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  • Experimental Project

    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    Combining several cultures into one might be a bit tricky, it might seem a little dumb to people who meet a virtual person from Asia, who has Roman body armour, worships Zeus (Aegis is Zeus' shield, by the way ), and drink tea while saying "poppycock" like the English .
    'K, how about this: Greek architecture, everyone speaks English (so I can understand ), Chinese ninjas, martial artists, and Lord Poopingmyer's magic civilization of mages and magicians.

    Actually you're assuming the world is educated on so many cultures properly. The plain and simple truth is they aren't. The masses are only ever focused on what is most readily available to them, usually the TV, which is mostly propaganda and sensationism. So the worst you can do by combining cultures is create bad comedy. At best you create 'real' interest in each culture represented in the melting pot of your design. For people to prove how wrong you were, guess what ? Yep, that's right, they'll have to 'learn' it first. Keeping in mind a fair amount of the population will just accept whatever they are given, so long as the packaging is pretty enough !
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I guess no-one would really care what they were given .
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I guess no-one would really care what they were given .

    I work in retail, so I'm pretty jaded .
    Aegis 17 years ago
    As long as it doesn't make the public feel the following emotions I'm sure no-one would mind: then then then then .

    On an almost completely different topic: I'm working on fire punch (now Hellfire Blast - nods towards MageKing17's avatar which can't really see back...yet) and there is a problem involving side changing. I've checked the code and as far as I know it's perfect. It works about 90% of the time, but sometimes the enemy continues to attack the water creature (which has an attack to return the creature to normal). I've used the seemingly full proof effect number 17 (changes bar value to a direct number) so nothing strange would happen.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I'm working on fire punch (now Hellfire Blast - nods towards MageKing17's avatar which can't really see back...yet) and there is a problem involving side changing. I've checked the code and as far as I know it's perfect. It works about 90% of the time, but sometimes the enemy continues to attack the water creature (which has an attack to return the creature to normal). I've used the seemingly full proof effect number 17 (changes bar value to a direct number) so nothing strange would happen.
    The water creature could be missing, try a wider spread of a larger number of projectiles, perhaps increasing travel distance. See if that solves the problem.

    On the other hand, maybe I should take a look at the actual code and see if I can find the problem. *Makes a note to look into the Hellfire Blast-related code when he has a spare moment*
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I am 300% sure that the water attack is hitting the creature. You can see the bullet spread (for testing only), the creature knockback and the attack is in rapid-fire.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    I am 300% sure that the water attack is hitting the creature. You can see the bullet spread (for testing only), the creature knockback and the attack is in rapid-fire.
    So, again, as soon as I have a spare moment I should check the code myself, so I know exactly what's going on.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I've PMed you the code. I think Notrium has always had trouble with side changing, anyway.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    Just checking in, since I haven't been able to for days. You guys are quite honestly impressing me. Thanks to all who participated, even those who did not care for my attitude. Just trust me when I say, if I were your boss, I'd be the nicest boss you ever had lol. I do hope you all take something signifigant from this, be it working as a team, or just finishing something you start, because the world has more than enough procastinators without adding to the undead pile.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    HUZZAH! Whoever has played the best non-mod (so Quanrian won't beat my with a stick) platformer in the world, and I'm comparing it to ones which cost lovely, lovely $$$, will know that this is Balrog from Cave Story. He says HUZZAH! a lot.

    Ummmm....Sorry for getting off track...Since you, Quanrian, were involved in making Notrium (I'm not sure how) would you remember anything side-changing related? Because I'm experiencing yet another problem which involves finishing a combo on someone, which changes there side permanently to your team. EVEN THOUGH I specifically used the following side-changing code!
    22;//effect number - side change
    1.000000;//parameter1 -side to change to
    1000.000000;//parameter2 -time (note how it isn't "-1")
    11.000000;//parameter3 -weapon effect
    0.000000;//parameter4 -nothin'
    harwe 17 years ago
    cant you use the hermit as an example for side changing..... unless that is from hermit's script for side changing
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I checked the hermit's code, and it looks like this:

          22;//effect number

    My code looks like this:

       22;//effect number        - side change (fire mode)
    2.000000;//parameter1 -side to change to
    1000.000000;//parameter2 -time (note how it isn't "-1")
    11.000000;//parameter3 -weapon effect
    0.000000;//parameter4 -nothin'

       22;//effect number        - side change (normal  side)
    1.000000;//parameter1 -side to change to
    -1.000000;//parameter2 -time (note how it isn't "-1")
    11.000000;//parameter3 -weapon effect
    0.000000;//parameter4 -nothin'

    The difference is the weapon effect, and that wouldn't effect anything. Another difference is the time. I've just noticed something!
    "Quanrian" said:
    Just trust me when I say, if I were your boss, I'd be the nicest boss you ever had lol.
    A nice boss would be payed by us. A lot.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Skool break, i do say.

    Aegis 17 years ago
    That certainly looks nice and evil! *Does one of those golf claps* I was wondering how hard it would be to cram the different creatures into the cell sheet.
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    That certainly looks nice and evil! *Does one of those golf claps* I was wondering how hard it would be to cram the different creatures into the cell sheet.

    It's a royal pain. I did it with both Notrium and Little Fighter 2. You need to conform your artwork to a formula or your frames will lack consistancy. Do not be surprised if you have to completely redo some game graphics, just to make them look good in the game. If you all need my guides I made ages ago, to help you set up proper cells, let me know, and I'll email them to you. I'm actually quite excited with the progress you've all made, and that is some very good artwork Crazy !
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I could do with those cell sheets! Barebones' cell sheets are out of whack by about 8 pixels. FOR SHAME.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Methinks I'll need to jump off this wagon to free up time for a school project (paperwork due the last day of the month, but it'd be nice to have the whole thing done by then).
    Crazy 17 years ago
    And, erm. Is that baddie final? What should i do next?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    Dunno... Howsabout you draw the player? What should he look like....hmmmmm? I actually have no idea. I was also wondering if to fit in more details to the creatures we should use a 3D isometric thingy, but that will mean some weird polygons. And Crazy will have to draw like crazy (I am so sorry for that horrible, stupid wanabee joke)
    Crazy 17 years ago
    I'll draw all you want, the question is whether you have the time for me to finish the drawings.

    Be a bit more specific on what you're thinking, i'll draw a creature and tell you how long it would take. How would you doit mechanically, though?
    Aegis 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    How would you doit mechanically, though?
    I'm assuming that you are talking about the 3D isometric thing. It just means that you will need to draw everything anew and there will be some funky polygons. It will be far to difficult, if not impossible, to make a player disappear when walking behind an obstacle, yet remain visible when in front of it. We will have to make it impossible to walk directly behind thinggummies. Think games which already do this: Old Zelda games, POKEMON!!!!, etc.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Yes, i know what it is, but how would you do it in Notrium, what would be the mechanics.

    I've thought of this myself before but i never found a way to do it. There isn't ANYTHING in the .dat files about what happens when the player aims here or there, that i know of. The only place where turning is met is the turning speed variable, which can in no way make isometric... um... ness... work.
    Aegis 17 years ago
    I've made an isometric object in Gimp (yes, it looks like some 2yr olds picture of a house) and made a polygon especially for it. And it didn't turn out that well. Mostly involving unwanted teleportation or something... I think that we could deal without isometric polygons because Notrium doesn't handle funky polygons that well.
    "That polygons file" said:
    The more points you define, the slower the collision detection.
    Anarion 16 years ago
    So is this mod still being worked on? Haven't heard anything about it for a while.
    nightscout 16 years ago
    I was just going to ask that. I really hope this mod doesn't die out. They could take it very far.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Sounds really interesting, yeah.

    I'd help if I could either draw or mod, but since I can't, I'll just be rooting for you.
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    I've let this dangle for a long time. Unless someone can post an 'actual' build that 'works' of this mod. I'm going to lock this forum and downgrade it to a normal thread as well. I really had hoped you all could work together to make something, but yeah... I may decide to do something like this again at a later date, but this wasn't really blowing my socks off, so we'll see.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    *sniff* *sniff*

    I smell death.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Mmm. Death.
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    Seems like it. I guess I could of nagged you all more, but the point was to see what you all could create from a starting framework. I'll lock and demote this thread. Thanks to everyone who put some effort into this.
    Quanrian 13 years ago
    I'm not going to promote this topic again but I'm unlocking this thread in the hope somebody or a team of somebodies will refurbish this project and blow all our socks off. Is anyone out there up to the challenge of taking hold of the reigns and leading this nearly dead horse through the finish line?
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