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  • Werivar Mod

    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Kilackh" said:
    Oh and im smoking grass. Should try it get some paper roll some dried grass in it (that you have previusly put in a drinkbottle) then lick one bit stick it togeather then smoke!!!

    Its the best
    What the fuck?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    The man is high. Ergo, he is automatically forgiven.
    Kilackh 17 years ago

    THE STONER!!!!!!
    E_net4 17 years ago
    This was quite a lameness. Kilackh, you should try to be more careful with your posts when it comes to your English.

    I shall now leave this offtopicness.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Wow, that only took you, like, a month.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    What the hell E!? You make a lame comeback a month after the fact?! Bit slow on the uptake aren't you?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    What the hell E!? You make a lame comeback a month after the fact?! Bit slow on the uptake aren't you?
    That's weird. It was unseen for me.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    This was quite a lameness. Kilackh, you should try to be more careful with your posts when it comes to your English.

    I shall now leave this offtopicness.
    Yeah, you're only a month late, there.
    Orange Lightning 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    This was quite a lameness. Kilackh, you should try to be more careful with your posts when it comes to your English.

    I shall now leave this offtopicness.
    Yeah, you're only a month late, there.
    Yeah, He was almost as fast as you. It only took you like, a week, to come up with the very same pun that had already been said twice five days earlier in the same thread.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Uh oh. Mageking's intelligence has been criticised. You know what this means.


    Im kidding, Im kidding! Or am I? Yeah, I probably am.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Orange Lightning" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    This was quite a lameness. Kilackh, you should try to be more careful with your posts when it comes to your English.

    I shall now leave this offtopicness.
    Yeah, you're only a month late, there.
    Yeah, He was almost as fast as you. It only took you like, a week, to come up with the very same pun that had already been said twice five days earlier in the same thread.
    Three days, actually, and since it's been about three days since I had last logged on...

    Hey, wait a fucking minute...

    I swear, the only other post I'd seen was E_net4's. 0_o Where'd all these other people come from?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Silly sod (yes, i just wanted to say "silly sod").

    Most likely you clicked on page 31 by accident.

    [EDIT] Er... 33. What the hell is wrong with me?! [/EDIT]
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Actually, if Ed's post was among the new ones, it'd be shown upon clicking the orange icon which takes you to the new posts in the thread.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Sheesh. Cut it already.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Actually, if Ed's post was among the new ones, it'd be shown upon clicking the orange icon which takes you to the new posts in the thread.
    Which is what I'd clicked.

    Which means, of course, I've been gone FAR too long.
    fitrandiddle 17 years ago
    All right, first of all, hi everyone, I'm new to notrium.

    Second of all, I've made this account to specifically ask this question- I've cleared out the reapers from the abandoned base, I have the little factory chips, I have raw materials and processed materials, how do I USE the chips to create materials?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Go to the east hive (the one on the right) and go onto the bridge over the lava. Move to the right once you are on the centre of the bridge and kill all the nasties. You will see a weird machine, so walk up to it...I don't know the rest, but I think you either have to right click on the machine or use the chips.
    fitrandiddle 17 years ago
    tried both. neither of them worked.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I've trawled through the Werivar files and have found that you need to be withing approximately 50 pixels of the refinery, with the proper materials, in order to use the chips. In other words, use the chips once within 50 pixels of the bug refinery thing!
    E_net4 17 years ago
    The refinery is at the lower part of the base. Just use the chips with the proper letter to "refine" the product.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I've never actually refined anything myself ! Stupid giant reapers with their dodgy graphics...grumble grumble Could I get any smaller text? BLAH? Evidently yes. THAT IS NOT A LITTLE BIT OF GRIME ON YOUR SCREEN PEOPLES!
    Bones 17 years ago
    Hate it too...
    Wwwwwwwaaaaayyyyyy too complicated to my
    brain (size of a nut - not coconut)..
    Zeron 17 years ago
    I love this mod with a passion.

    I really do.

    But I HATE the dire reapears and battledroids.

    For the dire reapears I say: WTF? First of all, they have health compareable to a soider alien Queen, which is fine, I mean, come on, they are the DIRE reapers, the masters of the reapers! But wait, There are 6 attacking my base! Wait, how the hell are there so many?! I think that instead of spawning a bunch of the stupid repetitive Dires, mix it up. Spawn oodles of blue and brown aleins that swarm over your base like bees, with perhaps a few dires in the mix?

    Battledroids being spawned as enemies is also VERY absurd. I am on day twenty or soand it's becoming impossible to even leave my super-base in the ship graveyard beacause I am decimated by groups of up to three battledroids, completely making it impossible to do anything but sit on my butt.One time I did make it past, but I was killed by a group of four dires in the mines. Theres a very thin line between challenging and impossible, and an even thinner one between challenging and repetitive.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    You make a good point. But I don't think Werivar is under any production anymore. But if you really insist on fixing up your problems, you could just mod the game. Fun fact: The dire reaper has 1550 HP while the human has 100.
    Zeron 17 years ago
    Hey! Aegis! It's you!

    About the fact that it isn't being modded:
    Well that sucks.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Zeron" said:
    Hey! Aegis! It's you!
    Hmmm...*searches all available forums*
    Aha! It's you!
    Crazy 17 years ago
    "Zeron" said:
    About the fact that it isn't being modded:
    Well that sucks.
    This is one of about 2 finished mods, so, it didn't do all that bad in the end.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Three, if you count Default.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    4 if you count Qmod.
    Gregg 16 years ago
    Hi, I have a very newbie question:
    When I go to "" and try to download it I get a really stupid page with unrelated searches on. Does any one have an updated link to download the mod- it looks really cool

    Thanks in advance- Gregg
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Where's Harwe when you need him?
    Try this: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    It's the Werivar expansion mod.
    harwe 16 years ago
    Its not like I'm going to respond right after an hour hehe.....

    anyway, Weviar Expansion is inside Weviar's folder, if you click the link in my sig....
    Gregg 16 years ago
    Thanks, I'll make this quick.

    Yes the link does work thank you so much!!!
    Great mod (who ever made it) BTW. Well done for making and sharing.
    Just spent the last few hours playing alien- really fun... I have 2weeks off to play it
    Nocture17 16 years ago
    I'm shocked Harwe. You don't have the latest version of the Werivar expansion up yet?!

    Gregg: Thanks. I try. Keep an eye out for version 1.0 coming out within the next three (to sixty) months.
    Gregg 16 years ago
    Cool, can't wait- I just got of been hooked on one game (Stranded2, great game) and now I'm hooked on this! Why don't you let me live my life!

    Anyway is there an offical FAQs thread for this or can I ask my questions here?
    If there is can you point me to it, if not heres my next question:
    It says to morph again I need to survive against my own kind- does this mean I need to lay an egg? If so, how?
    Any help apreciated:
    P.S. well done on the mod, it is very hard, yet not impossible if you know the right tactics- Well done!
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