I didnt look specifically at the werewolf, and besides, I admitted mines was crap. I dont have an early pic of mine as I could do that kind of stuff in minutes, hours maybe if it was detailed.
I can see how you slowly morphed the space under the cliff into the hole in the ground, the cliff into mountains, the guy casting the spell into the guy casting a different spell, and the guy who turned into the mage with the forcefield... and of course the swordie dude and the werewolf.
My mod has gone Alpha2!
I voted on how close the pictures are to what an actual game would have, specifically Ville's other finished games. Sure, it's good, and even though the game will problably never look like that, it will go through the "single info bar AKA health bar" phase like in your pic... but as a beta and not a release.
In conclusion, I am a technical guy.