"Murska" said: What exactly IS Zontamancy? Google fails me!  "#MonkkonenChat" said: <%Grim_Reaper> Btw, what's zontamancy? <!MageKing17> I looked up the Greek word for Alive and transliterated it with "mancy" on the end. <!MageKing17> (Since Necros is the transliteration of "Dead".) <!MageKing17> Which, apparently, comes from Nokus, meaning "Corpse". <!MageKing17> The things you learn from Google. <+Anonymous1157> I brainfarted, what's a -mancy? <!MageKing17> ... <!MageKing17> If death magic is called "Necromancy" and "Necros" means "Dead", what do you think "-mancy" means? <+Anonymous1157> ... Well, I didn't know it meant magic. <!MageKing17> What did you think a Necromancer used? <!MageKing17> Ponies? <+Anonymous1157> Well, they can do it to one. <%Grim_Reaper> Or perhaps Anon thought "necromancy" came from "necros" and "romancy"? <%Grim_Reaper> (maybe even "romance"?) <!MageKing17> Except "romancy" isn't a word.  <!MageKing17> There you go.  <+Amarth> The word necromancy derives from the Greek νεκρός (nekrós), "corpse", and μαντεία (manteía), "divination". <+Amarth> A bit of wikipedia could have told you that. <%Grim_Reaper> So, in princible, necromancy is the art of reanimating corpses (i.e. making people move after they've died)... <!MageKing17> Actually, any "divination" to do with corpses. <!MageKing17> Conversing with the spirits of the dead is also necromancy. <%Grim_Reaper> I'm holding the line at resurrection <%Grim_Reaper> In any case, the archetypical example is reanimating the dead <!MageKing17> Nobody cares about archetypical examples.  <!MageKing17> Actually, I think you just mixed up archetypal and typical. <+Anonymous1157> ... LOL, I just found heavy metal in the mod music pack I downloaded.  <%Grim_Reaper> Now, depending on whether we place the axis of mirroring on point of death or being alive, we get either making the living stop moving (the former), or making the unborn stop moving (the latter). <!MageKing17> Wait, nevermind, archetypical is a synonym for archetypal. <!MageKing17> The thing is, the "opposite" could also be resurrection. <%Grim_Reaper> The act of freezing some sperm would count as the latter example, I think <!MageKing17> (As being opposed to re-animation.) <!MageKing17> Consider the card "Resurrection" from Magic: The Gathering, which costs 2WW. <%Grim_Reaper> Resurrection's opposite, however, would be killing someone before they're born <!MageKing17> Versus the card "Zombify", which does the same thing for 3B. <%Grim_Reaper> Also, telling me to consider a MtG card is a bit like telling me to consider the ramifications of globalization on the global ant supercolony.