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Forum » Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!
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  • Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!

    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    Prepare the noose!

    I vote to lynch MageKing.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    INFERNUS said:
    Oh please. No real seer would be so stupid as to reveal their identity the instant they got their first reading. Your transparent attempt to divide us will fail. Lynch INFERNUS.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Actually, I'll be going against MageKing17's flow for now.

    INFERNUS's attitude is not quite admissible, we agree on that. But considering his nature, it doesn't sound far off that he really made the mistake of announcing to be the Judge of Intent for the sole purpose of accusing someone he found out to be a fell dwarf. This is, of course, if he really is the Judge of Intent, but let's be honest here: no dwarf would make this claim unless that dwarf really was the Judge of Intent, or a fell dwarf. A midterm doesn't make much sense (considering we don't have some sort of dwarf idiot around here).

    Therefore, I vote to lynch MageKing17 for the time being. I still wish INFERNUS to say more than what he just did, or I might just change my mind.

    And I'm not stopping here. I'm candidating myself for mayor (voting on myself here). It's not that I care if I don't get the honour, but this should at least force a decision on the matter.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Hmm. If this bandwagon is correct, then I misjudged what seemed to be caution in MK's every move. Rather, it WAS caution, but his intent in being so cautious was to conceal himself as a fell dwarf.

    Now that somedwarf agrees with me, I'm comfortable making the vote to lynch MageKing17.

    I'll abstain from making a vote for mayor for the time being. I really don't know who to trust, but I think I'd be comfortable letting the vote default to E_net4 if I couldn't decide.
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    INFERNUS said:
    I vote to lynch MageKing17, a fell dwarv!

    I will also dig at C-4, luckly, I may find ourselves something useful to defend ourselves...
    Considering that lynchings happen before diggings, it kinda looks like you just want to get that last bit of C4 before anyone else has a chance to...
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Grim Reaper said:
    INFERNUS said:
    I vote to lynch MageKing17, a fell dwarv!

    I will also dig at C-4, luckly, I may find ourselves something useful to defend ourselves...
    Considering that lynchings happen before diggings, it kinda looks like you just want to get that last bit of C4 before anyone else has a chance to...
    Well it could be... But then again, I don't really understand the logic behind accusing someone just to reach a lower layer. I mean, it's nothing but a greater chance to find something, which doesn't imply he will.

    Where are the remaining dwarves? We've scheduled this meeting!
    INFERNUS 11 years ago
    Well it could be... But then again, I don't really understand the logic behind accusing someone just to reach a lower layer. I mean, it's nothing but a greater chance to find something, which doesn't imply he will.


    Edited 11 years ago
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    Eh, whatever. Bandwagon it is.

    In other words, lynch MageKing17.
    Amarth 11 years ago
    Lynch Mageking17!

    I would like some more discussion on a mayor.. I don't see a good reason to trust someone, except for maybe INFERNUS tomorrow if his prediction turns out to be okay.

    Edited 11 years ago
    INFERNUS 11 years ago
    IF I survive the night!
    E_net4 11 years ago
    There may be someone willing to protect you during the next night. But the thought of holding on to a revealed dwarf with our resources (protection items and the like) makes me uneasy.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    Denying the fallen dwarves a kill would be fantastic.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I won't be able to make the update tomorrow at the promised time. You get an hour or two more.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    Dig A1.
    Vote myself for mayor.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    After hours of thoughtful debates, the dwarves decided to put down MageKing17 in the most humane way poss-
    Ah, screw that. A bunch of little angry men went and beat down MageKing17 with picks and other assorted tools. He was a Fell Dwarf.
    Being so angry, the remaining dwarves couldn't decide on a mayor, thus there still is none.
    After a while, they cooled down and decided to call it a day and went to sleep.

    Two items have been dug up, one at each layers 3 and 1.

    Next worktimes starts on sunday at 12:00pm UTC, as usual.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Narvius 11 years ago
    As everyone once again rises at the same time with the precision of a malfunctioning, overly-contrived water-flow based clock, a new casualty is found sleeping eternally - Anonymous1157, who obviously was a craftsdwarf.

    After everyone recovered from the shock, E_net4 steps forward, and announces he shall now pull one of the levers, the green one.

    As he pulls it, a low rumbling can be heard, and a second later a pair of trapdoors opens beneath and above him; another few seconds later, a stream of lava comes gushing down from the upper one burning down any remaining hope he might have survived the fall.

    But hey, at least there's better ambient lighting now!

    So yes. E_net4 died. He was the Noble.

    Current dig map:

    A 2444
    B 3440
    C 4400
    D 4444

    Remaining players: Grim Reaper, Amarth, SpeedBlade, Murska, INFERNUS.

    Next night is friday, 12pm UTC.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Amarth 11 years ago
    Murska 11 years ago

    Well, Grim Reaper seems most likely to be evil based on yesterday. INFERNUS, what was your result for tonight?

    Vote Grim Reaper
    Vote Amarth for Mayor
    Dig A1 and A1 again.
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    How very Noble of E_net4 to pull a lever.

    I'm-a dig for more bones (dig B1) and vote Amarth for Mayor (seems as good a candidate as any).

    Going to hold back on jumping on any lynching bandwagons until our presumed Judge of Intent can have his say on the matter.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago

    Did you find some thief gloves yesterday and steal the brass pick I just found? :-/
    INFERNUS 11 years ago
    Well, my results are not as I expected. Murska is a good guy. (But steeling is bad! :I)

    Digging B1
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    No, I didn't mind the stealing so much. It's just that my role-reveal would have been more convincing had I done it before he used the brass pick...

    But anyways, Murska could still confirm that I'm bookkeeper if he affirms that he found thief gloves (the only pair ever to be possessed) precisely yesterday when he dug layer 1 of B4.

    Because although the Grim Reaper is likely to be the last fallen dwarf, if that somehow turns out to be wrong, then it would not be the best scenario to end up with Amarth as mayor and two non-seers. So I vote myself for mayor. And I vote to lynch Grim Reaper.

    . . . and I'ma go dig B1.
    Murska 11 years ago
    Yes, I confirm Speedblade's story. I stole from him because I know I am a good guy, I know Amarth and INFERNUS are good guys and I thought it likely Speedblade got an item based on the narrator reveal last turn.

    So, since one of Speedblade and Grim Reaper is the last bad guy and another is the Bookkeeper, I would like to ask both of you what item did I dig up on the first day?
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    Day 1
    2x Mermaid Bone Spear

    Night 2
    2x Mermaid Bone Spear
    1x Glitched Mechanism
    1x Leash

    Day 2
    1x Mermaid Bone Spear
    1x Glitched Mechanism
    1x Leash

    Night 3
    1x Mermaid Bone Spear
    1x Leash
    1x Goblin Thief Gloves
    1x Brass Pick

    Day 3
    1x Brass Pick

    These are records taken at the beginning of each phase. You got either a glitched mechanism or a leash.
    Murska 11 years ago
    All right. Grim's the last bad guy.
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    Alright, good game everyone.

    Now that the game is unofficially over, might we get to know what sort of effect the FUN would have had? Everyone loses, fell dorfs win, something else entirely?
    E_net4 11 years ago
    *haunting sounds* Your soul is miiiiiiiiiiine!
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Alright, I guess.

    Good dwarves win. You had the most terrible of luck; INFERNUS identifying MK and establishing his own credibility, then E_net4 dropping and Murska/Amarth linking didn't leave many options.

    I find it amusing how the digging prevented a mayor - I can only imagine everyone was like "meh, already did something today, no need to vote or stuff".

    My original idea for FUN was not particularly fun; it just seemed like a good idea thematically at the time, more or less. Everyone dies, fell dwarves win, as you've suspected. Good thing this didn't happen, I'd feel like an idiot.

    All three levers would've killed E. No other effects. The entire purpose of them was to introduce more manipulable information (which is incidentally also the rationale behind the bookkeeper). If someone were to ever run this variant again; replace it with a (5+ sized) pool of publically-known effects, and assign each lever a unique, random one at game start. Each lever still kills the noble, but with more potential detriments or boons for the non-fells. This is both mechanically more sensible, and fulfills its original supposed purpose better, since it'd be less stifling than having no idea at all what they might do.

    Now that I think of it, the game maybe could've continued, since there is a villager/villager cupid pair; but having them duke it out with the remaining dwarves makes absolutely no sense, and I didn't include it in the ruleset anyways (I only did that for mixed pairs).

    Due to how the game went, I'm not entirely sure if I provided too much information to the non-fells, or if it's just one huge, amusing chain of coincidences.

    Yeaa, this was kinda short.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Amarth 11 years ago
    I'm thinking lots of coincidences. Too bad, but yeah, it happens.

    And yeah, I was thinking about getting a cupid-pair-only victory but it's goddamn risky. It would mean us somehow managing to lynch a non-wolf (probably Speedblade), and then Grim not killing either of us but the other non-wolf. Might have worked if we had the spears, but hmm.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    If anyone wants to, we could run a second one; same theme, slight mechanics adjustments, reshuffled random parts. And something more sensible instead of the Adamantium Pick.

    I'm roughly happy with how the item subgame went, though. Methinks I picked the right size and item density for the digging field.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    Methinks I'd be up fer it.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    I pulled it because chaos. Yeah, being a chaotic Noble was pretty much the same as being marked for death. x)

    I'm not sure how many tweaks would be needed to make this variant work, but I suspect we could use more players to make the game last longer. 3 fell dwarves should be the minimum.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I think the game was too easy because all of the players were exclusively either fell dwarves or skilled good dwarves. You'll notice that the good dwarves won this game because Murska figured out how to objectively determine who the last fell dwarf was.

    Also, I never got to use my role because I didn't dig up any items whatsoever, never mind Crafts, and I didn't have enough incentive to reveal that I was the Craftsdwarf just so I could get Crafts from other people. Not that it would have helped, because according to SpeedBlade, nodwarf dug up any Crafts at all. Just sayin'.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    Meh, I depended a lot on the seer.

    I'm up for playing again.
    Murska 11 years ago
    Yeah, the best balancing factor would be more players to lower the impact of lucky coincidences.
    Forum » Werewolf 12 - Headspears, Strike the Earth!
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