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Forum » Ideas for another Wazzal

Ideas for another Wazzal

feru33 20 years ago
Hey, i love this game a bsultely loved it! I d/led it about 2 years ago and beat it in like 3-5 hours, enjoying every bit of the experience. I was really disappointed when the game ended however so i started seeking games similar to yours. Freelancer was fun but i felt your game was (believe it or not) a way cooler and more entertining product. The whole component of ship boarding and fleet control was awesome. I really want to see you guys make a second wazzal. Here are my suggestions, pls consider cuz im sure everyone would love this: Ok you make a new storyline and in include various systems of space like in freelancer and various space stations. Youn include more variables such as mounting weaposn and trading various goods. You also should add a police sort of force that randomly checks for contraband. I think you should keep the same exact engine and graphis and instead add more ships, and systems, missions commodities, weapons...etc. You should also make it so you can continue to play after the storyline is over fullfilling various missions. I'd also change something to the ship boarding mechanism. I love the original way, but i would create a different background for each ship you board and add obsticales so it'd be harder to shoot you and you could take cover. With all this you guys would make a hell of a game, and due to your enginge and possible future modding tools you can create the possibilities of this space privateering would be endless!!!! Also if you guys could try adding factions and reputation levels tat'd be pretty kool too . Anyway pleases consider these ideas, i know i got a lot of mistakes and repeated a lot of stuff but that's because im so excited about your game. Anyway guy great job, hope you keep working!
ville 20 years ago
You've got really good ideas there. Alas, there are a hefty bunch of space trading games available. I'd love to make such a game, but I don't see it being very unique.
feru33 20 years ago
dood, it is true that many games exists with all these elements, but not one single game exists with alll those elements in one. With you current engine, u could combine all those factors, even make space station exploring possible (overhead style) so if u created a game like that it would be unique cuz u would combine all those eliments and make the most ultimate, and most desirable space privateering game ever. It'd be a dream of mine to make usmtihng like tat but i dont have the knowlege nor skill nor desire to program. Please consider im sure u would satisfy many with a game like tat!
Eternal 20 years ago
dont program then!, use a better form of Klik & Play, theres many variants, and none of them require any programming skill.
Wazzal is a closed case now, forget about it.
feru33 20 years ago
how do u know, ur not exactly the dev, plus kilk and play wont cut it. Im saying if Wazzal is expanded on it has potential to be the best space privateering game out there if it mixes a ton of elements (which i've mentioned ) to it's gameplay. I can't expanded on wazzal but the dev can if he wants to , so dont tell me its a clsoed case, i still got hope fer this game!
ville 20 years ago
I'm still hoping to make a sequel to Wazzal one day. The problem is that the game engine needs total redoing, thus it might be easier to make a new type of game.

Also, I'm not going to compete with every space privateering game in the market, that's why the game must have elemets no other game has. But I don't have any really new ideas at the moment.
Eternal 20 years ago
Feru, who says im not the dev (yes we all knows its villé), your forgetting the golden rule on the net = anybody is anybody (there is no way of knowing who anyone is).

But off that topic, a nice 3d flight-sim/fps would be nice for wazzal i reckon, (flying around & boarding). That would be something of its own genre.
superknijn 20 years ago
hey feru, are you saying that ville should make a Freezall or Wazlancer ?
feru33 20 years ago
why do u need to redo the game engine? in my opinion its great for a freeware. As to the queston of a "wazallancer." No i dont want a game thats directly ripped off but im saying freelancer has some pretty cool lements but the game itself isnt fullfilling. Im not saying wazzal should be copied or that it shouldnt be original. I dont want it to compete with other pirvateering games, what i'm saying is that if you took example from other privateering games and combined those elements into one you'd create a game that not only would be original but would be awesome in itself. For instance, such components as boarding ships in a manner of hand to hand combat is origianl, and awesome but can be improved upon (different backgrounds, extra obstacles). More solar systems /planets could be added in order to make free flight more fun and exploration last longer. SAme deal with more ships. Trade would add a nice element also (original wazzal gives a pretty nice illusion to trade) and other ideas i listed in the first post. Sure some of these have been used but tats what makes a space privateering game a "privateering" game, the porblem is most of these games do not have enough elements to them. If a wazzal sequel is made it of course would be oroginal due to the storyline, and other features monkonnen might add/ already added in wazzal 1, but adding extra elements would not deter the originality, it'd just make the game more fun, last longer, and able to embody the "freedom" "never ending" type play which would keep players entertained for months. IN my personal opinion, i dontgraphics are an issue at all, in fact i think the GUI, ship boarding "concept" (top down view), and other graphics are perfectly awesome, especially for a freeware. I think what makes a good game is the amount of stuff you could do in it as opposed to graphics but thats another story
Eternal 20 years ago
cause the game engine is getting old & theres so much potienal for more, incredibly more. besides i think villé lost most of it in a hdd crash, besides im looking forard to playing dwarf-bomberman.
feru33 20 years ago
its true that the engine is getting old but if Ville works on a new engine wouldnt that take more concentration away from the actual elements of they gameplay. If he keeps the same engine , in my opinion, it seems he can concentrate on improving gameplay, which is essentially the most important thing in a freeware game.
ville 20 years ago
There are also license issues with the engine, plus it isn't very flexible. I can program a lot better now that back then, I wouldn't want to build on a badly programmed engine.

One thing to note is that I wouldn't make a freeware game out of Wazzal 2. The game needs to be one that sells well. That can't be done by competing with commercial products, it needs to be something really original like Notrium was.
feru33 20 years ago
what do umean, u actually want to make a commerical wazzal 2 , on your own?! Without a devloper team?! Thats crazy, plus i dont think anyone is understanding the fact that by creting and privateering game u r competeing with other games, but originality is still maintained depending on the elements you included , even if some of those lements were used before. I dont know how to make this any clearer.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Of course Ville would make it himself. You said yourself that Wazzal is far better than any game of the type you've played, so why wouldn't a new game be the same? Look at Notrium, imagine how much of a success that would have been if you had to pay for it.
Eternal 20 years ago
feru look at it from a buyer's point of view, yes wazzal has A good point of originality but, there are other games with better graphics, network play & can be gotten for free if you "know the right people".
feru33 20 years ago
look yes wazzal is great and the reason is great is becasue it is the best space privattering game i've palyedand the partial reason fer tat is tat its free also. The amoutn of people that will actually pay for a game like notrium would strikingly go down compared to the amount of people that actually play it, this is statistically true, as i've asked many people who played the game and luved it, if they would actually buy it fer a price of 10. As for eternal, frankly i dont understand where ur going with your point of view. Are you agreeing with me becaause in esence what your saying is that there could be other games that could be "obtained" for free better than wazzal? Your saying that less people would buy wazzal? I would agree to that then. You see, even if wazzal was the best overall value (ill restate it) for a privateering game, as in it blended in a lot of elements considering no cost, frankly releasing it on the market would be risky business since games such as earth and beyond might look more appealing, but then again it depends on what your planning to offer. So if you do release it with a bunch of elements and uber graphics then the game would be worth it, but what im saying is that a job like that seems a bit too big for one person, so i think it'd be simpler and better to release a freeware.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Feru, I'd like a Wazzal II just as much as you would. I think it's a great game and would love a sequel. But really it has to be best for Ville. He needs to make money, and there's no way you can do that through a freeware game.
I think perhaps we should wait until his shareware game comes out before asking him to make freewares. Who knows, maybe it'll be so much better than Wazzal that we won't be able to wait for its sequel!
ville 20 years ago
You've pretty much summarized it there Zex. I'd love to make more freeware, but nobody pays me to do it, and making games is not cheap. If I do not value my work, I still spend thousands of dollars for each game.
void 20 years ago
You spend thousands of dollars for each game? Is that like for man hours or for software to make it? You must hate us, we're playing games you spent on thousands for free. ( we suck )

Ville because space sims are so comman everyone says we shouldn't make one.... but!!!!!!!! look at FPS their all the same but still they sell. There arn't really that many space privetiring (i can't spell) games, just a few freeware ones of which I think yours is the best I've seen. Everyone loves space games how good is the star trek series. Still I haven't played a game that I think has been THE space sim.. . . . . . ....... . . .. .. . . . . ...

pfffft I don't even know what I'm saying anymore it's like 5 am here and I really need some sleep

Why don't you get Zex to pay for it all?
ville 20 years ago
Hardware costs, software costs, server costs. These days there are a lot of good open source programs available though, so software costs are considerably lessened.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Why don't you get Zex to pay for it all?
Hmmm... Do I get a say in this?
ville 20 years ago
Don't argue, pay up!
void 20 years ago
Hardware costs, software costs, server costs. These days there are a lot of good open source programs available though, so software costs are considerably lessened.

I think I speak fo most when I say thank you because even though I want more space sims I have enjoyed playing wazzal and notrium alot.

Hmmm... Do I get a say in this?

Hmmmmmmm... I didn't consider that..... It adds a whole new dimension to my argument. Maybe if we cut off your tounge and hands? Would you really say no? That's mean! It's only abit of money. .. . . . about $5 000???? that should be enough. Money isn't everything Zex.... . . .. Don't be greedy . . ... . .. give Ville you money.
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Oh, OK. If you insist...

and e2 for luck
ville 20 years ago
Wow, I've never seen such big bills.
void 20 years ago
Oh, OK. If you insist...


See that wasn't so hard Now everybody's happy
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Yes, Ville just print it outm, go to the nearest bank, then get to work on the game!

P.S. I better get on the credits!!
Zombie 20 years ago
Hey... If Ville would accept me, then I'd be happy to learn the zen of programming like Ville and learning how to do graphixx... I'd work for free too! Very free...

And I could probably help Ville fund alot of his stuff... Free software is good stuff... If you give people free software, and put a donate thingie on your page, people will actually donate large sums of money depending on how much they liked your games and if they want to see more... I mean... Seriously... I'd throw myself in an e-box and e-mail myself to Ville to work for him if it was physically possible... And I'd take my laptop too... now that's one that'll test the laws and integrity of the space-time continuum...
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
Zombie, I doubt that Ville would take in someone who doesn't even know programming yet to work on the game with him. Besides, his games are good enough with just him working on it.
Zombie 20 years ago
Darn... Hmm... But I must learn programming then...

Anyways... Ville could tie me to a tree outside and feed me cookies whenever he wants ideas... That would be the life... Cookies and acorns...

*wonders where his brains just went*
Forum » Ideas for another Wazzal

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