Hi. Well, I have recently increasing my activity around here and guess what? Found enought motivation to get my mod back to life! (I am talking about the Notrium Mod Viewer ). With it, I can mod better (& faster) than ever!... However, there is a problem (one you must be most, if not all familiar with): school. It is taking about 85% of my time, thus I only have a small portion of weekends free. I promise to work, at least, once a few hours per week on the mod, so it keeps getting better and better. Ok, enough about me, now let´s get to the mod:
Originally, some of you might remember when I modified the mod done by Idiota (Tribal Warfare). While such idea will be part of the mod, it will not be the main one any longer. The player will have the "starting" planet as a place where to get most of it´s abilities and then will embark on a journey... to the Galactic Core (Well, certainly you were not expecting another answer, were you? ).
Currently the mod is in it´s very alpha stages and is basically, the same "T.W. Modified by DRL" that it was many time ago . Yet some changes have already been made; areas changed completely, changed storyline/Descriptions... Minor changes, but changes after all. Futher versions will add many things, such as items, areas, ect. But for now I present the VERY early alpha:
Galactic Core Stable Version: [Current: 0.15v] http://cid-1599a92ea4c99523.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/P%C3%BAblico/Notrium/Galactic%20Core/Galactic%20Core%5E_0.15v.rar
As of 0.15v, several new textures have been added to replace existing ones. Just look at the screenshots, they look good so far. If you have ideas, suggestions, coments,or even want to help, anything is appretitated .
__________________________________________ Screenshots:

Other Screenshots: Screenshot 1 (An Alpha screenshot):http://cid-1599a92ea4c99523.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/P%C3%BAblico/Notrium/Galactic%20Core/shot004.GIF
Screenshot 2:http://cid-1599a92ea4c99523.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/P%C3%BAblico/Notrium/Galactic%20Core/shot006.JPG
Screenshot 3:http://cid-1599a92ea4c99523.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/P%C3%BAblico/Notrium/Galactic%20Core/shot000.JPG __________________________________________