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  • The Werivar Expansion Mod.

    Venom31 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I did, but it will only give you, huh, [rot13]bar bs rnpu gbxra[/rot13]. It gives you something more than that in Default. Odd.
    OR something less, if you mind trading 10 energy for 10 L.E.s. And I guess this shouldn't be in "spoiler" rot13s or tags, because it's more fair that everyone knows what bonuses they receive for hard work . Besides that what you just said gives much tactical advance. You can kick LFD in armor(9), much more impenetrable than poor easy-psionic with armor(0). That's why doing it on easy became harder than on Hard... (EDIT: And LFD's stats DO NOT differ from one difficulty to another, AFAIK)
    Drlupinmario 14 years ago
    I cant find the mod anywhere, I checked the guys signature and even did a bit of googling. Does anyone still have this mod?
    Venom31 14 years ago
    The mod downloaded pefrectly for me... You must've been looking wrong . harwe's profile -> link says "I uploaded some Notrium mods here" -> Werivar -> Expansions -> (I downloaded 0.95)
    Malek 14 years ago
    Where is the Lifeforce Portal?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. How the hell do I kill the spiders though? Damn things just split into two and the instructions suck.
    Venom31 14 years ago
    Make Decoys - they eventually attack insectoids and those die without doubling when killed by a Decoy.
    Malek 14 years ago
    Thanks, why do decoys suck? All they want to do is run around shooting at the air -.-
    Venom31 14 years ago
    As I've said, they'll kill them eventually , so you're about to spend much energy for it... It's because their primary (default) tactic is set to sprinkler mode instead of secondary "attack normal" mode. If you catch 'em with a right-click, they'll start engaging enemies directly, but it's hard to do... I've personally changed their tactics in creatures.dat to vice versa - now they're worth a shot.
    Arthur7 14 years ago
    take all the other notrium editions, unit them and make a super notrium ,(with new especies to play because theres only five Human,android,psionic,alien and werivar,)put news like Plant,Reaper,marine and robot wreckrage(is that way that writh? )I dont make because I dont know make games!
    Kario 14 years ago
    "Arthur7" said:
    take all the other notrium editions...
    don't you mean mods
    Arthur7 14 years ago
    "ultimatenotrium" said:
    "Arthur7" said:
    take all the other notrium editions...
    don't you mean mods

    Yeah,I'm sorry....I make my profile yesterday and I am a fan of notrium,can you help me?I want to know how edit notrium,I post that idea ,of the mods,but anyone will make it so,I want to try make it,if you like of idea,make it please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am crazy to see!!
    Arthur7 14 years ago
    VILLE HELP ME ops: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kario 14 years ago
    i don't think ville makes the mods he just made the game. ps, wouldn't this go in the ideas section since this doesn't really go here.
    ShiftyIIs 14 years ago
    ...You need to be much more competent to edit notrium, let alone mod it...There's a topic somewhere that links you to the notium modder...
    Pete 14 years ago
    Obviously this is relevant six months after the post was written.

    And for the record Notrium is easy to mod when compared to most games.
    TNN17 13 years ago
    Hey all. for anyone who still plays this, I was checking through some code on this while working on FM and discovered the cause of the spawner bugs - The quantity and the creature type are switched around on a few of the spawners, including the Dire Reaper and Sniper spawn - as a result, the Dire Reaper spawn continues to spawn until there are 119 Brown Alien Queens on the map (obviously never), resulting in the WTFITOMG phenomenon.

    To fix it, get Notrium Mod Viewer and switch the two figures around in Plot_objects (or do it yourself in notepad). If you need help finding it, let me know and I'll try to pinpoint the precise plot object numbers involved for you at some point.
    Curudan 13 years ago
    I'd hate to toot my own horn, but...

    From September 20, 2008 in this thread:
    "Curudan" said:
    Erm, looking through the plot objects i have noticed something very strange.
    The dire reaper spawner meant to be placed in the map editor has a weird condition.

    Spawner: Dire Reaper;//name---------------------------------------
    0;//map type to place to -1=any map 0=> type from areas.dat
    0;//plot_object class
    0;//object definition number
    0;//number of objects to be placed
    0;//location type, 0=random, 1=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from player start, 2=distance min(parameter1) max(parameter2) from object parameter0, 3=coordinates [parameter0, parameter1] (0=min, 1=max) vary location=parameter2
    0.000000;//location parameter0
    0.000000;//location parameter1
    0.000000;//location parameter2
    0;//show on radar 0=does not show, 1=show on scanner, 2=show even without scanner
    20;//particle to shown on radar
    none;//radiate sound
    -1.000000;//time to delete object in milliseconds, -1=don't delete
    4;//trigger event by 0=player click, 1=player near, 2=near or click, 3=map creation (try to avoid any creature specific effects when using this, also does not check conditions), 4=interval parameter1
    20000;//trigger event parameter1
    0;//show help text for conditions
    none;//event text
    none;//sound, none for nothing
    2;//vanishes after event, 0=no, but cannot be reused, 1=vanishes, 2=no, and can be reused
    10.000000;//condition parameter0
    0.000000;//condition parameter1
    500.000000;//condition parameter0
    1.000000;//condition parameter1
    5.000000;//condition parameter0
    115.000000;//condition parameter1
    10;//effect number

    Right here:
    5.000000;//condition parameter0
    115.000000;//condition parameter1

    It checks if there are less than 115 queen brown aliens in the map, is this intentional?

    I wondered at the time why nobody said anything about me finding this.
    TNN17 13 years ago
    Because I wasn't here!

    But huh, good work anyway, guess my post was unnecessary.
    Pete 13 years ago
    There is also the fact that dire reaper floods are hilaaaarious.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    And enable you to cope with Sniper floods.
    Matz05 13 years ago
    Ok, I <THINK> I fixed the snipers and dire reapers on mine. (at least, I switched the two numbers after 30 for each... interesting file format... Is everything but the comments and subroutine names/begin-ends/etc. numerical?) Any other enemies that are bugged?
    Or any other quick notepad tweaks to improve playability? I know this mod is being depricated, but Final Mix isn't anywhere NEAR complete yet.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    All the notepad tweaks here can be used to either improve playability or make it worse. Also notepad tweaks can be used to generate bugs
    And just what WOULD you like to improve?
    Nocture17 13 years ago
    There aren't any other serious bugs (well, there's plenty of minor ones, nothing serious), and I don't have the code on this machine, but one easy tweak that would make life a lot simpler for the Scavenger would be to switch the wield condition and fire effect of the Biocannon to use 10 inventory fat rather than bar-fat I suppose? You'd potentially have to change the items.dat for the biocannon (if it's a use-condition), or just the weapons.dat (if it's all contained on the weapon info).

    Even for minor tweaking I'd recommend getting the NMV from the sticky, it really does make life a lot simpler, if only by demystifying the code. Even though I use notepad for about a tenth of my work (and it feels like photoshop and gimp for another 20%), NMV is an invaluable time saver.

    Lastly, remember that W/E is open for anyone to add anything to - if you want to change or introduce something major/cool, make a copy of the mod's folders and go to town, I'm happy to help suggest ways of coding to get what you want.
    If it works, you can upload it to filefactory or somewhere and link it here in the thread or in a new one, it doesn't matter if you only fixed three bugs and added a dire small blue alien. It was the lack of small, cool mods (and easy modular addition of small mods together) that stifled the modding community's progress.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    It was the lack of small, cool mods (and easy modular addition of small mods together) that stifled the modding community's progress.
    ...said Nocture and went on to create the without doubt largest and most complex Notrium mod ever.
    Nocture17 13 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    It was the lack of small, cool mods (and easy modular addition of small mods together) that stifled the modding community's progress.
    ...said Nocture and went on to create the without doubt largest and most complex Notrium mod ever.

    Ah! But I started with a small mod adding the Scavenger and tweaking a few bugs in Werivar.
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    where can i find homebase keycard?
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    and how can i build that laser-missile armed robot thing?
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    and also, i cant use hammer, pick axe or shovel.
    Infernus444 (guest) 12 years ago
    You can build that robot with blueprints , it is located in the ice region (when you go in the teleporter from ship cementary area). And about tools, you have to be close to the Large crystal deposit, ore deposit or the sand deposit, and make sure you have enough food.
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    i'm close enough i think. should i wait near these ores or should i try to "U" that tools? and thanks for the blueprints.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    I don't remember, try right clicking the ore deposit first (with your tools in your backpack). If you see that you food starts to deplete fast, than you did it, if not, try "U" on the tool.
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    not working, i can use warp drill near crystal ore but the other tools are not working near their mines.
    INFERNUS 12 years ago
    are you sure? shovel is for sand deposit, hammer for crystal deposit, pickaxe for metal ores.
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    yes, i'm sure, just nothing happens. not even "must be near a ... mine.." text appears. probably a bug. by the way, i need a metal tube, do you know where can i find it? and thanks for your help.
    cya (guest) 12 years ago
    yes, i'm sure, just nothing happens. not even "must be near a ... mine.." text appears. probably a bug. by the way, i need a metal tube, do you know where can i find it? and thanks for your help.
    TNN17doesnotdopasswords (guest) 12 years ago
    Hrrm, Sorry, I don't remember how the tools worked in WE anymore. I'll take a look in the code and see the conditions at some point. It should still work in terms of mine proximity, since I never changed anything beyond making the mining process make you tired.

    Metal Tube should still be in the Gorge area from memory.
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