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  • Werewolf 3 - Return of the Angel

    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    XD That means you just kept protecting the same AI
    Grim: I still don't get it.
    The only thing about the number of Humans was that there was AT LEAST THREE. We were suspecting four, even. You and Pete were the only people who hadn't been either scanned or killed.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Not that, I don't get the fact that you said "hunams" instead of "humans".
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Not that, I don't get the fact that you said "hunams" instead of "humans".

    Sheesh. Children don't learn anything in school these days.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    1) I'm not a child.
    2) That isn't something you learn from school.
    3) Stop thinking I'm someone who is what you think.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    1) I'm not a child.
    2) That isn't something you learn from school.
    3) Stop thinking I'm someone who is what you think.
    1) Yes you are. Everyone is someone's child. Well, unless you're a freak of nature.
    2) Then you're not going to the right school.
    3) We have the right to think whatever we want. You have no right to even TRY using your blatant censorship on our minds, you TOOL!
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    1) I'm not a child.
    2) That isn't something you learn from school.
    3) Stop thinking I'm someone who is what you think.
    1) Yes you are. Everyone is someone's child. Well, unless you're a freak of nature.
    2) Then you're not going to the right school.
    3) We have the right to think whatever we want. You have no right to even TRY using your blatant censorship on our minds, you TOOL!
    1)That means you also have child tendencies!
    2)There's no school that talks about a game.
    3) You're also my TOOL!
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    1)That means you also have child tendencies!
    2)There's no school that talks about a game.
    3) You're also my TOOL!
    1) We're discussing about BIOLOGY, not PSYCHOLOGY. You have parents. That makes you a child of your parents. Simple as that. It doesn't necessarily mean that you act childish.
    2) That's where you're wrong. And if you can't find it on your own, you're either not trying hard enough, or are simply unworthy.
    3) No. You are a tool of THE MAN (i.e. that corporate dipshit out to get us all).
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I'm sick of your chances to deny each of my words. Let's get OnTopic.
    Pete 18 years ago
    Well that was a collosal waste of time!

    Maybe Im a lil dumb, but I cant figure out te cypher. Can anyone drop a hint?
    Amarth 18 years ago
    Get the fuck out of my thread with the bitchfight, both of you.
    [EDIT]Way to late, of course. Think this two posts up [/EDIT]

    A couple of remarks on the previous game. These are meant as discussion items.

    I said to the Angel that, if he didn't send in a protection vote during the night, I'd reuse the one from the previous night. This did happen once (the second time Shingo was protected), however, I don't doubt that IF Nuk would have made it to a computer, he would have protected Shingo since he did so the night before and the night after. On second thought, I don't think I'll do this again in subsequent games. Not on time == chance lost. This also goes for the Wolves, and basically everyone. Agreed?
    Length of the day? The first day was too long - I'll see that we start at a better day next time. Other remarks?
    How about the public voting system that someone (Shingo?) proposed?
    There was something else... Someone (Murska? Shingo? Too lazy to search my PMs) asked me if it was allowed to post fake logs. I said that, yes, of course that is possible, but it seems like he wasn't too convinced that was the right way of playing. So, is fake content allowed? To what level? MY OPINION here is that it'd be quite hard to draw a line of what is possible and what not, so I say 'allow everything'. Not sure what you guys think about it.

    [MORE edit]Lemme give you a bit of a huge hint with the cipher. The key contains 11 characters.

    Also, Murska solved it all by himself.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    [MORE edit]Lemme give you a bit of a huge hint with the cipher. The key contains 11 characters.

    Also, Murska solved it all by himself.
    And I solved it by asking him.
    Shingo 18 years ago
    Grim, your statement is in error. Neither you nor MK were /ever/ screened. Therefore, during the final day, I made it a point to inform Murska that he should instead screen MK.

    Why? Well, at this point I was quite positive that you and MageKing were in fact linked, and that you were in fact the Linker. However, there wasn't a great deal of evidence to prove that MK/You weren't just trying to off everyone, starting with his fellow humans, and with 1 or more possible humans out there, it would be very bad for the third team to control two votes at that late stage in the game.

    Furthermore, I was very convinced that Nuk was the angel, due to his successful protection of me.

    This did not leave a lot of possible options.

    Assuming the worst, I realized that the only possible variables at this stage (since the lynching of Pete was a foregone conclusion, and he was therefore irrelevant), were You and E.

    I was assuming the worst, in that I considered it a possibility that Amarth had decided to give us not two, nor even three, but four humans to deal with.

    I therefore realized that even one of your fellow humans would be likely to vote to eliminate the third team, and therefore if the game had failed to end with this last night, and assuming the screener either ascertained you to be a human, or was killed during the night, the next target for me would not have been E, but you, MK, due to the fact that E = 1 person. Assuming the worst possible scenario:

    MK + Grimsy die, but MK was in fact an innocent.
    This leaves: Shingo, Murska, the nuks, and E.

    But I've revealed my suspicions about E.

    Therefore, E murders one during the night. The remaining innocencts then get rid of him During the next day.
    Murska 18 years ago
    We kinda talked it all out, and it became clear that only possible way with our course of action for us to lose, was if Nuk would be human. Also, some scenarios required us to contact Fnukk, who's been quite inactive. Nuk being human was not probable, as we hadn't got another candidate for being the Angel.

    EDIT: I give you a hint for the cipher too. Amarth already said it, it's got a key. (That rules out some ciphers)
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Anyway, Shingo, that didn't happen.
    What about Fnukk? Did he ever do something in the game or he's just a bit shut?
    Anarion 18 years ago
    I think Fnukk disappeared shortly after the game started.
    Shingo 18 years ago
    Yeah. I say we make sure everyone in the next game is actually an active player. >.>
    Murska 18 years ago
    Oh, and before I forget: I'm gonna count with Nuk next game, too.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Hehe e_e
    Yeah, it would help us after his "brave" firewall protection. XD
    And what about Fnukk? Will we ever let him play again?
    Amarth 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    And what about Fnukk? Will we ever let him play again?
    You honestly think he'll register for the next game?
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Yeah right... what if he does?
    Murska 18 years ago
    Let's think of that then. Anyway, when does the next game start?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    Whenever it does, LEMME IN!
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    I'll second that.
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    We should seriously consider making a bot for this.. I mean, I'm sure Amarth doesn't want to have to keep manually setting this up...

    Actualy, I *did* start making a bot for this (in Python ), however I haven't had a chance to continue work on it.. I can PM it to someone if they want me to.
    Shingo 18 years ago
    Aye, I'll be joining as well.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    We should seriously consider making a bot for this.. I mean, I'm sure Amarth doesn't want to have to keep manually setting this up...

    Actualy, I *did* start making a bot for this (in Python ), however I haven't had a chance to continue work on it.. I can PM it to someone if they want me to.
    Well, there IS a #monkkonenww with it's very own WolfBot.

    Although that one is way faster than regular Werewolf...which is why I prefer the forum version.
    Idiota 18 years ago
    I'll join in too ofcourse. With the note that I demand playtime from the wolves this round. ;_;
    Anarion 18 years ago
    I'm in for another round.
    Pete 18 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I'll join in too ofcourse. With the note that I demand playtime from the wolves this round. ;_;

    You wish

    Hehe. Ill join too, ofcourse.
    The Gemini 18 years ago
    Count me in.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    I think that's 9 players... Murska, you're in, right?

    Are you in, Nuk/Zephyr?
    Murska 18 years ago
    Well, OF COURSE I'm in. I've said it three times now.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Really? Well, I just saw you saying you wanted Nuk in the next game.
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Really? Well, I just saw you saying you wanted Nuk in the next game.
    He was making a mockery of Nuk saying "count with me" instead of "count me in".
    Vacuus 18 years ago
    Blarh, I'll play too
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