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  • Werivar Mod

    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I never actually played the mod, probably never will either, but it appears there were some major balance issues .
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    I never actually played the mod, probably never will either, but it appears there were some major balance issues .
    I don't think so. Those "super XP items" like defeating Ville and getting the XP card just give you tons of XP. Even if you have ten thousand health and a hundred thousand energy and maxed out abilities, you still aren't invincible. You are actually STILL killable by swarms of sniper marines. Yes, they deal THAT MUCH damage.
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    I have a question, after thirty days when ville comes, does his marines just swarm every map and practicly take over every inch? If they storm a persice location and you dont have your base there that be odd.
    JimmyJ 18 years ago
    Yeah, i was wondering about that too.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    "E_net4" said:

    To everybody be able to meet the Captain[according to Uberwaffe, only Werivar can meet him(must check it out)]

    Speaking of which, Where (Or if in an effect, how) is the captain?
    I still don't know, ill find out as soon as i finish the Android with the unique ending.

    I still don't know these:

    How to get the Psionic ending
    How to get the Android ending
    How many upgrades are available to the Android(just found 2 of them)
    speedblade 18 years ago
    For those of you that wish to remove the endings so that you can have free play but don't know how, here's how...

    Open the scripts.dat and click on edit, then find, and type ending and click "find next" until you come to the ending you wish to remove. Now Highlight the name all the way down to the phrase "end_effects;" then delete and lastly delete the space where the ending script was and you have removed the ending.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    For those of you that wish to remove the endings so that you can have free play but don't know how, here's how...

    Open the scripts.dat and click on edit, then find, and type ending and click "find next" until you come to the ending you wish to remove. Now Highlight the name all the way down to the phrase "end_effects;" then delete and lastly delete the space where the ending script was and you have removed the ending.
    I don't think that's ontopic, we are talking about the Werivar MOD here.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You can remove the endings from Werivar just as much as you can for the Deafult mod. It's entirely on-topic.
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    Can anyone answer my question?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Nobody knows. *Waves hands around suspiciously*
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I just been "spying" the mod data and i found the answers od my 2 questions.
    I've been playing as the Werivar and the Map is updated, like the human.
    I just didn't find te captain. I'll have to find out [OT]*NO, STUPID CAT, NO! DONT BITE ME!*[/OT] oops, sorry
    I must inform you that the level 2 werivar psi-blast HAS knockback, but level 1 doesnt.
    Sorry, DarkAlienX, but I don't have the answer to that question either.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I don't find the capatain. Did somebody find him?
    UberWaffe 18 years ago
    SPOILER - Captain: The captain appears after a few days. Somewhere in the east or west hive. Close to the bottom of the map, inside those stone wall areas.

    SPOILER - Android Ending: You need to equip yourself with the ultimate upgrade. One of its components is the power crystal. Then go on and defeat Ville.

    SPOILER - XP Credit Card: It isn't anywhere, but you can place it using the map editor. It is actually only for testing, but hey, its your choice.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    [OT] Uber? You're back!? YAY! [/OT]

    There are more captian crew members on the bridge in the East Hive (The one to the left), but you problably found them already.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    [OT] Uber? You're back!? YAY! [/OT]

    There are more captian crew members on the bridge in the East Hive (The one to the left), but you problably found them already.
    Of course There are more southeast of the communications array and west of the ship cemetery.[/Spoiler]

    There are weird spawns in weird places! Some dire reapers and machine turrets showed up at the ancient ruins, after getti
    ng out of there. There are also tooooo many sniper guys and theyre too hard

    I also found a way to conquer the refinery place.Get a laser fence and put it at the entry. The reapers get toasted when crossing it
    UberWaffe 18 years ago
    Actually, the other 'captain' guys are in fact only supposed to be other humans. The real 'captain' looks quite different. In fact, he rides around on a custom strange looking hovering tank contraption.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    But some things could still be improved, like being able to give health packs to the human crew and repair units to androids
    UberWaffe 18 years ago
    Yes, I had all that planned but as I said I dropped the mod. I also said that anyone can do with it whatever they want, as long as they give me credit for what I did. You are welcome to add all those things.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I realised that the human can't evolve when reaching the 500 exp points. Why?
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    You can't drop the best mod in existence! It's illogical! Everyone wants a mod completed, let it be this one!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    It is pretty much completed.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Waffle just mentioned some incomplete features.
    Inane 18 years ago
    Incomplete features that could be fixed in an hour of work by anyone who knows how to mod .
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago

    I ran out of complaints.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    I ran out of complaints.

    Where could be the "Nirdramuk" ot whatever it is...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago

    Nope, I had one more left. What did you mean by "Wow" anyways?

    The nirdaramuk is in the same place as the Planetoid, 'cept that when you get it, it's instantly replaced with the Nirdaramuk.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Too bad Werivar cant use the Warp Drill Gun
    But he cant normally use advanced stuff, so it's ok.
    I would like to be able to meet the Werivar in the game

    EDIT: OMSG! The planetoid core is veeeeeeerrryyyyyy hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope the xp cards(or whatever) will be placed in thenext update.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Yes, I had all that planned but as I said I dropped the mod. I also said that anyone can do with it whatever they want, as long as they give me credit for what I did. You are welcome to add all those things.
    just noticed today...
    Dropped the Mod!?? It means there will be no more updates!??!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    just noticed today...
    Dropped the Mod!?? It means there will be no more updates!??!

    "UberWaffe" said:
    Yes, I had all that planned but as I said I dropped the mod. I also said that anyone can do with it whatever they want, as long as they give me credit for what I did. You are welcome to add all those things.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    This can't be happening! What about the random spawn bug?!? I can't fix it!

    I found the spawners at the plot_objects, but i don't know where they are in the game and i don't know how to fix it.


    I made a decision.
    I will make a mod.
    I will make a mod as an expansion of Notrium.
    I will make a mod as an expansion of Notrium with every feature of the Werivar mod.
    I will make a mod as an expansion of Notrium with every feature of the Werivar mod with a new character!
    I will make a mod as an expansion of Notrium with every feature of the Werivar mod with a new character and more features!
    I will make a mod as an expansion of Notrium with every feature of the Werivar mod with a new character and more features... and, of course, i'll keep UberWaffe and others' credits of it.
    The name code of the mod will be...

    I hope you agree with this, UberWaffe! I'll wait for your agreement.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I'm still waiting! I'll make a new topic for the MOD as soon as you accept.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    When Waffle leaves, oh boy does he leave. You can wait a few months for him to come back to the forum, email him so that he comes back in a week, or find his house and mail him to America.


    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    When Waffle leaves, oh boy does he leave. You can wait a few months for him to come back to the forum, email him so that he comes back in a week, or find his house and mail him to America.


    You said WHAT?!? OMG
    Ok, i better not wait those months, i have a poll to make about the new character.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    Yes, I had all that planned but as I said I dropped the mod. I also said that anyone can do with it whatever they want, as long as they give me credit for what I did. You are welcome to add all those things.
    Im gonna be modding this too, im thinking of making it playable as a blue/brown alien with evolutions like the stowaway, So you can play the other side. I also want to add in water so my bigger map with more areas can have rivers and maybe lakes/islands. I just need the name of a good FREE image editing program for my textures
    and yes, i was away for a while but im back now

    Other ideas are
    A crash site of you ship that you can enter (but has marines swarming all over)
    A hovertank type thing, an upgrade to hoverbike Mk II (maybe it should be MK III?) that is hard to build, but rewarding
    A scout robot, that has a weak tazor and attaches camera and controls onto it until control is switched back to player
    If playing as a human or android it should be possible to run into werivar, psionic or stowaway (maybe psionic could be hiding in that place at south west eden)
    and any other good ideas I get
    Inane 18 years ago
    The ship as in the one that gets hit by a barrage of missiles? incase you didn't notice, the missiles obliterate the ship, and when you start playing as the escape pod theres tons of debris where the ship used to be.
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