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  • Werewolf 8 - The Experiment

    Vacuus 14 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    "Murska" said:
    I guess Endymion is the most suspicious target.

    If I were a wolf shouldn't I have supported Shingo in lynching Kario?

    Not necessarily, you may not have known or not have supported Shingo's plans; you supporting kario was a little suspicious anyway after the rest of us had already decided he was infected.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    Not necessarily, you may not have known or not have supported Shingo's plans
    Heh, not to mention that Shingo's plans looked premature, according to the IRC logs. Would he even have time to discuss with the rest of the infected?
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Guys, daytime ends in less than 24 hours and I haven't seen a single vote.
    Vacuus 14 years ago
    I guess I'll jump in, then. May as well do something while we still can - what happened to the rest of the players??

    Voting Endymion for lynch.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    "Vacuus" said:
    I guess I'll jump in, then. May as well do something while we still can - what happened to the rest of the players??

    Voting Endymion for lynch.
    Yeah, not much discussion happening this round. I second. Endymion for Lynch.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    Bandwagon Lynch!
    E_net4 14 years ago
    Yeah, I was about to say time's running out. Goodbye, Endymion.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    Endymion for Lynch, because bandwagons are cool... in America.
    Murska 14 years ago
    Well, I guess differing votes don't really matter at this point anyway. Endymion.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Endymion for Lynch, because bandwagons are cool... in America.
    You know Grim, this post and your previous post about bandwagons are the only posts you've made in this game.

    Why so silent?
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    Lynch votes:[list][*]Endymion: 6 (Grim_Reaper, Narvius, E_net4, Murska, Anarion, Vacuus)[/*:m][/list:u]

    Endymion was lynched. Endymion was infected (a wolf).

    "Well, Endymion, it looks like your luck has run out."

    "Luck had nothing to do with anything."

    "Yeah, whatever. Time to die."

    Endymion's corpse vanished like the others, as expected.

    "That's three down, you stupid... whoever you are!"

    "Yes," came the reply from the walls (along with the sound of gnashing teeth), "but you're not out of the woods yet!"

    "What woods?"

    "Oh, shut up and go to sleep."

    It's now nighttime. Daybreak is 12:00 AM GMT on Monday, October 4th.

    Current player list:[list][*]Shingo: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Kario: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Amarth: Psychic/Finder (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Endymion: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Grim Reaper[/*:m]
    [*]Vacuus: Mayor[/*:m][/list:u]
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Endymion for Lynch, because bandwagons are cool... in America.
    You know Grim, this post and your previous post about bandwagons are the only posts you've made in this game.

    Why so silent?
    I'm sort of busy with school stuffs and the like. That, plus not really knowing what to say at any given time.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Endymion for Lynch, because bandwagons are cool... in America.
    You know Grim, this post and your previous post about bandwagons are the only posts you've made in this game.

    Why so silent?
    I'm sort of busy with school stuffs and the like. That, plus not really knowing what to say at any given time.
    And, unfortunately, now it doesn't matter.

    Sorry for being late again; was helping my sister move out, so the weekend flew past faster than I expected.

    "Whoa, did you feel that?"

    "Yeah, it felt like a telekinetic burst... except different."

    "That's because," crowed the voice from the walls triumphantly, "your telekinetic is dead! Grim Reaper has fallen to the infected!"

    "Well, balls again."

    Current player list:[list][*]Shingo: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Kario: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Amarth: Psychic/Finder (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Endymion: Infected/Wolf (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Grim Reaper: Telekinetic/Angel (dead)[/*:m]
    [*]Vacuus: Mayor[/*:m][/list:u]

    Nightfall is 12:00 AM GMT on Saturday.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    So, remaining alive we have 2 Crazy War Veterans, a Village Idiot, the cupid, 1 infected, and 1 villager. We know who the CWV's are, and at this point I'm thinking that between Zankman and Narvius one is infected and the other is the VI. I personally don't suspect E_net. I could be totally wrong tho.

    Now I feel that I should explain how I arrived at this.

    I'll start with the part that some/all of you may find difficult to believe. I'm a villager. Thats it. It would seem I'm the only one who didn't have any abilities (not that I'm complaining MK, it's still been a fun game )

    Now...Muskas' claim that he's the doppleganger.
    Based on the fact that no-one else has stepped forward to refute this I'm prepared to belive him. On this basis, and on the whole Shingo false claims thing I'm convinced Vacuus is also what he claims to be.

    Of the remaining 3 I feel that E_net4 is the cupid. I'm mainly basing this on his support of Vacuus over Shingo, a bit thin maybe but there you are.

    Which leaves Zankman and Narvius, and the question of just who the cupid linked? I'm also guessing that the remaining infected is the one who was Aered.

    Another disturbing idea is that the Aer/infected and VI are linked, though if that were true would that not mean that the Villager team can't possibly win?
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I won't admit, nor deny that I'm the cupid. But I do believe the Maniac isn't assumed as lynched if his partner dies. So we just have to be careful on that.

    I agree with you in some aspects. The remaining infected is most probably the Aer (Endymion had supported the infected by voting to lynch Narvius instead of kario right in the first round). And we can, for now, assume Murksa is on our side.

    On the other hand, you forgot we still have the telepath, who's probably been contacting Vacuus. And, therefore, there is no such thing as just a normal Villager (except the cupid, who becomes normal after the link). Yes, lies don't go far, Anarion. That will be put up against you soon.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    I'll just chime in to note: WE HAVE LOST THE ANGEL, FURK.


    Alive peeplez: 6

    Infected (wolf) dead, dead, dead
    Telepath (seer) alive (1)
    Telekinetic (angel) dead
    Psychic (finder) dead
    Linker (cupid) alive (2) - note: possibly unused!
    Doppelganger alive (-> CWV, 3)
    Absorber (aer) alive (-> Wolf, 4) - actually, it may be that one original wolf is still alive, I think, and the aer is dead. Still, makes no difference.
    Maniac (village idiot) alive (5)
    Jedi (crazy war veteran) alive (6)

    So... there *is* no villager.

    Also. Grim never said anything, I think. Except if he privately contacted someone. He probably successfully protected someone on the first night.
    Also, I don't believe he was so passive with his role; he absolutely must have talked to someone after all what happened.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    On the other hand, you forgot we still have the telepath, who's probably been contacting Vacuus. And, therefore, there is no such thing as just a normal Villager (except the cupid, who becomes normal after the link). Yes, lies don't go far, Anarion. That will be put up against you soon.
    I'm confused. I misunderstood and assumed the Finder and seer was the same thing. Which means you're right E_net, there can't possibly be a normal villager.

    So why am I one?
    Murska 14 years ago
    I think this is what we call a slip of the tongue. Anarion claims to be a villager, and logic states he cannot be a villager. Thus...

    We lynch Anarion, unless we have any better ideas.
    Murska 14 years ago
    ...wait, let me Retract that vote!

    I think he might be the Village Idiot...
    Anarion 14 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    ...wait, let me Retract that vote!

    I think he might be the Village Idiot...
    Well I'm not, but if it saves me from being lynched I'll go with it.
    Murska 14 years ago

    After some discussion, I want the Cupid to contact me right away with the pair of people he linked. If this doesn't happen, we'll assume he's linked himself to the last remaining wolf and lynch him on sight.
    Anarion 14 years ago
    Interesting plan.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Interesting plan.
    A warning, though. You're not safe from this.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    Sorry to disturb you, what with being dead and all that, but...
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    ...who the bugger are you talking about?
    Anarion 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Anarion" said:
    Interesting plan.
    A warning, though. You're not safe from this.
    You're right, so I'll come clean.

    I'm the Village idiot. Don't Lynch me.

    No wait... I'm the last infected, Lynch me.

    ...or, maybe I was telling the truth earlier and I really am just a normal villager. Maybe the roles aren't what you think they are....
    Murska 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Sorry to disturb you, what with being dead and all that, but...
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    ...who the bugger are you talking about?

    Dammit Grim, shush. I'm counting on votes against me not being tallied if they're mispelled.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Sorry to disturb you, what with being dead and all that, but...
    "Anarion" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    ...who the bugger are you talking about?
    They're common typoes. Now proceed with your death status.

    "Anarion" said:
    ...or, maybe I was telling the truth earlier and I really am just a normal villager. Maybe the roles aren't what you think they are....
    SENSE. Everyone but you made it. We are completely aware that there is one cupid, one infected, one Maniac, 2 Jedis and a seer. That makes 6. You say the cupid turns into a villager after applying the link? Sure, but that doesn't really make you not the cupid.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    Nice bluff there, Anarion ("nice" obviously meaning "failed"). But if you wanted it to succeed, everyone would have to be without any information.
    Which is not the case.

    I still believe the pair is not linked yet.
    Zankman 14 years ago

    Grim was to silent, death was inevitable. :/
    At this point, of this game in which I didn't do, well, anything, I guess its a great time to just get it all out in the open.

    I didn't link NOBODY.

    Get my message, uh?

    Yeah. I'm more or less absent, and during this game I found no one who I could with certainty trust... I'm not a risk taker in such a new environment for me, so yeah.

    I didn't Cupid'd anyone this game, so, hmpf, don't worry about that. Just find that last guy.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Zankman" said:
    At this point, of this game in which I didn't do, well, anything, I guess its a great time to just get it all out in the open.

    I didn't link NOBODY.

    Get my message, uh?

    Yeah. I'm more or less absent, and during this game I found no one who I could with certainty trust... I'm not a risk taker in such a new environment for me, so yeah.

    I didn't Cupid'd anyone this game, so, hmpf, don't worry about that. Just find that last guy.
    Hey, there you go. Assuming you haven't threaten the real cupid, you did the right thing about telling us. Discuss, people.
    Narvius 14 years ago

    I suspected as much (as I've said before).
    Assuming he says the truth (I'd say most of the hunchlues point to it, I think), and he doesn't link anyone *now* (which is unlikely from what he said), this means there are only three unknownies left.
    That is, for three of us, only two are unknown.
    Six players, three teams: 4-1-1.

    Fun. I think the game ends to-game-day.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    Fun. I think the game ends to-game-day.
    And I'd really laugh if the Maniac was lynched. Totally.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    After your fit of rage, of course
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    After your fit of rage, of course
    Who knows...
    Anyways, there's a bit problem here: Who do you want to lynch today?
    Narvius 14 years ago
    The dragon. With my bare hands.
    Forum » Werewolf 8 - The Experiment
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