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  • Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2

    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    Where's the fun in that?
    You can laugh at other drunk people and still remember that the day after.
    Amarth 13 years ago

    [01:39] <Anonymous1157> Oh. Well, I have a nice butt, but it's really wide.
    [01:41] <Anonymous1157> I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE

    E_net4 13 years ago
    I have the whole conversation, plus some amusing stuff.
    [00] <+E_net4> Ohai 1157
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Ohai E.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Ohai to everyone, in fact.
    [00] <+E_net4> It's true there are no active WW players in here.
    [00] <+Amarth> I am not responsible for what I say.
    [00] <+Amarth> I have alcohol in my blood.
    [00] <+E_net4> Again?
    [00] <+Amarth> BOOBIES!
    [00] <+Amarth> Wasn't me.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> I finished my homework early! On a Monday, even!
    [00] <+E_net4> Wouldn't that be bipolarity?
    [00] <+Amarth> Yeah. I have a problem I guess.
    [00] <+E_net4> Homework? XD
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> I thought that was called ADHD. Look, a banana.
    [00] <+Amarth> I didn't drink any alcohol on.. Saturday. I think.
    [00] <+Amarth> IIRC.
    [00] <+Amarth> Maybe.
    [00] <+E_net4> So, util either Zankman, Vacuus or Murska comes, we can speak our mind. The logs won't update so soon, in fact.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> I found a perfect way to set a panorama as your background. Chop it up and throw the segments at your automatic background changer! D
    [00] <+E_net4> Owat
    [00] <+E_net4> I not uze panorama stuph
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Oh. Well, I have a nice butte, but it's really wide.
    [00] <+Amarth> The logs will update before the day ends though.
    [00] <+Amarth> So no spoilers.
    [00] <+Amarth> <Anonymous1157> Oh. Well, I have a nice butt, but it's really wide.
    [00] <+Amarth> Wat
    [00] <+E_net4> He said butte.
    [00] <+E_net4> Not sure what that would mean though.
    [00] <+E_net4> Time, Amarth?
    [00] <+E_net4> Is it really that time again?=
    [00] <+E_net4> RAM
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    [00] <+E_net4> RAM
    [00] <+E_net4> OIC
    [00] <+E_net4> OKI
    [00] <+E_net4> DIZ
    [00] <+E_net4> ISH
    [00] <+E_net4> FUN
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Whoops, I guess mine's a mesa, then. Still a funny joke I made about the big butte.
    [00] <+E_net4> TLK
    [00] <+E_net4> LIK
    [00] <+E_net4> DIZ
    [00] <+E_net4> NOW
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> I LIKE BIG BUTTES AND I CANNOT LIE
    [00] <+E_net4> LAL
    [00] <+E_net4> EEZ
    [00] <+E_net4> GUD
    [00] <+E_net4> DAY
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> OMG..?
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> WII
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> GOT
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> SIG
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> NAL
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> LOL
    [00] <+E_net4> AYE
    [00] <+E_net4> YOU
    [00] <+E_net4> CAN
    [00] <+E_net4> DOO
    [00] <+E_net4> EET
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Haw haw. Hee said doo.
    [00] <+E_net4> Just came to realize this is totally killing my number of letters per line ratio.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> XD
    [00] <+E_net4> Here's something more interesting, decent and gentlemen-like to counter the previous section of evennts.
    [00] <+Amarth> ...Which was not interesting AT ALL.
    [00] <+Amarth> Just longer.
    [00] <+E_net4> Thus, complete attempts to type longer sentences is not only suggested but strongly advised.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> That's the idea, ole chap! Write out your thoughts as they are, and the whole world will understand them better.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... On second thought, that last statement came out a bit nonsensical, but what the hell, I'll run with it.
    [00] <+E_net4> I would certainly enjoy spending more of my time to proceed with this ideal, however it came to mind that I must perform every single preparation needed for going to bed, and so sleep.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... I can't top that. Maybe with a cherry, but not over the Internet.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ISOBOARD I HAS NOTHING TO SAY OMGWAT
    [00] <+E_net4> I really hope to see the rest of you here in a more opportune time, so as to resume our convesation regarding panoramic buttes.
    [00] <+E_net4> Ouch, I have done a typo in "convesation", which should clearly be "conversation".
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Because, as you all know, I do so thoroughly enjoy the company of women with large posteriors, and that is the truth.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> (In case you miss the joke: "I like big butts, and I cannot lie.")
    [00] <+E_net4> My eyes are very opened in amazement.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Said John Freeman at the top of lung.
    [00] <+E_net4> It is imperative that these precious lines are inserted into the infamous quote thread of the InstangKingdom forums.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed.
    [00] <+E_net4> And I'm afraid I typoed again in "InstangKingdom", which I reckon to actually be "InstantKingdom".
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Indeed.
    [00] <+E_net4> This procedure of typing lengthy sentences is becoming quite exhausting.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed!
    [00] <+E_net4> Indeed!
    [00] <+E_net4> C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER
    [00] <+E_net4> No wait, I combo broke myself.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> ... Indeed.
    [00] <+E_net4> So, time to go.
    [00] <+Anonymous1157> Indeed.
    E_net4 13 years ago

    "Narvius" said:
    *pokes Crazy*
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    *Seconds the poke*
    "E_net4" said:
    *thirds the poke just to jarate Crazy*
    "NeoGangster" said:
    *also pokes Crazy just to join the bandwagon*
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    *pokes the bandwagon*
    "Venom31" said:
    *pokes the scythe*
    *yells in pain*
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    *Throws in a pun for good measure*

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... dwagon.jpg</a><!-- m -->
    Anarion 13 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    "Kario" said:
    Whoa whoa slow down a bit.
    So we're going to play on the forums normally like last time?
    Oh my god! When was this decided? I must say that I'm completely baffled by this sudden turn of events I would have never even considered that we'd be doing it here. Are we absolutely sure that we want to play "On the forums as usual"? There must exist some better alternative to this madness!
    "E_net4" said:
    Point 1. It's no madness, it's just a variant of the WW.
    Point 2. You wouldn't want it played on a network, the forums are just fine for lengthy forum games.
    "Pete" said:
    Roll for Detect Sarcasm.

    Ooh, a 1.
    "E_net4" said:
    What kind of die is that, anyway? Also, no sarcasm intended.
    "Endymion" said:
    I don't know whether I should be sad or amused.
    "MageKing17" said:
    It seems E_net4 is rolling a series of ones. Not good. Not good at all.

    "Endymion" said:
    I don't know whether I should be sad or amused.
    Amused. Definitely amused.

    And amused I was.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Don't mock me for taking things a bit too seriously. You know me, after all.
    Murska 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Don't mock me for taking things a bit too seriously. You know me, after all.

    Don't worry. But it was kind of funny.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Trivia: I first named it driftmoon-mod-installer but then Windows 7 kept bugging me with "it looks like this hasn't installed correctly!" so I just renamed it and now Windows 7 is silent. Sometimes I wonder what kind of drugs they distribute at Microsoft.
    I have nothing to add.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Vacuus" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    Or, you know, drink less heavily.
    Where's the fun in that?
    You can laugh at other drunk people and still remember that the day after.

    "E_net4" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Okay, okay, poke proposed, seconded and passed! Consider me [censored] poked, okay?

    ...i'll be drinking heavily through friday and saturday and will prolly feel hungover on sunday and i cure hangovers by DRINKING MORE and there's school on monday again.

    I may have to whore myself out for the booze.

    EDIT: Oh wait, no, there's no school on monday! Whoo, drinking time!
    Bandwagon, anyone?
    Crazy 13 years ago

    +++ Crazy set to mode +r
    *** Crazy was kicked by VilleBot (Turn caps lock OFF!)
    !!! You have been kicked from #MonkkonenChat
    Welcome to the official chatroom of <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> | Read the network rules! They apply! | Please bear in mind that this channel is for all ages. (NO IRC WAREZ MONKEYS) | Join the Flashy Adventure Experiment! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    Topic set by MageKing17|Sleep on Sun Oct 31 2010 10:05:23 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)
    <VilleBot>: Greetings! Stay a while, and listen!
    <Crazy>: Well, that was kind of embarrasing.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    ADMIT IT! YOU DESERVED IT! I hope that makes you feel embarassed until the end of your times, and beyond, among the flames of hell!

    With that said, yes, I'm feeling much better. *insert huge smile emoticon here*
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Here you go:
    [attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Computers__003958_.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
    E_net4 13 years ago
    That's pretty big... Though I actually meant an emoticon with a huge smile, not a huge emoticon with a smile.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Oh fine, i deserved i--HOLYCRAPTHATISAHUGESMILEY
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Murska 13 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    Holy crap shut up already so I don't have to quote every post to see what you're saying.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    There, I don't even have to quote it. More funnies!
    Anarion 13 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    Holy crap shut up already so I don't have to quote every post to see what you're saying.
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    Crazy 13 years ago
    So normally i find Kario to be nigh incomprehensible in an i-just-discovered-IRC-kind of way, so i wasn't expecting much from his next non-sequitor.
    [01] <+Kario> crazy having fun wit that game?
    [01] <+Crazy> What game?
    [01] <+Crazy> AGH

    PS. I asked and apparently Kario made me lose the game AND HE WASN'T EVEN PLAYING IT.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Admit it. It's karmic.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Without mentioning the contex, MK made a funneh.
    [23] <!MageKing17> Fuck yeah, missionary.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    See, THIS is how you do a two-player rant about absolutely nothing.

    [00] <+Amarth> It is, by the way, a 'segue'
    [00] <+Amarth> Which is for some reason still pronounced as segway.
    [00] <+Crazy> Ah.
    [00] <+Crazy> Well, i done fucked up then.
    [00] <+Crazy> Must be a french word, then.
    [00] <+Amarth> The French would not pronounce it anywhere close to 'segway'
    [00] <+Amarth> Unles maybe it had some accent on the last e
    [00] <+Amarth> But I do.
    [00] <+Amarth> It might be an icelandic word for all I know
    [00] <+Amarth> But no french
    [00] <+Amarth> An inuit word maybe.
    [00] <+Amarth> For snow.
    [00] <+Crazy> Hardly sounds Icelandic, Icelandic is practically Old Norse.
    [00] <+Amarth> A GHANESE WORD THEN
    [00] <+Amarth> I have no idea
    [00] <+Crazy> It would be really weird if it were an Old Norse word.
    [00] <+Crazy> Like, thats the cultural significance the Vikings left us.
    [00] <+Amarth> It's Italian, btw, it seems
    [00] <+Crazy> Yeah, that makes more sense.
    [00] <+Amarth> From Latin 'seguire', 'to follow;
    [00] <+Crazy> The Vikings weren't much into segues.
    [00] <+Crazy> They were all, like, "AAAAARGH SKULL GO CRACK RAPE; PILLAGE".
    [00] <+Crazy> But then the Victorians brought them back as the good guys because they were snazzy dressers or something.
    [00] <+Crazy> A SNAZZY DRESSER <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... resser.jpg</a><!-- m -->
    [00] <+Amarth> That be the snazziest of dressers, truly.
    [00] <+Crazy> I like how theres this recorded thing where some crusader lord runs back from the battle and is accused of being a coward.
    [00] <+Crazy> And the guy says "I can do no more my lords, for i am dead; see the wound".
    [00] <+Crazy> And there's an arrow under his arm so deem they could only see the fletching.
    [00] <+Crazy> The part i like is the semicolon.
    [00] <+Amarth> Semicolons are teh bombs
    [00] <+Amarth> When used outside of programming, obviously. Inside they are lame.
    [00] <+Crazy> Like, the fucker has an arrow that was powerful enough to pierce his mail through both his fucking lungs.
    [00] <+Crazy> But he's just epic he's able to return from battle in a way that the dudes don't even realize he's hurt.
    [00] <+Crazy> I like to imagine he pronounced the semicolon, too.
    [00] <+Crazy> I'm not sure how he would do that, but i imagine he did.
    [00] <+Amarth> Maybe his ghostwriter put in the semicolon though, maybe it wasn't canon at all.
    [00] <+Amarth> Wouldn't that suck?
    [00] <+Crazy> It's sort of like in 300, at some point Leonidas yells "Prepare for glory!" while they're in camp and i like to imagine that offscreen the spartans immidiately began to prepare for glory.
    [00] <+Crazy> I'unno.
    [00] <+Crazy> It was probably wirtten in latin which didn't have punctuation at all, so it's most proably a translator thing.
    [00] <+Amarth> My respect for latin has just reached a new low.
    [00] <+Amarth> They didn't have a semicolon?
    [00] <+Amarth> Lame.
    [00] <+Crazy> But still, i like to think of it that he pronounced the semicolon, which wasn't written down, but then it was just so powerful a semicolon that it reoccured in the translation for cosmic reasons.
    [00] <+Crazy> It was the semicolon that passed through the ages.
    [00] <+Amarth> A semicolon avant la lettre. Interesting.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Amarth" said:
    Anyone who wants to join the UBERCOOL Neptune's Pride game, which btw is COMPLETELY AWESOME, answer here! This to prevent further thread pollution of the new gaming thread and to keep it all a bit structured.

    What is Neptune's Pride? It's a conceptually simple realtime but slow 4X game, with the twist that only one player can win and all alliances are on honor only - there's nothing ingame to force or prevent you from helping or betraying the other players. Webite, review, report of a playthrough. You need a Google account to play but that shouldn't be a problem right?

    Note that a games of NP will easily take a month, with enough players probably more. If there is a high probability you cannot make it to a computer with Internet access and Flash support for 3 consecutive days during the next two months, do not apply. I will rephrase for lesser intelligence: do not leave during game! Game is long! If leave you, we mad and kill your mommy! Also, no more games for you! Life can happen for everyone, of course, but try not to ruin it too much for everyone else if you can prevent it.

    Come on guys! It's going to be legen... wait for it...

    "Amarth" said:
    What is Neptune's Pride? It's a conceptually simple realtime but slow 4X game, with the twist that only one player can win and all alliances are on honor only - there's nothing ingame to force or prevent you from helping or betraying the other players. Webite, review, report of a playthrough. You need a Google account to play but that shouldn't be a problem right?

    "Amarth" said:
    [size=150]- there's nothing ingame to force or prevent you from helping or betraying the other players. Webite, review, report of a playthrough.[/size]
    "Amarth" said:

    "Amarth" said:
    Ibite, youbite, webite. What's your problem?
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    Are we slipping in to the twilight zone...? The curious case of the ALTERNATE DIMENSION!
    "#MonkkonenChat" said:
    * Niwo_ (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #monkkonenchat
    * Niwsters has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
    * Niwo_ is now known as Niwsters
    * Niwsters has quit (SVSKilled: Too many invalid passwords)
    <+E_net4> Owat.ç
    <!MageKing17> XD
    * Niwsters (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #monkkonenchat
    * VilleBot gives voice to Niwsters
    <+E_net4> Ok, maybe I should try to focus on N3D a bit more. I'm moving to the laptop, where Eclipse resides.
    * E_net4 has quit (Quit: º_º)
    <+Niwsters> Uh, hi?
    <!MageKing17> That was interesting.
    <!MageKing17> Oh hey, Niwsters...
    <!MageKing17> Are you on Windows right now?
    <Varsi> hey
    * VilleBot gives voice to Varsi
    <!MageKing17> Hello ther.e
    <!MageKing17> *there
    <+Niwsters> Where'd everyone go?
    <!MageKing17> I don't know, I was rather waiting for you to reply.
    <+Varsi> no idea, i came an hour ago
    <+Niwsters> MK and E_net4 were here just a minute ago
    <!MageKing17> And I'm still here.
    (At this point, I attempt to ping Niwsters and Varsi and get no response.)
    <!MageKing17> Aw, crap.
    <@VilleBot> Hello? Testing? (An attempt to see if Niwsters or Varsi notice this.)
    * E_net4 (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #monkkonenchat
    * VilleBot gives voice to E_net4
    <@VilleBot> [E_net4] There he is! E_net4, teh Master of Randomage!
    <+Niwsters> Did they both leave?
    <+E_net4> I return.
    * Ping reply from E_net4: 0.60 second(s)
    <!MageKing17> Oh whew.
    <!MageKing17> I can ping you.
    <+E_net4> MK, what.
    <!MageKing17> Niwsters seems to be unable to see me.
    <!MageKing17> I can't ping him or Varsi.
    <+E_net4> That is like...
    <+E_net4> Whoa.
    <!MageKing17> It's quite disturbing.
    >Niwsters< CTCP VERSION
    >Varsi< CTCP VERSION
    <!Grim_Reaper> Niwsters: You're unable to see MK?
    <+E_net4> I would bet the server's overloaded.
    <!MageKing17> Aaaand I can't ping Grim either.
    >Grim_Reaper< CTCP VERSION
    -Grim_Reaper- VERSION xchat-wdk 1464-6 (xchat-2.8. Windows 5.1 [x86/2,51GHz]
    <!MageKing17> But I can version you.
    <!MageKing17> That's good.
    <!Grim_Reaper> I recieved a ping from MK, tho
    <!MageKing17> Well, your client didn't respond.
    * Received a CTCP PING 130043959 from E_net4
    <+Varsi> 15:36 * Now talking on #monkkonenchat
    <+Varsi> 16:27 * Niwsters (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #monkkonenchat
    <!MageKing17> It's like Niwsters and Varsi are in their own universe that we can see.
    <!MageKing17> How bizarre.
    <+E_net4> MULTIVERSE
    <!Grim_Reaper> MageKing17: The lack of ping response seems to be due to command stuff config'd in a silly way.
    <!Grim_Reaper> Varsi: You able to see us?
    <!MageKing17> Obviously not, if those two events are next to each other for him.
    <!MageKing17> If he missed the entire conversation beforehand...
    <+Niwsters> o_O
    <+Niwsters> THAT is creepy.
    <+Niwsters> Wait..
    * Niwsters (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has left #monkkonenchat (Leaving)
    <!MageKing17> ...
    <!MageKing17> Well, that explained nothing.
    * Niwsters (<!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> has joined #monkkonenchat
    * VilleBot gives voice to Niwsters
    * Ping reply from Niwsters: 0.25 second(s)
    <!MageKing17> Ohey.
    <!MageKing17> You're pingable again.
    <+Niwsters> ...Weird?!
    <!MageKing17> So, Niwsters, can you see us now?
    >Niwsters< CTCP VERSION
    <+Niwsters> Yes
    -Niwsters- VERSION xchat 2.8.6-2 Windows XP [Intel/2,66GHz]
    <!MageKing17> Good.
    <+Niwsters> How strange
    <!MageKing17> It was quite disturbing before.
    <!MageKing17> Grim, E_net4, and I were all talking and you and Varsi apparently couldn't see us.
    <!MageKing17> Varsi presumably still can't.
    <+Niwsters> Poor bugger.
    <!MageKing17> Seeing as how he's not responding to pings or VERSIONs.
    * Grim_Reaper has kicked Varsi from #MonkkonenChat (We're here, but you apparently can't see us. Please reconnect or something.)
    <+E_net4> Strangenessess.
    <!Grim_Reaper> Message delivered.
    Varsi still hasn't reconnected... DUN dun DUUUUN!
    Pete 13 years ago
    You fools! By kicking him from the chat room you have rendered the alternate universe in which he was currently residing unobservable, thus collapsing it!

    please dont murder me people who actually understand science
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    You fools! By kicking him from the chat room you have rendered the alternate universe in which he was currently residing unobservable, thus collapsing it!
    Actually, observation is what causes the quantum possibilities to collapse into one observable state, but you used "collapse" in a different sense of the word.

    I have no idea what it takes for alternate universes to exist since nobody has ever seen one (and lived! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!).
    Crazy 13 years ago
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> But I am of the opinion so far that the Staff of War is far superior to the Gnarled Staff.
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> Hey, it's Varsi.
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> Is he in his own alternate universe again?
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> He can be pinged, so I guess not.

    [05] <Joozey__> You should have initiated a full thermo scan of the level´s surface. There is one area where the arcane energy is too high for the scan to penetrade. That´s where the phaser is hidden.
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> ...What now"
    [05] <!MageKing17|Magicka> "Thermo scan"?
    [05] <Joozey__> You should have initiated a full thermo scan of the level´s surface. There is one area where the arcane energy is too high for the scan to penetrade. That´s where the phaser is hidden.
    too high for the scan to penetrade.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Why do almost all energy drinks end with "rade"?
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Why do almost all energy drinks end with "rade"?
    Actually, they're ending in "-ade". Like lemonade. The reason they tend to end in "-rade" is because the prefix ends with an "r" ("powerade", which presumably is meant to mean "juice made from the fruit of POWER" (which gives the disturbing mental image that "gatorade" is, in fact, liquified 'gator. Eeeugh)).
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Which makes "Penetrade" which juice exactly?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Which makes "Penetrade" which juice exactly?

    And this is to prevent my post from being ridiculously short.
    Forum » Funniest Forum/IRC Quotes Thread Vol. 2
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