A google search of my name turned this up:
Nothing special. Probably a less than perfect translation of the site into Chinese.
Now for some reason I can't directly link to it, but follow these steps.
1. Google "HarmlessHermit" with or w/o quotes. 2. Go to the Chinese version of monkkonen.net and click: Translate this page.
Note that the site may disappear from the google search at any time. I found these translations particularly funny.
15 November 2005 Cormoon Screenshot
If you have not already heard, Ville and Quanrian Cormoon is being created as the new competition, Reading quickly on the matter in this forum.
We have a screenshot forum CFS competition. Rafah new ideas to the imagination screenshot competition. The winner was NeoGangster injection, we stay competitive victors do.
07 August 2005 Notrium fanfic
HarmlessHermit has been finalized his Notrium basis to the story Notrium legend : survivors, but monkkonen.net is the fine art work of the proud owner. Reading the story here.
Introduced here : Varactor body masters' Equinallin is leading his ship on a routine and adventure expedition to the cellular sector members, but they found waiting for the ancient and mysterious planet. Notrium。Notrium. The captain can decide whether before landing, firing a missile from the planetary fly upward and do not intend to shoot down a ship. In the distant planet isolation, through his most members dead, the captain must deceive Ville through the heart Fleet without mercy, and discrete survivors reunited survive, and reveals his own secrets and Notrium. He is a journey of its own-discovery and survival.
01 May 2005 Werivar Mod
UberWaffe released his Werivar Mod 1.05 version. Mod to the general expansion of Notrium competition, the introduction of a completely new competition and a new list of great things. Download it here and read more of it in that forum.
12 April 2005 Bugfix 1.341
1.34 worms which fixed for all the projects is small trucks disappear when you rescue competition time. You will need to change start a new work of the competition.
10 March 2005 Wazzal mod update
ZeXLR8 er!! has updated his Wazzal Notrium mod. You can download the third beta version here, but give him your thoughts on this one line. *
*Note that in the original, "this one line" is a link to the THREAD about the Wazzal mod.
AND... the funniest one by far:
This was the original:
04 Jan 2005 Forum Avatar/Signature competition
Last year we held a little signature/avatar competition at the monkkonen.net forums. The winner was NeoGangster with his funky avatar:
And the mangled version:
04 January 2005 Forum embodiment of God / signature competition
Last year we took a little signature / God incarnations monkkonen.net competition in the Forum. Victor with his funk God is the embodiment NeoGangster:
