Well, I'm going to see if I can actually get some work writing done this weekend... I'm mostly free, except for sunday... I have to work on a group project (a film) for my lit class.
In a bit of a bleh mood, though...
Been a long time since I've had to do this. >
You know what this means, right?
Well... I started writing today... Guess what I started writing. Go on, guess. >
Okay, okay... I started writing, actually it is more like re-writing, [1]. Oh, I have a plan too. The plan is this: Before I do anything more... post any more story... I will finish the re-write of [1]. When I am done, I am going to post it here.
You lucky ducklings will then either give me feedback on which writing style you like the best and why, or you get no more story until I figure out how I am going to proceed.
That's right, you heard me. I will seriously put everything on hold until I get this whole re-write thing sorted out.
I am so totally ransoming the continuity of my own novel for some goddamn feedback. The more feedback the better. You don't even have to reply in the forums or anything. I've linked many, many, many people to this topic so they could read my story and they gave me feedback in IRC or in other IM clients.
If you want, advertise my story around your school. Show it to teachers, friends, family... Whatever. Include my e-mail so they can tell me what they think. Print it out and write my e-mail on it... Then hand it to people and tell them to read the beginning of a novel by an aspiring writer and tell her what they think. If you print it out, though, please please PLEASE put "Written by Zombie of the Monkkonen.net forums" somewhere on there. I don't want my work stolen and as I have the original handwritten copies of the story, I will not hesitate to sue out the ass for intellectual property theft. That is, like... The lowest thing you can do to a person...
But I am completely serious about advertising my story. Go out! Tell people to read it and tell me what they think! If I don't get some major feedback, then I don't think I will ever finish this novel... or series... Whatever it may become. Without feedback, I will basically end up writing blindly and it will suck.
Books and such mainly travel by word of mouth. Have you ever seen a commercial for a book? Ever see a poster for a book somewhere other than a store that sells books and/or magazines? Unless someone is looking for a book, chances are that they will not see a book advertised.
Go out there and tell your friends about this if you really like it. Tell them to keep in touch with updates that I will be doing, especially with the re-write of [1] being close at hand. If you want, I could even start some form of crazified mailing list... Have people send me an e-mail with the subject "[CATGIRL] MAILING LIST" or have people who write me actual e-mails say, "Please put me on the [Catgirl] mailing list."
I'm fully willing to update anyone by e-mail who wants to be updated by e-mail... It's a lot easier and more private than updating by forum.
Now get with the word-of-mouth advertising, bizatches! If you're good then I might have some form of surprise for you by christmas... A surprise like [1] - [10] in PDF form... Book style. Cover done by me. Yeahp... You might see the entire prologue in book-like form! Sexy, eh?  [/ADDITION]
Edited 7 years ago