
    1;//run without calling (set to 0 if you use the script for example as a wield script)
    0;//call position, 0=player location, 1=mouse location
    0;//calling creature 0=player, 1=creature nearest to the mouse, 2=player controlled creature
    0;//run every n milliseconds

    Also I seem to have a problem understanding the climate_types.dat.

    Standard DayNight Shift;//name---------------------------------------------------------------------
    0;//can be a random map
    432;//light oscillate time
    0;//light r phase shift
    0;//light g phase shift
    0;//light b phase shift
    1.0;//light r amplitude
    1.0;//light g amplitude
    1.0;//light b amplitude
    0.8;//light max r
    0.7;//light max g
    0.7;//light max b
    0;//light min r
    0;//light min g
    0;//light min b
    -2.0;//night temperature
    2.0;//day temperature
    1;//maximum wind speed
    -1;//rain particle, -1=no rain
    30000;//rain_probability (the bigger the number, the more unlikely the rain)

    As english is not my mother language, I couldn't figure out what is phase shift... ops:
    Also, I couldn't figure out how to set the starting lighting conditions. Whenever I start my mod it's night.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    I tried messing around with the sidewalk problem for a bit, and I've come up with a solution: use the blending system against itself!
    Basically, what I've done is put two tiles against each other in the editor, then played the game to take a screenshot of them blending. After that I used paint (curse you, non-working photoshop!) to cut out the tiles with the blending going on. I then put the new, pre blended, tiles next to each other to see how it worked out. The engine blended the tiles which were already blended, and the whole thing cancelled itself out.

    Redemption: Just... wow. Really, many kudos to you. This is a problem that I (and apperently many other people) have been tying to get worked around for years, and your solution is just ingenious. I take a deep bow for you. :p
    KArthur90 15 years ago
    I agree with Idiota. But for a 0.1 alfa gameplay RC the highlighting bug is the least of our problems. I'm working on the initial area and some extensive coding. Though I still have some (read some as "two worlds and a moon full of") problems. How do I set the starting "time of day" again?
    What I had in mind is a 423 seconds-day. And the game would start at 21:30. However, since I don't know what var controls the association between the current clock and the time of day, the sunrise is at about 22:40, or 22:50
    And I still got that 60 minutes problem.
    happybro 15 years ago
    i got a question, i have 6 maps, and all maps have forcefield-like particles on them? and i dont know how to delete them because seriously they make my maps ugly..and ye i know i sound like a noob but im still learning
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