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  • Ideas for future Notrium versions

    Anarion 17 years ago
    "ville" said:
    The RTS Notrium is a great idea, but I don't think I'm going that route.
    Something for the future perhaps?
    Eterno 17 years ago
    The indoor maps in the regular Notrium were, IMO, rather dull. It was because the game engine didn't quite seem to fit anything else than outdoors, flat and simple outdoors.

    Any indoor place was the better the smaller it was. The Ville Corp ship was quite bad looking since you saw through* those flat and plain objects placed in as walls.
    * While you didn't see units, you saw all the terrain and walls beyond your line of sight, quite killing the feeling that you had never been on this ship before and not "remembering" what everything looks like.

    The line of sight system in Tapan Kaikki 4 was quite neat, and something similar might work well in this new Notrium methinks. Although then perhaps, unlike in TK 4, we should have Fog Of War and Shroud (=stuff you see faintly through and stuff that's entirely black unil revealed which after revelation turns into Fog o' War).
    Performance might come as an issue here though.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    If Nox could do it 7 years ago, we can do it now. It actually isn't that hard. Besides, there seems already a system in place to detect visibility, so expanding on this can't be too hard.

    *nudge nudge* You heard that Ville? *wink wink*
    ville 17 years ago
    Fog of war and line of sight, should be easy and are vital to indoors. Thanks guys! Keep them coming.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "ville" said:
    Fog of war and line of sight, should be easy and are vital to indoors. Thanks guys! Keep them coming.
    So you're planning to make Notrium 2 top down at this stage?
    ville 17 years ago
    Yes. There may be some 3D elements, but it'll be top down. I feel it's vital to the style of gameplay I'm going for with Notrium.
    Eterno 17 years ago
    One thing that might be good would be flashing bars... or any indicators you'll use for hp, battery, food etc.
    When low enough they would flash quite noticably, yet not annoyingly (something rather bright and calm).

    This would reduce stuff like accidentally dying of starvation as you didn't even notice you were starving. It was quite unrealistic and annoying when it occured.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    A multplayer (of course) and one little (but still big) thing nobody mentioned:

    Multi Combining - you go somewhere safe and do a combining stack-up like for bullets.(I hated the sniper rifle just because i became annoyed with the need for a lot of clicking to get sniper bullets ) So you have like 20 ether and 20 bullets. You do a combine and prompt a multi combine and then you just chill out for 20 seconds and viola, a lot of ammo and finger preserved.
    318th 17 years ago

    Multi-player will be great.

    Multi combining: Try add another "use" for bullets:
    Just make an Y key will make 20 snipe bullets. If you got problem with script i can PM to you with ready script.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "318th" said:

    Multi-player will be great.

    Multi combining: Try add another "use" for bullets:
    Just make an Y key will make 20 snipe bullets. If you got problem with script i can PM to you with ready script.

    If you can do that it'll be great, just PM me the code and tell me where to put it. (i don't know s*** about coding, but i'm great with graphics)
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Oh. Suddenly I've got another idea.

    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    Like, save game, try, reload, try again, reload, succeed? Hmm.
    Crazy 17 years ago

    Not to forget the autosaves each move.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    Like, save game, try, reload, try again, reload, succeed? Hmm.
    You know, you wouldn't have that problem if it was multiplayer. ;P
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    Oh. Suddenly I've got another idea.

    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    I think that would be too annoying.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Oh. Suddenly I've got another idea.

    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    I think that would be too annoying.

    Yea, like: "Ohh, i just found all the parts for the shotgun, i'm gonna kick their @R$$ now ", and *crack* the comb failed , somebody shoots you , and you go into rage (of which the hardware sufferss the most)
    Eterno 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    Oh. Suddenly I've got another idea.

    Chance to succeed a combination. There would be a chance for the player to succeed the combination or fail.
    I think that would be too annoying.
    Although I think one could improve combining by changing those 1, 2 and 3 (very... blocky somehow, there's a rather big gap between 1 and 2) to milliseconds maybe. AND then you could make this combining more random as well, as in sometimes it might need a little less or more time than normal. You'd see that crap load o' numbers decreasing during process and of course the number you started off with.
    Just for eye candy reasons.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    "ville" said:
    The RTS Notrium is a great idea, but I don't think I'm going that route.

    Just a reminder, I'm going to be using the Cormoon game engine for the next generation Notrium, so we more than likely will have many better ways of modding and editing the maps. It will also support indoors much better, but I'd still like to know how you felt about the indoor maps in regular Notrium?

    Well for one collision detection was faulty with the game engine to begin with. But the Indoor maps were all right, although the doors always seem weird and out of place at times.
    Redemption 17 years ago
    Auto wall generation based on terrain edges would be good (I've had to place every individual wall in the 50 or so maps of Aleryon Betrayal. It gets old fast).

    Areas like the ship graveyard and such should not be named so by default. When the you enter a new area it should be called "Unexplored" or something like that, which can be renamed whenever you are in the area. This would give more of a middle of nowhere feel.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    Areas like the ship graveyard and such should not be named so by default. When ?the? you enter a new area it should be called "Unexplored" or something like that, which can be renamed whenever you are in the area. This would give more of a middle of nowhere feel.

    Singed, i would name that area junkyard, most easy to remember, and hive would be restricted area to me
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Alternatively you could just have the option to name each new area yourself, as well as naming important landmarks to be displayed on the map which will be generated on a small computer (which you build), that automatically draws a map as you explore.

    That way you could easily mark important spots so you could return to them later.
    D0M0 17 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Alternatively you could just have the option to name each new area yourself, as well as naming important landmarks to be displayed on the map which will be generated on a small computer (which you build), that automatically draws a map as you explore.

    That way you could easily mark important spots so you could return to them later.

    I just got an idea, at first when you crash the map is just general (maybe even blank, or it remembers only the part you traversed not a minute ago, you know, like your charecter is memorizing) and you only see beacon dots. Later when you build a radar (or something like that) and you can "remember" maps forever and you could mark areas without beacons, like a PDA.
    Daedalus 16 years ago
    Multiplayer is a MUST!
    (hello btw ^^)


    Of course traditional CTF but capture a Blueprint or sumthing. Pre-combined Weapons.

    The Hidden
    "1 vs the rest", that one guy is "The hidden", he is nearly invisible, has looots of healt. And devasting weapons.
    Other players have to kill him by building weapons and vehicles. Now its up to u to find a "fragpint-balance" between the hidden and an individual Player. I´d prefer a normal player gets 3 fragpoints for killing the hidden.

    Standart Deathmatch. Pre-combined Weapons lying around. Nothing special, no teams. Fast Gameplay

    Big map with all items possible! Now it depends on how fast you collect and combine! There are two teams and two bases on each map, the Items are laying on he battlefield between the teams. Players may even build Vehicles.
    Or Build Turrets on their base.

    Same as CC (combine-carnage), only with one flag in every base. Now Players will make more fast vehicles than strong weapons. Flags are Blueprints again. Maps are much bigger than other maps, because of the vehicles.

    Combine Deathmatch(C-DM)
    One frustrating Gamemode. all-vs-all. In this mode, the maps have same size as in CC, only every player plays on his own. Every Player has a small base in wich he respawns, and where he can save up his parts he think he needs to build some nice weapon or vehicle.

    2 Teams fight on a bigger map with different "hotspots" on it, these hotspots can be Buildings, energy sources, ammo staks or some other important stuff. These "hotspots" have each one Control-Point, wich can be captured by both of the teams. A control point gives 1 Point/5sec., that means the more points captured and the longer they are defended, the more points that team will get. individual Players can get Points by killing other Players as well. These Points will flow into the "Teamscore".

    In this Gamemode (Evo=Evolution), only aliens are allowed. Its a Gamplay just like Deathmatch, only with one special thing, the Players can evolve during the Game. There are several "Evolve-Runes" Lying around on the map, once collected it "upgrades" the player with new abilitys, like Acid spit or night vison, but also other things like higher speed, inisibility (more and less), or fire/Ice/acid resistance and muuuuch more. Once a Player gets Killed he can choose 1 "Evo-Rune" he wishes to hold when he respawns, all other runes are dropped near the corpse, so usually the player that kills his enymy can take the enemys Evorunes.

    Misc. Ideas (Multi-P):

    Two Player controlled Vehicles, One Player drivees, the other player shoots.
    Transport vehicles, one player drives, other players (up to 6) can get inside and get out on the location they want.

    so im out of Ideas for some hours now...
    greetz! (Hope you like them)
    D0M0 16 years ago
    E_net4 16 years ago
    That's a good idea. We could have more game modes than just the default "Survival mode".
    Daedalus 16 years ago
    Yea like alien campaign and ville Corp campaign.

    Both you have to qonquer the planet. Building up a base and get resources, BUT all with the same char - steering.
    D0M0 16 years ago
    Of course, most of this modes require multolayer, which is still the first thing on to-do list.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Yeah... game modes...

    And what about special weapons? I want a gravity gun and a portal device!
    And how would they work? ...Dang.
    Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
    That hidden idea is from one mod for HL2...
    Eterno 16 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    And what about special weapons? I want a gravity gun and a portal device!
    And how would they work? ...Dang.
    I wouldn't say they'd be too hard to make, considering the possibilities of the Cormoon engine, methinks.
    Gravity gun = flying rocks, trees, aliens... , player characters = awesomity

    Then you could break it and see if you could use its parts for other uses. Gauss shotgun anyone?

    "Daedalus" said:
    The Hidden
    May I suggest renaming this to Predator Rambo? ... Nah, yours is better.
    Great ideas all of 'em gamemodes.

    I think due to multiplayer you should be able to customise your characters outlook to a rather great extent, so that you're not just another clone running around shootin'.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    You can have the portal gun in 2D. Flash Portal showed us how.
    Daedalus 16 years ago
    @Eterno: Ya, of course!

    I think this system would be great for player customizing.

    There are three customizable parts: body, head and arms.
    you cann all give them a different colour, texture and modell.

    There could be an "example screen" where you can have a look at what youve created.
    Beneath it, there should be the three bars for the colour and the "texture Pearl" (a Pearl shaped window right beside those bars, wich shows you the texture you´ve choosen for the Body part)

    in Teamgames all teammembers should be colored the same, Team1= Blue, Team2= Red, Team3= Yellow, Team4= Green.

    The Green team may has an advantage on grassy maps, white/blue players will have an advantage on snow/ice maps etc. But these are so small, we could forget about those advantages.

    It should als be in the options, if you want the players Name showed always or only if you point at him.

    Ah yeah, new Gamemode wich would make the most fun 4 me:

    Yeah, this would be great! a HUGE map, in these are 1City per Race (3 citys at all, 1 human city, 1 Psionic city and 1 alien City)

    There should be wildernis regions and roads wich lead to each city.
    you Play your character in another World, as an Human you may open a shop and sell Guns or computers, or may eletronic Parts?
    In the Beginning, when you join a Server, you have to choose: Race, Job, Gender, Age, Modell.
    For the jobs there should be many jobs as an option, for example as an Electronics Trader you can buy electrical Parts veeery cheap and sell them in your own shop. (wich is already on the map, but closed)
    There also should be primary needs like Hunger, Thirst and Sleep.
    And of course Skills: Huntig (alien), Electronics, Mechanics, rocket Science, Bio Science, Nanotechnology, Driving, Weapon handling, Building and Stamina.

    The Gameplay would look like this, (the more players the more fun!):
    You are going on the Server, you choose: Human, "Cardealer", Male, 26, (own creation).
    Now you are on the map, spawned in you car shop, its empty, you have to choose the cars wich will be sold in your shop, as you choosed them they are standing in your shop, closed. Now you may tell everybod your shop has opened... You open the doors of the Shop and you go out, you can close your own doors with the "keys-weapon"... You may walk around the city and meet other Players, having a chat or you may buy yourself a flat. You may go buy new furniture and place them in you flat.

    Or you may be an Alien, wich plans an attac on the Human City!

    Oh yes, you may know Garrys Mod! I think it should be roleplay like there!

    greetz (hope you understand it all)
    Redemption 16 years ago
    "Daedalus" said:
    2 Teams fight on a bigger map with different "hotspots" on it, these hotspots can be Buildings, energy sources, ammo staks or some other important stuff. These "hotspots" have each one Control-Point, wich can be captured by both of the teams. A control point gives 1 Point/5sec., that means the more points captured and the longer they are defended, the more points that team will get. individual Players can get Points by killing other Players as well. These Points will flow into the "Teamscore".
    This gametype gave me a slightly different idea. Two large teams (Possibly more) start on opposite sides of a fairly large map. There may or may not be buildings already set up here, depending on pre-chosen options. The middle of the map is dominated by aliens and wildlife, seperating the two teams. At the start of the game, the aliens will pose a threat to the players, but as they develop weapons they will become prey.
    This is where it gets interesting.
    The goal of the game is to outlast the other team. During the start of the game players will hunt in the middle of the map and gather food supplies. The aliens will not respawn. Eventually the aliens will become extinct, the only source of food will be what you stockpiled, along with your enemies stockpiles. At this point you can either focus on defense and wait for the other team to starve to death, or you can mount raids on the enemy.
    An obvious flaw in this idea is that both teams might choose to defend their own without mounting any offensives. This situation would resolve itself, as one team will eventually run out of supllies and be forced into an attack. This will be determined by who gathered the most food at the start of the game.
    For respawning (if chosen in the pregame options) players will be reborn as small larvae creatures that starve to death quickly. They will spawn in set locations, like nests, which will become primary food gathering spots (If you die you won't be able to get to food easily, so you'd want it to be closeby). After the've eaten enough food, they will grow into normal players. To prevent constant respawning, if a player dies due to starvation they are booted from the game (or given the option to spectate).

    A major problem for this is that it would go on for a long time. This could be an advantage though, as defeating the enemy team after a long siege would be a great feeling.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    I have a modification to suggest.

    Allow aliens to respawn, and make the point of the game to annihilate the other team.

    If it ends up going too long, player respawns could be turned off, making it a true survival mode.
    Quanrian 16 years ago
    Building on your idea, it could always be done in waves, with downtime used to stockpile and survive in general. In this model of your concept you don't get the pitfall of monotany that would eventually befall the player, as it is being broken up. Perhaps to extend upon this concept a third random, yet short, element would included as well. With three contrasting and blending elements you'd create a good flow I'd wager.
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