Quanrian, thanks for the sticky... I'll keep up on it. I've had a few things come up, like my loss of high speed internet, but i'm back to work.
Ville, I might need a little while to get in everything I want to include, so it might not be done by the time you come back. I'll have something nice though, and if you want to hear about the things i'm still working out, drop me a message anytime...
Speedblade and Anon,... I mislinked to my download page on filefactory, but it still has a link on the top of the page that takes you there...
Here's the right link... http://www.filefactory.com/?47b225
And if you've never navigated filefactory...
Wait out the countdown on the front page.
Click on the free download thing that pops in it's place.
Click on the http option.
You may have to wait as many as seven seconds till the download window pops up. Start it, etc...
I have been working on some new races for my mod. The one's i've got the closest to working are the mage races. Click on the link under a pic for a closeup. I don't have much to show now, but i'll have more later this week, fate pending...
![](http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/liongatetm.jpg) http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/liongate.jpg The white mage was my first pick, because of the power that comes with his abilities. The black mage will have more in the way of destuctive power, but the white mage can revive...
![](http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/phoenixraisetm.jpg) http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/phoenixraise.jpg This is the mage using a single player resurect. I have a phoenix resurect already working that resurects all fallen parties around you within a 5 sec time period. It took me a while to figure out how to do all that. I tried a lot of things, but in the end I had all possible party members and mounts drop an item that corresponds to the final block of their death animation, that is a food item to a specific creature that is dropped by the summoned phoenix in condition of it's proximity of the specific item, which drops a creature corresponding to the item it was designed to eat, and then it dies, with no death animation. What I mean is the phoenix has conditions and effects for dropping a reviving creature for every possible comrad. It also means that each of the same creatures that may be an enemy have to have their own specific creature file designation, which has complicated things...
![](http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/spidergatetm.jpg) http://www.1morerun.net/notrium/spidergate.jpg This is the white mage with a few followers. The blue things are 2 water spells that are confused by the lack of enemies... The gate is one of three that will be the training spots for both mages... The other races I have planned are warrior, archer, orc, and I have no intentions of taking out the captain... And pirates too... I'm still trying to work out how to make boats work for all races though, and how the races that have followers can retain them through the boat type race transitions. I want to have dragons and birds that can pick up followers too, but i'm still working on it.
Regardless of what I get done, i'll have an update up soon. I've fixed a lot of the problems with my first issue. The spider queen drops the heart instead of it being conditional, Minecarts have creature droppers instead of spawners,.. I made a non bullet stopping invisible collision item to replace my bullet stopping invisible collision item, and I've made some of the creatures and weapons have more realistic stats... I have a lot to sort out though.
My dsl will be up soon, and I'll have updates more often... I would still like to have help with this mod, or even suggestions. I can do quite a bit, so even if you're not sure something can be done, I'd still like to hear it. If you want to make an area, or a dungeon, crypt, cave, etc, I'll help out however I can. I'm working on a few caves and crypts that go pretty deep right now, with greater treasure and stronger enemies on the lower floors. The swamp temple is one i've been working on the most, and it's getting pretty impressive. I'll have screens shortly.