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  • Surviving Notrium v1.33 - Tips and Helpful Hints

    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Leave my grammar alone I was multitasking
    Also I think this is only in werivar mod but it might also be in the Default
    I found that after you get all the tokens you can get more of the same tokens and other weapons. But i wasn't able to repeat this the next time, how did this happen?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    "darkdude" said:
    Leave my grammar alone I was multitasking
    That's no excuse for having poor grammar! [/OT]

    I found that out when I got all the tokens in the Default mod, I got duplicates as well. Haven't checked if this applies to Werivar, though.
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    I mean like 5/6 of each token and Weapons like Psionic Grand Blast and Psionic Inferno
    >.>...<.< 18 years ago
    how long should I wait in werivar to go to the gorge and take the egg? the queens r tough there and i could kill them with my werivar but this is my alien who needs to kill browns to evolve again, how long until I can take them on?
    Grim Reaper 18 years ago
    ">.>...<.<" said:
    how long should I wait in werivar to go to the gorge and take the egg? the queens r tough there and i could kill them with my werivar but this is my alien who needs to kill browns to evolve again, how long until I can take them on?
    As said before, PLEASE keep the requests for assistance in Werivar mod in threads created for that particular purpose.
    &gt;.&gt;...&lt;.&lt; 18 years ago
    The best possible place, as im sure has been repeated, is the hive, multiple spawn points and also needed for final evo and once you get to 1600 you get devour feast, killer claws are simply the best and your health, weight and damage absorbtion increases. almost nothing can kill you after final evo, and BABIES ARE IMPORTANT having an army to back you up while storming the nests is always a good thing, make sure to make quite a few, ive got five brown and five blue currently, working up for a large attack force. Use devouring feast only to get food back as other corpses are needed to improve your swarm to mature and to heal them after a battle. Only use lethal bite if you absolutely have to, as it drains you of food needed for babies, Only use lighters for fires, as wood is needed later. be sure to stock up on brown alien corpses and blue(mature) alien corpses as you need three per baby of each type, and to heal them. and also use feral rage if something is harming you too badly (which it shouldnt at final evo) as it is very useful and again DEVOURING FEAST simply the most useful skill to have, 150-200 hunger per small blue alien corpse... enough said. make brown aliens as much as possible as they are good defenders of key areas to you, and blue aliens for an attacking force or hunting party, youll need a distraction in areas infested with dire reapers (like east of hive) as they have quite a bit of health and heal from being fed, use this and youll dominate with the alien.
    Lunacre 18 years ago
    ">.>...<.<" said:
    how long should I wait in werivar to go to the gorge and take the egg? the queens r tough there and i could kill them with my werivar but this is my alien who needs to kill browns to evolve again, how long until I can take them on?
    I usually kill the queens by using level 2-3 Psi freeze and then kill them with my Psi Blast. Or you can just use Werivars poisoning skill and let them kill each other.
    harwe 18 years ago
    ive killed them once with leathal bites which was pretty funny when in feral rage
    Zanfib 18 years ago
    When playing as the psionic, I highly recommend using the 'pisonic ally' spell. Not only is it one of the most powerful (non boss) creatures in the game, but the components are also easy to obtain: sand and pebbles from The Desert and lifeforce from Eden (hint: rain).
    Nuklearni-okurka 18 years ago
    Okay now ALL ON THE FORUM ARE GOING TO KILL ME but i must askĀ§:--)

    How to play as psionic and get skills? It say something about some essence (not life) and i dont know what to do.(i think this is mega ultra hyper stupid post)
    Darkdude 18 years ago
    Go to the dreamscapes to get more tokens (up to 6) and then combine them to get new stuff
    Dreamscapes are
    Liquid-Ship Cemetary looks like a pond
    Life Essence-Eden Altar (in the middle)
    Void-Mining Area looks like a black circle
    You need to make the relevant focus to get into a dreamsacape and use it near the portal
    If you have werivar you can unlock even more stuff
    ScytheKnight84 18 years ago
    ">.>...<.<" said:
    how long should I wait in werivar to go to the gorge and take the egg? the queens r tough there and i could kill them with my werivar but this is my alien who needs to kill browns to evolve again, how long until I can take them on?

    Gorge Queens are really easy.. well OK MAY be a bit tougher for Alien.. but my andriod pwned them. Laser Pistol + Improved Targeting Laser + Crystal mine = wrecked MG turrets. wrecked turrets + repair unites = shiny new MG turets. MG turrets + spider queens = pwnage
    Crazy 18 years ago
    It's not tough for an alien... NOTHING is tough for an alien. Just takes a bit more time manipulating the enemies, s'all.
    swany999 18 years ago
    Im allowed to post questions here right? o well if im not i wont post here.i want to get a hover bike playing as alien but i can tfind glass tube to make flamethrower any1 know where its at or a general area i could look in???
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    Go to the VC base, it's flooded with'em. Or, you could kill flamethrower marines until one of them drops a flamethrower.
    swany999 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    kill flamethrower marines until one of them drops a flamethrower.
    flamethrowers hurt bad so ill go to the vc base thx for help.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    "swany999" said:
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    kill flamethrower marines until one of them drops a flamethrower.
    flamethrowers hurt bad so ill go to the vc base thx for help.
    If you know how badly flamethrower marines can hurt you, then how can you say that you'll go visit the VC base as if it's your first time? You were already in it!
    swany999 18 years ago
    Hey umm i heard bout going to the gorge to kill the aliens whats so big about em i killed em all and nothing happened...
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    Nothing special happens if you kill all the aliens in the gorge. Are you sure you aren't thinking about the Hive?
    swany999 18 years ago
    no im talkin bout gorge i was reading this thread and it said gorge was good place for begginers. and i didnt get it...
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    That's because there are good items in the Gorge.
    swany999 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    That's because there are good items in the Gorge.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    The hoverbike manual.


    Yup, that's it.
    swany999 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    The hoverbike manual.


    Yup, that's it.
    Anarion 18 years ago
    The metal tube you find in the gorge is kinda useful too.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    The hoverbike manual.


    Yup, that's it.

    There's something more, but I won't tell
    Zanfib 18 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    The metal tube you find in the gorge is kinda useful too.

    I've never found the metal tube. I'm not convinced that it exits.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    Well... it does! The tube's hidden, btw.
    swany999 18 years ago
    umm hi again i just finished killin reapers and i evoled and it i have to survive umoung a race of my own so what dod i do???
    Paper_Wings 18 years ago
    Lmfao. I'm a Notrium veteran, but I rarely give a flying crap about items. I just kill stuff and get only a few things you need for the endings like the planetoid and stuff.

    And for the "race of my own" kid, I don't know, I rarely play as an alien. Probably you have to kill the queen brown and blue aliens? *Shrugs*
    swany999 18 years ago
    wait i figured it out u just gotta hang round the hive
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "Paper_Wings" said:
    Lmfao. I'm a Notrium veteran, but I rarely give a flying crap about items.
    Contradiction in terms.

    "Paper_Wings" said:
    And for the "race of my own" kid, I don't know, I rarely play as an alien. Probably you have to kill the queen brown and blue aliens? *Shrugs*
    No. You got the location right, though.

    You just need to go to the Hive. And stay there. That's it. Oh, and not die, but I assume you can do that. You'll eventually evolve.

    "Zanfib" said:
    I've never found the metal tube. I'm not convinced it exits.
    It's under one of the trees.
    E_net4 18 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:

    You just need to go to the Hive. And stay there. That's it. Oh, and not die, but I assume you can do that. You'll eventually evolve.
    At the Werivar mod you can keep more time at the Hive and you can evolve again.
    MageKing17 18 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "MageKing17" said:

    You just need to go to the Hive. And stay there. That's it. Oh, and not die, but I assume you can do that. You'll eventually evolve.
    At the Werivar mod you can keep more time at the Hive and you can evolve again.
    This thread is not about the Werivar mod.
    Anonymous1157 18 years ago
    It's not about Notrium 1.341, either.

    ... C'mon, it's not like he'll cause a gigantic discussion. And if he does, its still amusing watching others fight.
    Forum » Surviving Notrium v1.33 - Tips and Helpful Hints
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