Allow me to post a rather nice review by a good friend of mine. The only editing was shaping it into a rough paragraph form and removing the tags that instant messengers add. No text has been modified other than this.
"Mint" said: ok, finally read all of what you have so far ^_^ and quite like it X3 I like the way that the characters can still joke around and be light hearted in such a serious setting. It has all the wonderful dressings of a scifi story, capturing the atmosphere of being alone in a heavily technological environment in space, as well as the ghost story of a dead/abandoned planet and its decaying space stations.
So far, I Nickie definitely has the most development XD and love the sense of her as a compassionate, but also kinda crazy genius with a terribly complex past. I was worried about what might become of Brene, as his character seems to most fully emerge in the last couple of sections of the prologue. Amy also developed quickly early on, and through their actions and interactions both with one another and the roles they play on the ship, you get a very good sense of them.
Also, their appearances are quite telling, but the most striking thing, and most strong thing that I found about that was that you don't describe them directly for the most part, but I'm still able to form clear pictures of them in my mind... as correct or incorrect as they may be XD but that's a sign of good characterization and 'showing' rather than 'telling', and it just stuck out to me XP I like it when that happens XD
Also, the technology you describe is also described simply or explained on terms that will be familiar and lucid to the reader. I think part of what added so much to the atmosphere was the great sense of the technology, but also the sense of normality and familiarity that pervaded the environment. Some people can't do that in their stories, and it ends up being incredibly awkward.
The outline of this seems a little common and archetypal, but you also add enough original elements to bring the beginning to life and make it quite original. Even the enigmatic company and rebel forces--I really like the ambiguity with who's good and who's bad there, and the detail about the rebel isignia 
Something I also noticed is the strong voice that the narrator is given. When the story starts, you may look into ways to integrate that more into the story-detail rather than through such direct explication, for the most part. It's almost on that level, and flows with the story, but in some ways, seems to still remain separate.
You also have a nice sense of language, and are very eloquent. You write very well, and I'm sure your style will continue to develop even further ^_^ however, some technicalities I noticed might help to improve the overall effectiveness a little. Minor, but important things to keep in mind ^^; which are tense and dialogue.
don't mistake me about the dialogue. So far, it's really good ^^ but something that might help it to sound more natural is using more contractions where applicable and appropriate (which isn't all the time), and simply where it breaks things up to sound good XD
'it is' is sort of lengthy in speach, and doesn't seem as fluid in informal character interaction when it's always drawn out fully. The same with can not, what is, do not, and etc. just using it's, can't, what's, don't, and etc. in some places would really help maintain your rhythm and the smooth flow of the text.
And in the general writing, eliminating unneeded words to more concise expressions like that may also do a lot when it doesn't impede on the feel you're trying to create or 'voice' in general, and it's generally pretty easy to do this. It's called eliminating 'dead wood' that doesn't do anything, more formally, and really helps. In fiction, it helps things to become more expressive and the like XD; nothing major. It's actually accomplished really just through the process of revision >_>;
And the other thing is the tense. Sometimes I see you start a paragraph in the past tense, then continue on in the present, or vice versa, and it can be a little odd XD; however, some words, such as 'said', 'finished', heard', and so forth, are also useful to incorporate at times, and sometimes work to incorperate dialogue more naturally and fluidly into a story. Your present tense is fine ^_^ it's just something to think about in the future.
There are some minor spelling errors, but meh. They're minor and don't detract enough to draw my notice or detract from the story. Easily eliminated through revision.
So yes X3; I really enjoyed reading that. You write really well, and tell an interesting and good story serious, charming, grim, and engaging all at the same time with lovely characterization and good language.
hm... also, be careful not to overpower characters or make them 'too' perfect ^^; that can really do a lot to detract from a story ._.; it's a good set-up, and slow, but storybuilding and characterizing. I look forward to seeing the setup unfold. Just keep rereading your own work as well, and you'll learn and see a lot, and work out bugs. But it's good and indeed keep it up ;_;
hm... also, yes ^^; a different title might work better D: but as I seem to remember you just giving it that to give it a name, also unimportant :-O
it describes the story, but it doesn't seem to suit the story :/ Just write what you think, just like that. I believe I have provided enough contact information so you all can even catch me when I am here and talk to me one-on-one about the story.
You have no excuses! 
Oh, and [10] is coming along rather nicely. Keep in mind that the prologue consists of [1] through [10] and that [11] will be the first actual chapter. Also, you may notice chapters getting a bit longer after [10] as I am going to write until I feel the chapter is done, instead of limiting myself to what I can fit on a single sheet of college rule paper, front and back.
[11] will also feature the debut of not only the main story, but also the true main character. I think you will all like her. Just speaking for myself, I really can not wait!
Well, I am going to go shower and meditate now.