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  • Werewolf ep. 6

    E_net4 17 years ago
    You're right. No good choice.
    I'll vote randomly instead. It might be fair.
    8-Roll again

    8-sided die says: 5
    Should I?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    You're right. No good choice.
    I'll vote randomly instead. It might be fair.
    8-Roll again

    8-sided die says: 5
    Should I?
    How do we know you aren't just laying the names out there and claiming to have rolled an 8-sided die?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    You're right. No good choice.
    I'll vote randomly instead. It might be fair.
    8-Roll again

    8-sided die says: 5
    Should I?
    How do we know you aren't just laying the names out there and claiming to have rolled an 8-sided die?
    You don't trust me, that's what you're saying?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    You're right. No good choice.
    I'll vote randomly instead. It might be fair.
    8-Roll again

    8-sided die says: 5
    Should I?
    How do we know you aren't just laying the names out there and claiming to have rolled an 8-sided die?
    You don't trust me, that's what you're saying?
    Like the great Fox Mulder said, "Trust no-one."
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Well, lol.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Question: Possible to vote for yourself as mayor: go or no?

    I vote no, but as i said, i'm trying to distance the GM role from gameplay a bit, so my vote doesn't count.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    I allowed it last time... I automatically counted everyone who ran for mayor as voting for themselves, unless they say otherwise (don't think that happened). Also, if there was a tie, no mayor was chosen.

    So, with those rules, it doesn't actually matter anything I think.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    If you're honestly going to roll dice, you might as well roll more than once and take the average. Put that half-mechanical brain of yours to good use.

    lol, RPG.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Since E_net has astounded us all with either his stupidity, or his "clever" attempt to conceal his wolfish intentions, I'm going to announce my intention to lynch him, since I er.... say "screw you" to the idea of some random-ass dice roll saying "you die."
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    If you're honestly going to roll dice, you might as well roll more than once and take the average. Put that half-mechanical brain of yours to good use.
    Your knowledge of statistics is depressing.

    Who is running for mayor? Anarion and E_net, right? Hmm.

    Okay, here's the deal. Anarion and E_net are linked. I linked them. And I don't trust them going for mayor. For one, it might mean one (or both) of them is wolf. They might be trying to secure the best position for themselves, knowing they won't be attacked. And even if they aren't wolves, they would make a very weak mayor, with double chance of getting killed.

    So, since I am now an ordinary villager (ex-cupid), it is my duty to do something. I will be running for mayor and I'm retracting my vote for Anarion. Also, I vote E_net for lynching.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Hey!? WHAT!? I'm linked to someone?! Why wasn't I told?

    I vote to lynch Amarth on the basis that I believe he is lying.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Weren't linked people SUPPOSED to know?

    E's answer does seem a bit biased. Either he's trying to destroy the most experienced members of our clan first, or the dice had a big fifth side. IF it was a dice.

    I vote to lynch E and abstain from voting for mayor, just to be safe.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    You idiots, you're wrong! I'm not a bloody werewolf! You're going to fail on it if you just lynch me now!

    Also, the roll was totally by random!
    Amarth, you have proved yourself to be the ex-cupid, but you also said non-sense's. I don't have anything in mind with Anarion. You know what? I might be already dead, so I'm saying it now! I was the bloody Aer, who got the seer's powers! Whatever you do or donnot beleive, I may die in peace, away from your kind!
    I shall then kill your silly words first!
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    NOBODY writes like THAT unless they're telling the truth. I think.

    Bah. I might as well just abstain from everything today.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    It's sorta Saturday, 20:40 by now. I could kinda use your lynch votes. Yeah. They'd be useful. Y'know... playing the game n' all? Hello? Anyone?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    What, we're supposed to PM them? I've noted a couple of votes here already, they not good enough for you?

    Well, if you ARE the Seer and otherwise innocent, and we spare you, you'd be dead by tomorrow. So that move of yours is either completely stupid, or trickery. Even if it were the first, it'd serve us no good.

    Mark my words. They are linked. This accusation can be easily proved. Also, if that is true, I am nothing but a lowly villager now. You can trust me. I have no proof E_net or Anarion are actually evil people, but I don't like the way they are acting.

    So I still go for E_net for lynch and myself for mayor (if that's possible, otherwise I just abstain for mayor)
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Vote Amarth for mayor.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    We all can trust you, Amarth, but you don't seem to trust me.
    Now just don't go and cry as a ghost when the werewolves rule this place.
    Also, I told Anarion already, he IS linked to me, but it's too late to avoid my death. He's also a villager.
    Seriously, I could help you alot, and on your vote to lynch me, you're killing a part of your side. A big one.
    Anyway, you shall be the mayor. Let hope be in your hands.
    *votes Amarth to be mayor*
    Crazy 17 years ago
    For a day, the House was filled with whispers, traitorous thoughts, and conspiracies. There hasn't been a war with another clan for almost 220 years, ever since the Isolation.

    The Scavangers came to one conclusion rather quickly, though. A leader must be appointed. The clan, due to it's small size never had any kind of hierarchy, but now they needed someone that would have a decisive say in an argument.

    So they talked a bit more loudly now. E_net4 and Anarion were the first to go for the position, but their support seemed rather unenthusiastic. After a short argument Amarth stepped up and was almost unanimously appointed as Head.

    By the time evening was beginning to descend upon the windswept landscape, though no one really announced it out loud, a resolution to the situation was decided upon. Someone would die that day.

    These remnants of Man now held a heated discussion on subjects that were unheard of since the Isolation and rare even before it. But though things nearly became violent, a ruling was made. Some voted silent, others spoke their mind aloud. And then. The Head stood up above the the others and announced aloud. His voice was quiet.

    "Anonymous: Anarion
    E_net4: Shingo, Amarth, Grim
    Grim: E_net4"

    It was never said aloud, but everyone knew these were the votings for who to be shot. And as the Head finished, everyone was silent. E_net4 did not move, he only stared at one point. A rifle was raised parallel to his head. He didn't see this, but he knew. And the rifle fired. And E_net4 fell to the ground. And a calm fell upon the Scavengers.

    He was stripped in quiet, only the various life support machines embedded in the Scavengers whirred and clicked and beeped. And then they found the device again. The same that was on Nuk. And so it turned out that E_net 4 had stolen it.

    But when they began to remove his bulk of hormone synthesizers, they noticed that his adrenaline unit showed signs of high workload very recently, at the time he was shot, but a long term adrenaline release, the kind that would happen when you decide to kill one of your own clan and then do as such, had not happened in years. This was shown by the fact that it had a crust of chemicals on the inside, showing that it has had very little work for a very long time that had a layer of fresh chemicals on it, which had not, however, cleared any of the old crust as a long-term release would do.

    And then they knew they were wrong.

    And they sat.

    And then they heard a children's verse dating back to right after the End. It sounded like Anarion singing.

    "White and Yellow danced across the land,
    bothering my parents in their bed.
    And when they had turned it all into sand,
    we slept in the ditches after eating our dead."

    And then... a gunshot.

    Anonymous: Anarion
    E_net4: Shingo, Amarth, Grim
    Grim: E_net4

    E_net4 was lynched, he was the Aer and then the Seer. He was connected to Anarion, who is now also dead and was a villager.

    Mayor is Amarth.

    And i would like your votes in PM, because that will make things clearer. Also, i'm just so use to people saying one thing and then doing another.

    I already made an error counting the votes in this one.
    Idiota 17 years ago
    What part of 'no posts allowed during the night' don't you guys get?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    People who still post after me saying THAT should be considerend BLINDINGLY STUPID PEOPLE.

    Crazy 17 years ago
    *cough* yeah, morning set for Tuesday, 20:00 GMT. Forgot that little bit.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Um, just wondering. How did Amarth vote on me and Grim at a time? (Sorry, Id, for posting, but this has to do with a technical problem.)
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Bah. That's the error i was talking about. Forgot to fix it in the other part of the text aswell.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    The Scavengers returned from their nightly walks once more, gloomy, but not shocked anymore. The mainframe told them of another fatality.

    They sat down before sunrise once again, and saw the panels and knew the Murska was gone.

    The retrieving of his body was rather uneventful, as it was completed before the sun began to cast it's first rays upon the land.

    He was stripped and processed. Doing this was becoming almost routine for the Scavengers. Which once again put silence upon their presence, this time a heavy, suffocating silence, forged by the feeling of the inevitable.

    The clan had lost four good men in two days.

    But now they knew for certain that there is, or perhaps even are several traitors amongst them. Many saw the other clan, keeping themselves hidden. A powerful clan. Powerful enough to bend their own clanmates to their will.

    This should not have happened. The Isolation should have made sure that no clans ever meet. And if the Isolation had collapsed, what is left of the race will soon follow.

    The Isolation, an understanding between the remnants of Man, brought relative peace, as clans were small by that time and could spread themselves enough to never come in contact with another clan. This was a desperate attempt to keep the few human survivors, who, at that time, were not mechanized, alive. But the species had failed. Reproduction was no longer possible due to mutation. It was only a matter of time.

    This time draws nearer. But the hope. Plans to leave Earth. Plans to reach Mars. This was in the mainframe. If these plans can be carried out, a new age will come. What's more important, the current age will end.

    But for this, the clan must first survive.

    And that's why the whispers started again.

    Got a bit sloppy with the story, but... yeah, whatever, excuses, excuses.

    Murska is dead now, he was a Villager.

    Also, i had the idea on unfolding the story as it goes along, not just on the first day. But for that, it would be nice if the game didn't end too quickly, now, wouldn't it? Hmm?

    Excuse me now, for i feel a need to collapse.

    Edit: Oh, and nightfall on Friday, 20:00 GMT.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Okay, well, seems like I made some sort of mistake the previous day.

    Anyways. Since I'm bad at this, some else should bring on the suspects. Come on! Start already!
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    You DID ponder about Anonymous1157 being a wolf at some point, Amarth.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    As I did about you.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    And it seems as though everyone has more-or-less forgotten Pete, who has been rather quiet as of late...
    Amarth 17 years ago
    As is Shingo, actually.

    And those posts pretty much show where we are currently.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    In the middle of nowheres? >_>
    Murska 17 years ago
    Bah, why is it always me. Well, not like I had SAID anything to anyone...*Leaves to the ghostland*
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    We're nowhere, and not saying anything won't get us anywhere.


    What now?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Bah, why is it always me. Well, not like I had SAID anything to anyone...*Leaves to the ghostland*
    Always you, ye say? They never tried to believe me, you know.
    Anyway. *Back to ghostland*
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Okay, I've done some calculations. And, paradoxically, I have to decide we better don't vote.

    I'm not going in details (I used minmax, so explaining the full method might give the wolves an idea on their best strategy), but the main point as that if we now vote off a wrong person, the game is as good as over. Yet if we don't vote, no-one will get killed now, the wolves kill someone and the chances are higher for us to vote off a wolf, yet with the same time to live.

    Of course, I'm assuming randomness from us and semi-randomness from the wolves, so this might not be fully valid. I did include all possible mayor and guardian angel outcomes, though, and I'm pretty certain this result is right.

    So, unless anyone has serious evidence against someone (which I believe impossible), let's not vote until the wolves kill off someone.
    Forum » Werewolf ep. 6
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