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  • The Official Chatroom!

    Anarion 17 years ago
    Hey Vacuus, I have to ask.... Why do you always misspell "I'd"?
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    I have to agree with it, though - it's the main reason I'm no longer on IRC...

    Sorry Oni, but you just get on my nerves too much I swear, if I'ld gone through just one more argument, I probably would of crashed the IRC server with excessive hate spamming....

    Good luck with it all though {No hard feelings, you hear?}

    Oh pish. Mageking and I never really "argue," we just have lots of very interesting "discussions," see? IRC lets us have better discussions than we can in the forums. They tend to get a lot better and more heated than usual discussions.

    We have such great discussions, we do. In visual terms, it would be like two warrior-mages locked in heated, yet equal battle.
    Vacuus 17 years ago
    I wasn't talking about just you & Mageking... Every serious member I see, I almost always see you picking a fight with them sooner or later... Sorry if I'm wrong, but that's how it comes across

    Anarion: It's correct spelling, I'ld say "would" ends with ld, so....
    {It's actualy just a habbit, I can't seem to loose}

    Amarth: How about Religon? You don't practice Zazen do you? (That'd creep me out Or work? I'm sure you don't work at KFC
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    I wasn't talking about just you & Mageking... Every serious member I see, I almost always see you picking a fight with them sooner or later... Sorry if I'm wrong, but that's how it comes across
    She hasn't picked a fight with me yet, or am I not serious enough?
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Varsi, those statistics are friggin' awesome.

    Btw, me and Z, as have me and MageKing17, have ripped into each other various times due to as wide a variety of disagreements as a particular line in startrek, the validity of a specific /kick, and how to set up the !Startrek command for WolfBot. Does this mean we hate each other? By no means. To me it merely denotes the fact that we have a good enough friendship to realize that we don't agree all the time, and that sometimes we're going to butt heads over it. If you can get into a fight with your friend, and still be friends, that's saying something, in my opinion.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    Yeah! Shingo's right! So come back to the channel.

    It's fun~! The more people we have, the more talking we can do!
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    That reminds me that I haven't rewritten MageBot yet, have I? Hmm, I'll have to get on that...
    E_net4 17 years ago
    What the hell...
    * Ville has quit IRC (Client Lost In Netsplit)
    * Varsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * Murska has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * Grimsy|CnC3Demo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * DeadEye_Riza has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    <E_net4> ?
    <E_net4> LOl?
    Session Close: Wed Mar 28 20:01:46 2007

    Session Start: Wed Mar 28 20:01:48 2007
    Session Ident: #monkkonenchat
    * Now talking in #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> 10Tssphmunph *** Notice -- TS for #monkkonenchat changed from 1175108512 to 1171125187
    * sets mode: +r
    * Grimsy|CnC3Demo has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Murska has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Varsi has joined #monkkonenchat
    * DeadEye_Riza has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Ville has joined #monkkonenchat
    * sets mode: +hvvaoo Grimsy|CnC3Demo Murska Varsi DeadEye_Riza DeadEye_Riza Ville
    * changes topic to '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> . Server rules apply for this room, so make sure you have read them.|7Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages.|15Feel free to join up for a game of Werewolves on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> ! Check it out!'
    <E_net4> ?!?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    What the hell...
    * Ville has quit IRC (Client Lost In Netsplit)
    * Varsi has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * Murska has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * Grimsy|CnC3Demo has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    * DeadEye_Riza has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
    <E_net4> ?
    <E_net4> LOl?
    Session Close: Wed Mar 28 20:01:46 2007

    Session Start: Wed Mar 28 20:01:48 2007
    Session Ident: #monkkonenchat
    * Now talking in #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> 10Tssphmunph *** Notice -- TS for #monkkonenchat changed from 1175108512 to 1171125187
    * sets mode: +r
    * Grimsy|CnC3Demo has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Murska has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Varsi has joined #monkkonenchat
    * DeadEye_Riza has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Ville has joined #monkkonenchat
    * sets mode: +hvvaoo Grimsy|CnC3Demo Murska Varsi DeadEye_Riza DeadEye_Riza Ville
    * changes topic to '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> . Server rules apply for this room, so make sure you have read them.|7Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages.|15Feel free to join up for a game of Werewolves on <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> ! Check it out!'
    <E_net4> ?!?
    The same from MY point of view:
    [22:02:58] * E_net4 has quit (*.net *.split)
    [22:03:13] * E_net4 (~eduardopi@2b6f2293.2ae78891.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    [22:03:29] <E_net4> ?!?
    [22:08:23] * E_net4 has quit (Quit: Bye)

    The event is called "net split", and it seems to have happened to no-one but you.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    The same from MY point of view:
    [22:02:58] * E_net4 has quit (*.net *.split)
    [22:03:13] * E_net4 (~eduardopi@2b6f2293.2ae78891.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    [22:03:29] <E_net4> ?!?
    [22:08:23] * E_net4 has quit (Quit: Bye)

    The event is called "net split", and it seems to have happened to no-one but you.
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    The same from MY point of view:
    [22:02:58] * E_net4 has quit (*.net *.split)
    [22:03:13] * E_net4 (~eduardopi@2b6f2293.2ae78891.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    [22:03:29] <E_net4> ?!?
    [22:08:23] * E_net4 has quit (Quit: Bye)

    The event is called "net split", and it seems to have happened to no-one but you.

    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    The same from MY point of view:
    [22:02:58] * E_net4 has quit (*.net *.split)
    [22:03:13] * E_net4 (~eduardopi@2b6f2293.2ae78891.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    [22:03:29] <E_net4> ?!?
    [22:08:23] * E_net4 has quit (Quit: Bye)

    The event is called "net split", and it seems to have happened to no-one but you.

    Not XD.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    It's a way to take over IRC channels. You were a victim
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    Dont work, i cant connect to
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Dont work, i cant connect to
    It's irc.criten.NET, you dolt.
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    Then repair your first post.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    The first post DOES say .net.

    But Grim prolly fixed that and now is in hiding.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    The first post DOES say .net.

    But Grim prolly fixed that and now is in hiding.
    No, it said .net just like always. :\

    Besides, you can see just below my nick when the post was edited the last time, and it's in FEBRUARY.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Oh, right.

    Just got meself PWND thar.
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    For those of you that have an IRC client that DOESN'T support irc:// URLs, start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel #MonkkonenChat.

    Grimsy said ORG.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    He speaks the truth.

    Grim, fix it.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    For those of you that have an IRC client that DOESN'T support irc:// URLs, start up your IRC client, connect to the server and join the channel #MonkkonenChat.

    Grimsy said ORG.
    Did you even try the irc:// link?

    AFAIK you use mIRC, and mIRC supports irc:// URLs.

    Besides, you could've just checked the post for alternate things to connect to or something like that.

    Not that I don't appreciate you finding the misinformation or anything.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I, hereby, am not proud to report that Grim has acted noobish today. Such bugs were kick and ban without a proper reason.
    Example of kick:
    * Now talking in #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Entered.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. | 05Read the server rules! They apply! | 07Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages. (Sometimes...) | 06Visit the Project Corner of the Forums! | 03It's my 17th birthday on the 6th! Send me money. -Mage'
    * Set by MageKing17 on Thu May 24 02:38:05
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    <Murska> BB: You have got two options.
    <Murska> Continue working on Spore NOW and get it done for us in an hour.
    <Murska> Or rejoin the game.
    <Grimsy|WoW> [!WARNING!] Workaround detected. Deleting player...
    * Grimsy|WoW sets mode: +b *!*eduardopi@*.33f0f94f.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    * You were kicked by Grimsy|WoW ([MSG] Player successfully deleted from database.)
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Kicks and short bans are part of the currently ongoing, though very chaotic, IRC game.

    Feel free not to participate.

    Also: I have a non-life, which is way better than Life(tm). Same stuff, but less restrictions on having fun.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Liar! Current IRC game version doesn't support quit!
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Liar! Current IRC game version doesn't support quit!
    Account removal is not the equivalent of quitting. Quitting is a voluntary process enacted by the participants (or "players"), whereas account removal is a forced act done by the "admins".
    Murska 17 years ago
    ...admin. Fortunately, all future mentions of the "Game"™ might result in false data removal, so you better be careful.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    <MageKing17> I must admit, despite not being able to actually kick anyone with those nicknames, it IS more fun this way.
    <Anonymous1157> ... LOL.
    <Grimsy> Told ya.
    * /timer: invalid parameters (line 121, aliases.ini)
    <MageKing17> Though I find this one FAR more enjoyable...
    * E_net4 has quit IRC (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by E_net4|dinner)
    * E_net4|dinner is now known as E_net4
    * MageKing17 swiftly applies the Banhammer to E_net4's face.
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    * MageKing17 sets mode: +b *!*eduardopi@*.34823d30.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    * You were kicked by MageKing17 (Banhammer'd!)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #MonkkonenChat
    Session Close: Tue Jun 19 23:00:59 2007

    Session Start: Tue Jun 19 23:01:21 2007
    Session Ident: #monkkonenchat
    * Now talking in #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Automessage.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
    * Set by Idiota on Sat Jun 16 19:24:15
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    <MageKing17> Yup.
    <Murska> Car massage.
    * You were kicked by Grimsy (Manual kick.)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #MonkkonenChat
    * Rejoined channel #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Automessage.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
    * Set by Idiota on Sat Jun 16 19:24:15
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    * You were kicked by Grimsy (Manual kick.)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #MonkkonenChat
    * Rejoined channel #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Automessage.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
    * Set by Idiota on Sat Jun 16 19:24:15
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    * You were kicked by Grimsy (Manual kick.)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #MonkkonenChat
    * Rejoined channel #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Automessage.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
    * Set by Idiota on Sat Jun 16 19:24:15
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    <MageKing17> Grim, would you STOP spamming?
    * You were kicked by Grimsy (Manual kick.)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #MonkkonenChat
    * Rejoined channel #monkkonenchat
    <E_net4> Automessage.
    * Topic is '05Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
    * Set by Idiota on Sat Jun 16 19:24:15
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    * MageKing17 swiftly applies the Banhammer to Grimsy's face.
    * MageKing17 sets mode: +b *!*Grimsy@*.the.grave
    * Grimsy was kicked by MageKing17 (Banhammer'd!)
    <Amarth> Thank you.
    * E_net4 attempts to hold his inner angeer!
    <Anonymous1157> ... WHAT THE FCUK!? I think I lagged!
    <Murska> Angeer.
    <E_net4> I'm so angry I typoed that one!
    <Murska> Right.
    <Amarth> Oh. I must be angry all the time then.
    * MageKing17 sets mode: -b *!*Grimsy@*.the.grave
    <Murska> You better succeed in suppressing(not holding) the angeer of yours.
    <Murska> Where were we?
    <Amarth> You are west of a white house.
    * Grimsy has joined #monkkonenchat
    * ChanServ sets mode: +h Grimsy
    <Murska> "Most of the things that happened were explained" Um. No. "More things to happen." Um. How do you know?
    <Murska> Yes, I'm west of the White House. And east, too.
    * Grimsy sets mode: +b *!*eduardopi@*.34823d30.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    * You were kicked by Grimsy (Kicking you got me banned. Now face my wrath!)
    F*S, get some mind-sane Operators!
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Are you implying that sanity is not a mind-only attribute (for a lack of a better term for it)?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I want an answer from REAL operators (as in, Idiota or Zombie).
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    The only ACTUAL operator in the chatroom is Ville, the chatroom bot. Others are either Admins or Half-Ops.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I want an answer from REAL operators (as in, Idiota or Zombie).
    So what am I, chopped liver?

    I would like to draw extra attention to the part where I kickbanned Grimsy for his actions, and the story did not end with Grim kicking you...
    Jun 19 15:05:07 * Grimsy has kicked E_net4 from #monkkonenchat (Kicking you got me banned. Now face my wrath!)
    Jun 19 15:05:12 * Grimsy removes ban on *!*eduardopi@*.34823d30.285ef2b1.362b7f89X
    Jun 19 15:05:18 * !MageKing17 bitchslaps Grimsy out of the chatroom
    Jun 19 15:05:19 * MageKing17 has kicked Grimsy from #MonkkonenChat (Bitchslapped.)
    Trust me, I don't tolerate misbehavior from Grim any more than I tolerate it from you.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Justice has just been served on #monkkonenchat. I don't like this one bit.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I mentioned some time before that that having a strange conversation when MK is in the chatroom is a bad idea, but nobody ever listens to me.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Unfortunately, I came back with another complain, and so, I'll be breaking the rule I am complaining about, but I just don't care.
    It is stupid, idiotic, pathetic and ridiculous to inferiorize a SINGLE person. "Justice has been served.", says Idiota, but it seems that some of it is missing.

    In other words, I demand the rule #631 of the Monkkonen chatroom to be deleted.
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