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Forum » Maps


Redemption 14 years ago
Driftmoon has an editor, so lets all make maps.
Anne 14 years ago
Wow, that was fast! I gather you were able to use the editor quite well even at this stage, when we haven't had time to pay it any attention yet?

What were your biggest challenges in figuring it out and using it at this point? We should probably tackle those parts first.
Venom31 14 years ago
Yes, like writing guidelines to it. Pleeeaaase
ville 14 years ago
I'm impressed! You've tackled scripting, physics, dialogues, even found a couple of tricks I never knew possible like the lootable corpse and the wood piles. The red eye does a weird flip, I take it that it was not by design?

Oh, I guess Redemption can now write the guidelines for map making. Seriously, I will probably start up a wiki later.
Pete 14 years ago
Aaargh crab overload crab overload!

*sigh* nice work. All I could make was a dog you could talk to, recruit, and lock inside a shed, then taunt.
Redemption 14 years ago
"Anne" said:
What were your biggest challenges in figuring it out and using it at this point?
Mostly the fact that there's no way of knowing what stuff does until you try it. I played around with everything I could see for a while to figure out what does what before starting that map.

"ville" said:
The red eye does a weird flip, I take it that it was not by design?
I didn't mean for it to happen when I started, but it makes it a lot more interesting that just a spinning eye.

I made another map to try out swimming. I found out that if you spawn in water the game lets you walk around in it. I tried making an animation for swimming too. I saved the modified player object in both the map and the zip, and if you replace the default one with it the swimming animation should work. If not you'll just not animate while swimming, it won't crash the game.
Endymion 14 years ago
Some challenges or problems in using it that I've encountered so far are:
Copy makes only one working copy of scripts
Objects can't be moved if script tab is selected
Some written things aren't saved unless textfield is deactivated within the tab.
Double clicking on text doesn't select it all.
No moving camera without deselecting.
Apparently unable to scroll through bot types. I have to spawn anything below the first shown but can't add dialog that way.
No idea on how to use #keywords.
In dialog you can't have multiple conditioned replies from NPC to one from player without making multiple copies of the player's reply.
IMO aligning things to grid should be on by default and ctrl for more accuracy.
Pressing esc in texture browser may crash also right click doesn't exit it.
Selecting text by holding down left mouse and then releasing it over some button clicks the button(when I try to set weight to 0 I end up setting it to 90- something)
You rotate things even when your mouse is on the side menu.
Player has health variable but what others are there(statpoints and?)
IsTagNear doesn't seem to check inside containers(or my tag adding failed)... Or maybe items don't passively have tags
scripts asking for ID's that weren't in the .dats seemed impossible to use without any idea of what object had which ID until I actually selected the field for long enough to notice the select actor button in the corner.
(not really about editor)healing with reduceHealthSweep plays hurting animation.
copying doesn't always register depending on mouse position
can't copy scripts from bots to objects
When you're very zoomed in selecting things doesn't really work.

Observations and stuff:
Hidden things don't run scripts(They can't unhide themselves!).
There's saving for objects and for anything(.obj .ob2)
Too much teleporting crashes(at least pushing an object that teleports too quickly back to be pushed)
pushing too heavy objects crashes (50 000)
editor_run is autosave of last run map.
Edit:Making bots follow a non-bot crashes

Being able to see all the globalFlags I have would be nice.
Targetting things that have certain tag and are closest or something would be nice.(I suppose the effect could be had to some extent by setting all things with a tag to call a script)
pushSweep that would push away from it instead of specific direction would be nice too.
saving and loading scripts

I also made something... Only interesting and somewhat complete thing in it is the switchroom
ville 14 years ago
Thanks for the list Endymion! I'm going to work on the map editor right after I get the demo in good shape.

The way you did the swirling damaging things seems pretty interesting. Could probably do saw blades or something like that.
Quanrian 14 years ago
"Anne" said:
Wow, that was fast! I gather you were able to use the editor quite well even at this stage, when we haven't had time to pay it any attention yet?

What were your biggest challenges in figuring it out and using it at this point? We should probably tackle those parts first.

This is actually not surprising, since Redemption was a primary beta tester for Cormoon, and actually found quite a few bugs for the early versions of what is now Driftmoon. Next to myself, and obviously Ville, he probably has a better understanding of how the editor works than most do. Good luck to you all on creating some fantastic maps! On a quick sidenote, I think a contest might be a good way to promote map creation once things get going.
Redemption 14 years ago
New map!

I was messing around with making buildings when I found a a little trick you can do with wall type terrain. Turns out if you make them as tall as the camera you get a cool effect that works pretty well for blocking player vision. I used this to make a cave map, and it turned out pretty well.

Pete 14 years ago
Thats quite clever. Also I totally missed the hidden door until I looked around in the editor

Great now I have to start messing around with it again.
souro 14 years ago
might be off topic, but how do you guys do stuff like this? if i have more than 6 different bots on my computer crashes, as in freezes and i have to manually turn off the computer. any way to AVOID this problem?

ok let me make it clearer, in the EDITOR i made an arena. and of course an arena isnt fun without lots of fighters, when i put what i thought was enough (about 6) i hit the play button. but unfortunatly when i hit that play button the whole game froze.
Anonymous1157 14 years ago
I don't quite understand. Could you treat this as a bug and give us more information? It sounds to me like your computer is too slow to run the game, but I can't be sure because my own computer will run anything yet has had random freezing problems too.
Pete 14 years ago
You could upload the map and let us take a look...
Forum » Maps

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