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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    MageKing17 17 years ago
    So I wanted to add a little message to the end of the channel topic ("It's almost June! -Mage"). After I did so, however, I noticed I'd made an error with the rest of the topic. After correcting it, I noticed another... and another...
    [19:51] * MageKing17 has changed the topic to: Welcome to the official chatroom of | Read the server rules... they apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages (sometimes)... | Visit the Project Corner of the Forums! | It's almost June! -Mage
    [19:51] * MageKing17 has changed the topic to: Welcome to the official chatroom of | Read the server rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages (sometimes)... | Visit the Project Corner of the Forums! | It's almost June! -Mage
    [19:52] * MageKing17 has changed the topic to: Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. | Read the server rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages (sometimes)... | Visit the Project Corner of the Forums! | It's almost June! -Mage
    [19:52] * MageKing17 has changed the topic to: Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. | Read the server rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages. (Sometimes...) | Visit the Project Corner of the Forums! | It's almost June! -Mage
    [19:51] <!MageKing17> Ssh, I'm not a perfectionist or anything...
    By the way, though you can't see it in this quote, yes, I remembered the colours this time.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    And, err, what is so important about June that we need to know more than a week in advance?
    Anarion 17 years ago
    I asked him that when he made the changes. He won't say.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Well, June marks the start of Summer Vacation thingummy for some of us.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Or exams... >.>
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    HAR. I've got four days left until school ends, and you guys still have to wait until June.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    My last class is in 12 hours.

    But then I have to study for like 4 weeks because exams will follow
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    It's not like it's some big secret, but since people are a bit more curious than I thought they would be, I may as well tell you my birthday is in June.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    So Will will have a birthday. I wonder what Will will get as presents. Will you make any guesses at that, Will?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    It's not like it's some big secret, but since people are a bit more curious than I thought they would be, I may as well tell you my birthday is in June.
    Like... The whole month?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    It's not like it's some big secret, but since people are a bit more curious than I thought they would be, I may as well tell you my birthday is in June.
    Like... The whole month?

    "Grimsy" said:
    Blah blah blah, I'm annoying.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    And here we were all thinking it was something important. (Kidding)
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    The end o' school is important, and doubly so for me since I'm taking all my tests NOW instead of four weeks from now.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    It's not like it's some big secret, but since people are a bit more curious than I thought they would be, I may as well tell you my birthday is in June.
    Like... The whole month?

    "Grimsy" said:
    Blah blah blah, I'm annoying.

    Well technically it does exist within the expanse of the entire month of June.

    But what Grimsy suggests does in fact deserve a smack from the belt whip, Conservative American style.
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    [16:10] Mode píše: ok Ill think a number from 1-10
    [16:10] Mode píše: u must guess
    [16:10] Nuklearni-okurka píše: 7
    [16:10] Mode píše: guess
    [16:10] Mode píše: I didnt thought
    [16:10] Nuklearni-okurka píše: lol
    [16:10] Mode píše: already ^^
    [16:10] Mode píše: Ill tell u
    [16:10] Mode píše: ok
    [16:10] Nuklearni-okurka píše: 6
    [16:10] Mode píše: 6
    [16:10] Mode píše: lol
    [16:10] Nuklearni-okurka píše: LOL
    [16:10] Mode píše: :O

    Pwned. I did this many times before when he was going to say something, and i said it instead him . Btw he said I doesn't read his mind, but I does!
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Yes. Ha.

    E_net4 17 years ago

    Ho. -.-
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    [18:11] <Amarth> My helicopter is out of fuel ,sorry.
    [18:11] <Amarth> Damn gas rices.
    [18:11] <Amarth> *prices
    [18:11] <Grimsy|WoW> GAS RICE!

    Barebones 17 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    [18:11] <Amarth> My helicopter is out of fuel ,sorry.
    [18:11] <Amarth> Damn gas rices.
    [18:11] <Amarth> *prices
    [18:11] <Grimsy|WoW> GAS RICE!


    Yo sup dawgs, I tricked out dis gas fo realz. Got sum nitro in it, boiiii.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    I prolly miserably failed yet again.
    Sorry. Couldn't resist.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    From the girlfriends I've had so far, I've found that the less intelligent are orally just as pleasing as the intelligent ones
    Yes I am a bad boy with a dirty what?
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    [15:46] * Crazy has quit (Ping timeout: 805 seconds)
    [16:24] * Thaif has quit (Quit: I Iz leavin.)
    [17:32] * Amarth has quit (Client closed connection)
    [17:33] <+Murska> One per hour. That's a nice rate.
    [17:33] <+Murska> Who next?
    [17:33] <+Murska> Me?
    [17:35] <!MageKing17|HW2> I could leave, if you like.
    [18:11] * Murska has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    Murska 17 years ago
    I knew it! My computer got stuck, and I decided to continue tomorrow, I closed it, and then looked at the time. And started laughing.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    So, SpeedBlade's a little new to the chatroom, see, and it appears he's a little paranoid that I might do something to him...
    [17:53] <!MageKing17> That's it, I'm going to turn on the other computer and fire up MageBot.
    [17:53] <+Niwsters> What?
    [17:53] * You are now known as MageKing17|BRB
    [17:53] <SpeedBlade> What I do!? I'm sorry!!!
    [17:54] <+Niwsters> o.o??
    [17:54] <SpeedBlade> Niwsters please help... me... please?
    [17:54] * SpeedBlade hides behind niwsters
    [17:54] <+Niwsters> This is turning out to be more scary than the movie...
    [17:55] <SpeedBlade> Shutup, atleast no one is sneaking up on you T_T
    [17:55] * You are now known as MageKing17
    [17:55] <SpeedBlade> BLLLAAAAHHH he's here!!! Help me!
    [17:55] * Ville has kicked SpeedBlade from #monkkonenchat (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    [17:56] <!MageKing17> XD
    [17:56] <+Niwsters> LOL.

    Followed immediately by this little gem...
    [17:56] <+Niwsters> Who the fork is he anyways?
    [17:56] <!MageKing17> SpeedBlade.
    [17:56] <+Niwsters> o.o..
    [17:56] <!MageKing17> From the forums. :/
    [17:56] <+Niwsters> Right.
    [17:56] <+Niwsters> Should start reading them
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Just a random statement after I abandoned World of Warcraft for good:

    Idiota: My guildmaster just sent me hatemail
    Idiota: Life IS Good!
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Huh, *laugh*?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    The hilarious part here is that Idiota abandoned WoW. I think.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Well, I guess you're right.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    <Damath_Mayrels> (I hate Shao Kahn)
    <Thrallan> (i hate walking metal)
    <Damath_Mayrels> (I hate your head)
    <Thrallan> (i hate it too)
    Idiota 17 years ago
    Let's see... we have magnetic north, magnetic south, and...?

    <Idiota> I wish I had a magnetic field to reflect stupidity.
    <Murska> No, I don't think that'd work.
    <Murska> And we're too far.
    <Amarth> And you'd have to make sure it wouldn't backfire then.
    <Murska> How large a radius would that field be?
    <Idiota> Doesn't matter.
    <Murska> It does.
    <Murska> A lot.
    <Idiota> So long as /I/ am not hurt by other peoples' stupidity.
    <Idiota> Wether it reflects it at the source, or the reciever, it doesn't matter.
    <Murska> Would it also reflect stupidity inside it?
    <Amarth> I sure hope not.
    <Idiota> That would be painful.
    <Amarth> I guess...
    <Amarth> If you are in the center, that would mean forces to all directions at once.

    <Amarth> Boom.
    <Idiota> SPLOZAION
    <Idiota> Well, assuming it's a device, you can't be in the exact center.
    <Idiota> Unless it's an implant.
    <Murska> If it reflects to the reciever, any stupidity directed against you would reach you. If it'd reflect to the source, your own stupidity would backfire.
    <Idiota> If it's an implant it'd most likely just get ejected from your body.
    <Idiota> Which is still painful.
    <Idiota> Just a bit less lethal.
    <Amarth> Don't quite see how they'd implant it then.
    <Amarth> If it'd repel only stupidity.
    <Amarth> 'yeah, we tried to do this implant job, but your body somehow reflected it.'
    <Idiota> :p
    <Idiota> And Murske, you shouldn't see a magnetic field as a shield.
    <Idiota> It's a field that reflects stupidity outwards.
    <Idiota> Well, not a regular magnetic field ofcourse, but mine would.
    <Amarth> So, that's no shield then?
    <Amarth> If we assume bullets are just stupid.
    <Murska> It repels stupidity outward. Right.
    <Idiota> A shield is a clear barrier.
    <Murska> What if someone stupid will approach, what would happen?
    <Idiota> Pass the barrier, hit the target.
    <Anonymous1157> So, if someone would try to shoot you, and they were stupid, it'd backfire?
    <Idiota> Murska: The lightest of persons would get shoved backwards.
    <Anonymous1157> Wouldn't they actually "WOOOSH" and not be able to continue forward?
    <Idiota> But the ironic part is that, as same magnetic poles reflect each other,
    <Idiota> the only way to reflect stupidity is with stupidity.
    <Idiota> Thus, Idiota
    <Amarth> Wait. Is that an elastic or a non-elastic collision?
    <Murska> So the person gets shoved, not stupidity itself?
    <Anonymous1157> Kinda like a real magnet?
    <Anonymous1157> The stupidity's cause gets shoved.
    <Murska> Woah. you could never walk in cities anymore.
    <Anonymous1157> And Iddy would become a black hole because the magnet works against itself.
    <Idiota> Nah.
    <Idiota> Reflect stupidity with stupidity,
    <Idiota> like I said.
    <Idiota> It's why God created pie!
    <Amarth> Well, you can't come up against the stupidity of the mass.
    <Anonymous1157> But you would have to hold a magnet and turn it on.
    <Amarth> So you'd be blocked from entering a city.
    <Idiota> Hmm...
    <Anonymous1157> It would fly away or throw YOU away.
    <Murska> If I'd have that...
    <Idiota> Well, let's say that 'stupidity' is a newly discovered magnetic pole.
    <Murska> *Shudder*
    <Idiota> Then all the people would get ejected out of the city.
    <Amarth> So, you'd have North, South and stupidity.
    <Amarth> Grand.
    <Idiota> The stupid ones at least.
    <Murska> I couldn't leave my room.
    <Idiota> Rofl
    <Murska> You would depopulate earth!
    <Idiota> This conversation has peaked itself at Amarth's statement. xD
    <Anonymous1157> You'd propel your mother if you left the room! xD
    <Murska> And above all, my sister.
    <Murska> :p
    <Anonymous1157> XD
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    A whole mess of weird crap happened today. Anyone who wasn't logging it just missed out on the funniest junk on the whole damn planet.

    [2007-06-21 14:19] * E_net4 grabs the chair.
    [2007-06-21 14:19] * E_net4 throws it aside.
    [2007-06-21 14:19] <Grimsy|N64Emu> Using third person storytelling in posts would make the story more...unified.
    [2007-06-21 14:19] * Anonymous1157 uses the deleting STool on the E and Nuk NPCs
    [2007-06-21 14:20] * Nuk is not an NPC
    [2007-06-21 14:20] <E_net4> ...
    [2007-06-21 14:20] <Amarth> Yeah, pretty much. Lots better than 'oh I misunderstood you, just forget it'.
    [2007-06-21 14:20] <E_net4> That's not possible!
    [2007-06-21 14:20] * Anonymous1157 respawns the two NPCs in the jail.
    [2007-06-21 14:20] <Anonymous1157> STFU.
    [2007-06-21 14:21] <E_net4> You don't STFU me!
    [2007-06-21 14:21] <Grimsy|N64Emu> Dude, he just did.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Complete version:
    <Nuk> Noob watchs the planet explode
    <Nuk> Oh, it was my screensvaver
    <E_net4> "watchs" does not exist!
    <Nuk> stfu
    * E_net4 slaps Nuk.
    <Anonymous1157> You mean DO not exist.
    * Nuk throws a chair at Eddy
    <Amarth> That screensaver thing was a brilliant thing to say.
    * Anonymous1157 looks at the arm-fitting clock
    <Anonymous1157> It was? Did you mean that in a good way?
    * E_net4 grabs the chair.
    * E_net4 throws it aside.
    <Grimsy|N64Emu> Using third person storytelling in posts would make the story more...unified.
    * Anonymous1157 uses the deleting STool on the E and Nuk NPCs
    * Nuk is not an NPC
    <E_net4> ...
    <Amarth> Yeah, pretty much. Lots better than 'oh I misunderstood you, just forget it'.
    <E_net4> That's not possible!
    * Anonymous1157 respawns the two NPCs in the jail.
    <Anonymous1157> STFU.
    <E_net4> You don't STFU me!
    <Grimsy|N64Emu> Dude, he just did.
    <Grimsy|N64Emu> Anywho.
    * Nuk is not an npc
    <E_net4> But he shouldn't!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "I" said:
    <Anonymous1157> STFU.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    <Anonymous1157> STFU.
    STFU your STFU!
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    While attempting to exit IRC, I made the following typo:
    /quite KHAAAAN!
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