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  • Werivar Mod

    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    "eddeshun" said:
    Im thinking of making a playguide for Werivar, it seems like atleast 1/3 of the mod is descrete, and 1/2 the players never see a good portion of the mod.
    Yes, that is a good idea. Sorry about the bad messages, but some things were wimply too long to add to short messages, that and I never got to fixing it before releasing 1.05.
    Btw, has anyone found the secret Ville ending in v1.05? The one where you have to kill Ville. Anyone?

    "Frost-Bite" said:
    The Pig Mobile(TM) sounds like it will be like a bound off of starcraft.
    Eh? Actually I was joking with the Bat-Mobile from batman, but sure... whatever.

    I haven't made much progress lately, since exams started. As stated in the beginning you shouldn't expect too much from me before the vacation starts. Then I'll get to doing some serious modding.
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    I did! Pretty funny... But I want his gun! What is it? It's bound to be pretty obvious, but I can't put my finger on it. And can people stop making spoilers really tiny, it makes it hard to read andif you didn't want your game spoiled you wouldn't have selected it.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    hard to read? i select it with mouse, ctrl+c, click on adress on top of window, ctrl+v and that is

    Well, i know what i will do on next few days, i will look for ville ending
    Myrmidon 19 years ago
    this is awesome beyond words
    how do i get the hoverbike mk2 i have tried everything i can think of and um where is battledroid blueprints?
    thx if answered
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    i think that it is already answered before. But one more time:

    spoiler ---> battledroid blueprints are in frozen area - beyond portal in ship graveyard. Hoverbike can be upgraded into Mk2 by droping certain items in certain amount. Read journals, there is written what to drop <--- spoiler
    DRL 19 years ago
    Ihave found a bug(or not?):You kill a brown alien,and to cook it´s corpse you need fire,and a biomass reactor,but I cooked the brown alien queen whitout problem,for what that happen?!?
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    that is not a bug ---> you can use it near either of the two. If you are near fire, you will cook it into alien meat. If you are near Biomass reactor, you will create bio batteries
    DRL 19 years ago
    No,I need the TWO items for cook it.
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    no, you don't need both of them. Cooking over fire is from original notrium. Using corpse into biomass reactor is added in werivar mod. Unless it was changed till 1.05, but i don't think so. Try it. Cook it over fire and then another corpse use near biomass reactor, both will work, and both will produce different things
    E_net4 19 years ago
    Hi everybody (and everycorpse )

    I must thank UberWaffe for the Werivar mod, i enjoyed playing it.

    And ive got something to say...
    I'm having a tiny(big) problem when playing it... I CAN'T GET A PULSE BEACON!
    I can only find Unlit Pulse Beacons but to make a beacon ray, they dont work.

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Hi everybody (and everycorpse )

    I must thank UberWaffe for the Werivar mod, i enjoyed playing it.

    And ive got something to say...
    I'm having a tiny(big) problem when playing it... I CAN'T GET A PULSE BEACON!
    I can only find Unlit Pulse Beacons but to make a beacon ray, they dont work.


    Use the unlit pulse beacon to deploy it, and then pick it up again. Now you have a (lit) pulse beacon.
    E_net4 19 years ago
    OH GREAT, THANKS grim.It works!

    And spare my life for a little longer, OK?
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    Ive realized Ive got notrium version 1.34

    So there isn't a bug in the Weriver

    And spare my life for a little longer, OK?

    If Grim tries to fix your writing just ignore

    Just some help to a newbie
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "AsdMaster" said:
    And spare my life for a little longer, OK?

    If Grim tries to fix your writing just ignore+

    I won't try to fix his writing, he has a decent understanding on basic english (which you don't).

    AND I'm too busy trying to nag about your lack of the aforementioned... "thing".

    Note: "thing" is now underlined due to AsdMasters lack of understanding the english language.
    AsdMaster 19 years ago
    What thing
    E_net4 19 years ago
    Yeah, in fact.. I'm not really english, I'm portuguese

    Btw, I found some bugs..

    Alien over rage- The Alien can use feral rage more than 1 times in a row.

    Psionic's friends or enemies?- The survived crew is friendly to the medic, but their shots and their turret's shots can hurt him.

    Psionic stuck in liquid- When the medic gains the liquid token, he can use the portal again, but he gets stuck in the final liquid stage. (Now i've got to restart )

    Btw again, where's the lifeforce portal?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    TEH SPOILER->Lifeforce portal = altar in eden stage.<-RELIOPS HET
    E_net4 19 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    TEH SPOILER->Lifeforce portal = altar in eden stage.<-RELIOPS HET

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    TEH SPOILER->Lifeforce portal = altar in eden stage.<-RELIOPS HET


    It means that the Lifeforce portal can be located in (SPOILER)the center of Eden, since it is the green altar. And about the "reliops" thing, that's just "spoiler" spelled backwards. If you still can't figure it out, PM me.(RELIOPS)
    Ronsibaby 19 years ago
    I like using loads of feral rages, then moving like six areas with a tap of up. Don't change it, just make a cost for using it loads like less food or something.
    E_net4 19 years ago
    "Ronsibaby" said:
    I like using loads of feral rages, then moving like six areas with a tap of up. Don't change it, just make a cost for using it loads like less food or something.

    I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

    The feral rage should be for "reacting" to enemys faster, not to increase speed.

    Btw, i forgot to report a bug:
    Psionic sand bath- The psionic gets overburdened when passing through sand.

    Where's EVERYBODY?
    jvp 19 years ago
    can anyone tell me where to find the nirdaramuk? i searched everywhere but cant find it.
    eddeshun 19 years ago

    Psionic Sand Bath: Sand has a weight. When you pass through sand, you pick it up. With a weight capacity of 0.0, the medic gets overburdened simply by the sand. You can remedy this by retrieving the anti-grav units.

    Feral Rages: Yea, this is quite fun. The reason is because feral rages stack, as mentioned below. That is something that needs to be fixed. Oh, and to add my own little quirk, try using speed while the feral rages are stacked the camera will not be able to find you for quite awhile...

    Niradaramuk: Honestly. I havent a clue
    E_net4 19 years ago
    "jvp" said:
    can anyone tell me where to find the nirdaramuk? i searched everywhere but cant find it.

    Nnn-nnirr-diccaca--rru-rukura-kiii.................. nirdaramuk ?!?!? I never heard of that!

    I'm trying to make a biomass reactor, but i don't know how...

    By the way... yes, i've noticed! the camera is slower than the "raged" alien.
    eddeshun 19 years ago
    The Niradaramuk, if you read the werivar storyline tidbits, is an ancient werivar artifact that your avatar suspects to be on notrium. Finding it unlocks one of the endings. I don't have the slightest clue as to it's whereabouts.
    Cejer 19 years ago
    I have a guess about the location of the Niradaramuk.
    *SPOILER*The Niradaramuk replaces the Planetoid when you pick it up.*SPOILER*
    jvp 19 years ago
    ill look for the planetoid then, thanks.
    E_net4 19 years ago
    I'm still having a problem getting the biomass reactor !
    DiXiE 19 years ago
    try something with battery charger
    Or read this spoiler --->if i remember correctly, it is battery charger with powered biomass detector<---- spoiler
    E_net4 19 years ago
    Nice, i'll try it with my Android.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    Hey guys, sorry about being away so long. I have had little to no progress on my mod. I'll try but I have lost my interest. I have managed to nearly complete the alien section of the game, but there are still bugs to sort out.

    Perhaps at another time I will have some good news to share.
    Cheery 19 years ago
    It's sad there aren't as wide mod which puts more items into game. I mean, the characters are quite boring. There are so many other game where you can develope your game character as you like. Also there should be more building plans and tips.
    DRL 19 years ago
    Hey a small question:I got tools(pick axe,shovel...)and I killed 90% of the marines in the mining fields........Well,How I extract a power prism crystal?

    *EDIT*:NOTE:The thing of the marines is about that I now where the power prism Crystal formation is,unfortunately,I can´t do nothing whit the tools....
    Fouine 19 years ago
    You need the warp drill, which is made from a beacon ray and a warp gun (and maybe other things. I only remember that it needs a beacon ray and a warp gun. I think that the Radiator was also used in some part of the constrction)
    E_net4 19 years ago
    |SPOILER|- After creating the Warp Drill, use it near the power prism crystal. Keep using it until u can't extract anymore. Then combine the warp drill with a power prism crystal and after u get 600 of energy, use it (with 'Y') to drill again. -|SPOILER|
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