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Forum » Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2
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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    E_net4 17 years ago
    I lol'd. XD
    Murska 17 years ago
    Locking the "Forum Rigor Mortis" thread due to inactivity struck me as ironic, and quite disturbing.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    So why did you post here? It ain't funny.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    So why did you post here? It ain't funny.
    In a way, it IS.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    [12:57] <!MageKing17> Crazy's here.
    [12:58] * Crazy ( has joined #monkkonenchat
    [12:58] * ChanServ gives voice to Crazy
    [12:58] <!MageKing17> Told you.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    [00] <OniKoneko> Damnit
    [00] <OniKoneko> I needed MK to help me make hybrids drop more nanites
    [00] <MageKing17|SE4> What do you need?
    [00] <MageKing17|SE4> I have magic voodoo that allows me to run SE4 windowed.
    [00] <OniKoneko> >.>
    [00] <OniKoneko> I needed MK to help me make hybrids drop more nanites
    [00] <MageKing17|SE4> Again, what do you need?
    [00] <OniKoneko> Uhmm
    [00] <OniKoneko> What do I do to make hybrids drop more nanites?
    [00] <MageKing17|SE4> I don't know. What do you do to make hybrids drop more nanites?
    Anarion 17 years ago
    [01] <Niwsters> Remeber: When everything fails..
    [01] <Niwsters> ..Blame they guy who can't speak English
    [01] <Anarion> lol
    [01] <Niwsters> US is doing that, they are blaming the Chinese for the global warming
    [01] <Anonymous1157> lol
    [01] <Anonymous1157> Wait, what?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    That was the ass-plastic's fault. Honestly.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Umm, arse-plastic? O.o
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    You see, there's this power adaptor manufactured by Engrish-speakers that... well...

    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    You see, there's this power adaptor manufactured by Engrish-speakers that... well...

    I remember Crazy did the same "nevermind" thingy when I said the female units were broken.
    Anyways, we have a spot for offtopicness, if we wish to use it.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    We're having fun with a new mode added to Wolfbot:
    [16:12] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- It is currently day. Villagers, you have {90} seconds to debate who you think the werewolf (or werewolves) might be, after which you will be given the chance to vote on who to lynch.
    [16:12] <Anonymous> So, codeword Hadfhrtefdherf.
    [16:12] <Anonymous> This'll be FUN.
    [16:12] <Anonymous> hadfhrtefdherf?
    [16:12] <Anonymous> I'll vote Anonymous.
    [16:12] <Anonymous> Right. Who to protect? :/
    [16:13] <Anonymous> Who to see?
    [16:13] <Anonymous> Who to kill?
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think Murska is evil.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think whoever said that is.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think mage's evil.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think I am evil.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think YOU'RE evil.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I agree.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I think your MOM is evil.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> I AM THE ANGEL! SPARE ME!
    [16:13] <Anonymous> THIS IS SO CONFUSING
    [16:13] <Anonymous> xD
    [16:13] <Anonymous> That was SO Amarth.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> Actually, it was me.
    [16:13] <Anonymous> Who?
    [16:14] <Anonymous> You.
    [16:14] <Anonymous> Me, of course.
    [16:14] <Anonymous> Me?
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- You have {30} seconds to send your votes to me. Type "/msg Wolfbot vote <name>" to do so. The person with the most votes will be lynched. In the event of a tie, a random victim will be chosen. If nobody votes, nobody will be lynched.
    [16:14] <Anonymous> (That's the same person.
    [16:14] <Anonymous> My god.
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {MageKing17} has cast their vote for {Amarth}!
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Amarth} has cast their vote for {Murska}!
    [16:14] >Wolfbot< vote Murska
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Murska} has cast their vote for {Amarth}!
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Doran_Llek} has cast their vote for {Murska}!
    [16:14] <Anonymous> TIE
    [16:14] <Anonymous> I AM DOCTOR
    [16:14] <Anonymous> SHEESH
    [16:14] <Anonymous> DON'T
    [16:14] <Anonymous> IT'S NOT STARTREK
    [16:14] <Anonymous> I'm SEER.
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- Votes: Amarth - 2, Murska - 2
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Amarth} struggles vainly, trying to escape, but the other villagers overpower {Amarth}. The sun sets that night with {Amarth} hanging limply from a tree.
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Amarth} was the angel.
    [16:14] * Wolfbot removes voice from Amarth
    [16:14] * Wolfbot removes voice from Doran_Llek MageKing17 Murska
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- It is currently night. All the villagers are fast asleep, tucked away in their beds and awaiting sunrise.
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- Wolf (or wolves), you have {60} seconds to send me the name of your victim. Just type "/msg Wolfbot kill <name>". If there is a tie, a victim will be randomly selected.
    [16:14] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- Seer, you have {60} seconds to send me the name of the person you want to scan. Just type "/msg Wolfbot see <name>".
    [16:15] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- As the sun rises, the villagers awake and gather in the central courtyard. Then their hearts sink as they notice a problem... {Doran_Llek} is missing. They rush over to {Doran_Llek}'s house, but even before they open the door and find the mauled, bloody corpse, they knew {Doran_Llek} was dead.
    [16:15] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- {Doran_Llek} was a normal villager.
    [16:15] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- The wolves are victorious!
    [16:15] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- The game is over.
    [16:15] -Anonymous/#Monkkonenww- Roles: MageKing17 - Wolf, Murska - Seer
    [16:15] * Wolfbot sets mode -m #monkkonenWW
    [16:15] * Wolfbot sets mode -u #monkkonenWW

    EDIT: More fun!
    [20:12] -Wolfbot/#Monkkonenww- {WolfAI} has cast their vote for {Amarth}!
    [20:12] <+Amarth> THAT THING IS EVIL
    Anarion 17 years ago
    HAHAHAHA, that Anonymous thing was hilarious!
    Murska 17 years ago
    We're also adding roles, forced nighstart, suicide, role toggles(Which roles are in the game), random roles mode, in which there is a wolf and every other role is randomised.(Only 1 seer/wolf/angel/idiot/Doppleganger etc. per game.)
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    We're also adding roles, forced nighstart, suicide, role toggles(Which roles are in the game), random roles mode, in which there is a wolf and every other role is randomised.(Only 1 seer/wolf/angel/idiot/Doppleganger etc. per game.)
    Um... wouldn't that be added? ;P
    Anarion 17 years ago
    ...and shouldn't you be discussing this in the topic you created for it?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    [2007-07-30 11:43] <Anonymous1157> Thar be static on the RP channel!
    [2007-07-30 11:43] <Binky> In the median thing I found out that druid's have very fast attack speeds with large axes.
    [2007-07-30 11:43] <Binky> lol
    [2007-07-30 11:43] <Nuk> median is too esay
    [2007-07-30 11:44] <Binky> O_O
    [2007-07-30 11:44] <Binky> O_o
    [2007-07-30 11:44] <Binky> o_O
    [2007-07-30 11:44] =-= Binky was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Stop repeating yourself!)
    [2007-07-30 11:45] -->| Binky (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> I don't get kicked!
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XDD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <E_net4>
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157>
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> Xd
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> xd
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> O.o
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> dX
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> dx
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> údlfúpasldúpd
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> o.O
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> gpfd
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> O.o
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> g
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Binky> O_O
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> o.O
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Nuk> flkd
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Binky> O_O
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> O.o
    [2007-07-30 11:45] <Anonymous1157> o.O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Binky> O_O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Nuk> sdpgl
    [2007-07-30 11:46] =-= Binky was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Stop repeating yourself!)
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Nuk> sda
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Nuk> spams
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:46] -->| Binky (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Binky> I'M IDENTIFIED!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> O.O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] =-= Binky was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> O.O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> O.O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] -->| Binky (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Binky> What gives.
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> O.O
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> X(
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Binky> It says I'm already identifed.
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Binky> >_<
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> X(
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> X(
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <Anonymous1157> X(
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> You're bugged up-
    [2007-07-30 11:46] =-= Binky is now known as Bink
    [2007-07-30 11:46] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Anonymous1157> STFU!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v Bink by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> Let's enjoy, while there is no Op.
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> STFU
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> O-O
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> o_o
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> o_o
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> o_o
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> o_o
    [2007-07-30 11:47] =-= Bink was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Stop repeating yourself!)
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:47] -->| Bink (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Anonymous1157> MY ARSE
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Anonymous1157> STFU!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <Bink> I'M IDENTIFIED! SO STOP BOOTING ME VILLE-BOT!
    [2007-07-30 11:47] =-= Bink was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 11:47] -->| Bink (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:47] <E_net4> YOUR ARSE
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> YOUR ARSE STFU
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> STFU!
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Bink> @^%@%&@^@#*&@#!
    [2007-07-30 11:48] |<-- Bink has left (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> lol
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> Let's communicate by pokes.
    [2007-07-30 11:48] |<-- Anarion has left (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Anonymous1157> You buttsecksers! You made him leave!
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke* *poke* *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] * Nuk pokes E_net4 once long
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] * Nuk pokes E-net4 once short
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke* *poke* *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] -->| Bink (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Anonymous1157> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke* *puke* *puke* *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke* *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke* *puke* *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk> *puke*
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <E_net4> lol, puke!
    [2007-07-30 11:48] <Nuk>
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Nuk> the chatroom looks good now
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Bink> DON'T BOOT MEH!
    [2007-07-30 11:49] =-= Bink was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 11:49] -->| Bink (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Anonymous1157> WHAT... THE... CENSORDED.
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Bink> D'oh!
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <E_net4> Censorded?
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Bink> What the crap.
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Bink> How does the bot keep booting me, even though I'm identified?
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Anonymous1157> I just spat my drink in real life, you fools!
    [2007-07-30 11:49] =-= Bink is now known as Binky
    [2007-07-30 11:49] <Anonymous1157> LOL
    [2007-07-30 11:49] -->| Anarion ( has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 11:49] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v Anarion by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 11:50] <Binky> Ok...
    [2007-07-30 11:50] <Binky> something's wrong with mah name.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    As you wish. XD
    3 Stupid quotes for today!
    <Bink> DON'T BOOT MEH!
    * Bink was kicked by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)

    <Amarth> Yep, Ville is evil. We know.
    <Amarth> Though ZeX is worse.
    <Amarth> We should name the bot ZeX.
    <Nuk> does he deserver that?
    <E_net4> Let's create a bot named "I_Hate_ZeX"
    <E_net4> Then we...
    <Nuk> amarth
    * E_net4 is now known as I_Hate_ZeX
    <Nuk> learn your hambot something about zex
    * I_Hate_ZeX !!!!!!!
    * I_Hate_ZeX ! Do you?
    <Amarth> XD
    * I_Hate_ZeX FOR REALZ!
    * I_Hate_ZeX !!!! ROFL
    <Amarth> Nuk: what do you mean?
    * I_Hate_ZeX because he's a jerk.
    <Anonymous1157> Holy crap, someone is already using the nickname I!
    <I_Hate_ZeX> lol.l
    * Anonymous1157 is now known as Please
    <Nuk> like command Ask:
    <Nuk> or
    * Please shut the fuck up
    <Nuk> Info ZeX
    * I_Hate_ZeX ! And YOU STFU!
    * I_Hate_ZeX ! After all, we all do!
    * Please stand up if you're the real Slim Shady.
    <I_Hate_ZeX> *stands up*
    <Please> XD
    <I_Hate_ZeX> I'm slim shady, yes I'm the real shady!
    * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    <I_Hate_ZeX> All you other slim shady's are just imitatin'!
    <I_Hate_ZeX> Yeah!
    * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    * I_Hate_ZeX !!!
    <Please> XD
    * I_Hate_ZeX is now known as All
    <Amarth> Whoah. That is old. I have that CD somewhere.
    * All you other slim shady's are just imitatin!
    * Binky has joined #MonkkonenChat
    <Please> dX
    * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    <Amarth> XD
    <Binky> xD
    * All is now known as Are
    * Binky is now known as Word
    * Are you mad??
    * Word to your motha!
    <Word> xD
    * Word is now known as Pr0n
    * Are are you deaf? STFU!
    * Pr0n is weird.
    * Please is now known as MSWord
    * Pr0n is now known as Gotha
    <MSWord> I has a paperclip!
    * Gotha is now known as Gotcha
    * Gotcha .
    * Are is now known as You
    * You all suck!
    * Gotcha sucka!
    <Amarth> It's becoming hard to keep track who is who
    * Gotcha , you big sucka!
    * MSWord is very paperclippy today
    * You suck my ****, jerks!
    <Nuk> :/
    <Nuk> lo
    * Gotcha is now known as We
    <Nuk> l
    * MSWord is now known as Someone
    * We nuked 'em with a nuke named duke
    * Someone needs to change back to their real nick!
    <Nuk> what to change nick? / ?
    * You have a grandma so fat she broke your chair by sitting on it!
    * We is now known as Binky
    * Amarth is now known as Duke
    <Binky> :O
    <Binky> lol
    * Duke it out.
    <Nuk> is it /nick?
    * Someone is now known as Anonymous1157
    * You is now known as My
    <Nuk> it dont work
    * My mind is great.
    <Binky> I'm now known as my? xD
    * Duke is now known as No
    * My is now known as Anyone
    * No it isn't.
    * Binky is now known as Duke
    * Anarion is now known as Our
    * Duke Nukem is crazy
    * Anyone should like mudkips!
    * Anyone is now known as Everyone
    * No is now known as SO
    * Everyone is stupid.
    * Duke is now known as Noone
    * SO was kicked by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    * Noone should like mudkips!
    <Everyone> XD
    * Our is now known as We
    * SO has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Noone is now known as Binky
    <SO> (this nick is registered, lol)
    <Nuk> everyone is stupid
    * Everyone fight each other!!!
    * We think this is crazy
    * SO is now known as Amarth
    <Nuk> so that everyone is ed
    <Binky> wtf.
    <Nuk> so i think he is stupid
    <Nuk> haaaaaaa im cleve
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v Amarth
    * Everyone is now known as I_think
    * Anonymous1157 is now known as Ain
    <Binky> I'm still not identified!
    * Ain is now known as Aint
    <Binky> WHAT GIVES!
    * I_think this log deserves to be on the funniest.
    * Binky was kicked by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    * We think Nuk is stupid
    * Binky has joined #MonkkonenChat
    * Aint nothing gonna break my stride!
    * Aint nothing gonna slow me down!
    * I_think is now known as YOU
    <Aint> Wuh-oh!
    * You were kicked by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #monkkonenchat
    * Rejoined channel #monkkonenchat
    <Aint> I got to keep on moving!
    <YOU> lol, wth!
    <Amarth> I highly suggest not to use caps
    * We is now known as Anarion
    * YOU is now known as E_net4
    * ChanServ sets mode: +v E_net4
    <Binky> Arghs.
    * Binky has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
    * Aint is now known as Noob
    * E_net4 is now known as Are
    * Are I PANT?
    * Noob says not
    * Amarth is now known as U
    * U R PANT
    * Noob s!
    * Anarion think this is foolish
    <Are> "O" nickname in use!
    <Anarion> wait....what?
    * Are is now known as Amarth
    <Amarth> lol...
    * Noob patrol! WEEOO WEEOO WEEOO
    * Amarth is now known as E_net4
    * U is now known as Amarth
    <Amarth> Dammit, i was just going to ghost you
    <Anarion> Someone is actually using I as their name?
    * E_net4 is now known as Steal
    * Steal steal meh nick!
    <Noob> Yes.
    * Steal meh nick!
    <Anarion> The nickname “Iâ€
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    [2007-07-30 11:58] =-= E_net4 is now known as I_Hate_ZeX
    [2007-07-30 11:58] <Nuk> learn your hambot something about zex
    [2007-07-30 11:59] * I_Hate_ZeX !!!!!!!
    [2007-07-30 11:59] * I_Hate_ZeX ! Do you?
    [2007-07-30 11:59] <Amarth> XD
    [2007-07-30 11:59] * I_Hate_ZeX FOR REALZ!
    [2007-07-30 11:59] * I_Hate_ZeX !!!! ROFL
    [2007-07-30 11:59] === The nickname ``I'' is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one.
    [2007-07-30 11:59] <Amarth> Nuk: what do you mean?
    [2007-07-30 11:59] <Anonymous1157> Holy crap, someone is already using the nickname I!
    [2007-07-30 11:59] * I_Hate_ZeX because he's a jerk.
    [2007-07-30 11:59] <I_Hate_ZeX> lol.l
    [2007-07-30 12:00] =-= User mode for Anonymous1157 is now -r
    [2007-07-30 12:00] =-= YOU are now known as Please
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <Nuk> like command Ask:
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <Nuk> or
    [2007-07-30 12:00] * Please shut the fuck up
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <Nuk> Info ZeX
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <Nuk>
    [2007-07-30 12:00] * I_Hate_ZeX ! And YOU STFU!
    [2007-07-30 12:00] * I_Hate_ZeX ! After all, we all do!
    [2007-07-30 12:00] * Please stand up if you're the real Slim Shady.
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <I_Hate_ZeX> *stands up*
    [2007-07-30 12:00] <Please> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <I_Hate_ZeX> I'm slim shady, yes I'm the real shady!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <I_Hate_ZeX> All you other slim shady's are just imitatin'!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <I_Hate_ZeX> Yeah!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * I_Hate_ZeX !!!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <Please> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:01] =-= I_Hate_ZeX is now known as All
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <Amarth> Whoah. That is old. I have that CD somewhere.
    [2007-07-30 12:01] -->| Binky (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * All you other slim shady's are just imitatin!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <Please> dX
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * Please stand up! Please stand up!
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <Amarth> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:01] <Binky> xD
    [2007-07-30 12:01] =-= All is now known as Are
    [2007-07-30 12:01] =-= Binky is now known as Word
    [2007-07-30 12:01] * Are you mad??
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Word to your motha!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] <Word> xD
    [2007-07-30 12:02] =-= Word is now known as Pr0n
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Pr0n is weird.
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Are are you deaf? STFU!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] =-= YOU are now known as MSWord
    [2007-07-30 12:02] =-= Pr0n is now known as Gotha
    [2007-07-30 12:02] <MSWord> I has a paperclip!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] =-= Gotha is now known as Gotcha
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Gotcha .
    [2007-07-30 12:02] =-= Are is now known as You
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * You all suck!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Gotcha sucka!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] <Amarth> It's becoming hard to keep track who is who
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * MSWord is very paperclippy today
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * Gotcha , you big sucka!
    [2007-07-30 12:02] * You suck my ****, jerks!
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> :/
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> lo
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= Gotcha is now known as We
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> l
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= YOU are now known as Someone
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * We nuked 'em with a nuke named duke
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * Someone needs to change back to their real nick!
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> what to change nick? / ?
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= We is now known as Binky
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * You have a grandma so fat she broke your chair by sitting on it!
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= Amarth is now known as Duke
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Binky> :O
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Binky> lol
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * Duke it out.
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> is it /nick?
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= YOU are now known as Anonymous1157
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= You is now known as My
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Nuk> it dont work
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * My mind is great.
    [2007-07-30 12:03] <Binky> I'm now known as my? xD
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= Duke is now known as No
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= User mode for Anonymous1157 is now +r
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= My is now known as Anyone
    [2007-07-30 12:03] * No it isn't.
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= Binky is now known as Duke
    [2007-07-30 12:03] =-= Anarion is now known as Our
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * Duke Nukem is crazy
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * Anyone should like mudkips!
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Anyone is now known as Everyone
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= No is now known as SO
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Duke is now known as Noone
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * Everyone is stupid.
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * SO I HERD YOU LIKE MUDKIPS!
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= SO was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * Noone should like mudkips!
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Our is now known as We
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Everyone> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:04] -->| SO ( has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Noone is now known as Binky
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <SO> (this nick is registered, lol)
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Nuk> everyone is stupid
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * Everyone fight each other!!!
    [2007-07-30 12:04] * We think this is crazy
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= SO is now known as Amarth
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Nuk> so that everyone is ed
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Binky> wtf.
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Nuk> so i think he is stupid
    [2007-07-30 12:04] <Nuk> haaaaaaa im cleve
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v Amarth by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= Everyone is now known as I_think
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= User mode for Anonymous1157 is now -r
    [2007-07-30 12:04] =-= YOU are now known as Ain
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Binky> I'm still not identified!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= YOU are now known as Aint
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Binky> WHAT GIVES!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] * I_think this log deserves to be on the funniest.
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Binky> ARGHIN FLARGGINLASMDFLJ OJ!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= Binky was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 12:05] * We think Nuk is stupid
    [2007-07-30 12:05] * Aint nothing gonna break my stride!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] -->| Binky (~chatzilla@29773c92.2b32ee69.1f06bfc3.37148937X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:05] * Aint nothing gonna slow me down!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= I_think is now known as YOU
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Aint> Wuh-oh!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] * YOU KILLED MY GRANNY!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= YOU was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 12:05] -->| YOU (~eduardopi@2fd8f6a5.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Aint> I got to keep on moving!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <YOU> lol, wth!
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Amarth> I highly suggest not to use caps
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= We is now known as Anarion
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= YOU is now known as E_net4
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v E_net4 by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 12:05] <Binky> Arghs.
    [2007-07-30 12:05] |<-- Binky has left (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
    [2007-07-30 12:05] =-= YOU are now known as Noob
    [2007-07-30 12:06] =-= E_net4 is now known as Are
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * Are I PANT?
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * Noob says not
    [2007-07-30 12:06] =-= Amarth is now known as U
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * U R PANT
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * Noob s!
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * Anarion think this is foolish
    [2007-07-30 12:06] <Are> "O" nickname in use!
    [2007-07-30 12:06] <Anarion> wait....what?
    [2007-07-30 12:06] =-= Are is now known as Amarth
    [2007-07-30 12:06] <Amarth> lol...
    [2007-07-30 12:06] * Noob patrol! WEEOO WEEOO WEEOO
    [2007-07-30 12:07] =-= Amarth is now known as E_net4
    [2007-07-30 12:07] =-= U is now known as Amarth
    [2007-07-30 12:07] <Amarth> Dammit, i was just going to ghost you
    [2007-07-30 12:07] <Anarion> Someone is actually using I as their name?
    [2007-07-30 12:07] =-= E_net4 is now known as Steal
    [2007-07-30 12:07] * Steal steal meh nick!
    [2007-07-30 12:07] <Noob> Yes.
    [2007-07-30 12:07] * Steal meh nick!
    [2007-07-30 12:07] <Anarion> The nickname “I” is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one.
    [2007-07-30 12:07] * Noob has a lolling matter at hand
    [2007-07-30 12:07] <Anarion> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:07] * Steal that box!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] =-= Steal is now known as ZeX
    [2007-07-30 12:08] * ZeX is a noob!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] <Noob> NO! I IS NOT ZEX!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] * ZeX is a jerk!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] * ZeX is not noob,
    [2007-07-30 12:08] * ZeX sucks!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] <Noob> NO I IS NOT!
    [2007-07-30 12:08] =-= ZeX is now known as Look
    [2007-07-30 12:09] * Look at that!
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <Look> ...Wait, who's noob?
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= User mode for Noob is now -r
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= YOU are now known as what
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <Look> Who's what?
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <Look> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:09] * what is love!? Baby don't hurt me! Don't hurt me! No more!
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= Look is now known as E_net4
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <E_net4> WHAT IS LOVE
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= E_net4 was booted from #MonkkonenChat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [2007-07-30 12:09] -->| E_net4 (~eduardopi@2fd8f6a5.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <what> LOL
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <E_net4> Holidays.
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v E_net4 by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <E_net4> Ack
    [2007-07-30 12:09] <E_net4> No more stupid stuffs.
    [2007-07-30 12:09] =-= YOU are now known as E_net5
    [2007-07-30 12:10] <E_net5> Halloze!
    [2007-07-30 12:10] =-= Anarion is now known as E_net6
    [2007-07-30 12:10] <E_net5>
    [2007-07-30 12:10] <E_net6> XD
    [2007-07-30 12:10] <E_net6> CLONES!!!!
    [2007-07-30 12:10] <E_net5> Who wants to be three?
    [2007-07-30 12:11] [QUIT] Disconnected from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="irc://">irc://</a><!-- m --> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="irc://">irc://</a><!-- m -->.
    [2007-07-30 12:11] -->| YOU (E_net5) have joined #MonkkonenChat
    [2007-07-30 12:11] <E_net5> I meant to leave one channel.
    [2007-07-30 12:11] <Anarion>
    [2007-07-30 12:11] =-= YOU are now known as Anonymous1157
    [2007-07-30 12:11] =-= Mode #monkkonenchat +v Anonymous1157 by ChanServ
    [2007-07-30 12:11] <Anarion> clicked the disconnect button by accident eh?
    [2007-07-30 12:11] <Anonymous1157> No, I typed exit.
    [2007-07-30 12:12] <Anonymous1157> Was supposed to type leave.
    [2007-07-30 12:12] <Anarion> thats......some typo
    [2007-07-30 12:12] <Anonymous1157> It's a habit.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Murska 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Murska" said:
    We're also adding roles, forced nighstart, suicide, role toggles(Which roles are in the game), random roles mode, in which there is a wolf and every other role is randomised.(Only 1 seer/wolf/angel/idiot/Doppleganger etc. per game.)
    Um... wouldn't that be added? ;P

    Well, if they start working anytime soon...
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    [16:38] <!Idiota> hmm
    [16:38] <!Idiota> PS3 sweetness
    [16:38] <!MageKing17> You got a PS3?
    [16:38] <!Idiota> yeah
    [16:38] <+Amarth> Bah.
    [16:39] <!MageKing17> I simultaneously congratulate you and offer my condolences.
    [16:39] <!Idiota> my brother and our mutual friend bought it
    [16:39] <!MageKing17> I retract the condolences.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Anonymous1157> Allow me to roll about on the ground while emitting a boastful laugh and attempting to dislocate my excretory organ.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Anonymous1157> Allow me to roll about on the ground while emitting a boastful laugh and attempting to dislocate my excretory organ.

    ROFLMAO. Pun intended.
    Anonymous1157 16 years ago
    "Murska (White text)" said:
    Pun intended.
    I almost missed that part. ROFLMAO indeed.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Yay. Me and Madgamer talking about StepMania:

    <Madgamer|Party_Time> Of course... if I win against a person who two hands, I laugh.
    <Madgamer|Party_Time> I want to be a BIT more unique. Not completely.
    <Murska>You'll own me.
    <Murska> So laugh.
    <Madgamer|Party_Time> MUHAHAHAHAHA!!! ABUSE!!!!!
    =-= Madgamer|Party_Time was booted from #monkkonenchat by Ville (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    <Murska> xD
    <Murska> Hahaha. I'll laugh too, just because of PWN'D!
    Amarth 16 years ago
    So that's our moderator...
    [02] <-- Idiota has left this server (Quit: Bye sais t he drunbk man).
    You don't want to know what he (somehow) tried to type before that.
    Grim Reaper 16 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    So that's our moderator...
    [02] <-- Idiota has left this server (Quit: Bye sais t he drunbk man).
    You don't want to know what he (somehow) tried to type before that.
    Oh yes I do!
    Anonymous1157 16 years ago
    Something about how he'd be glad he thurvivethh thhe thecond World War.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Aren't I great?
    Anonymous1157 16 years ago
    Well, in a sense. *Eyes the PS3*
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Remember kids: Don't play with one's nick.
    <Anonymous1157> ...
    <Anonymous1157> ......
    <Anonymous1157> ............
    <Anonymous1157> ........................
    <E_net4> Anon: want a cookie?
    <Nuk> cookie
    <Anonymous1157> ................................................
    <Anonymous1157> ................................................................................................
    <Nuk> cookie
    <Nuk> cookies
    <Anonymous1157> EXPONENTS!
    * Nuk is now known as lol
    <lol> cookie
    <lol> cookies
    <E_net4> cookie what?
    * lol is now known as Anonymous1117_fake
    <Anonymous1117_fake> cookie
    <E_net4> What cookie?
    <Anonymous1117_fake> cookies
    <Anonymous1117_fake> oh
    * Anonymous1117_fake is now known as fake_Anonymous117
    <Anonymous1157> 1117?
    <fake_Anonymous117> cookie
    <fake_Anonymous117> cookies
    <Anonymous1157> 117!?!?
    <E_net4> Shut up...
    * fake_Anonymous117 is now known as fake_Anonymous1157
    <fake_Anonymous1157> cookie
    <fake_Anonymous1157> cookies
    <Anonymous1157> 1157!?
    * E_net4 is now known as Fake_Nuk
    * Fake_Nuk is an idiot.
    * fake_Anonymous1157 is now known as E_net4
    * E_net4 has quit IRC (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Fake_Nuk)
    * Fake_Nuk is now known as E_net4
    <E_net4> TAKE THAT
    <E_net4> XD
    <Anonymous1157> XD
    <Anonymous1157> XD XD XD
    <E_net4> PWNT
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Speaking of which...

    [<Crazy> Ooooooh.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)
    <Crazy> PWNT.
    -->| E_net4|GMod (~eduardopi@a763dad.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    *NickServ* Ghost with your nick has been killed.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)
    <Crazy> xD
    <Crazy> GRIM!
    <Crazy> CHECK THIS OUT!
    <Grim_Reaper> Wut.
    <Crazy> Look above!
    <Grim_Reaper> Ah, lol.
    -->| E_net4|GMod (~eduardopi@a763dad.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    <Crazy> Hey, E.
    <Crazy> Bye, E.
    *NickServ* Ghost with your nick has been killed.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)
    <Crazy> Hokai, i've had enough fun.
    -->| E_net4|GMod (~eduardopi@a763dad.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    =-= E_net4|GMod is now known as E_net4
    =-= Mode #MonkkonenChat +v E_net4 by ChanServ
    <Crazy> >.>
    =-= E_net4 is now known as E_net4|GMod
    (This is a (private) msg to Grim)>Grim_Reaper< OMG! He doesn't get it! I FEEL LIKE A GOD!
    (Grim told me to do it "ONCE MOAR", but i've lost the original quote)
    *NickServ* Ghost with your nick has been killed.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)
    <Crazy> WHOOOOOOO.
    <Grim_Reaper> Hehehehahaha.

    At this point, E started msg-ing me. I guess he DID figure it out. D:

    <Crazy> >.>
    <Crazy> Promise to FOREVER leave me alone and NEVER ask about when i'll get the comic done, EVER again?
    E_net4> I don't care about you comic any more. It's just dead/in comma, you know... "stuff"
    <E_net4> And you cannot spank me again.
    <E_net4> Changed pass.
    <Crazy> Bah. D:

    And so it dawned on me. He thought i had his pass. A logical conclusion, though wrong. You see, once upon a time, long ago, E_net4|Gmod was disconnected. I hurriedly registered the nick E_net4|Gmod, which was not grouped with E_net4, JUST FOR THIS PURPOSE.

    Soon enough, back at the channel:

    -->| E_net4 (~eduardopi@a763dad.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    =-= Mode #MonkkonenChat +v E_net4 by ChanServ
    <E_net4> *joined for realz*

    At this point, however, i disconnected because my phone's battery ran out (epic fail!). However, once i joined the channel, sure enough, the member list had "E_net4|Gmod" in it. The following ensued:

    <Crazy> Damn phone battery.
    <Crazy> But i know just the thing that would make me feel better about it.
    *NickServ* Ghost with your nick has been killed.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)
    <Crazy> POWER.

    At this point i was really starting to wonder what was going through his mind...

    -->| E_net4|GMod (~eduardopi@a763dad.1de2983b.285ef2b1.362b7f89X) has joined #monkkonenchat
    <Crazy> >.>
    <Crazy> AND AGAIN.
    |<-- E_net4|GMod has left (SVSKilled: Another monkey spanked by Crazy)

    He simply asked me stop it and as i surely had tortured him enough, i did.

    Thanks for reminding me that i had your nick registered with you post up there, E. I never would have remembered otherwise.

    PS. The password for "E_net4|Gmod" is "password". Creative, huh?
    Murska 16 years ago
    Ahahaha. I pity myself for being away.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    GAH! *kills himself**

    *reason: Tricked again by Crazy.

    I MUST find a way to kick back.
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