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Forum » Galactic Core Mod (Former "T.W. modified by DRL")

Galactic Core Mod (Former "T.W. modified by DRL")

DRL 15 years ago
Well, I have recently increasing my activity around here and guess what? Found enought motivation to get my mod back to life!
(I am talking about the Notrium Mod Viewer ).
With it, I can mod better (& faster) than ever!... However, there is a problem (one you must be most, if not all familiar with): school. It is taking about 85% of my time, thus I only have a small portion of weekends free. I promise to work, at least, once a few hours per week on the mod, so it keeps getting better and better.
Ok, enough about me, now let´s get to the mod:

Originally, some of you might remember when I modified the mod done by Idiota (Tribal Warfare).
While such idea will be part of the mod, it will not be the main one any longer. The player will have the "starting" planet as a place where to get most of it´s abilities and then will embark on a journey... to the Galactic Core (Well, certainly you were not expecting another answer, were you? ).

Currently the mod is in it´s very alpha stages and is basically, the same "T.W. Modified by DRL" that it was many time ago . Yet some changes have already been made; areas changed completely, changed storyline/Descriptions... Minor changes, but changes after all. Futher versions will add many things, such as items, areas, ect. But for now I present the VERY early alpha:

Galactic Core Stable Version:
[Current: 0.15v]

As of 0.15v, several new textures have been added to replace existing ones.
Just look at the screenshots, they look good so far.
If you have ideas, suggestions, coments,or even want to help, anything is appretitated .


Other Screenshots:
Screenshot 1 (An Alpha screenshot):

Screenshot 2:

Screenshot 3:
DRL 15 years ago
I am REALLY sorry about the 0.1v FATAL CRASH bug ops: .
If you have 0.1v, UPDATE INMEDIATELY or else the mod will not work properly.
If something such as a FATAL CRASH happened to you, please report it;
or else I might be working for nothing .
In this case I could act fast enough, but given my free time this is very rare .
DRL 15 years ago
A new version of my mod is out. I finally made the player (& other "Spiders") to look as Spiders!

More updates coming soon.
anruca 15 years ago
Ill give the mod a try , ill see to keep you updated on any bugs i find.
DRL 15 years ago
Thank you for your time. The mod is going to grow slowly; for my real-life consumes 85% of my time,
leaving only free the weekends. It is good to know that I have at least some support .

Oh, and welcome to the forums .
DRL 15 years ago
Hi again, this time I present the 0.13v update.
It adds severals interesting things, included one of my fovourite NES music tracks .
(Click on the folder to start the download, or right-click & "Save as...")
Hope you like it!
NOSBoi 15 years ago
Hey Drl, good luck with the mod. I should be able to test your mod when I get the time.

You might even get me to start notrium modding again...
DRL 15 years ago
"NOSboi" said:
Hey Drl, good luck with the mod. I should be able to test your mod when I get the time.

You might even get me to start notrium modding again...
NOSboi! long time we don´t see! Great that you are still around...
By the way, if you want to help with anything, that would be just GREAT.
You know, any help is welcome. And if you do not have time to, it´s okay,
just reporting a bug is usefull .
Basically I started to mod again thanks to the Mod viewer, you should give it a try;
it is by far the most usefull tool ever created for Notrium modding.

P.S.: Thanks, I think I´ll need all the luck I can get, specially given Notrium´s bad habit of crashing
when you try your own mod .
NOSBoi 15 years ago
I tested the mod, only 1 bug that I found so far, fury bite seems to do nothing. Not alot to do yet but I guess that will change. By the way which download version for notrium mod viewer do you use?
DRL 15 years ago
As promised, the weeked update is here... As allways adding something new:
Among other things, White Aliens now have Queens, and finally I have
been able to fix the map-area bug that made area positioning weird...
(Well I did not even had the slightest idea that the "area class" is what
the map.dat file looks for; now that was finally solved, and all six areas
are now playable).|_0.14v.rar
(As allways, click on the folder to download...)

P.S.: nosboi: I´m using the Notrium Mod Viewer version 0.83c, and the lastest Notrium version available for download
anruca 15 years ago
Hi again!, i played the 14v of the mod and i have noticed only 1 bug for now...
This a very strange bug, after a while when you ply the game im not sure if its from the poison bites of the black spiders or from the hits of the white aliens or it just happens...
Your bars either turn in cut lines or into plain rectangle bars with noisy color.
Otherwise the mod is coming out great havent explored the all the areas but will surely do
and ive got a question, for the web that is made from the liefs, how do you make a nest or use it as ammo?
if those options come out in later version it will be nice, but if these options are available right now and i need to make a combination or something dont tell cos it will ruin the fun of finding out.
DRL 15 years ago
"anruca" said:
Hi again!, i played the 14v of the mod and i have noticed only 1 bug for now...
This a very strange bug, after a while when you ply the game im not sure if its from the poison bites of the black spiders or from the hits of the white aliens or it just happens...
Your bars either turn in cut lines or into plain rectangle bars with noisy color.
Otherwise the mod is coming out great havent explored the all the areas but will surely do
and ive got a question, for the web that is made from the liefs, how do you make a nest or use it as ammo?
if those options come out in later version it will be nice, but if these options are available right now and i need to make a combination or something dont tell cos it will ruin the fun of finding out.
Well you need to gain Queen abilities...: Head north of the Green Spider´s Nest (The area you start in) and you will be in the Central Hill. Head East, and after some walk you will be in the Ancient River. You need to cross the bridge and head east: To cross it, you can use the Ancient Bridge, located in the north of the area (beware the Ancient there, for it is quite powerfull).
Well done, now you are at the Ancient Altar. Located exactly in the center of the area, is an Ancient Relic; pick it up, and you will gain Queen Abilities (But again be aware that there are four Ancients there, and they will try to stop you if they spot you).

|EDIT|: Well, regarding that bug, it is an old bug from Notrium: If you play the Werivar Mod, you find that it is there too. Since I plan to include some things from the Werivar Mod, phearps I included accidentally such bug (I am going to include some things from the Default Notrium and the Werivar Mod; in fact, if you look at the weapons.dat file, you will find that the "robot stunner" is the weapon that robots have on Default Notrium; and "robot stunner II" is the weapon they have on Werirvar Mod... So maybe I bought accidentally the bug)
DRL 15 years ago
Well, please now take a look at the new screenshots!, they are great
DRL 15 years ago
Well, please now take a look at the new screenshots!, they are great (And thanks anruca for the new interface )
anruca 15 years ago
Aye! this a pleasure to help out, ill be going trough the spiders soon to
By the way the music fits the mod pretty good.
DRL 15 years ago
Hello again. The promised new version is out, with the promised (he,he) new textures.
There it is the download link: (As allways, click on the folder or right-click & "save as...")
It also has a few other minor bugfixes. Hope you like it .
NOSBoi 15 years ago
Thanks for the info. I tested the latest build, got my powers, got a small army and killed some black spiders. I did find another bug, when you switch weapons the weapon animation glitches and your character goes invisible. It happened after I got my powers. Nice music and textures btw.
DRL 15 years ago
"NOSBoi" said:
Thanks for the info. I tested the latest build, got my powers, got a small army and killed some black spiders. I did find another bug, when you switch weapons the weapon animation glitches and your character goes invisible. It happened after I got my powers. Nice music and textures btw.
Thanks for reporting the bug; I had no idea such a bug existed. I will see what can be done to fix it.
DRL 15 years ago
Okay, it seems like it has something to do with weapon classes. In previous releases, all of the weapons you gain when you acquire the relic were class "0". Now two weapons were class "1" and one was class "2". If you want a hotfix, you can change this in the weapons.dat file and your character will no longer become invisible.
DRL 15 years ago
Hi again, there is the latest update for the Galactic Core Mod: (As allways, click on the folder or right-click & save as... to download)
It´s mainly a text-update, since I changed most of the items´ text. I also added some little changes, and small
bugfixes. Hope you like it !
anruca 15 years ago
Love the new textures you have made and the trees too.
That's one great work there , it will take me some time to get used to those good graphics.
The addons are pretty great, especualy the web hurl in the begining.
DRL 15 years ago
Well, about the Web Hurl from the start, I simply thought that, even the smallest of the spiders is able to produce web, even in infant stages; it does need however to prevent nutritional problems (I will also add this later into the mod, the web hurl consuming food/liquid only but with no "item" needed to use it). The item will still be able to be produced -- if you need to build a nest or the like. But the same will go there; some food will be consumed, and the "web stock" will be added to the inventory.

Regarding the graphic, I thought it would be nice to have more "own" material -- after all, all good mods must have their own graphics. The default ones are good, but the more original graphics that the mod can have, the better (or so it seems. Part of the quality of a mod comes to graphical issues, does not it?).

As allways, I will make changes when possible; as mentioned before they will not be "huge changes", but will add something fun to the mod, so it keeps up . (Anyways, the best idea is to avoid the "default" textures, since one is so accostumed to, it does not add much to the gameplay the fact that you can use them.)

P.S.: Sorry for the long answer, I seem to have one of those "more is better" web-diseases .
DRL 15 years ago
Sorry people but the promised weekly update did not make it this last weekend. This is because school is besieging me with homework and exams, thus it is becoming quite hard for me to work on it. But do not worry -- My next monday... is err.. (well no idea how you say it in english, but it is when your nation remembers an important date. Say, independence, death/birth of a loved political leader... ect.) Well, it is free. So I will have a larger weekend and will improve some things, hopefully some nice improvements will be done on the mod.

Thanks for your patience.
nightscout 14 years ago
So will there be any updates this weekend? If so, I'm looking forward to you posting the new version.
DRL 14 years ago
Well, sorry for being a bit inactive. About updates, I am still working on the mod, but as I said before real life is now "taking it´s toll" on my time. I am still going to complete the mod thought, so do not worry about that. Just for the press, I will reveal that I am working on something with the White Aliens... You will notice a *big* thing defending their nest...
DRL 14 years ago
Hello, I am posting now to tell you about an issue I had with Windows Live!. I tried to log-in and I could not, so I contacted support and well, they just sat there and did pretty much nothing. I have now a Gmail account and a new windows live ID, and through the old skydrive can still be acceded, I recomend you to not (unless you want to download alpha version of my mod, as I have only re-uploaded on my new skydrive version 0.16).

P.S.: Link to latest version of my mod:
NOSBoi 14 years ago
Hey Drl, how is the mod going?
Me and Firedrake2222 are working on a zombie mod and are making fairly good progress.
DRL 14 years ago
"NOSBoi" said:
Hey Drl, how is the mod going?
Me and Firedrake2222 are working on a zombie mod and are making fairly good progress.
Well, now progress goes like a... "tired turtle". Of course I will find time in the following months, but for now it is on hold.
Good luck with your mod!
DRL 14 years ago
"DRL" said:
"NOSBoi" said:
Hey Drl, how is the mod going?
Me and Firedrake2222 are working on a zombie mod and are making fairly good progress.
Well, now progress goes like a... "tired turtle". Of course I will find time in the following months, but for now it is on hold.
Good luck with your mod!
Hello everyone!... No, not exactly
this is a sad post. Yes, I am going
to tell you that work is going to come to a
halt... But on the Notrium engine.
I am very excited about Driftmoon, and by
looks of it, not only seems modding easier,
but also more fun and there will much more
stuff to mod in, or so I think/hope.

What I am trying to say is that I am officially
abandoning this Mod version for Notrium and that
I will wait for Driftmoon to be completed and create
a similar one using Driftmoon.

One of the reasons as to why I am saying is that
Driftmoon looks much more versatile than Notrium.
The 2D+3D of Driftmoon will allow for places I had
in mind to be actually what I imagined (Eg.: Hills
to be hills, and a Volcano to be a volcano, not any
of either just a set of squares).

All I can say is that Driftmoon has my hopes high.
If everything goes smoothly, my Galactic Core mod
for Driftmoon will someday be fun to play.
Until then,
Kario 14 years ago
what does it mean when you go into the black spiderr'ss nest and their last hope is in the hill in the center?
DRL 14 years ago
"ultimatenotrium" said:
what does it mean when you go into the black spiderr'ss nest and their last hope is in the hill in the center?
Basically that those are the last two Black Queens on
the planet, and thus, the only hope for the Black
messina176 13 years ago
how do i evolve the first time?
Forum » Galactic Core Mod (Former "T.W. modified by DRL")

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