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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    Amarth 16 years ago
    Shut up, the 5 of us.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Shut up, the 5 of us.
    I guess this quote deserves to be in this thread.
    Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
    Didn't you shut up few days ago?
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Didn't you shut up few days ago?

    That's like saying 'didn't you shut up a few seconds ago' in a real conversation, what with the speed of this forum...
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Didn't you shut up few days ago?

    That's like saying 'didn't you shut up a few seconds ago' in a real conversation, what with the speed of this forum...
    And I just didn't reply sooner to Nuk's message because I actually had shut up!
    Also, my previous post was on topic. Thank you for ruining the silence.
    Murska 16 years ago
    There's enough silence in these forums as it is. :/
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    If you're going to tell people to shut up, you may as well be on-topic at the same time.

    Jan 09 18:49:13 <OniKoneko> Sleep is for the tired.
    Jan 09 18:49:17 <HamArt> Yeah, your problem.
    Jan 09 18:49:26 <OniKoneko> No, not my problem see...
    Jan 09 18:49:39 <OniKoneko> Because I only suffer from mild halloucinations.
    Jan 09 18:49:43 <OniKoneko> AHH! KEYBOARD SPIDERS!
    Oldie from the Blitzed days.
    Anarion 16 years ago
    <Anarion> Grimsy, Grim Reaper, whats the diff?
    <Grim_Reaper> "sy" versus " Reaper".
    <Grim_Reaper> Plus the former sounds silly.
    <Grim_Reaper> In a bad way.
    <Binky> But Grimsy makes you endearing to the populous!
    =-= Binky was booted from #Monkkonenchat by Grim_Reaper (No it doesn't. Shut up.)

    Not hilariously funny but good for a chuckle. This topic could use a revival of sorts anyway.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    [22] *** OniKoneko sets a ban on Grim_Reaper!*@*.
    [22] *** OniKoneko gives channel operator privileges to you.
    [22] *** OniKoneko gives channel operator privileges to Joozey.
    [22] *** OniKoneko sets a ban on Amarth!*@*.
    [22] *** OniKoneko sets the channel mode to 'secret'.
    [22] *** OniKoneko removes the ban on Grim_Reaper!*@*.
    [22] *** OniKoneko takes channel operator privileges from you.
    [22] *** OniKoneko takes channel operator privileges from Joozey.
    [22] *** OniKoneko removes the ban on Amarth!*@*.
    [22] *** OniKoneko sets the channel mode to 'visible'.
    [22] <OniKoneko> YES
    [22] <OniKoneko> XD
    [22] <varsi> haha'
    [22] <varsi> 23:44 -!- mode/#monkkonenchat [+boobs Grim_Reaper!*@* Amarth Joozey Amarth!*@*]
    [22] <FoulOleRon> Wutev
    [22] <OniKoneko> I gave them boobs, then took them away.
    You will never take away my boobs!

    Err, well. That came out wrong. Still, nice one Oni.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    Enrique1 sure is new to the Internets (This happened in Abjects' #Help channel):
    [23:55] <Enrique1> is there anyone in here that would be generous enough to help me set the greet settings with my bot on my channel
    [23:58] <AskMe4Pars> you can only enable greet with botserv, the individual user has to set their greet through nickserv
    [23:59] <AskMe4Pars> /msg botserve help set greet and /msg nickserv help set greet
    [23:59] <AskMe4Pars> botserv*
    [00:03] <Enrique1> do i have to do both or just botserv because it only has to do with the bot?
    [00:06] <Grim_Reaper> Enrique1: The NickServ thing is for setting _your_ greeting.
    [00:06] <Grim_Reaper> The BotServ is for enabling greetings for the channel (AFAIK).
    [00:06] <Enrique1> ok i just what to config the greet of the bot when someone enters my chan
    [00:06] <Enrique1> *want
    [00:08] <Grim_Reaper> Enrique1: The greeting messages appear to be set by the users themselves via NickServ. The greeting setting of the bot is to the greetings are displayed upon join.
    [00:09] <AskMe4Pars> /msg chanserv help set ENTRYMSG might be what your looking for
    [00:10] <Enrique1> i dont care about what greeting messages appear when i, its the bots greeting the it gives to everyone else that i care about when they join
    [00:11] <AskMe4Pars> then ENTRYMSG would send the same message to everyone that joined
    [00:11] <Grim_Reaper> I don't think you can actually do personalized entry messages for different people (other than making them do the NickServ greeting thing and setting the BotServ greeting yourself).
    [00:12] <AskMe4Pars> thats correct
    [00:12] <Enrique1> setting the BotServ greeting <- is what i want to do
    [00:12] <Enrique1> to my bot
    [00:12] <Enrique1> but i dont know how
    [00:13] <Grim_Reaper> /msg botserve help set greet
    [00:13] <Grim_Reaper> Then tell the people you care about to do the /msg nickserv help set greet
    [00:14] <Enrique1> wait what hold on maybe im not wording my situation right
    [00:16] <Enrique1> you know, how this chan has the topic and then below it the -abjects- thing, how can i do that ?
    [00:16] <AskMe4Pars> /msg chanserv help set ENTRYMSG
    [00:16] <AskMe4Pars> thats what that is
    [00:16] <Grim_Reaper> Note that it's the same message for everyone who joins.
    [00:16] <Enrique1> exactly
    [00:17] <Enrique1> but isnt the -abjects- thing a bot ?
    [00:17] <Grim_Reaper> Yes.
    [00:17] <Enrique1> so wouldnt i need to config my bot?
    [00:17] <Grim_Reaper> A bit.
    [00:17] <Grim_Reaper> Hang ons...
    [00:18] <Grim_Reaper> /bs help set symbiosis
    [00:18] <Grim_Reaper> Or /msg botserv help set symbiosis
    [00:18] <Grim_Reaper> (I prefer the short commands)
    [00:18] <Enrique1> it is already on
    [00:19] <AskMe4Pars> then set your entry message and it should notice it to everyone that joins
    [00:19] <Enrique1> how do i do that
    [00:19] <Grim_Reaper> /msg chanserv help set ENTRYMSG
    [00:19] <AskMe4Pars> lol
    [00:20] <Enrique1> it says -ChanServ- No help available for set Welcome to the UnderGround.
    [00:21] <Enrique1> should i replace help with my chan name
    [00:21] <Grim_Reaper> -_-
    [00:21] <AskMe4Pars> use /msg chanserv set #channel message
    [00:21] <Grim_Reaper> The "help set entrymsg" is for getting information on how to use the command "set entrymsg".
    [00:22] <AskMe4Pars> sorry that wasnt correct
    [00:22] <AskMe4Pars> SET channel ENTRYMSG [message]
    [00:23] <Enrique1> do i include the brackets?
    E_net4 16 years ago
    The Internet possesses all kinds of newbs!
    Murska 16 years ago
    [21:43] <E_net4> I really need to get a hard drive.
    [21:43] <Crazy|Gaming> ...what do you have now?
    [21:43] <E_net4> Another hard drive, that is.
    [21:43] <Grim_Reaper> Chinese people in your basement memorizing numbers.
    [21:43] <Crazy|Gaming> Chinese kids in your basement memo--
    [21:44] <E_net4> XD
    [21:44] <Crazy|Gaming> Damn you, Grim.

    E_net4 16 years ago
    You beat me to it! :O
    bwansy 16 years ago
    Doesn't anyone feel anything wrong with it?
    Hint: A 6-letter word that starts with R.

    Hey c'mon...

    Racism. Anyone?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    Racism. Anyone?
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Definition of racism according to the dictionary:

    a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

    not really the appropriate term here.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    Doesn't anyone feel anything wrong with it?
    Hint: A 6-letter word that starts with R.
    What, radium?

    Come to think of it, yes, I do feel nauseous around radioactives in general.
    bwansy 16 years ago
    Would it make you feel offended if I replace "Chinese" by "American" or whatever nationality you are?
    Murska 16 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    Would it make you feel offended if I replace "Chinese" by "American" or whatever nationality you are?

    No. Since it has nothing to do with the abilities of any particular race(which is what racism means, not nationalities). It just wouldn't make much sense.
    bwansy 16 years ago
    It has nothing to do with abilities. That message carries the implication that "Chinese" == "cheap labours". You may argue that it is not racism, but still it's a stereotype. Just like saying "Americans are killers". Got it?

    Note to self: The internet is infested by 12-yr-old Western kids who wer grown in such an environment that insulting Asians is part of daily conversation. They need it to feel superior. Get over it. Let them be.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    It has nothing to do with abilities. That message carries the implication that "Chinese" == "cheap labours". You may argue that it is not racism, but still it's a stereotype. Just like saying "Americans are killers". Got it?

    Note to self: The internet is infested by 12-yr-old Western kids who wer grown in such an environment that insulting Asians is part of daily conversation. They need it to feel superior. Get over it. Let them be.

    Yeah, I get that. I don't see what's wrong with using stereotypes in humor, as long as nobody present is retard enough to actually think that the stereotypes are true, or to seriously mean that a certain group of people are somehow inferior.

    And your last statement makes you a hypocrite, anyway.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Dude, I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't get your point. But you're taking it way too far. For example, someone once told me a joke:

    What are 2 muslims sitting in the back of a white mercedes?

    - Arrested.

    That's a whole different type of joke. Instead of the stereotypes of chinese people (dedication, geekness) that were used in the original joke, this one seems to imply that all muslims are criminals and terrorists, which is something entirely different. This stereotype is far more negative than the other one. I know some chinese people who study at my university, and I know that they would laugh at these jokes, even though they havn't integrated into Dutch society at all.

    Anyway, just chill dude. Most of the people who read the intelligent conversation are members anyways, and most of our members aren't 12 year olds. Not anymore at least. (Things do change over 4-5 years)
    Thaif 16 years ago
    There is one good thing about "racist" and "streotyping" jokes, if you're willing to see it. That is: Making light of ones background(others or your own), ethnicity, the way one walks, of ones fashion sense, etc, can serve to belittle the fact someone is different than others and so help to come over prejudices as the joking alleviates fear of abnormality and so opens up geniuine conversation.

    Mocking, however is not joking. It's a deliberate attack and an insidious way of masking a jab at someone a harmless joke. That is what is so frowned upon(and rightly so).

    Now, most do-gooders(I'm gonna get stabbed for that one) conclude that shouting(more eloquently than this): "THESE PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT BUT THEY SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE ANY OTHERS" helps the people they are speaking for, when in reality they are urging people to treat them specially(often unwittingly), because of their apparent external qualities(skin/eye color, customs, habits and so on) and not offend them. This however creates a "them" label; the very thing the do-gooders tried to abolish.

    So by not making a huge scene every time someone makes light of some percieved trait or stereotype, can actually help more that shouting real hard that the person in question is a filthy racist dungbag and should be castrated.

    Of course all this is useless if we(humans) can't learn to be individuals in a group and acknowledging that others are too.

    Rant mode off.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    *converts to Christianity*

    Amen to that.

    *drops his religion*
    Amarth 16 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    *converts to Christianity*

    Amen to that.

    *drops his religion*
    dude I'm so offended please don't mention christianity anymore in a serious conversation because you don't know what you are talking about you cannot just convert to say amen and then drop it again that's a racist stereotype you are abusing for a joke that is even more lame as the one about the muslims and making an even more lame joke was pretty hard to do but you managed it anyway congratulations you hurt me in the deepest of my soul and i think i will now go and weep in a corner and cut myself or something see what you have done while trying to be funny you ruined my life you bastard i suggest you go to your next neonazi meeting and kill some blacks because that is what you enjoy in your free time you probably are a vegetarian because hitler was a vegetarian too you're all the same you idiot fascists please die and let the real christians take over the world because that is the only way it will be a good world oh yeah jezus still loves you it's not too late to redeem yourself but you must start now by not making any more racist jokes at christianity kay?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    *converts to Christianity*

    Amen to that.

    *drops his religion*
    dude I'm so offended please don't mention christianity anymore in a serious conversation because you don't know what you are talking about you cannot just convert to say amen and then drop it again that's a racist stereotype you are abusing for a joke that is even more lame as the one about the muslims and making an even more lame joke was pretty hard to do but you managed it anyway congratulations you hurt me in the deepest of my soul and i think i will now go and weep in a corner and cut myself or something see what you have done while trying to be funny you ruined my life you bastard i suggest you go to your next neonazi meeting and kill some blacks because that is what you enjoy in your free time you probably are a vegetarian because hitler was a vegetarian too you're all the same you idiot fascists please die and let the real christians take over the world because that is the only way it will be a good world oh yeah jezus still loves you it's not too late to redeem yourself but you must start now by not making any more racist jokes at christianity kay?

    "Mageking17" said:
    My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!

    . Back to on-topic.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I was actually going to tell Idiota that he just failed to respect christianity, but that sounds like a better answer.
    Amarth 16 years ago
    <Stillborn> I think i'm gay.
    True story.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    <%Grim_Reaper> Yo dawg, we heard yo and yo dawg like yo yos, so we put yo dawg on a yo yo so yo can yo yo yo dawg while yo dawg yo yos, dawg
    <+Hambot2> The crap.
    <!MageKing17> @help surprise
    <+Hambot2> MageKing17: (surprise <an alias, 0 arguments> -- Alias for "say #monkkonenchat Nobody expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!!".
    <+Hambot2> FUCK YES
    Got to love @spam.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Hambot is a great source of amusement:
    <!MageKing17> @if 6 == 5 then [echo [shootsomebody]] else [echo I think not.]
    * +Hambot2 points the gun at Thaif ... *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
    * +Hambot2 I think not.
    <+Hambot2> LOL?
    Crazy 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    <Stillborn> I think i'm gay.
    True story.

    What a fag!
    Idiota 16 years ago
    <+Amarth> In Dutch, we have this proverb... "zelfkennis is het begin van de wijsheid"
    <+Amarth> Knowing one's self is the start of wisdom.
    <+Murska> I think I'm in the same phase.
    <+Amarth> Mind you. It's only the start.

    Taken out of context, it becomes funny. I think.

    I lol'ed.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    <+Amarth> In Dutch, we have this proverb... "zelfkennis is het begin van de wijsheid"
    <+Amarth> Knowing one's self is the start of wisdom.
    <+Murska> I think I'm in the same phase.
    <+Amarth> Mind you. It's only the start.

    Taken out of context, it becomes funny. I think.

    I lol'ed.

    Idiota is drunk, since it's his birthday. Congratulations, Idiota.

    [05:02] <MageKing17> Nothing can remove indestructibility.
    [05:02] <MageKing17> It's a property, not an ability.
    [05:03] <Murska> It's called cheating, deal with it.
    [05:03] <MageKing17> YGOTAS reference pwns me!

    (Note, MK obviously didn't quit here and this is out of context.)
    Idiota 16 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "Idiota" said:
    <+Amarth> In Dutch, we have this proverb... "zelfkennis is het begin van de wijsheid"
    <+Amarth> Knowing one's self is the start of wisdom.
    <+Murska> I think I'm in the same phase.
    <+Amarth> Mind you. It's only the start.

    Taken out of context, it becomes funny. I think.

    I lol'ed.

    Idiota is drunk, since it's his birthday. Congratulations, Idiota.

    I wasn't quite drunk, just under influence. And I still think it's funny.
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