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  • The Inevitable Adventures of Grim and Crazy

    Crazy 18 years ago
    There was talk about a forum comic.

    And Grim heard that i had ideas for one.

    He practically ran me down yelling that i should make it.



    The time has come for our own forum comic:

    The Inevitable Adventures of Grim and Crazy
    And some other random guys

    1: The saga begins...

    2: Changing layouts is painful.

    3: Grim at it again.

    4: Oi!

    5: Thank you, Ben, for this game you have given us.

    6: *sigh*

    7: The Tall Man's new act.

    8: It's 6:30 AM. No Title.

    9: A wee wii comic.

    10: Reality shift.

    11: Reality shift

    12: Reality shift

    13: Z

    14: The roof is on fire!

    15: It's supposed to say "WITH this bowling ball", but what the heck...

    16: Merely ONE of these arguments has actually happened, tho

    17: Blam!

    18: The Toaster Coaster

    19: "The commute's a bitch"

    20: A display of force

    21: More spore!

    22: Edu... uh... E_net4

    23: Grim + WoW

    24: A slight change.

    25: Undocumented feature-ing

    26: We're back!

    27: You LOST it?!

    28: Machinery

    29: Reality

    30: Tech support

    31: Missing a bolt

    32: Refridgerate-oh

    33: When?

    35: Bash.
    Pete 18 years ago
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Yea, that's very nice.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Very nice comic there, Crazy. Idea was good too, so yeah, nice job the two of you
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Idea was good too, so yeah, nice job the two of you
    Hooray, people liked my idea!
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Ha ha! That was pretty good!
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    More, more, more! YAY!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    More?! You want MORE?!



    I uploaded a new one.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    You /will/ introduce me into this comic!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    You /will/ introduce me into this comic!
    For that, he will need to know how to draw you.
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Really nice comic! I love your drawing style, Crazy!

    Great, Idiota. Now everyone will ask if they can join teh comic.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    And that, my friend, gives me another idea for a comic script...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I second that. It's even better for your health if you put me in it, too. Just draw me he way you think I am. It should prove to be quite interesting for both of us.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I second that. It's even better for your health if you put me in it, too. Just draw me he way you think I am. It should prove to be quite interesting for both of us.
    I'd say the yellow mage pic thingy (I wouldn't draw you as an anime girl with a sword ).
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    I demand a cameo!

    Or possibly being a recurring character!

    And I will blow things up!

    Idiota 18 years ago
    Not exactly.... For example, I learned from Searry that you are a pale person with black hair. That's enough for me to randomize a face inside my head and add attributes according to what I've learned from you.

    If you really want a comparison, look at Squall in FF8. Only talks when he needs to and tries to look cool always. That's a lot more like me.

    For the looks, it'd be fun if you just draw my avatar. The mage would be cool, although you'd have to ask ville to use it, I think (It comes form his art section on Elfwood.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    Not exactly.... For example, I learned from Searry that you are a pale person with black hair.
    Actually, my hair is brown.

    "Idiota" said:
    The mage would be cool, although you'd have to ask ville to use it, I think.
    It would look a bit like Crazy's char with a beard, longer hair and without that silly hair thingy that looks like the one Obi-Wan has in Ep. 1 methinks, and thus not close enough to be violating the copyright thingy of that pic.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Y'know, i actually have that Obi-wan braid

    Though not right now, but... ah, you catch my drift...

    (I wouldn't draw you as an anime girl with a sword )
    I would

    And we have a new one!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Announcing the Third Installment!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Fun fact #1: The background layer is actually ABOVE the layer that is the picture.

    Fun fact #2: Grim is pure genious with these scripts. Seriously, i think it's alot better than what i've seen on most webcomics.

    Fun fact #3: I sometimes get creative with the credits.

    Fun fact #4: In a way, Idiota DID get cameo in the third installment.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Isn't that defying the laws of phys--?"

    "It doesn't know that."

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    To celebrate this comic, I made me a new avvy!
    Crazy 18 years ago
    It was difficult letting go of my good 'ole ggonhed... y'know, i've had him before the forum turned phpBB...
    Idiota 18 years ago
    Gah, you seem to know every ability I have. I prefer being drawn as a human though, thank you very much.
    Murska 18 years ago
    Uh... THAT was a shock. Crazy had that avatar FROM THE START! He probably came IN with that one.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    It's just not going to be the same now that he's no longer got his usual avatar.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Not really. He can always give himself a beaky head in the comic. No harm done!

    Hey Crazy, how good are you at drawing humanoid dragons? 'cause if you're going to add someone else, even if it's just one comic...
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Fun Fact #5: This is the second Forum Comic I've been drawn in.
    Murska 18 years ago
    And the fun is?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    And the fun is?
    I think it's fun.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Where's the first?

    [OT] Grim is bad at Blockland. No offense, Grim. [/OT]
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    Where's the first?
    It's the one Void drew when we were about to get this forum section.

    "Anonymous1157" said:
    [OT] Grim is bad at Blockland. No offense, Grim. [/OT]
    I find it somewhat "unnatural" to stretch the pieces. Just using multiple pieces instead seems more...well, natural. And thus it feels more like building with regular LEGOs. [/OT]

    EDIT: For reference, Void's comic (the first forum comic featuring me) can be found here.

    Don't forget to read the ending when you've read the comic!
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Hmmm.... I won't say anything insulting about Voids comic, but I will say this.... Crazy's comics are better.
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Mind you, people: the comic IS NOT JUST MINE.

    If you want to be in it, then i will say the following things:

    1: Talk to Grim about it. I don't script the comics.

    2: There will be no "humanoid dragons" or stuff. I'm not going to change the body shape in any way. The only things i'm going to change are the head and hands. And even those will keep their original shape. (except for any accesories, such as Grim's hood)

    3: Giving "requirements" such as "this-and-this guy needs to be in the comic" makes making one rather difficult.

    4: I seriously doubt we will draw people in a comic just because they asked. If it's needed for the punchline, then the person that needs to be in it, will.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Hey! Grim said you were going to be away for two weeks Crazy.
    Forum » The Inevitable Adventures of Grim and Crazy
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