Yes, it is true. A Soldat clan for Forumers (only!!!) is in the making. The name of the clan is Ville Corp, and the tag to be carried in the left side of one's name is [VC] until further notice.
The idea spawned between me, void, Crazy and SWG_Forever, and the first ones to hear about it were EvilP and Erendor (can't write it with a small e...).
The current members (and their Soldat IDs) are:
Grim Reaper (Grimsy) void (terminal) SWG_Forever (CB) Crazy (Crazy*) Madgamer* Vacuus* Idiota (Idiota) The Gemini* (places reserved for EvilP and Erendor) *) I'm not sure about their Soldat IDs, so they can PM me the correct IDs or something.
Things planned for the Clan are: -exclusive maps (for training etc.) -exclusive gaming sessions (for fun etc.) -more cool stuff I can't remember/think of being discussed about
To the modders: PLEASE do NOT edit the poll of this thread, unless I ask you to. 
Edit: Sorry for the mixup between HH and void. Fixed it. Edit2: Included the clan name and tag in both post body and topic subject.  Edit3: Added the armor colours. Edit4: Edited something some more. Edit5: Removed colour scheme stuff.