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  • Carnivor Mod

    Darkdude 18 years ago
    My new mod im creating, basically an expansion/ variation of Werivar, so far i have planned being able to play as a Notrium alien (evolves kind of like the Dorian prime alien, but with some new abilities), new psionic tokens, some ideas for items and of course, a bigger map with river and sea. The idea of the bigger map is that if you decide to stay instead of ending the game, then it isnt mononous. Also planned is being able to find the wrivar psionic and Stowaway as survivors if you arent playing as them. Obviously, the stowaway will be hostile. As well as a crash site for the wreckage of the explorer ship able to be found, and to an extent, explored.

    Would appreciate:
    Anything else helpful
    Redemption 18 years ago
    I think I have an image for a wrecked 'Equinallin somewhere...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    This is an outstanding idea. I don't know why it hasn't been done yet. I just hope you're actually ready to go, unlike ModSlayer. *Stares menacingly at ModSlayer*
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    How will the alien look like.
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    I have great idea for great expansion for weriwar mod. What about new class Mechanic? He should get at levels some abilites like build laser turret for permanent time but it will take like 300 energy. Or build something more. Its just a idea.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    The alien will hopefully resemble the Black alien rank here, or something else i make up, the mod is already started but it has some bugs yet to be fixed

    I have great idea for great expansion for weriwar mod. What about new class Mechanic? He should get at levels some abilites like build laser turret for permanent time but it will take like 300 energy. Or build something more. Its just a idea.

    sounds good, but im not quite sure what you mean by biuild laser turret for permanent time
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    sounds good, but im not quite sure what you mean by biuild laser turret for permanent time
    Either he means that it wouldn't be just a temporary one that would break down after a while, or that the turret would be invincible.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    You mean after time the turrets break on their own?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    You mean after time the turrets break on their own?
    As I said, he either meant it so that once you build the turret, it WOULDN'T do that, or he meant it to be invincible.
    Narvius 18 years ago
    This turrets should do less damage and it should be impossible to break them into components.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    That sounds good, I also have in mind elemental guardians for the psionic, that cost energy and maybe life essence to create
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    This is an outstanding idea. I don't know why it hasn't been done yet. I just hope you're actually ready to go, unlike ModSlayer. *Stares menacingly at ModSlayer*

    I Hate you...(sry for off topic) btw great idea!
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    I have great idea for great expansion for weriwar mod. What about new class Mechanic? He should get at levels some abilites like build laser turret for permanent time but it will take like 300 energy. Or build something more. Its just a idea.
    I think thats already in the making....
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    I've got a new idea, at the corner of the river, where it splits will be another alien nest, this one for the stowaway, with some brood, and if you are the stowaway it will be the native alien. or empty. I have decided the native alien will be the same as the black alien on the forums here. Does anyone have a creature graphic for it? im not that good as a graphic maker. Seriously, they suck. Also, what graphic program did ville use, because its obviously better than what I got now. I have completed the river and sea terrains, they drain food when you're on them, and they lower your temperature. Im planning on making a raft buildable, like you can build the hoverbike. Does anyone have suggestions for the new alien evolutions?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    Does anyone have a creature graphic for it? im not that good as a graphic maker. Seriously, they suck. Also, what graphic program did ville use, because its obviously better than what I got now.
    Black Alien is just a renamed Hybrid Alien from the Opposing Force mod, so see if you can get it somewhere and get Casanova's permission for the using of it.

    As for the app Ville uses for the making of GFX, I think it's GIMP.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Casanova, he did the forsaken mod too didnt he? and if i can find it I will obviously give credit for it
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    That mechanic with turret i did mean its normal laser turret but it cost 300 mana but i think it should be little weaker. or it shoulde be like this with skill levels : lvl 1 machine gun turret, lvl 2 laser turret, lvl 3 flamethrower turret....
    DarkAlienX 18 years ago
    Thier is no mana, remember, notrium is set in the futer. And the turret idea is kinda bad, making turrets outa nothing.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Well, i couldnt find a black alien graphic, and im also looking for some advice on how to make an orange ameoba, like the normal ameoba's but tinted orange instead if green.

    Right now, I'm in the middle of debugging the native alien's evolutions, and designing new areas
    The new map will have a river that travels down the map, and forks, one fork heading west, and one heading south, where it wil meet with the small sea/lake. At the fork of the river will be the Native alien/Stowaway's nest, and on the west fork will be eden, the marsh, and the ancient ruins. On the north side of the west fork, in the northwest corner, will be the Hive, with addition to east hive, the explorer crash site, and the ship graveyard. South down the river, not far past the aliens nest will be the ville corp minign are and possible an are with VC docks
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    how to make an orange ameoba, like the normal ameoba's but tinted orange instead if green.
    Open the amoeba texture file with GIMP/PSP/Photoshop/(insert good GFX-editing app here), take the magic wand tool, select the green-tinted amoeba sections, fiddle around with the Hue settings untill you get orange, save as a new file, change the creature's GFX filepath to the new one.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Thanks i'll give it a try, but main problem right now, the program crashes when i start the mod, and i looked at the debug file and its stopped at
    Starting Allocate memory for map
    so does this mean that the map i have is too big, or uses too much computer space? It's not a particularly big map, only about the size of the ancient ruins, but it has a new terrain in it that uses multiple frames, river water, i removed all frames but one, but it still crashed
    any advice?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    so does this mean that the map i have is too big, or uses too much computer space?
    I think there's just some...errors in it. Might be something in the areas.dat or in maps.dat or some other thing related to the maps...
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    OK, ill recheck the code

    I figured it, it was the identifier number and also a prob in the map.dat so it's working now
    Next can someone tell me what system is used for allocating random items throughout areas, I know how plot objects works as well as terrain but that one i didnt get
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    Hmmm i got another idea. What about some small old civilization on notrium? They will not have great tech. They will use still swords and bows and crossbows and things like that. But they will have great survival skill and some of them can be shamans.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    I have in mind a VC/marine village with civilians, who have a weak punch attack, but dont attack you unless you attack them, or are an alien. They will probably have a few simple items that you can steal, and maybe it can be so that you can enter some of the houses, but the rest are locked. I'm currently working on the new maps, and have a river and a river outlet working.

    I couldnt find a black alien graphic in the OP mod, and if anyone has one then I'll be very grateful
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    For that marine village, what about you can make them friends if you bring something to them? like they need something for protect like 4 peeble shotguns and if you give it them they will be able to defend themself and allow you to take something.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    ...with civilians, who have a weak punch attack, but dont attack you unless you attack them, or are an alien.
    If they have no weapons then wouldn't they run away if you were an alien? I would.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    hmm, thats a better idea, although more difficult to implement, although being civilians on a hostile planet theyd probably be the type to attack intruders
    I think i'll make it so that they act the same towards you as to the other player races
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    alright, im having new troubles, i created a black alien graphic (with much difficulty) and then when i tested it i ended up with completely unrelated graphics showing up. It had an egg to start with, the walking graphic was blue alien, attack was green alien, and on occasion it just showed up white square
    What the hell?
    Anarion 18 years ago
    It sounds like the program is looking in the wrong place for the textures for the Black alien. Either that or the textures are in the wrong place.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    If it went to a graphic that wasnt done right, like if it went to a ragdoll picture, would it show different graphics, or try that one?
    Secondly, what things will i have to check to make sure its going to the right graphic? I have a good idea, but I want to make sure
    Anarion 18 years ago
    Hmm... I don't actually know much about modding but I would be checking the dat file that tells the program where to look for the graphics for each creature. Would that be creatures.dat?
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    I think i also have to check the playerraces.dat
    Can somebody who does know please get back to me! I dont want this mod to go belly up, unlike those several thousand others *glares evily*
    Anarion 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    Can somebody who does know please get back to me!
    Oh fine, I'll just bugger off somewhere else then!
    Quanrian 18 years ago
    "Darkdude" said:
    I think i also have to check the playerraces.dat
    Can somebody who does know please get back to me! I dont want this mod to go belly up, unlike those several thousand others *glares evily*

    You'll find all those questions and more in the Modding FAQ. The Effects and Conditions part of it may be a bit long winded, but the rest should be fairly easy to comprehend. If you guys/gals don't even bother reading the Modding FAQ in the first place, you're just making more hassle for yourself, a lot more.
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