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  • Notrium modding questions/answers

    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Can som1 tell me how to make a map using map.dat ive done da rest, pls. thx any1 dat helps
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    My metalwall is irritating! I have finally fixed the bugs that came when I placed the wall on the map, but now, the game wont start. It starts when I remove the wall. here is the hatred wall:

    metal wall;//name---------------------------------------
    metal_wall.png;//texture name
    0.000000;//time to display frame
    1.500000;//vary size
    0;//does it sway with the wind
    0;//gets transparent when player near
    0;//provides shade for player
    1;//collision detection type, -1=none, 0=circle radius parameter0, 1=polygon parameter0 from polygons.dat size parameter1
    2.000000;//collision detection parameter0
    1.100000;//collision detection parameter1
    1;//Block vision. If 1, enemies and player cannot see other creatures through it. Use sparingly, this slows the AI down.
    1;//Stops bullets. Use sparingly as this can slow the game down a lot.
    ville 19 years ago
    Check that you have that polygon number 2 in your polygons.dat.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Ok, problem solved, thank you!
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    OK, here I go again .
    How do you make the minimap? Im using Notrium Remake breakdown as a basis for my own mod, and the Remake does not have the minimap.
    ville 19 years ago
    What, you mean it can be disabled somehow?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago

    I thought I saw something about being able to enable/disable minimap in Notrium, not sure if it was a suggestion or a real update, though.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Nono, the Remake of notrium 1.1(and something) does not have the minimap!
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    [OT] @Gemini: Your signature picture is too big. My siggy is the maximum size, so check it.

    You could check the max dimensions from "Welcome to forums!" -thread in General Talk, too. [/OT]
    burgerking 19 years ago
    I need someone to make graphics for my counterstrike mod. also it would be nice to have some programming advice for the mod. can you please post in my thread if you can help. the link is in my signature.
    ville 19 years ago
    Now I remember, use effect 64 to hide and bring the minimap to view.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Hehe, I didn't notice effect 64. Thanks!
    Five_AM 19 years ago
    I found that when it is disabled I have no idea of where I am going.

    As for my question is there any way to set up an item that displays a an item whose quick key is m that brings up a map?

    ...10 minutes later...

    Oh...ok you use the animation file to do it, cool, I have a map now.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Just a couple of questions relating to each other.

    1. Can you have more than one 'Conditions + Effect' block inside the death block of a creature?

    2. If you change the user from one race to another will the 'must be of race' 'must not be of race' conditions function correctly?

    3. I already established that the start items do not get applied if you change the user's race. Nor does it seem do the bars get applied. (Those that he doesn't have already). Is this true?

    4. What exactly then does get applied when you change races? Is it only a graphical thing?

    The reason I am asking is because of a massive overhaul project I am starting on my mod. I want to switch between races often, so I need to know how to change the triggers. (Such as adding invisible items to determine current race). I already have fixed the inventories, but triggers that worked before don't work any more. (Mostly ones that check for player race.)

    Any help on this front will be greatly appreciated.

    I will include/expand the credits for anyone who helps me.

    Five_AM 19 years ago
    Q1) I think I might have seen that working check the creatures.dat file that comes with notrium

    Q2) It seems to have worked for me...

    Q3) I think there might be a parameter to apply the bars in the effect.

    Q4) I think speed, carry weight and item restrictions still work.

    I currently dont have access to any files so the above things are quite brief...may post back later with more details.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Allright, I'll check out if the death block works.

    But I need to know EXACTLY what is/is not applied during the race changes. The reason is because my mod is large, massive perhaps, and I need to know EXACTLY what to change. Otherwise I will end up spending months with trail-and-error.

    And I'd rather not.

    But thanks for your help, Five_AM.
    Five_AM 19 years ago
    Generally I always have a few test items and creatures to test different things on, simply because I always get bright ideas and it also saves me time. But...yeah you can have multiple effects and conditions in the one block...thats what they were made for .

    I have a question of my own...mostly directed at anyone who worked on the origional notrium game: Is there any way to speed up load times. I have 144 areas and the game takes a long time to load. The only thing that works is reducing the number of areas which people on my mod project seem to dislike me suggesting..any ideas are welcome.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Thanks for the help. I now have:
    1. Fixed the death blocks. Yes, you can have two effects/condition blocks.

    2. Have found that new bars don't get applied when races change.

    3. Is/is not race does indeed work.

    New question:
    Having multiple inventories, one for each race of character, creates a new problem. How to assign items to the correct inventory.
    I can do this by replacing all the scripts (effect 16) that gives items with conditions/effects that check the race and add it to the correct inventory.

    This, however, is a lot of work.

    Question: Is there perhaps a way to add the item to the current activated inventory?
    ville 19 years ago
    What happens with effect 34:
    -carried light is changed
    -carry weight is changed
    -player creature type is changed
    -weapon is unwielded

    Currently I don't see a way to do what you want with the inventories. You could of course somehow fudge it. For example you could have a separate temporary map for each player type that would store the items it has. When you wanted to change the player into another type you would transport him to one map, drop all the player's belongings, transport him to another map, and pick up all the belongings there. That's a lot of work too.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Ouch... It seems I have bitten off more than I can chew... again.

    Oh, well. Fudge it. I'll just have to work for once in my life.

    Thanks, ville! Not what I wanted to hear but good to know.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Is it possible to make a weapon jamming script?
    Homemade weapons are NOT very potent, and I think it would be more realistic with a such script.
    Five_AM 19 years ago
    yeah I could do it, but perfecting it might be a little hard. you should have a anti jamming item with a quick key and a pause on the use of weapons, for the actual jamming I think I saw a condition that only occurs randomly (it chooses a random number and if that matches a 0 or 1 the effects happen, If you dont like that then there is another way, you could use a invisible bar, that when full jamms that weapon, the anti jamming button would reset the bar. I hope that makes sense...but like I said I could do it.

    the above post might sound a little retarded but at least I knew what I was saying.
    ville 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Is it possible to make a weapon jamming script?
    Homemade weapons are NOT very potent, and I think it would be more realistic with a such script.

    I recall there was an effect to prevent using weapons. Should work for this one.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Idea for a wep jamming script:

    When a wep is created, a bar with a random number is set for that wep. Every time player fires with that wep, one point is taken from the wep's bar. After the bar has been depleted, the wep will be disabled and replaced with another item, resembling the wep in it's jammed condition.

    E.g. you make a shotgun, which gets a bar with 15 points in it. You fire 15 times, and your shotgun is replaced with a "Shotgun (J)", (J) meaning jammed.

    Also, there should be some way(s) to fix the jammed wep(s).
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    I created a jamming weapon and disabling script, for Wazzal II. It basically worked according to how high a certain bar of you, or the creature was.

    Had some nicks to sort out, but it worked in the end. Unluckily Zex never used it. Or at least I don't think he did, I never saw any of my EMP weapons in his mod.

    Basically what you need to do is have some condition that needs meeting and then run the effect for disabling the weapon. Or have a condition in the weapon itself, checking if it may be allowed to fire.
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Thanks guys.

    I have one question, the effect that drops a plot object can only drop at a specific location, not near the player. How can you make it drop near the player?
    NOSBoi 19 years ago
    Hi, i need help on somthing.... can creatures that are turned to your side (effect 22 or anything that would work better) be only certain creatures that are effected????? or can you only effect all creatures???? also do all player races have to be on the same side?
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Ive thought about if for a while now and ive decided on what type of mod id like to do and ive had some thoughts and questions:

    Heres one that might be either simple or impossible: Is there any way i could lower the size of *ALL* textures in an area... say 7 times? This would allow for an amazing idea i had and that might actually work.

    And i want to make the game slightly more linear, would it work if i create an item (or what were those things on the ground that would do an effect, like the planet and bridge in WazzalII?) that would transport the player to another are and not create an item with which he can get back with?

    Oh yeah, and i want to create different torso textures for different weapons/weapon types, ive seen it done in almost all mods, how do i do it myself?

    Almost forgot: ... wait... what did i forget... i DID forget something... i guess ill post it later
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    The last thingy (the one before the forgetting) is simple.

    Since I suck at explaining verbally, I'll do an ASCII explanation.
    Here's what the cells (a part of the gfx file, there are 16 in creature gfx) are for (Note: Player creatures only!):
    | 1 2 3 4| 1: Head 2-6: Leg animation (loops back and forth)
    | 5 6 7 8| 7: Body 8: Nothing
    | 9101112| 9-12: Optional torso animation for weapon type n
    |13141516| 13-16: Optional torso animation for weapon type n

    As you can see, there can be two different wep animations in the main gfx file of a player creature. If you want more, you can do another file, that should contain ONLY the weapon animations (you CAN, of course, do more there, but we don't need anything else than wep frames).

    For example, check the two .png files in the Notrium textures folder, creature0.png and creature0_1.png. The first one contains the frames 1-8 plus two sets of wep frames, and the second one contains just an additional set of wep frames.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    mmmkay... but how do i make the (player) creature use certain textures in the .dat files?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Lemme check...

    They're defined between begin_weapon_frames; and end_weapon_frames; in the player_races.dat file.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    i see.

    oh, now i remembered, how to make the player change shape, ie. the human on that planet and the WolfIV in space in the WazzalII mod?
    Niwsters 19 years ago
    I just started modding and i donĀ“t know how to do the graphics of the game. I mean, how do you make the pictures to move when you attack etc.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    youll find several graphics PNG's in the graphics file. The ones for the creatures are those that you should look at. Depending on what the creature is, the boxes are ordered differently/do different things. you need to recognize which are for movement and which are for attack, which are the heads and the dieng animations. It's pretty simple after you see one of the PNG's.
    Niwsters 19 years ago
    umm, i think i understand, but how do i do that
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