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  • A randomness topic.

    Pete 18 years ago
    Ok, here I was, thinking about how am I running out of ideas for my mod. I just needed some inspiration. And them I got this idea. I make a randomness topic, where people will post random stuff for other people to use as inspiration. Try to keep it all in one post via copy pasting your old post in the new one and them deleting the old one when adding something new. Oh and dont use this as a spam topic please, try to something that could actually inspire people (somehow)...

    Ok Ill start.

    Cookie, Intro, jumping from a cliff, sleeping, blood, batteries, PDA, wrist watch, pizza, chocolate, candy
    Crazy 18 years ago
    Get a life, got a life, nuke 'em, confused, reality, lack thereof.

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Nukes. 2D. Pasta. Camel. Grave. Post-It(tm).
    Pete 18 years ago
    Now I knew it would work! Post-it notes! Of course!

    Also 3D, imagination, flashy graphic effects. Oh, and System shock 2 style logs.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Steampunk. Corpse. Mech. Gear. Spring (not the season, the metal thingy). Boiler. Contraption. Invention. Blueprints. Redprints. Greenprints. (insert colour here)prints. Anti-Grav units. Tabs. Cannons. Drills. Communication. Music. Sound. Voice. Security. Speaker. Printer. Time. Dimension. Universe. Multiverse. Dynamic. Static. Dictionary.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    mouse. mouse wheel. laser. plasma. atom. molecule. plutonium. steel. gold.
    Pete 18 years ago
    Funny how you guys hit always hit something I have in my mod in all the random words... also, blueprints gave me an idea, so did Anti-grav units, Invention and the mouse wheel! Oh the inspirantion rich day!

    Also microphone, mod new versions that come out soon (wink wink), nightmare, cd, dvd, reflection, wall, white outlines that just never dissapear and ID card.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Oh, so THAT'S what the gigantic void in which all the universes go is called! A Multiverse! WII! Hmm, I could start with that.

    Wii, Games, Nintendo, Cartridge, Silicon, Element, Periodic Table, Compounds, Plastic, Lego, Bionicle, Mask, Africans, Africa, Europe, Earth, Mars, Crater, Comet, Tail, Rat, Animal, Biosphere, Forest, Tree, Transpiration, Sweat, Humans, Machines, Clocks, Gears, springs that go "BOINK!", robot limbs, robots, Bionicle, gears, shiftstick, shift shock, cars... My train of thought has derailed.
    LunaticNeko 18 years ago
    Cars. Helicopter. Airplane. Eurofighter. F22. MiG. Bombs. MOAB. WMD. Uranium. Plunonium. Nuclear Missiles. Fusion. Anti-Matter. Matter. Elements. Atom. Electron. Proton. Anti-Proton. Positron. Neutron. Quark. Photon. Singularity. Black Hole. Worm Hole. Time Travel. Grandfather Paradox. History. Ancestors. Deaths. Spirits. Religion. Burial. Tomb. Grave. Coffins. Zombies. Vampires. Lore. Culture. Civilization. War. Weapons. Rifles. Ammunition. Training. Bayonet...


    [ot] Makes a nice game, where people post extremely great amount of random stuffs in a SINGLE category/chain of related things.
    Redemption 18 years ago
    Guns. Infection. Disease. Robots. Evil Monkeys. Evil robot infectious diseased monkeys with guns. Poision. A giant wheel of cheese. Explosion. Implosion. Exploding Implosion. Shrink ray. Reanimated corpses. Flies that carry very small bombs.
    Barebones 18 years ago
    Pew pew laser beam eyes, Grim Reaper's Monkey Wrench, Tiger Shark Bulldog Xenosapien 3 way, et cetera guillotines.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Thaimodz" said:
    Cars. Helicopter. Airplane. Eurofighter. F22. MiG. Bombs. MOAB. WMD. Uranium. Plunonium....
    Plutonium was already used, man
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Thaimodz" said:
    Cars. Helicopter. Airplane. Eurofighter. F22. MiG. Bombs. MOAB. WMD. Uranium. Plunonium....
    Plutonium was already used, man
    Does it matter? Maybe the order of the entries will spark ideas. This isn't one of those games where you lose if you repeat an old entry! This is one of those games where you score a high score if someone gets more ideas from your junk than anyone else's!
    Madgamer 18 years ago
    lamp, glue, CD, ruler, X-Acto Knife, CD case, tape, monitor, wires, leaf, sticker, doors, stairs, wallpaper, blue screen of death, cubicle, curtains, glue gun, BB gun, airsoft, soaked paper, water gun, exhaust...

    The most off topic yet on topic thread I've ever been in period

    I didn't read the ones above so if I happened to rip off one of your guys stuff... Don't care
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Seven. Jenga. Phoenix. Dracula. Blue. Steel. Silver. Four. Red. Square. Oval. Vvardenfell. 斬魄刀.

    EDIT: In case your computer has no clue what that last one was, it's "zanpakutō."
    Amarth 18 years ago
    It renders fine, but I can't quite read it... Anyway.

    Anger, destruction, love, sex, religion, Mobius, relativity, confusion, angst, P=NP, superhero, Wikipedia, worms, kabbalah, pseudoscience, hive mind, catharsis
    Thaif 18 years ago
    Steampunk(It was here already), Flintlock weapons, Neutronstar, Geothermal heat, Fusion power, Stirling engine, Steamsmith, Mad inventor, Barbarians, Mechanical computer(It actually works!), Superglue, Gatling gun, Hiram Stevens Maxim, Nikola Tesla, Teslacoil, Terra, Gamma-Rays, EMP, Post-acopalyptic, Steam Trek, Automaton and Sleep deprivation, gotta sleep...
    ModSlayer 18 years ago
    Oh oh...I got one...Multiplayer...(lol...I have no ideas actually...)
    Barebones 18 years ago
    Monkey mind controlling populace in a circle of bright sharp pains to the knee like .50 cals to ice cream with a dash of silver dust and pixie body parts. Or the other way around. I did not kill Silver Surfer.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    well that was about as random as it gets.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Supperman and Breakfastboy versus Great Gravy and Waffle Maniac.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    ... Okay, that was just stupid. (Sorry, Grim, but it is)

    How 'bout this? PIE! Nah, too old. Oh, I've got one, and it's true! I had this dream that I was holding a small PCB with a 10-nanometer-process Pentium 1 in it's corner. That was freaky, because just before that, it had looked really big. It was as big as my pinky-nail, and had a matching-scale heatsink. Its fan was useless at that size.

    I have issues, don't I?
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Spanish Muffin speared by Super Spiky Spears from Portuguese Pudin.
    German Pancakes shot by shouting "shoot!" shoots from English Cake.
    Spanish Muffin joins English Cake.
    German Pancakes joins Portuguese pudin.
    They all fight and some months later TGC* destroyed them all, for World Peace.

    *The Glory Cookies
    It's like a nice example
    sharx1 18 years ago
    err btw some1 mentiond an exploding implosion... thats called a sun
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "sharx1" said:
    err btw some1 mentiond an exploding implosion... thats called a sun
    A supernova, actually.

    sharx1 18 years ago
    err no a sun because a sun is a balence between the mass of it trying to squish it to the size of an atom but the explosion trying to push it apart so depending on the balence or unbalence of the exploding implosion its more likely to be a sun
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "sharx1" said:
    err no a sun because a sun is a balence between the mass of it trying to squish it to the size of an atom but the explosion trying to push it apart so depending on the balence or unbalence of the exploding implosion its more likely to be a sun
    Even though supernova is a star that explodes and implodes at the same time?

    Also, you'd better of saying "star" than "sun", since there's far more stars out there than suns.
    sharx1 18 years ago
    ok then to explain this a supernova is a 'star' thats explosion's force is greater than the gravatational pull thus resulting in a 'supernova'

    look it up in wiki it says it is a steller explosion of plasma so therefor a star is the balence of a black hole and a supernova

    black hole: the implodeing of a star wich creates a increadabley small dence object that sucks things into it therefor growing stronger the 'older it is'

    a theory to why i have but 'older it is' in quotation is that black holes take in everything includeing light and time.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    I read that black holes evaporate.
    sharx1 18 years ago
    lol evaporate were did you hear that... the center of the earth for example is about 6000 degrees c but is a solid because of the pressure from the outer layers therefor a black hole would have to be extreemly hot to become a gas and 'evaporate'
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    In any case, you're not being random enough for this thread.

    Rubber baby buggy bumpers!
    sharx1 18 years ago
    lol coz i out smarted you

    hmm ideas...
    human reproduction, intelegence, funny unnessesary items, rubber duck, ruber chickin as a wepon
    Pete 18 years ago
    "sharx1" said:
    funny unnessesary items


    "sharx1" said:
    ruber chickin as a wepon






    Im working on my mod right now. Thanks and toodles to the guy who told me how to open the System shock 2 files, Im digging sounds out as I write. For those I already got there is a little problem. Somehow, the game refuses to load them and gives out ERROR in the debug file, even though I double checked if they are in the file, weird. Anyway the progress is going along nicely. Right now I got it all planned out. Most of it is already in and I just got to replace one placeholder texture, create the Magnet creature.Also the mini robot puzzle map is almost finished, I just go to finish the fourth quater of the map.I have a new death animation as well as another storytelling animation on the way, sadly its not done yet as Im yet to get Gmod 10 and my gmod9 is busted right now.

    Wow. NOW I know why the guys at Black Mesa source team write their site info that way! You get to LOL all the way to the middle of the planet telling everyone how hard you work expect you did worked really good yesterday but didnt do a smallest little bit of work for two weeks straight before that!

    I guess I shoudnt have mentioned that. Toodles! *scrams real fast* Also sorry for wrong thread.
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I read that black holes evaporate.
    Yes they might do, but of course not in the sense a liquid evaporates.

    Black holes lose energy by Hawking radiation. Have fun reading up, because I can't tell you a lot about it.

    But let me stress that a black hole is a theoretical object, predicted by general relativity and with strong support. A bit like 'dark energy' and 'dark matter'. I hate astrophysics. If they can't explain something, they just dream up a new kind of matter. Try doing that in any useful science.

    Screwdrivers, deodorant, beer glass (to name 3 random objects I can see from here)
    Pete 18 years ago
    Just so you know, they DID found quite a few black holes.
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