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Forum » Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2
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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    Aegis 17 years ago
    2 of my quotes on 1 page! All bow down before your master!
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    2 of my quotes on 1 page! All bow down before your master!

    See? What a joke.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    I'm thinking of a number. What is it?
    30 posts of discussion later...
    "Amarth" said:
    Hmm. I don't remember it.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    I'm thinking of a number. What is it?
    30 posts of discussion later...
    "Amarth" said:
    Hmm. I don't remember it.

    I'm guessing that's one of the threads which will not be removed?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    I'm guessing that's one of the threads which will not be removed?
    Of course not.
    Shingo 16 years ago
    08/01/30 20:17:37 <Shingo> Ball Magebot, I am concentrating: Is MageKing Madly in Love with Zombie?
    08/01/30 20:17:38 <MageBot> Cannot predict now.
    08/01/30 20:17:41 <Shingo> Ball Magebot, I am concentrating: Is MageKing Madly in Love with Zombie?
    08/01/30 20:17:42 <MageBot> Better not tell you now.
    08/01/30 20:17:43 <Shingo> Ball Magebot, I am concentrating: Is MageKing Madly in Love with Zombie?
    08/01/30 20:17:43 <MageBot> Without a doubt.
    08/01/30 20:17:49 <Shingo> Aha!
    08/01/30 20:17:50 <MageKing17> Ball, did you just lie?
    08/01/30 20:17:50 <MageBot> My sources say no.
    08/01/30 20:17:55 <MageKing17> Ball, are you lying to me again?
    08/01/30 20:17:55 <MageBot> Better not tell you now.
    08/01/30 20:17:57 <MageKing17> Ball, are you lying to me again?
    08/01/30 20:17:57 <MageBot> Most likely.
    08/01/30 20:18:05 <Shingo> xD
    08/01/30 20:18:12 <Shingo> Hahaha!

    I love magebot.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    <%Shingo> Ball Is Mageking madly in love with Zombie?
    <@MageBot> Concentrate and ask again.
    <%Shingo> Mageking I am concentrating: Is MageKing Madly in Love with Zombie?
    <%Shingo> D'oh.
    <!MageKing17> Ball, should I have you kill Shingo again?
    <@MageBot> As I see it, yes.
    <!MageKing17> MageBot, kill Shingo.
    * @MageBot pushes Shingo off the edge of the world
    * MageBot has kicked Shingo from #MonkkonenChat (MageBot)
    Shingo 16 years ago
    08/01/30 20:47:30 <Shingo> Did you enjoy leveling feanor?
    08/01/30 20:47:40 <Shingo> Did it give you orgasmic impulses through your body?
    08/01/30 20:47:42 <Shingo> DID IT?
    08/01/30 20:47:48 <MageKing17> If I can't kill everything solo, I'll decide High Wizards are overrated.
    08/01/30 20:47:53 <MageKing17> Uh... no.
    08/01/30 20:47:56 <Shingo> Ball Was Leveling Feanor a turnon for MK?
    08/01/30 20:47:56 <MageBot> Outlook good.
    08/01/30 20:47:58 <Shingo> xD

    Revenge. >_>
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    MageBot is always a source of fun.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Ball, if a colorblind girl that knows absolutely everything there is to know about color, and she is made to see color, does she learn anything new?
    <@MageBot> Yes.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Mmm.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Ball, is knowing your own fate a paradox because then you would be able to change it?
    <@MageBot> Without a doubt.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Mmm.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Ball, does fate exist?
    <@MageBot> Yes.
    <+Madgamer|Geim_Tiem> Ball, are you capable of lying?
    <@MageBot> Very doubtful.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Ball, by "fate", do you mean it in the sense that free thinking is just an illusion?
    <@MageBot> Without a doubt.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Mmm.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Anthropology, answered.
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Ball, is there a God?
    <@MageBot> Very doubtful.
    <!Idiota> guess that's true :p
    <+Crazy|Gaming> Theology, answered.
    Crazy 16 years ago
    I'm so going to use the line "I asked a magic 8-ball" next time someone asks me how do i know there is no god.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    A magic 8-ball doesn't persuade me, nor any other smart head.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban
    <@MageBot> Concentrate and ask again.
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban
    <@MageBot> Very doubtful.
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban\
    <@MageBot> My reply is no.
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban\
    <@MageBot> My reply is no.
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban\
    <@MageBot> Better not tell you now.
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban\
    <@MageBot> Cannot predict now.
    <!MageKing17|Gaming> XD
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> Ball, will the next person to use this command get a free kickban\
    <@MageBot> Better not tell you now.
    <%Grim|WoW> laff
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> GODDAMNIT
    * Idiota|FMA-F has kicked MageBot from #monkkonenchat (Idiota|FMA-F)
    <%Grim|WoW> Idiota: Not Fullmetal Alchemist?
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> er..?
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> er...
    <!Idiota|FMA-F> er!
    <+Nuk> Ball, er?
    <@MageBot> Don't count on it.
    <+Crazy> Error?
    * Idiota|FMA-F is now known as Idiota-FMP-F
    <+Crazy> Oi.
    <%Grim|WoW> ...LOL
    * Idiota-FMP-F is now known as Idiota|FMP-F
    <!MageKing17|Gaming> XD
    <!Idiota|FMP-F> this is not my day, ok?
    <+Nuk> Nope.

    EDIT: Another funny one.
    <+Crazy> Ball, are you an 8-ball?
    <@MageBot> Cannot predict now.
    <+Crazy> Ball, are you an 8-ball?
    <@MageBot> Signs point to yes.
    <MageKing17|Gaming> MageBot, kill Crazy.
    * MageBot shoves Crazy into a pit of grues
    * MageBot has kicked Crazy from #MonkkonenChat (MageBot)
    * Crazy ( has joined #monkkonenchat
    * ChanServ gives voice to Crazy
    <@MageBot> Welcome, Crazy!
    <+Nuk> lol
    <+Crazy> [21] <Crazy> Ball, rejoin?
    <+Crazy> [21] <MageBot> It is decidedly so.
    Anarion 16 years ago
    [10] <Anarion> So can you see anything there you think can still be improved?
    [10] <Amarth> Hard to say.
    [10] <Amarth> I wonder if that crotch is going to catch my eye ingame as it does here.
    [10] <Anarion> HAHAHAHAHA
    [10] <Anarion> I didn't make it that prominent
    [10] <Anarion> Actually thats just the way the model is shaded, it doesn't actually protrude that far
    [10] <Amarth> Hmm. Could be.
    [10] <Amarth> "Can't wait to play around with it"
    [10] <Anarion> XD
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Once again, excellent work."
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    As requested by Amarth.
    "IRC" said:
    Feb 13 15:27:58 <%Shingo> MAGEKING17.
    Feb 13 15:28:03 <%Shingo> tells me about the card you gotteded.
    Feb 13 15:28:05 <%Shingo> Or I'll cry.
    Feb 13 15:28:09 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> Which card?
    Feb 13 15:28:13 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> I got a number of nifty cards.
    Feb 13 15:28:14 <%Shingo> iunno.
    Feb 13 15:28:17 <%Shingo> All of them.
    Feb 13 15:28:24 <%Shingo> I have a maxed out sniper, btw.
    Feb 13 15:28:28 <%Shingo> And a maxed out priest.
    Feb 13 15:28:41 <%Shingo> And a fairly high up champion, Soul Linker, Lord Knight, Stalker, and er... hmm.
    Feb 13 15:28:45 <%Shingo> I think that's it for now.
    Feb 13 15:29:02 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> "Visara the Dreadful", "Chainer, Dementia Master", "Souldrinker", "Spoils of Evil", "Spoils of War", "Consumptive Goo"...
    Feb 13 15:29:04 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> Some others.
    Feb 13 15:29:16 <%Shingo> What the hell are those and where would I find links to them? o.O
    Feb 13 15:29:22 <%Shingo> And where /are/ they?!?
    Feb 13 15:29:26 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> Eh?
    Feb 13 15:29:31 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> At a card shop, I suppose.
    Feb 13 15:29:38 <%Shingo> I didn't see them when Idiota mentioned them (I looked on your wizard because I couldn't google them).
    Feb 13 15:29:44 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> ...
    Feb 13 15:29:50 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> NOT RAGNAROK ONLINE CARDS.
    Feb 13 15:29:51 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> God damn.
    Feb 13 15:29:54 <%Shingo> Oooh.
    Feb 13 15:29:57 <%Shingo> Magic the Gathering cards?
    Feb 13 15:29:59 <+Amarth> XD
    Feb 13 15:29:59 <!MageKing17|SoaSE> Yes.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    rofl... just... wow.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Too bad I didn't get the joke.

    No, I don't have any cards.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Bones" said:
    Are you guys insane?!
    Interrupting in the player_races file and changing numbers?!
    You all should be ashamed by yourself!!!
    Notrium is an EASY game, I've finished the game on hard in every mod without ever doing that!!!
    I can bet that only me and Gorrs have played without doing that. (And some other exceptions in the human race)
    Forgot to put this in here before, for some reason.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Oh right... a joke. I thought this was drama at first.
    Madgamer 16 years ago
    Suddenly, .netsplit. THOUSANDS OF THEM

    <+Madgamer> How dare you, you insolent wench!
    * +Madgamer pulls out a switch and rolls an initiative.
    <+Madgamer> 19.
    <+Madgamer> I skip your turn, then roll 2d6 and collect 200.
    * @Ville (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Quit (Client Lost In Netsplit)
    * Joozey (~Jostievan@76b3cfb.3d8d9d00.306c6d51.1e624c7dX) Quit (*.net *.split)
    * MarioVanPeebles (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> Quit (*.net *.split)
    * +Murska ( Quit (*.net *.split)
    * !OniKoneko ( Quit (*.net *.split)
    <!MageKing17> 0_o
    <+Madgamer> LOLWUT
    <!MageKing17> FUCK.
    <!MageKing17> They'd better be making some bitchin' updates.
    * MageKing17 sets mode: +u
    <+Madgamer> AYE
    <Anonymous> BUT FUN ALL THE SAME.
    * Ville (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * Joozey (~Jostievan@76b3cfb.3d8d9d00.306c6d51.1e624c7dX) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * MarioVanPeebles (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * Murska ( has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * OniKoneko ( has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * sets mode: +ovao Ville Murska OniKoneko OniKoneko
    <Anonymous> [MageKing17] Never fear, an Admin is here!
    * MageKing17 sets mode: -u
    <!MageKing17> Hmm, I guess we weren't the netsplit ones.
    <!MageKing17> If the +u stayed.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    It all started with this:
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> HAY MURSKAY
    <@Ville> HAY NUKLAY

    Then, some time later, confusion seemed to set in.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Ville is a bot irght
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> right
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> he got upgraded?

    So I decided to play along.
    <@Ville> What do you think?

    Then the fun began (notice how I never actually lie when I'm talking through the bot).
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> VILLE IS ALIVE?
    <@Ville> Well, I'm not dead. [Never alive, therefore cannot be dead.]
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> I thought this is only a bot.

    I decided this was much too funny to pass up.
    >Murska< Don't say a word.
    -Murska- xD
    <@Ville> Think all you like. [Not actually denying it, though.]
    -Murska- Almost did. xD
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> I think icecream
    -Murska- This is SO going for funniest quotes. [Indeed.]
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Hmmmm
    >Murska< Hells yes.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Ville, you got spare time?!?!?!? O_O
    <+Murska> He has to have SOME free time, at least. [Not even Murska's lying, yet.]
    <+Murska> I mean, nobody can work all the time.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> But he has got a wife.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Isn't that like time consuming?
    -Murska- I'll let Ville speak for himself. xD
    <@Ville> Time is relative. [Cryptic comments always seem to avoid further questioning.]
    <+Murska> Besides, even if he isn't on computer all the time, his IRC might be on. I'm often idling here, and Ville's also here often. [Depending on interpretation, still not a lie.]
    <@Ville> I'm rarely not present here. [Also not a lie.]
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> What the.....
    <+Murska> I've seen such occurrances twice.
    <+Murska> For any lenght of time, really.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Yet no quotes from you on IRC?
    <@Ville> Actually, there are. Just not many. [Still true.]
    <!MageKing17> He's not really funny, most of the time. [Also true, seeing how as most of the time he does absolutely nothing.]
    <@Ville> It's a character flaw. [Doesn't specify whether or not Ville has said character flaw, only that it exists.]
    <+Murska> And then some server failure stuffs, but everyone leaves when those happen.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Ville is a serious man.
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> With seriously good games.
    <@Ville> Should I take that as a compliment?
    <+Murska> Overworking on Cormoon. [Since the real Ville is, theoretically working on Cormoon, still true.]
    <!MageKing17> Well, someone saying you have good games is a compliment, yes. [This would be the "generic you" and not the "specific you".]
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> Dunno
    <@Ville> True.
    <+Murska> He's draining all his sense of humor there. [Here's where I get fuzzy. ]
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> I lost my sense of humor in Hungary
    <+Nuklearni-okurka> they stole it!
    -Murska- I see that. xD
    >Murska< See what?
    -Murska- Pity it isn't April Fool's day anymore.
    -Murska- That he lost his sense of humor.
    >Murska< Ah.
    -Murska- Is it AF's day in some part of teh world anymore?
    >Murska< Nope. Not unless they're further than 12 hours behind GMT.
    -Murska- Well, you never know how behind some people are.
    >Murska< Like, for example, Nuk?
    -Murska- I see you catch my drift. xD

    Sadly, Nuk never said anything again, after that. However, there was an interesting moment later...
    -Murska- I'd be suspicious about Ville only being an op while you and Oni are admins, this being a monkkonen channel after all, if I were Nuk.
    >Murska< I'd be suspicious of Ville suddenly having perfect spelling and grammar.
    -Murska- Suddenly?
    -Murska- I've never seen him not spell well. Might be cuz he doesn't speak.
    >Murska< Ah, but you've seen his posts on the forums.
    >Murska< And so, theoretically, has Nuk.
    -Murska- Well, yeah. Rarely on the general forums where I usually am but still.
    -Murska- not that he has really BAD grammar or spelling anyway.
    <!MageKing17> He just doesn't have the full grasp of a native English speaker with too much time to study his own language.
    <+Murska> Er. WhaT?

    AW, CRAP.
    >Murska< AW, CRAP
    <!MageKing17> Sorry, wrong window.
    >Murska< GOD DAMNIT
    -Murska- Good save.
    -Murska- Would've been worse if you'd have typed "notice Murska He just doe..."

    And that's the end of that story. Sadly, I don't think we'll be able to pull that joke twice, but it was fun while it lasted.
    Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
    Actually, I was afk when Murska said that.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Somewhat later, this happened:

    (Sorry for it being this long, but it seems Nuk just refused to believe common sense.)

    EDIT: Said what, Nuk?

    <Nuklearni-okurka> I wish I could have a credit card which can hold dollars
    <Nuklearni-okurka> do you guys know any online account where you can send money form your country and it converts to dollars?
    <Grim|WoW> ...what
    <Grim|WoW> Your statement and question do not make sense.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> Like I send czech kroners to a paypal account or something and it wil convert it to dolars?
    <MageKing17|GMod> ...
    * MageKing17|GMod facepalms
    <Nuklearni-okurka> :/
    <Grim|WoW> And why wouldn't a credit/debit card suffice?
    <Nuklearni-okurka> so no chance for me
    <Nuklearni-okurka> credit card doesn't work
    <Nuklearni-okurka> it can't hold dollars
    <Nuklearni-okurka> we would have to pay for that even if there isn't any dollar
    <Nuklearni-okurka> stupid service :/
    <Grim|WoW> ...
    <Nuklearni-okurka> So no chance to get gmod10
    <Grim|WoW> If it doesn't work...
    <Grim|WoW> ...then it means you can't use it to pay on the internet.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> no
    <Nuklearni-okurka> It holds CZECH KRONER
    <Grim|WoW> Talk to your credit card service provider and ask them how to get it work on the internet.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> It can't hold DOLLARS
    <MageKing17|GMod> Credit card doesn't hold money.
    <Grim|WoW> Credit cards hold ELECTRONIC MONEY.
    <Grim|WoW> Or, rather, INFORMATION about electronic money.
    <MageKing17|GMod> Speaking of Kroners or Dollars makes no sense.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> :/
    <Nuklearni-okurka> I can't buy gmod10 with czech kroner
    <MageKing17|GMod> Yes you can.
    <Grim|WoW> Saying that your credit card doesn't hold dollars is quite as stupid as saying that you can't buy a 10$ thing when you have, say, twenty 1$ bills, but no 10$ bills.
    <Grim|WoW> (assuming there are 10$ bills)
    <MageKing17|GMod> (I'm pretty sure there are)
    <MageKing17|GMod> (I'm, like, 99% sure)
    <Nuklearni-okurka> GRIM ITS TRUE
    <Nuklearni-okurka> Ffs
    <Nuklearni-okurka> It can ahve only czech kroner on it
    <MageKing17|GMod> Just actually try to buy it.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> If I want dollars on it, I have to pay.
    <MageKing17|GMod> Then come talk to us.
    <Grim|WoW> Indeed.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> How did you buy your gmod
    <Nuklearni-okurka> with dollars or not
    <MageKing17|GMod> With a credit card.
    <Grim|WoW> Go to Steam
    <Nuklearni-okurka> which holded which money
    <Grim|WoW> click "Buy GMod"
    <Grim|WoW> Enter credit card details
    <MageKing17|GMod> The credit card held no money.
    <Grim|WoW> Click "purchase"
    <MageKing17|GMod> Because it is a credit card.
    <Grim|WoW> done.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> Grim
    <Nuklearni-okurka> You can't buy on steam with other currency than dolars
    <Grim|WoW> ...
    <MageKing17|GMod> You mean it doesn't display the value in a currency other than dollars.
    <MageKing17|GMod> Which is completely different.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> Hmmm?
    <Grim|WoW> Indeed.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> It does that?
    <MageKing17|GMod> Now go buy the damn thing.
    <Grim|WoW> I use Euros.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> Czech Republic is so sucky that it won't accept :/
    <MageKing17|GMod> I call shenanigans.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> ¨what is that
    <MageKing17|GMod> I think the words you speak are not the truth.
    <MageKing17|GMod> And that you should shut up and buy the damn thing.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> So I don't need dollars?
    <MageKing17|GMod> You just need money.
    <Nuklearni-okurka> ANY money?
    <Nuklearni-okurka> and It will take the RIGHT amount?
    <MageKing17|GMod> Any money is money.
    <Grim|WoW> You need to have money that is equal or greater than the amount of money required to pay for GMod 10.
    <MageKing17|GMod> You probably have more.
    <MageKing17|GMod> Unless you're broke.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Seriously... Nuk, there are two shameful possibilities:

    - You didn't buy the game properly;
    - Your credit card sucks on ice.
    Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
    I haven't bought the game yet. How can that be unproper buying?

    Also, go to hell.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    I haven't bought the game yet. How can that be unproper buying?

    Also, go to hell.
    Calm down there, I'm trying to be reasonable. Anyone in the world should be able to buy a game from Steam, and everyone else in these forums agree with this. There has to be some bizarre problem with your purchase.
    Maybe you should be more specific with the error you get when trying to buy the game.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Maybe you should be more specific with the error you get when trying to buy the game.
    Actually, from what he told us on IRC, it seemed like he hadn't even tried purchasing it because the game price shows up in USD.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Maybe you should be more specific with the error you get when trying to buy the game.
    Actually, from what he told us on IRC, it seemed like he hadn't even tried purchasing it because the game price shows up in USD.
    If that's true... Nuk, you have no damn excuse.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Maybe you should be more specific with the error you get when trying to buy the game.
    Actually, from what he told us on IRC, it seemed like he hadn't even tried purchasing it because the game price shows up in USD.
    If that's true... Nuk, you have no damn excuse.
    I believe that's the gist of what we were saying.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    If that's true... Nuk, you have no damn excuse.
    I believe that's the gist of what we were saying.
    This reminds me the only fun thing about this is Nuk's ignorance... Shall we fetch another kind of humour?
    Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
    Yes. Probably something about tricking you.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Yes. Probably something about tricking you.
    "At the 3rd time it's it."
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Oh shut up, both of you.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Oh shut up, both of you.
    I did shut up. As in, 2 days ago...
    Murska 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Oh shut up, both of you.
    I did shut up. As in, 2 days ago...

    I'm rather sure he meant you should stop posting useless spam into the topic? Like, what you just did.
    Forum » Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2
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