"Darkdude" said: OK sorry for the double posting, even though theres more than 24 hrs between them Then there's nothing to be sorry about.
"Darkdude" said: whats a good hosting site? one that doesnt require payment and possibly not registration, as well as not removing the thing after a certain amount of time etc. Well, Hostrim.com doesn't require payment, but you DO need to register. Somewhat nice, and you get a nifty 100mb of space for starters (can be expanded for big projects).
If you don't need that much, you might as well go with Tripod. Although it tends to put ads at the top and the bottom of every god damn HTML thing, it won't remove your information in a LOOOONG time (just look at my current "website"! It's been there for AGES!). IIRC, the bandwidth limit was 3GB, and the amount of space was... what, 20MB?