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  • The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]

    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Yes, it is true. A Soldat clan for Forumers (only!!!) is in the making. The name of the clan is Ville Corp, and the tag to be carried in the left side of one's name is [VC] until further notice.

    The idea spawned between me, void, Crazy and SWG_Forever, and the first ones to hear about it were EvilP and Erendor (can't write it with a small e...).

    The current members (and their Soldat IDs) are:
    Grim Reaper (Grimsy)
    void (terminal)
    SWG_Forever (CB)
    Crazy (Crazy*)
    Idiota (Idiota)
    The Gemini*
    (places reserved for EvilP and Erendor)

    *) I'm not sure about their Soldat IDs, so they can PM me the correct IDs or something.

    Things planned for the Clan are:
    -exclusive maps (for training etc.)
    -exclusive gaming sessions (for fun etc.)
    -more cool stuff I can't remember/think of being discussed about

    To the modders: PLEASE do NOT edit the poll of this thread, unless I ask you to.

    Edit: Sorry for the mixup between HH and void. Fixed it.
    Edit2: Included the clan name and tag in both post body and topic subject.
    Edit3: Added the armor colours.
    Edit4: Edited something some more.
    Edit5: Removed colour scheme stuff.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    How about [VC] for a tag?

    I want a spot on the clan fer that!
    Crazy 19 years ago
    anyways, im going to play soldat and increase my skills but thats not important: When will we finally get a server working?

    And i think ill make a map instead of playing
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Oh, right, almost forgot... ops: Thanks, Crazy.

    So, we need someone to set up a dedicated server, that SHOULD be online most of the time.

    Note: The server person must not be using a router. If s/he is, then s/he must have at least the default port in forwarded mode.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    btw, i'd like to think i just made a pretty decent (but very simple) map, so if anyone tells me what kind of map i should make, ill get right on it.
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    The server name should be "". As for the password... I'd say it should be Mr. Mönkkönen's first name.

    Further info shall be provided later.

    I'll be away this weekend, leaving in about 20mins.

    When I get back, we can (hopefully) discuss the idea more.
    Amarth 19 years ago
    At last, a reason to restart playing Soldat (altough I highly suck at it ). Lemme think, I could host a bit, but dedicated most of the time is asking a bit too much. Also, I first want to get my network sorted out, yes, WITH router, but don't worry, I AM able to set it up properly. But that's still about a month from here before everything will be allright I think. At least, I hope it's done then, for then school starts .

    So, if the clan manages to survive for about a week, I might be joining as, erm, part-time crew?
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    I realy wanna join this. If there is anyone of the members who are recruters, please recrute me!
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I shall join this in the future, perhaps. I am currently playing a game called GunZ, which is a crossover between RPG and 3rd person shooting. It has matrix elements, you can level up, buy your own weapons and swords. It's really awesome. Soldat is going to have to wait
    Crazy 19 years ago
    I cant play GunZ... damn "agent error"
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I keep getting an agent error myself, but nothing happens after I get it. I can jsut keep playing Not that I am now in a clan of people who are skilled with the sword, and that I'm very good with a sword myself. Being good means kicking level 20 ass with level 8 characters
    ville 19 years ago
    Glad to hear you're making a clan. Be sure to drop by at the Cormoon forum to tell all the ideas you got when playing.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    ah yes... i almost forgot the cormoon (change the name!!!) idea was born from soldat

    I cant ignore the agent error. Everybody has a symbol above their heads indicating "no signal". And i doubt their supposed to survive 92 shots with a renard...
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    Before people start joining, I want the clan to have a name.

    So far, only one suggestion...
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    [VC], Ville Corp, its perfect!!!!
    Crazy is a genius, Grim, name the clan VC
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    [VC], Ville Corp, its perfect!!!!
    Crazy is a genius, Grim, name the clan VC

    It's not up to me only. The whole clan has to accept the name.

    Please keep posting suggestions.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    I agree. VC (or VA, Ville's Army, anything like that) will be cool.
    Amarth 19 years ago
    VA makes me think too much of Harry Potter (as in DA), keep it VC, it's a good insider.
    void 19 years ago
    HA! What did I tell you Grimsy? Ville corp! Crazy and I both thought that independetly of each other so I think that makes it official. For those who don't know what I'm saying I wanted it called Ville corp in IRC a while back.

    I don't know how Ville will feel about this... You didn't even want Ville corp in notrium if I recall correctly?

    HarmlessHermit 19 years ago
    Too late now. Ville Corp is now a galactic organization run by Ville with operations on Notrium. Think of the turmoil that would erupt if it suddenly disappeared. It would be bad for business.

    Oops. Perhaps I've said too much.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    "Gemini" said:
    [VC], Ville Corp, its perfect!!!!
    Crazy is a genius, Grim, name the clan VC

    Too bad im also insane... Not certifiable tho... certified...

    Now excuse me, i need to go grill my neighbours.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Damn, too bad I've never played Soldat.

    Although, I probably will get into it AFTER I've finished the Vacuus - 2D demo (Just one more day...), and perhaps, after I obsessing with Core.

    Great Idea though.

    Oh, and, err, I also think VC would make a suitable name.
    NeoGangster 19 years ago
    lol soldat clan
    I would join but I am too busy with my cs:s clan ^^
    maybe I will join some games with you guys
    Crazy 19 years ago
    Any map ideas for me?
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Any map ideas for me?

    The name must be decided first.

    So far no acceptings from other members...
    Madgamer 19 years ago
    Call the Soldat clan name VC
    ville 19 years ago
    I can't help it that some intergalactic crime organization is named after me. By all means, use the name. Remember to wear the correct armor.

    I tried out the new Soldat version. It seems rather buggy. I guess Michal tried to make some sort of anti-cheating system that detects if you have cheating programs active. At least for me the game works as though I had one active.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    i've already thought of some auto-messages like "maja gtahn!" or "Die, infidels!"
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    I can't help it that some intergalactic crime organization is named after me. By all means, use the name. Remember to wear the correct armor.

    And would the correct armor be olive-yellow, yellow-olive, full olive or full yellow?

    I guess the skin colour would be cyan, to make an impression of a visor thinger.

    Oh, and one can use Winamp in Soldat's background. No need to register just to listen to the songs you want...
    Idiota 19 years ago
    [VC]Idiota, reporting for duty *cough*totalslaughter*cough*
    The Gemini 19 years ago
    Grim, do you need a sniper? I am pretty good with the Barreta(I think thats the name).
    Grim Reaper 19 years ago
    The correct name is Barret. And if you use Barret exsessively, you will most likely be called a "barretard".

    The name is settled then, and so is the tag (more or less). Should we also include something in the tag to include our current rank in the clan?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    Perhaps a little * after the name to indicate that you're good at the game, but nothing more really.
    Vacuus 19 years ago
    Although ranks a sometimes good, they can quite often implement arguments, etc.

    So I agree, no ranks.

    Also, will their be any requirements to join?
    Right now I'm pretty crap, although I just started playing.
    Madgamer 19 years ago
    I'm only good if I have a sniper

    Usually in infiltration internet games I get 1-3 top rank
    (camping in front of you, BOOM )
    Forum » The Soldat clan: Ville Corp [VC]
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