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  • Ideas for future Notrium versions

    harwe 17 years ago
    holy... cool
    yeah mmorpg isnt good on here
    ville 17 years ago
    I like what you're saying there Eterno, you've got a lot of good ideas going!

    There's one thing I'd like to clarify to everyone, when I make Notrium 2, it will not be Notrium 1 only better. We'll definitely have a new story, maybe even a different world. I will also ruthlessly leave various gameplay parts of Notrium 1 behind, things that were not fun or were boring. I haven't the slightest clue what those parts are yet though.

    If you will, I'd like to direct the conversation towards something new. If we had a new world for Notrium 2, what would it be like? Or how would the planet Notrium be different? Also, what would be the back story for the new game? Who is the player?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I think that the game, as a sequel to the last game, should have a connection with each other, in the meaning that Notrium 2 depends on Notrium 1. What I mean is: Which ending are we going to use for Notrium 2? This is another important question.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I think that the game, as a sequel to the last game, should have a connection with each other, in the meaning that Notrium 2 depends on Notrium 1. What I mean is: Which ending are we going to use for Notrium 2? This is another important question.
    Also a question I had already asked previously in this very thread.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "ville" said:
    There's one thing I'd like to clarify to everyone, when I make Notrium 2, it will not be Notrium 1 only better. We'll definitely have a new story, maybe even a different world.
    "ville" said:
    I will also ruthlessly leave various gameplay parts of Notrium 1 behind, things that were not fun or were boring.

    "ville" said:
    I haven't the slightest clue what those parts are yet though.
    I think the community has just a couple suggestions in that regard.

    "ville" said:
    If you will, I'd like to direct the conversation towards something new. If we had a new world for Notrium 2, what would it be like?
    Oceans/lakes/seas. Notrium was startling lacking in any standing body of water.

    "ville" said:
    Or how would the planet Notrium be different?
    Um... oceans/lakes/seas?

    "ville" said:
    Also, what would be the back story for the new game?
    Well, I'd like to see it set in the same universe, but if we were to take it to a new universe I'd like to see some healthy respect for the laws of physics a la Babylon 5.

    "ville" said:
    Who is the player?
    I don't think we can even begin to suggest anything here until we have some idea of where you want to go with the backstory, really.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    I have a couple of Ideas.

    Seeing as it's the sequal to Notrium shouldn't we follow the same characters?

    Lets say the Human has escaped the planet (the escape pod ending) and due to his experiences has put together a rescue squad to rescue stranded pilots. During a routine rescue on an uncharted planet something goes terribly wrong and now you are once again stranded with a few survivors and forced to call upon your survival skills to escape. Obviously there would be something else to make it different from the first Notrium. I just don't know what that would be

    As for the Psionic and Alien, I was thinking, since the psionic rescued his people he is now working to help restore his planet to what ot once was. But there's a problem. The Alien and it's brood is now attempting to dominate the whole planet and is threatening your species. Which of couse would mean a war between the aliens and Psionics.

    As for the Android, I really have no ideas for him.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    As for the Android, I really have no ideas for him.

    The Android would likely still be obsessed with revenge on the human race .

    That's all assuming the story moves forward, and isn't a prequel to what eventually led to the events taking place in Notrium.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Ofcourse. Maybe it could not be a survival game, the player could not be stranded on a an alien planet and the events of Notrium 1 could have never happened?

    Maybe Notrium 2 could be an RTS game for the control of Notrium, much like Dune?

    Maybe it could go back to the original story without the VC and the Hermit and could just have the player against the planet, more survival-like?

    Maybe it could be a top-down shooter sometime in the Wazzal-Notrium timeline?

    Ofcourse. These could just be speculations.
    Eterno 17 years ago
    Perhaps indeed, Notrium 2 could be something totally different... Naming it Notrium 2 might be a little misleading then.
    I personally would like the original concept... But that's just me.

    For a new planet (and possibly old Notrium, but I'd really prefer a new world) I have plenty of environmental ideas:

    Different bodies of water, as MageKing proposed, with oceans and lakes having differing flora and fauna. And possibly rivers, mostly with lake flora and fauna plus a few critters/plants exclusive for rivers only.
    For possible 3D, swimming in water should be rather free (diving about) and possibly races can swim differently: i.e. an alien would be quite adept at it whereas psionic will be quite slow and diving/being underwater should be rather hard. Androids etc. would have part of it easy, since they wouldn't have to breathe, but that could be compensated by them being unable to float, thus making them walk slowly along the bottom. Oxygen bar would indicate the obvious. Little oxygen = slow health loss. No oxygen = very rapid health loss (instant death wouldn't be all that realistic as it may sound).
    All bodies water should be quite clear, mostly for gaming purposes.

    Mountaneous regions.Gradually from open land with few trees to very narrow paths alongside mountains with nearly no cover from the drastic weather effects. Should you find a small incavement/a covering rock slab you can concider yourself lucky. Spots of climbable wall (just really slow walking + increased food consumtion) should be here and there too.
    The top regions of the mountains (often covered in snow) should be hard for anyone that breathes; possibly the same oxygen bar could be used here as in water but it would never go beyond 'low oxygen'.

    Underground. Yes indeed. I should be like another layer under the surface and perhaps with possibilities to go deeper into lower layers. Again, featuring very differing creatures from usual, getting more and more odd and scary the deeper you go. You'll find yourself in big trouble if your flashlight runs out of batteries... unless there are glowing fungi (preferably on the lowest layers) but even them shouldn't replace the need of your own light source.
    Most caves though, should be very small, natural or creature dug caves not going beyond the layer right below surface.
    Creature dug nests should be found randomly in jungles and deserts. Natural caves (which should be the only caves with a chance to go deeper) should be found in mountaneous regions and other areas boasting with radical terrain height differences (canyons in some deserts maybe?).

    Non agressive creatures. Small, or just otherwise frightful critters that prefer to keep distance from player, some larger creatures which don't find you a threat and some predators. This would, though, kill the feeling that absolutely anything you run into will try to kill you, but it would include features such as you running into a running herd of some prey creature and find yourself running along trying to avoid being eaten by some huge predator for example. Prey animals would also make it slightly easier to get food. You should, then, include varying meats of which you have to learn whether they are actually edible or not. Some prey animals (probably those which are large enough) should turn agressive and maybe be more than enough challenge to bring down. Possibly the whole herd could then try to protect it's member.

    Flying creatures would be one thing, but I don't have any ideas how you could actually make them and I don't see them all that necessary.

    Seamless world would be very very nice. Though it may also be very very nasty for performance, especially with 3D. It may be very hard to code too... It's up to Ville whether to concentrate on a neat looking shell or rich and tasty fillings.

    I'd have plenty of ideas concerning characters and backstory, but I'll leave 'em for another post.
    ville 17 years ago
    More thoughts on the underground? Would it play like the indoor scenes in Notrium 1, or should it be different? How could the indoors be improved?
    Eterno 17 years ago
    It depends on whether it'll be 3D or not.

    Whether or not it's going to be 3D however, some terrain should have boundaries, as in them not just fading to each other, but for example indoor wall terrain should be black with an outer core, fitting the theme. So it would be the terrain that blocks and looks like walls insted of those many objects you'd have to place.
    This could also be used to make sharp terrain height differences (canyons) but they wouldn't look that nice outdoors without casting shadows to the ground.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Maybe Notrium 2 could be an RTS game for the control of Notrium, much like Dune?
    You know... That might be cool... Kinda Outpost 2-style, VC vs hostile planet.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    In the event of a prequel it could follow the events after the alien mentioned in Notrium 1.2's journal awakened all the cyrofreezed plants and animals in the cargo vessel. The start could be right after all the aliens awaken, or someone crashing into the planet shortly after.
    Narvius 17 years ago
    I think every character should play completely different.
    Human - you build up your base and gather components to equip your team (see Anarions post). It shouldn't be possible to get any reinforcements, at the beginning at least. Maybe later when you have radio thingies and so on...
    You should can assing various tasks to your men (like gathering food, patroling the base...). All of your men and you have the same base stats (max. health etc.) and the only varity comes from equipment (so you HAVE TO carefully use your team, because no single person can fight against a whole planet with the revived psionics, an angry corporation and lots of aliens).

    Psionic - a quest based game, where you help other Psionics to relearn everything they forgot during [Spoilah]the time, when they were edible funghi[/Spoilah]. This could be done by showing them how to use psionic mights.

    Android - Original Android gameplay (surviving & gathering pieces for upgrades), but with many more items.

    Alien - Due to some event you get weak again, just like in any RPG sequel that continues the story using the same characters. Same alien gameplay as in Notrium, but with heavily extended "Have-Your-Own-Tribe-And-Conquer-Notrium". With "[...]Conquer-Notrium" being the ultimate goal, of course.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    Psionic - a quest based game, where you help other Psionics to relearn everything they forgot during [Spoilah]the time, when they were edible funghi[/Spoilah].
    Weren't they [SPOIL]turned into the orb-like plants found in eden[/SPOIL]?

    'Cos I sure as heck can't remember any mention on them [SPOIL]turning into edible fungi[/SPOIL].
    318th 17 years ago
    I got this idea:
    Human - Rescue Team Mates, conquer aliens controled by VC, and VC of coz, Than escape from planet. Than crash land on notrium

    Android, escape from humans and become strong. Than conquer humans and their machines.

    Alien - Create own Brood, defeat other broods, get a war with psionics

    Psionic - Defend from aliens, create good vilage and become master of psionics.

    How it could be?
    Narvius 17 years ago
    I'm sure they turned into funghi, because in one of the endings you turn into a funghi yourself and then you realize why the funghi tasted like meat.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Cheater" said:
    I'm sure they turned into funghi, because in one of the endings you turn into a funghi yourself and then you realize why the funghi tasted like meat.
    I don't remember that ending.
    Eterno 17 years ago
    Didn't you turn into a one big orb plant in that ending and you just had a vision where you saw that those funghi had been living beings once?

    Anyways, I'd like to see more playable races in this new game. The plain old ones were rather... played throughoutly... At least by me.

    New additions to old races will save the day mostly (I especially like the suggestion of human captain having a survivor team with him) but adding a couple of new options will be a grand boost.

    Of course, one must think about diversity then. All playable characters should be as different from each other as possible.
    Narvius 17 years ago
    Yay, let's make a MiniSpore called Notrium 2 ^^
    Barebones 17 years ago
    I wouldn't mind a Notrium that was more strategically inclined. However I don't want armies, it should feel tactical, almost like Jagged Alliance 2.

    And speaking of that, how about weapons that break down? And perhaps people who repair them if my idea is considered?

    Like for example, you have a mechanic who can make and repair items while you are looking for stuff. If he wants to make stuff, you have to give him a combo based on numbers, when you find an object, right down the number. For example, you have an energy unit and a light diode. The energy unit is c23 (C for consumables), and the light diode is m64 (M for miscellaneous). You want your mechanic to make a laser pistol (w13, W for weapons), so you give him the parts (you can also give him all the parts at the same time by typing something like give c23 1; give m64 all), so he has all the neccessary parts. Then you open an interface and you type in the combo, c23+m64, the combo is saved which means you've discovered it and it will be in all future games. Of course you don't know what it makes just yet, so you tell him to make an item using the combo you give him, and provided he has the parts for it, he will produce the item, and that combo saved in your settings is updated with a record of the finished item.

    Wow, I put way too much thought into that, anyone have questions?
    318th 17 years ago
    Forgot i got some ideas.

    Maybe an 360 degree rotating? Zooming...

    Also Trees to cut out (for wood) or like in werivar - ores.

    Inventory parts (dunno how to translate it)

    You got many items? So you swich off to other screen.

    Like Items, Weapons, Usable, Food/Batteries/Repair units
    You can swich via clicking or keys. An also moving item to other place (like you got batteries on top and you want them on down, push left mouse button (or click with right) then move where you want it and release LMB or press another time RMB.

    New Combinations of items, more items!

    Own buildable base (walls, towers, house, etc)
    Your own ship you can fly on, store items in it.

    And maybe other planets to fly on, explore, quests...

    Many wishes xD
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Barebones" said:
    Like for example, you have a mechanic who can make and repair items while you are looking for stuff. If he wants to make stuff, you have to give him a combo based on numbers, when you find an object, right down the number. For example, you have an energy unit and a light diode. The energy unit is c23 (C for consumables), and the light diode is m64 (M for miscellaneous). You want your mechanic to make a laser pistol (w13, W for weapons), so you give him the parts (you can also give him all the parts at the same time by typing something like give c23 1; give m64 all), so he has all the neccessary parts. Then you open an interface and you type in the combo, c23+m64, the combo is saved which means you've discovered it and it will be in all future games. Of course you don't know what it makes just yet, so you tell him to make an item using the combo you give him, and provided he has the parts for it, he will produce the item, and that combo saved in your settings is updated with a record of the finished item.
    That sounds like an awefully hard way to recreate what we essentially already have: combining items. Except that you would also save combination you have discovered, but that could be taken care about in an easier way.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    One thing should be kept in mind, in that things should never be too tedious for the player. It's counter-intuitive if you bombard someone with choices, no matter how good your intentions. I think one big focus for 2 should be simplifying, making more fun and interactive, that which you could do before. It should already be a great deal easier to mod Notrium using Cormoon's editor, so I wouldn't even concern myself with moddability like I did with the original(for all the good it did).
    Click 17 years ago
    if multiplayer was to be implemented, i suggest various modes of playing, i.e. deathmatch where players attempt each other's deaths for no apparent reason.

    slaughter, where players team up to combat an endless stream of foes. as you progress through levels, the time you need to survive will lengthen (and there should be some complex algorithm for calculating the number of enemies directly proportional to the amount of players).

    the best offense...: a gameplay mode where players have to protect a certain structure. sorta like 'tower defense' or 'dota'.

    also, a login function for multiplayer would be nice. this way, a system where one could keep track of his kills and whatnot could be implemented with accuracy. this login function could also be directly tied to this forum, so anyone that wishes to duke it out on deathmatch would have to sign up on the forum.

    when you fire projectiles, they should fire until they reach the end of the map. none of that wussy pebbles disappearing half-way to the target crap.

    enemies do stuff even when they're not on screen or close to you.

    smooth transition from areas. it's rather odd to be in marshlands and suddenly appear in the desert.

    maybe one long gigantic map that isn't a geometric polygon. enemies could stop pursuing you at the edge of their territory, which is predetermined.
    318th 17 years ago
    Good ideas Click!

    But maybe we should create Multiplayer world? Can crate own servers, join to others. I mean something like Tribes. Those Modes would be grat + maybe some "Still" servers where you play all time (no map ends, no limits) and you need build own base, gather resources, build various items, also protect from aliens and opposite team b4 they destory your base, kill you... and vice versa
    Anarion 17 years ago


    Didn't you leave?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "Barebones" said:
    Like for example, you have a mechanic who can make and repair items while you are looking for stuff. If he wants to make stuff, you have to give him a combo based on numbers, when you find an object, right down the number. For example, you have an energy unit and a light diode. The energy unit is c23 (C for consumables), and the light diode is m64 (M for miscellaneous). You want your mechanic to make a laser pistol (w13, W for weapons), so you give him the parts (you can also give him all the parts at the same time by typing something like give c23 1; give m64 all), so he has all the neccessary parts. Then you open an interface and you type in the combo, c23+m64, the combo is saved which means you've discovered it and it will be in all future games. Of course you don't know what it makes just yet, so you tell him to make an item using the combo you give him, and provided he has the parts for it, he will produce the item, and that combo saved in your settings is updated with a record of the finished item.
    That sounds like an awefully hard way to recreate what we essentially already have: combining items. Except that you would also save combination you have discovered, but that could be taken care about in an easier way.

    The point is that is its for character interaction with NPCs. You could probably also queue up objects as well.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Interaction with NPCs is good, but we don't want to turn it into a terminal interface nightmare.
    Click 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:


    Didn't you leave?

    "Crazy" said:


    after engaged the nasty tremulous tribe in combat, defeated bosses Pennie - Ark(ahde) and Slug E. Frilanse, rescued the Princess of Sta'r'h Kraft from the evil overlord that watches too many spy/action flicks, did i regain control of my space button, of which the absence of halted all computer progress.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Click" said:
    after engaged the nasty tremulous tribe in combat, defeated bosses Pennie - Ark(ahde) and Slug E. Frilanse, rescued the Princess of Sta'r'h Kraft from the evil overlord that watches too many spy/action flicks, did i regain control of my space button, of which the absence of halted all computer progress.
    Uhh... Well...Welcome back then
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    Definately. Always good to see an old-timer return.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    It is.

    Not that we have many that HAVE come back, but yeah.
    ville 17 years ago
    The RTS Notrium is a great idea, but I don't think I'm going that route.

    Just a reminder, I'm going to be using the Cormoon game engine for the next generation Notrium, so we more than likely will have many better ways of modding and editing the maps. It will also support indoors much better, but I'd still like to know how you felt about the indoor maps in regular Notrium?
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