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  • Magebane 3

    Murska 21 years ago
    Do you make Magebane 3 ever?
    ville 21 years ago
    Not in the near future. I'll more likely be doing games that are completely different from the ones I've made so far.

    What more could the Magebane saga possibly have?
    Murska 21 years ago
    Maybe something about that god thingy, when it says that it is another story.
    ville 21 years ago
    Heh, did I imply a new game in that? Guess I did, but what kind of a game would a game about gods be? Certainly not one of those strategy games?
    Quanrian 21 years ago
    Perhaps the figure wasn't always a god and the game could outline its rise to godliness. A strategy game would actually be nice, though they are a royal pain to code, especially with the AI. I always loved Archon and Archon Ultra, perhaps you might do something like that. Dark Legions is also a fantastic example of blending turning based with real time action.
    ville 21 years ago
    Just you wait for the new UFO! It's got a pausing system very similar to Magebane 2, but it's supposed to be better.

    The really difficult part of strategy games is not the coding, it's the making of all the graphics and balancing the game. Plus the genre isn't that popular anymore.
    Murska 20 years ago
    Of course good against bad of course you are good but is anyone read the kuolemanportti book series? I don´t know their name in english, maybe deathgate? There is Sartans who are nearly gods and their enemys Patrans but Sartans was destroyed by some power when they tried to control and chance world to good.I mean all things started to broke, like if there is a hole, you put bucket under the hole, then there come a new hole and when you put another bucket to there under that hole, again comes a hole. You don´t have buckets anymore and when you find another bucket, other buckets are full. Then you are trying to find bigger buckets and when you find them, roof is already broken.
    ville 20 years ago

    Haven't read them. Good plot, bad playability. Lousy graphics, no sound.

    If I ever were to make a Magebane 3, I would likely choose the Finnish Kalevala mythology for the basis of the game world. Combined with a good turn based strategy shooting scene it would be a hit!
    OverTilt 20 years ago
    That would undoubtedly kick arse... yeah... and.. ehm... that's it, really.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    I kinda like the strategy-game concept and all... You know, I think, Magebane2 looks pretty similar to Terry Pratchets Discworld novels (hope you red them...)-the story is fantasy, but it has a lot of humour in it... and it has certainly a great atmosphere! In Discworld, there are sometimes described scenes of gods playin desk-games with the mortal people, so i think, it would be nice to involve something like that in the world of Magebane (was only an idea... :sad) But if ya think more about it, it certainly doesnt look that bad, does it?
    ville 20 years ago
    I'm a big fan of Discworld myself and I'd love to make a board game, any ideas on the concept?
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    Ok, first of all, it shouldnt be some turn based strategy with lots of people killin each other^_^! It could look like the illustrations in the Last hero: A big desk containing all the discworld continents and all(u could create it after the Discworld map, dont know, if ya have it). U could choose to play some of the most famous gods, like Yo or Offler and so on... (maybe the deamons too). Each god would have some spells snd abillties and could upgrade them with weakening the other gods. U could also recruit some of the small gods, guarantiing u specific powers. U would have some territories, or spheres where you would be worshiped and in this sphere u could recruit youre heroes and controll people (but jes simple orders, like make more money, make more mana(worshipping) or defend the territory). There would be a small amount of heroes for each god (about 5-10), and the battles could look like in Magebane2, with a little bit more RPG elements. You would try to have greater territory then youre rivals (more power) and to become the greatest of gods (when you rule over the whole Discworld).But there should be a lot of fun, no 1/2 hour thinking about the next turn and the powers could be made funny (poison rivals wine, so he must go to the toilet and will miss a urn, or jes sth like that^_^!). The only problem I see is the license (not cheap and all, i think...). But you could solve it with setting it in the Magebane world...^_^! If Ill have more ideas (sure i will^_-), Ill write it down and inform you, ok?
    ville 20 years ago
    Of course I couldn't put the game in Discworld, or use any of the characters, but it wouldn't be much of a challenge to create my own.

    Your game suggestion sounds a lot like populous or black and white, I wouldn't want to compete with such well established games.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    Oh, I think you didnt fully understand the game concept, I said: NO MORE LITTLE PEOPLE KILLIN EACH OTHER!!! And thats what Populus and BaW is all about... my concept is sth more like Risk (u know, the bord game...), jes without that much figures, more options on how to affect the game waorld (like magig, etc.). The heroes, you would be controling would be in form of some wooden figures. You could move them around with youre god-hand, something like in chess. I suggest, it could look like some parody on these god-games... I mean, Im full of these epic stories and such craps, why could noone ever make a fantasy parody? I dont say, you should program this, but Ill hand over new ideas and perhaps, one day, you will use some of them...
    ville 20 years ago
    Hmm... I'm not a big fan or Risk, but I do like chess. Chess-type games are really difficult to make as you would need to make good rules that would allow complex strategies as in chess.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    Yeah, now you almost understood, what Ive wanted to say^_^! It shouldnt be like risk, just the map should look like that! And the rules should be a bit "chessy", I think, Its a great idea. It could possibly look like Magebane2, just with more strategic depth and all... While playin Magebane2, sometimes I had the feeling, that the game is great, but I dont have the chance to change the destiny of the monks, or at least prepare myself for the upcoming battle... What I want to say, it could possibly look somewhat like in Age of wonders! I like the idea, to bless the heroes or summon some creatures to help them, and it all lasts until you have the mana for it- this element could be included! Not that Ive wanted city managment and all^_^! And the fun could be supprorted through various minigames, like: At the beggining of the battle, the gods all roll with one dice, it could look like continous button pressing or something else (like the building-gadgets minigame in Notrium, just time would be the most important thing...). Then, the game would calculate, the differences between thethrows and the one who has the most could have some time for preparing himself for the battle (casting defensive spells, finding better battle position or even attacking the enemy...)- I dont know, just something like should be fun, unlike all those HOMAM-clones, or anything...^_^!
    ville 20 years ago
    And the creatures should be really funny and strange. Like your avatar here on the forum.
    MUDrSauron 20 years ago
    Yeah, how did you know? The funnier the creature with more innovative abilities, the more gameplay and fun (I think)! But when you think back, all the avatars here are kinda strange, so I picked a realy cute one^_^! I guess, I jes like fantasy parodies and all...
    Idiota 20 years ago
    well, this topic has been dead for quite a while so a question: how about it ville? the idea sounds really awesome and I could probably think of some weirdo characters.
    Eternal 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    well, this topic has been dead for quite a while

    Theres a reason for that.
    ville 20 years ago
    I'm not really focusing on Magebane 3 right now, but the option to do it is there. I'll have to see how the new project I'm planning fares, I might name it Magebane 3 if it looks enough like the Magebane universe. On the other hand the name isn't very good, I'd prefer a name that's not used anywhere besided my games.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    "Eternal" said:
    Theres a reason for that.

    What reason? the game isn't that old is it?
    Tyrian 20 years ago
    why would maggebane 3 be a strategy? why not rpg like magebane2?
    Idiota 19 years ago
    ... or a mix of both
    ville 19 years ago
    Yeah, I like a good action RPG a lot better. Wouldn't want to compete with the console RPG market though, so a more in-depth RPG would be called for.
    LunaticNeko 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    And the creatures should be really funny and strange. Like your avatar here on the forum.

    Your, ville. Not his one. But I will buy it.

    So what is the final decision for MB3?
    ville 19 years ago
    Well, it doesn't look like it will be built in the near future.
    Crazy 19 years ago
    suprise, suprise
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Not in the near future. I'll more likely be doing games that are completely different from the ones I've made so far.

    What more could the Magebane saga possibly have?

    Better interface

    Monks easier to distinguish and select in crowd

    Limited savegames (for instance 1 slot per level). Files would have to
    be protected against backuping, somehow...

    Some kind of indicator who would be affected by spell. Wasting mana "Lay to rest" isn't enjoyable. Finally I learned I should aim for the feet.
    Marevix 19 years ago
    What Magebane 2 could use-

    Moddability (Big one, would make a very very nice addition).

    A level editor (If it's not moddable, i'd settle for this).

    A Warcraft-like battle mode.
    LastDay 19 years ago
    I got stuck at the last levels of the game, monk stuck in ground.

    That's where I stopped playing and kinda forgot the whole game.

    It was fun experience though.

    [edit] What comes to games I'm too lazy to start counting stats etc. in many RPG games and just have fun.

    But I simply love games with feeling of power!

    Nothing like killing people in -Black & White-

    You can almost drop a mountain on them, or just bash them to death by throwing cows.

    Another game I liked was Sacrifice where you were wizard who gets powers from his god, but if they destroy your altar the connections ceases to exist and you become mortal and can't resurrect yourself after death, thus you lose.

    Maybe you could do game with same engine that Notrium was made and picture world from above.

    You could have insanely powerful spells but you had to protect something.
    That's how it's easiest to make game where you are almost god, I guess.
    Narvius 18 years ago
    What about doing a game *like* Magebane but put in another Scenario (~Time of Notrium). You play an Human, an Android and an Psionic, trying to destroy Ville Corp. Human would use Guns, the Android would be Close-Range-Combat and the Psionic would be something like a Red Mage from Final Fantasy
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    What about doing a game *like* Magebane but put in another Scenario (~Time of Notrium). You play an Human, an Android and an Psionic, trying to destroy Ville Corp. Human would use Guns, the Android would be Close-Range-Combat and the Psionic would be something like a Red Mage from Final Fantasy
    We don't much fancy thread-mining (i.e. posting in a thread where the last post is over six months old). Besides, Magebane discussions (and the other non-Notrium or Cormoon discussions in the Games forum section) are pretty dead, anyway.

    If you feel like you could start up a project in the spirit of Magebane or the others, feel free to state so in the Project Corner and/or General Talk.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I think Ville should problably put subforum-locks on the subforums for these older games. If anyone ever bothers to post here, it's usually dumb, already answered, or thread-mining. Besides, there are barely 20 topics in these forums, so it wouldn't be too hard to find a question's answer.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    But what if there IS a question that hasn't been answered?

    But yeah, i guess it could be rerouted to General Talk. But i just don't like the idea of a subforum being locked...
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