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Forum » I like Wazzal !!!

I like Wazzal !!!

Mutos 20 years ago
Hi Ville, hi all,

Just dled Wazzal & I like it ^-^ Remembers me of many oldtimers I played through. I'm a fan of Elite-like games, space privateering, that is using commerce, exploration & combat in the same game, all in a sci-fi setting. I dream of making one someday. I'm currently trying to master TrueVision & orbital parameters inspiring from Celestia to make an Orbits Editor for stellar systems, Frontier-like...
ville 20 years ago
I'd love to see your game if you someday manage to make it.
Mutos 20 years ago
Hi Ville,

Me too ^-^ I've never programmed a game so I'll go step by step. Don't expect anything in a short time...

Anyways, i keep going through Wazzal & I find it difficult but very interesting. Still reminds me of many games & has a special flavor of great playability, except for taking over ships where i stille find hard to steer ur character... & I appreciate much not being constrained by a rigid plot !
ville 20 years ago
But it is constrained by a plot!

At least when the random missions get boring, since there aren't very many of them. I should have put in more randomness, it helps in small games.
Mutos 20 years ago
Hi Ville,

Yes u have a plot & it's visible. But it's not so rigid that u can't explore, wander & take many random missions. Freedom & randomness at of great help !

News of dev : i've managed to get a camera up & running & now i'm taking at the orbit builder.
Crazy 20 years ago
The game is so crazy, that the house will twist up!
Crazy 20 years ago
If you are trying to beat me good luck, i am the master here
Nuts 20 years ago
If you are trying to understabd the meaning of Wazzal without playing the game,
good luck. It´s cool to drive around the space, with no limit´s.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Who is trying to beat who? :help :help
(sorry, I must be a bit slow!)
Mutos 20 years ago
Hi all,

Finished Wazzal a number of times, had great pleasure trying to build a squaron w/ ships i like. Also found out a way to capture ships, at the beginning i could capture no ship at all... Question of using ur soldier & concentrating fire...
ville 20 years ago
True, the controls in the minigame were a bit awkward.
Nutest 20 years ago
I think that the controls are good.
Tyrian 20 years ago
just finished wazzal 20 ago... great game i love that types of games
Forum » I like Wazzal !!!

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