"E_net4" said: The space bar thing was already mentioned. Sure. I don't know why I chose Space, I *did* use Enter before (in my previous project, I mean).
"E_net4" said: Using it in-game instantly installs the piece where it is, without allowing us to move it before becoming static, which is bad in a Tetris game. Didn't know that anyone does this. But sure. It also would take only a few minutes to do that...
"E_net4" said: The difficulty should be regulated. The lowest difficulty is insanely slow IMO. Absolutely randomly chosen. Runs at 60 FPS, easiest difficulty is 61 frames per cell dropped, each higher is -5 frames per cell dropped, if I remember correctly.
"E_net4" said: It could really use a bigger window. Computers these days have a minimum of 1024x768, and using such a small window not only makes it harder to see, but you're also "despising" the free space on the display. In fact, a Tetris game window is usually taller, if you know what I mean. The instructions could also stick to a separate section of the menu. The UI was hastily assembled. I theoretically could fix that in some short time, since libtcod is awesome.
"E_net4" said: Sure the rotation is glitchy, and I kept failing at positioning the pieces. I assume that with a bit of maths you could get that fixed. Tetromino rotation is an awful thing to write. You can check the code, it's a really hackish solution, since I had really no idea.
"E_net4" said: "See you soon" is something I don't like in games. Why won't the game let us play again? I fail at planning. And I am lazy. The main loop simply doesn't allow this, and I didn't fix it afterwards.
"E_net4" said: And I think I saw a bug. Nothing too serious though, and I can't be so sure, because... - I tried playing it for the 3rd time, but now it crashes when running the exe. I think it's something about the ini file. Delete it / Cut & Paste elsewhere and try again.
"E_net4" said: Whatever you wish to do, here's something to think of next time anyone works on anything related to Tetris.  I've dropped the project already. It was more to test if I really had the patience and endurance to actually get something done. My next project will be a RTS, uh, I mean RTT. But pretty much different from everything you've seen before (I hope. At least it's my own idea and not my fault if someone else had the same =P). But until I tame XNA it will take a while, and then... it will take another while. And a few more.
"E_net4" said: You probably think I don't have a life now. Hey, 90% of my schoolmates think I have no life. ^.^
[Part 2] YAY, another long post I can respond to =D!
"Amarth" said: Allrighty. First of all, it works, it's finished, which is a huge thing to do. Good job! Thanks!
"Amarth" said: * E is saying something about being able to move pieces right after the drop. In fact, this is one of a huge collection of Tetris rules that are not obvious but actually part of Tetris in it's recent incarnations. Fans might or might not want these, but it's useful to at least scan through the list. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tetrisconcept.com/wiki/index.php">http://tetrisconcept.com/wiki/index.php</a><!-- m --> ... _Guideline Too bad I didn't know before. While good to know, I don't think I'll ever need that again =P
"Amarth" said: *HOWEVER. More than half of your screen is devoted to, well, non-playing area. I know that is just the way Tetris works (it's by definition a rather vertical thing) but it looks bad. Be creative. Again, the UI was hastily assembled (to get it done quickly). Right, I could do something about it, but I dropped the project (since, well, I want to do some proper stuff now).
"Amarth" said: About rotation, it's hard to get right and I even doubt it's possible with simple maths. I had to keep a list of all blocks and their possible positions (basically a 7x4x4x4 binary array - that's block x rotation x width x height). My tetrominoes were 4x4 strings and I did rotation in a rather hackish fashion. You can check it.
"Amarth" said: If you want it, I could take a look through the source code to see if there's some tips I can give you. I don't promise anything. Thanks, but I won't do anything anymore, anyways =D (Yay, three any's in a row!)
"Amarth" said: [EDIT] Also, "cotris", what sort of name is that... How about "coitris"?  It's like, you know, one of the most uncreative names I could come up with. It's kinda like this: Cotris = Console + Tetris - (Te + nsole);
[Edit] Once I seriously start working on my game, I'll announce it here. Setting myself some kind of deadline really helps.