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  • Outworld Mod

    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    This mod is looking pretty good so far. I have some screens up. Click on the link for a bigger screen. I've made a lot of my graphics with tiles from reiners tilesets. He has a tilemaker and tilecutter there too, which is mad usefull for making creature blocks.

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    I made some more temperate trees.

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    These are some creatures I was testing in the mod.

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    This koi pond leads to one of the temples.

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    You fight spiders for an inkeeper in one of you're first missions. If you get em all, You get free run at the inn, including the Presidential suit.

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    The suite is a good place to heal up, and put you're stuff. The bed works like a stasis field, and the food is automatically spawned. The grapes give some food and a little health, cannot be carried, and is spawned every 30 seconds.. The bread gives a lot of food, can be carried, and is spawned @ every 2 mins. The rest is decoration.

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    Ah... Yes... The dragons. The dragons have animated wings and look cool as hell. These are the 5 dragons I have so far, parked in the stable you also get after helping the innkeeper. The dragons are layer 2, have collisions only with weapons, and behave perfectly. The fire and ice dragons each have their own weapons so far, and i'll add weapons for the rest as I think of them. I'm going to have more dragon as well.

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    You get access to some ships too.. This is one of the better ones... It can only use one class of weapon though, cannons... The blue fish are neutral, and the red ones mean big trouble...

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    You can port you're ship at many locations, like this spring island.

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    The other mode of sea travel is by sub,

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    which has it's own weapon class as well, mostly shock stuff.

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    I'm still getting all the sea stuff sized and placed, but it all swings with the current, and it looks cool. The red subs are enemies you'll face later on.

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    These are some of the sea creatures. I'm going to have a sort of ecosysem going on underseas...

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    The Tanoe tribe live in hexagonal societies, and have much to offer. They prefer the underground to above ground

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    This town is unpopulated yet, but it will be a mining town.

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    Some minecart creatures. These are spawned at intervals.

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    There are hives in some places. Most are healthy like this, but some are chaotic.

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    One of my favorite backdrops from the hive. The little bees are animated.

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    Another good backdrop.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->[/img]
    This is a decayed section of a hive. You will have to take out Hive beetles at these locations.

    I'll have more to show later, and i'll have a beta up when I get my highspeed internet back up.

    Here's my current map plans. I have quite a bit to fill, and i'll add a few more ideas later.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    do you have a downloadable beta? Is this an expansion or a whole new mod?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    Is this an expansion or a whole new mod?
    I think you meant "total conversion" instead of "a whole new mod".
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Whoa! What the..!

    Don't fail this mod like so many others! It's so cool!
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Wow, that... that looks really awesome. If you need any help, I have a sudden and burning interest in this mod.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    How long have you been doing this!?
    It looks really good.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    [Censored] me!!!!! This mod looks awesome!! When are you likely to release it?
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    Well done, soldier!
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    I'm definetly not going to drop this...

    I'll have a pretty good beta up as soon as my dsl is up. It's been down for 2 weeks, which is why I've got so much done... I have to get my graphics pared down though too, because I've got close to 26 megs of graphics... I think I can get it down to 10 megs though, with little difference in quality. I've been on 56k for the past 2 weeks, so my apoligies to the 56k'rs out there. It took me 2 hours to upload those last screens... Torture.

    I have one more though... I added a mountable desert eagle creature...

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    I have some plans for them gems too... Sorta a FFVII thing for a mage race i'm planning. Slots and such... I have a wolf creature from reiners tilesets in-game too, but I have to get it conditioned... It moves too spasmatic. I'm going to milk as many breeds of dog like creatures as I can out of it. I'm going to make a hyena skin too, to go with the lion skins i'm working on...
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    I got the graphics pared down to 13 megs, So I'm putting up an early beta... The png graphics don't compress much, though, so the beta is 14.3 meg. My site only allows downloads up to 10 meg, so I put it up on filefactory.

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 4b4271340a</a><!-- m -->

    Under the 5 star red premium thing, click the 3 star yellow free download thing. On the next screen, wait the countdown, and then pick your download options, http, ftp, or P2P. I suggest http unless you have used those other methods before.

    It's all there, Excepting the things I was still working on. If you want to have fun with this, you're going to have to use the map editor, because I dont have all the items, graphics, and plotlines in place. And the dragons are'nt placed yet, so that should be some incentive...
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Wow, man. I just can't figure out how people manage to create such mods so quickly!
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "The Gemini" said:
    Wow, man. I just can't figure out how people manage to create such mods so quickly!
    Simple... most people don't.
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    I tested its. I know its aplha(or beta or something like that) but its have some VERY BIG BUGS. Like that phoenix can kill all and is hard to kill and you cand find much food or electric and its dont have too much items. Sorry. But i think its be good
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    I think a bug is more like you click on something, and the game crashes... You can get food in the suite, and electric plants in the garden. I'll have spawners for the garden as well. The phoenix is so strong because it'll be one of the last mountable birds you'll actually get in the game. If you want it weaker, then change it's specialty 0.

    I'll get more items placed as I get to it. You can always play around with the map editor if you want a specific item.

    One thing that I would qualify as a bug is the spawning nature of the minecarts in the tanoe cave. Another bug is that you should not click on a sub or boat link while on a creature, as it will lock you on that creature with no control. Just park you're creature somewhere...

    I'm going to work more on the plotlines, and get some more stuff made. I still have quite a bit I want to include.
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    and that bug i killed spiders in basement because woman want that from me and i killed ALL and queen too but nothing happens
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    You have to kill it yourself, as the captain... leave the phoenix upstairs. That was set up when there were no dragons, so if the phoenix gets it before you do, he gets the item. I'll make it a dropped or corpse item to fix that though...
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    Well I've got to say I'm equally if not more so impressed by this mod. Just the sheer amount of work you went into planning it is worthy of praise, to see you finish this would be something spectacular for the community.

    I am going to sticky this thread for you, but with a warning. If I see the mod is not being worked on for a large amount of time (months), I'll unsticky it.
    ville 18 years ago
    Indeed. When I come back in a month I'm expecting you've got it in good shape. Remind me then to create a mod page for it.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I tested it out and I've got to say you've made some fine use of the AI. Just what you seem to have there now is huge and would take me probably hours to really dig into. Very good work, but I suggest creating your own race or races and just going with your own items as well. The fore mentioned is all that keeps it from being a complete conversion, which it by all rights deserves to be with how much work you put into it. This is exactly the kind of mod I've been waiting a very long time to see.
    speedblade 18 years ago
    This is what I imagined notrium 2..... Yeah how long have you been working on this?

    Edit: Hey, the download link only brings me to filefactory...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I'm going to forget this mod exists if you don't put it where you can actually reach the "start download" button.
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    Quanrian, thanks for the sticky... I'll keep up on it. I've had a few things come up, like my loss of high speed internet, but i'm back to work.

    Ville, I might need a little while to get in everything I want to include, so it might not be done by the time you come back. I'll have something nice though, and if you want to hear about the things i'm still working out, drop me a message anytime...

    Speedblade and Anon,... I mislinked to my download page on filefactory, but it still has a link on the top of the page that takes you there...

    Here's the right link...

    And if you've never navigated filefactory...

    Wait out the countdown on the front page.

    Click on the free download thing that pops in it's place.

    Click on the http option.

    You may have to wait as many as seven seconds till the download window pops up. Start it, etc...

    I have been working on some new races for my mod. The one's i've got the closest to working are the mage races. Click on the link under a pic for a closeup. I don't have much to show now, but i'll have more later this week, fate pending...
    The white mage was my first pick, because of the power that comes with his abilities. The black mage will have more in the way of destuctive power, but the white mage can revive...
    This is the mage using a single player resurect. I have a phoenix resurect already working that resurects all fallen parties around you within a 5 sec time period. It took me a while to figure out how to do all that. I tried a lot of things, but in the end I had all possible party members and mounts drop an item that corresponds to the final block of their death animation, that is a food item to a specific creature that is dropped by the summoned phoenix in condition of it's proximity of the specific item, which drops a creature corresponding to the item it was designed to eat, and then it dies, with no death animation. What I mean is the phoenix has conditions and effects for dropping a reviving creature for every possible comrad. It also means that each of the same creatures that may be an enemy have to have their own specific creature file designation, which has complicated things...
    This is the white mage with a few followers. The blue things are 2 water spells that are confused by the lack of enemies... The gate is one of three that will be the training spots for both mages... The other races I have planned are warrior, archer, orc, and I have no intentions of taking out the captain... And pirates too... I'm still trying to work out how to make boats work for all races though, and how the races that have followers can retain them through the boat type race transitions. I want to have dragons and birds that can pick up followers too, but i'm still working on it.

    Regardless of what I get done, i'll have an update up soon. I've fixed a lot of the problems with my first issue. The spider queen drops the heart instead of it being conditional, Minecarts have creature droppers instead of spawners,.. I made a non bullet stopping invisible collision item to replace my bullet stopping invisible collision item, and I've made some of the creatures and weapons have more realistic stats... I have a lot to sort out though.

    My dsl will be up soon, and I'll have updates more often... I would still like to have help with this mod, or even suggestions. I can do quite a bit, so even if you're not sure something can be done, I'd still like to hear it. If you want to make an area, or a dungeon, crypt, cave, etc, I'll help out however I can. I'm working on a few caves and crypts that go pretty deep right now, with greater treasure and stronger enemies on the lower floors. The swamp temple is one i've been working on the most, and it's getting pretty impressive. I'll have screens shortly.
    sleeping demon 18 years ago
    WOW i am most impresed please do not abandon this best notrium mod ive seen so far im dowloading the beta now but it will probly take awhile damn dial up
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I was a bit worried I sticked a mod that died. Thank you for not confirming that. Looks like you've gotten some good work done and you've got plenty planned. Try and check in a little more because it did worry me about where you went to. Ville doesn't need a finished version by the way, but he 'will' add a section for your mod on the Mods page, he'll just use the most up to date version you have available at that point.

    I'm curious as to why you want the caption to remain however ? Is this so you can use all the original items or because you find it too difficult to remove him ? Honestly while it'll be nice, I have to be frank in that everyone will likely play the other races instead since most people played the human captain to death already. Just my point of view. I know I'd rather try one of your mages or other original races you add.

    Here's a few simple suggestions...

    - Survival elements should be lightened greatly. You've got huge maps and it's going to hinder the gameplay too much. You should maybe still have hunger, but slow it down a great deal. I also felt like your game was more of an action/adventure mod than a survival mod.

    - Length of days should be changed. Do not in any way think having 200 second long days is a good thing, it was one of the aspects that we got stuck with and eventually settled on. They're TOO short, you should lengthen the days.

    - Create in steps. This is probably the hardest thing for most to do. If you create in steps it lets you get more 'finished' things in rather than a bunch of unfinished things. Thus you can release more 'playable' versions more often. You want people to test all your fancy stuff so they can find all the things wrong you probably missed. If their is too much than they might just miss it, so keep that in mind when packing in tons of fancy scripted content.

    - A quest log is something you can do and can easily be simulated. You should take advantage of the fact Notrium lets you use multiple inventories. You could use one for a quest log. One of the uses for inventories was for a shop. With a quest log you can simply change and/or replace an item to show a quest's status. Just use the item's description as a quest note.

    - Quest progress checking. Since you can have a quest log, you might think of checking if they have a particular item. In this way you can trigger certain events and/or quests only if they've either taken or completed other quests.

    That should be enough to chew on for now. Good luck with your mod and keep plugging along !
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    - A quest log is something you can do and can easily be simulated. You should take advantage of the fact Notrium lets you use multiple inventories. You could use one for a quest log. One of the uses for inventories was for a shop. With a quest log you can simply change and/or replace an item to show a quest's status. Just use the item's description as a quest note.
    This is actually something I never thought of. Of course we all thought that using multiple inventories was cool, but using one as a quest log... very interesting. Methinks I could get back into modding Notrium (if I can find where Oblivion hid my soul...).
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I've always said that no one has even scratched the surface of what could be done by modding Notrium. It's only a matter of time and persistance. Remember when everyone said they'd get their mods done when 1.3 was done ?

    Feel free to ignore the trends however 1MoreRun, in fact please do. It'd be nice to see such a large scoping mod be finished. As I'm sure it will help fuel other people's imagination and of course envy. Envy is a big motivator with things like modding.
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    Sorry to scare you Quanrian... I really could'nt check in though... I'm on a friends dialup account right now, and will be till my own internet comes back up... When it does i'll have updates much more frequently... Right now I'm working on graphics, so it'll be a few days till I have much to show... A lot of you're ideas are just what I've been trying to do... I've already started on a mage only inventory, but as you already said, I put too much on my plate, and can never finnish it all... If I need help i'll drop you a message. I've sent you one with my contact info, if you think i'm dragging my feet, or if I drop off the face of the earth again...

    I'm mostly doing creature, player, and spell blocks right now, but i'm also working on some animated stuff to spice it up. I'm trying to keep it down to neccesary stuff, but some cool irrelevant stuff keeps creeping in... I want to outline some of the graphics i'm working on though, so you can hold me to it...

    Lions... enemy/ally, desert forest transition south.
    gila monster... enemy, desert.
    pig, cow, chicken/rooster, sheep assorted... domestic/town.
    deer, rabbit... prey.

    Orc soldier, orc mage... Race/enemy.
    Pirate, pirate captain... Race/enemy.
    Troll warrior, troll mage... Race/enemy.
    Archer... Race/ sorta enemy.
    Warrior... Race/ sorta enemy.

    Fire, scorch, magma.
    Ice, blizzard.
    Shock, Storm(maybe).

    Summons spells.
    Fire golem, Ice golem, stone golem.
    All dragons.

    I want to work out a decent behemoth summons too, but I give no promises. I might make the dinos summons creatures too, after I get their creature blocks fixed. I want to have them as mounts as well.

    I have the next 3 days free to work, so I hope to get all this done. I'm working on some stuff for the temples, caves, and crypts too, but those will be surprises... I promise to have an update by friday.
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    Hi im here again! I found biggest bug on this mod and if you dont repair it its very bad: the phoenix can go everywhere! trough walls too
    speedblade 18 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Hi im here again! I found biggest bug on this mod and if you dont repair it its very bad: the phoenix can go everywhere! trough walls too
    and go in submarine and go undersea CARRYING the sub. (I tryed everything, not one place the phoenix can't go to.)

    Anyways I got bored because nothing to do mostly. You spelled research wrong at research complex and there id NOTHING but walls... in there..
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "1MoreRun" said:
    Sorry to scare you Quanrian... I really could'nt check in though... I'm on a friends dialup account right now, and will be till my own internet comes back up... When it does i'll have updates much more frequently... Right now I'm working on graphics, so it'll be a few days till I have much to show... A lot of you're ideas are just what I've been trying to do... I've already started on a mage only inventory, but as you already said, I put too much on my plate, and can never finnish it all... If I need help i'll drop you a message. I've sent you one with my contact info, if you think i'm dragging my feet, or if I drop off the face of the earth again...

    Don't sweat it, I'm not requiring you to do any of that stuff, simply suggestions. I am quite level headed in my suggestions. I'm not going to offer ideas that are completely off the block. Pace yourself and there is no such thing as too much on your plate. Keep in mind that you can always save newer content for a future patch. Your goal should be to release a working mod, not a massive mod. 'I think' everyone would rather a really polished mod that's finished than one that isn't finished and just has a ton of content that only half works.
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    Once again, I'll have everything with the phoenix and other mounts worked out by press time... It's just there to cut down on walking time bettween areas when checking stuff. I'm still working out the sub and boat problems, and there will be quite a bit to do when i'm finnished. I've seen the mispelling on the research facility, and it's not a biggie... I'll get to it sooner or later. The facility and many of the other areas are slowly getting filled up. You'll find a young dragon, among other creatures, in the larger part of the facility, and quite a bit in the way of technology in all the other parts. I'm filling up all the other empty areas as well.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    How is your progress coming for the mod 1MoreRun ?
    speedblade 18 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    How is your progress coming for the mod 1MoreRun ?

    Yes 1MoreRun, its been 2 weeks (14 days) since we heard from you.
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    I guess I'll give him a ring soon. I'll get back to you all, it's likely he might of lost his internet. Lets hope he's still got a telephone !
    1MoreRun 18 years ago
    i've had a few setbacks, but i'll be back to work soon. I almost went to california... I hate it here, but my friends made me stay... I lost my internet, but my friends have been letting me use theirs... unfortunatly i've just been going to my rss threads and the fark flamewars...

    I got the diablo II expansion too which has preoccupied my time, and you're speaking to a level 45 bear druid... Man I wish notrium was isometric...
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