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  • Notrium Final Mix - New Version out. 0.31

    Venom31 13 years ago
    What the... I have no quote button -

    "Nocture17" said:
    Pretty extreme for a ship that on screen is only two-fifty pixels high when it's placed.
    You can scale it a bit, rright?

    On to random things. Some time ago when I reviewed Psionic in default, it seemed to me he was much less comfortable to play than others, always having to assemble/disassemble his spells to and fro'. Didn't come up with any idea there. So then I just changed his combine time to zero . The actual combine time was not zero, however, so doing this in combat was still not the best idea, but it was ok. Then it came to spell revision. Must I count how many of them were useless? The most disturbing one was Teleport. It used up all energy and unique void token only for transporting to a pretty useless (for that time) Eden area. At that moment I didn't know how to fix that and now I'm too busy for that, but it's not that hard after all.

    You can make a teleport to a plot object, placed (as far as notes.txt says) on any map:

    21; // teleport to
    -1.000000; // area parameter1 (if -1, game finds the right area) <- that's it!
    X.XXXXXX; // to plot_object parameter2
    0 / 1; // parameter3: 0=don't transfer other creatures 1=transfer other creatures - choose for yourself
    0.000000; // parameter4 - N/A

    So the main difficulty is in making unique plot objects - you use-drop one such object to psi-mark location, and then wham!. AFAIU you can make them only for some fixed maximum number, but that's ok, I guess. How many Pulse Beacons do you need in a regular play? How many areas are there, after all? You'll need some spell to create/destroy marks. But it can be done (if it's not already done?)
    TNN17 13 years ago
    Oh thank goodness it's not just me, I was convinced I'd done something wrong somehow.

    The Psionic's abilities as currently planned will continue to require combining and breaking up - at least at lower levels, any token can become any other token, so he needs something to offset that sort of versatility. I will consider having the combine time at 0, though I never had much trouble with the 1 second combine. It's probably going to be the psionic that's the next race implemented, since I have a lot of his foundations laid out.

    However, there will be no useless combinations, and the most complex ability, if I remember my notes, which are frankly too far from my chair to check right now, consists of six tokens and five combinations, each stage of which is a useable ability.

    I was never a psionic fan, but there are plans for a warp based technological 'porter with a single, placeable, output gate, I'll probably be doing the same for the psionic when he's implemented. Other, event-type 'porters, such as two connected air-vents, will pretty much need to be made in pairs as required, but since those will be inert,

    Lighting's been tweaked, apparently setting time dilation of an area to 0 disables all lighting in the area entirely, so I've just made day and night share a minimal light level which makes the torch seem to work.
    bwansy 13 years ago
    Finally the exams are over, and I can continue testing the mod.

    I'm starting with Android and will get back to you when I'm done.
    TNN17 13 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    Finally the exams are over, and I can continue testing the mod.

    I'm starting with Android and will get back to you when I'm done.

    Finally! The Android's been pretty much completed since 0.26 and nobody seems to have touched him. I'm greatly looking forward to your feedback.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I do not like the prospect of one of the more expensive resources (energy) just vanishing over time.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    I think the most expensive resource is life...
    Pete 13 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    I do not like the prospect of one of the more expensive resources (energy) just vanishing over time.

    This smug response has been brought to you by Captain Obvious's evil twin.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    "Narvius" said:
    I do not like the prospect of one of the more expensive resources (energy) just vanishing over time.

    This smug response has been brought to you by Captain Obvious's evil twin.
    I think he has two evil twins:
    " Venom31" said:
    I think the most expensive resource is life...
    Pete 13 years ago
    That was the neutral twin, actually. The good twin is the original Captain Obvious, he who defeats villains by making them facepalm themselves into unconciousness!

    ...which topic am I in again?
    Thereaper 13 years ago
    This mod needs... more maps i think ^^
    harwe 13 years ago
    I should consider to start uploading mods to share again... I think I'll start by uploading the stable versions of this mod.
    buggy 13 years ago
    So, this is dead and buried? Shame, its a great mod too. I guess Notrium really is dieing.

    Edit: I just realized that it might NOT be a good idea to post on a 2 month old thread, dang, too late now anyway. Sorry.
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    We don't get much forum activity around here, or at least we won't until Driftmoon gets released or gets free advertising from a review website or something. You're fine.

    As far as your question goes, I don't think this mod is dead just yet. It's entirely possible that TNN17 will come by to say he hasn't forgotten about the mod but hasn't had the time. Or he forgot his password again, in which case he'll announce his new account.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Yeah, I haven't forgotten this mod (and would have responded quicker, but I did actually forget my password...). I burned out a little and ran into a fairly nasty hurdle in the form of having to make all the resources for a spaceship interiors which drained what little willpower I had left, so since interest seemed to be low at the time, I put it on hold.

    Currently I'm mooching around on a few other projects, working six to eight hours of overtime every week at my job, and replaying Dungeon Keeper for the fifteenth time in whatever spare time I have left after that. I do plan on getting back into it eventually, though it honestly might take awhile, since I'll have to relearn the coding malarkey.

    This said, if anyone wants to add some maps or could whip up some images, that'd be awesome, you're totally welcome to do it.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    The download links aren't working.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    I have actually lost the mini laptop that I worked on this (a bad habit), but on the plus side, my more recent work over on gearhead had me using a better, more permanent host which you can grab the most recent stable version - version 0.2:

    I'll be checking through for 0.29 in a bit (if already has it, you'd be saving me about a week of checking around my drives).
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Alright, I found it, played it, and decided to slog through the rest of the starship creation process - essentially skipping the randomised drop items (which I honestly need way more time to remember the trick to) in favour of some immediate, guaranteed goodies, and the plot entry for finding the ship.

    I also cleaned up a few text bugs and cleaned up a small code bug I stumbled across.

    So yeah: Version 0.3 - - 0.3.rar

    There's a few instabilities I've found - you can fix these by fixing the maps.dat to cover the full area, and in Map Editor, move the "hole" plot object on the V'E outside of the ship's collision polygon. These have been fixed for 0.31.
    For anyone who wants to carry on in the same vein as it is in now, this is the one to work on, since I'll be scrapping most of the item drop tables and working on the new Realism system from now on.

    - 0.31 to do:

    1: Realistic drop system.
    - Introduce swamp and jungle realism items:
    Fruit tree - Done
    Green Plant - Already Done
    Mushrooms - Already Done
    Poison mushrooms - Already Done
    Yellow bloom - Already Done
    Poisonous Fruit tree - Done
    Thorn bush
    Fern - Already Done
    Reeds - Done
    Insect Nest
    Animal Nest
    Wrecks - Done.

    - Remove artificial, static areas.
    - Lower Android energy consumption.
    - Modify the loot tables.
    - Introduce wooden barricades along with sand ones.

    2: Add randomised loot items to the V'E.

    - This will be a "locker" system - tool lockers, weapon lockers, medical lockers, and supply lockers. Each will have a different set of possible contents, and will be the meat and bones of any interior map's loot. Computers will also be lootable for random Computer Units/Scrap Metal/Replicator programs.

    3: Introduce Wisp enemies to Starship Graveyard.

    4: Introduce generic swamps.
    - Green Aliens.
    - Alien Images (Since I lost photoshop with my Eee PC, this may take longer than usual).
    - Stats.
    - Alien drops.

    - Area data.
    - Drops.
    - Terrain mixtures.
    - Spawners.
    - Climate settings.
    - Bog.

    As usual, any requests, getting them in earlier rather than later means they're more likely to get incorporated.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Played as android for a bit, didn't get around to making any weapons or anything just tried to figure out how to not run out of energy. Solar Array didn't seem to do much if anything, couldn't survive or find anything useful in the first 3 areas I tried then I found a bunch of blue herbs which kept me alive long enough to find and area with some shipwrecks and some batteries and fuel cells and other stuff and I even figured out how to use them but then after combining all kinds of stuff I started losing health for some reason that I couldn't figure out(I had just used fuel cell so not running out of energy and didn't see anything attacking me.) In short lower energy consumption for android certainly sounds fine.

    Anyway I'll probably look around a bit more tomorrowish.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Hm. Android shouldn't randomly lose health, which area were you in and what was your temperature? If it's the ship graveyard there's a good chance you're being pecked to death by mini-reapers.

    Android's energy consumption has been dropped to 0.4 from 1. Fatigue (if it causes the captain fatigue, it causes the android fatigue) will still increase energy loss by 50% until the fatigue debt is recovered. You can tweak the energy loss yourself in races.dat, find "Energy Consumption" and replace the block with:

    Energy Consumption;//description
    0;//difficulty level

    If it still feels too high for you, lemme know and I'll tweak it some more.

    Easy Mode now correctly lowers the Android's normal energy consumption by 50%.
    Batteries are now directly interfacable with the Android's Core, much quicker than installing and deinstalling them from a coupling. Since Depowered Batteries are also useful to the Android, you can either quickly cash in on a battery entirely or keep it for energy recovery purposes.

    Few Android hints:

    Knife some brown aliens and see what you get, after surviving long enough for brown aliens to spawn fairly frequently, I found things got quite a bit easier.
    Solar Array can be upgraded with a fuel cell and coupling.

    With the modified energy consumption, so long as the Android doesn't do anything strenuous, they will run a net profit with the solar panel during the day. With the full power supply on Medium mode, your energy requirements should be covered so long as you're frugal.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Now done: Trees.

    These, like the Stasis Field Emitter, create a canopy - basically a self-terminating tree prop that constantly dies and is recreated as long as the trunk is alive.

    So far, they're set up that destroying them with fire weapons - The Flamer, Dragon Breath, Blowtorch, or just putting an actual fire next to them - will kill them very quickly, with the predictable result of making a fire. This will be shortly be expanded to cover plasma weapons.

    Meanwhile, killing them any other way - which will take awhile unless you're using a large, bladed weapon - will leave you with a stump, a helpful repository of leaves, wood and kindling.

    Stumps, incidentally, will be added to the map start-up, but will otherwise only appear when a tree is destroyed.

    There will be three tree species - generic, fruit bearing, and horrible-death-fruit bearing. New ones will spawn throughout the spring season, but not the rest of the year.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Temperature was at most 40 something and it was in jungle with some shipwrecks. The health loss was steady like when out of energy.
    EDIT:It seems that the cause was the four herb mix which I thought I had dumped instead of eating, I assumed I couldn't eat it.

    Anyway other stuff: Can't break up Powered Field Emitter and considering that I explored nearly everywhere and couldn't find more than 4 energy couplings losing one to it was pretty bad.

    Also it seems that sometimes when I get hit(at least by reapers) I become unable to use at least gauss pistol and some other weapons for a while except knife, machete and pummel and maybe some others that I haven't tried making.

    And yeah 0.4 for energy consumption seems good.

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    You did? Huh, I thought you couldn't as well. That four herb goo is more lethal than even I realised! I'll fix it when I get back from work.

    Powered Field Emitter's something I ran into and fixed for 0.31. It's a currently unimplemented item - it should, when implemented, become a barricade-type item - but at least you can break it now.

    I might be forgetting, but I believe the only place you can encounter Reapers is the Ship Graveyard, which has ion storms for its rain, which, like a stasis field, disables all your electrically based weapons. I think the best weapon you can bring in there is the vibrosword unless you religiously stay under cover during the "rain".


    Let's hear it for lunch hours. The Four Herb Mix is no longer consumable by the Android.

    Also implemented are easier methods to recover from hypo and hyperthermia, so long as your temperature is resolved or (in the case of hyperthermia) your thirst is sated, you will slowly begin to recover, though much slower than if you treated both aspects.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Hmm it seems to have been the rain but while it usually takes about 5 seconds for the effect to clear sometimes it can take longer. Maybe the options/help menu should mention something about Ion storms, also if "Electronics damaged!" message or something like it remained until the effect ends it'd be clearer that the ion storm is the cause.

    Also is there a limit to how many Charge Cells you can use? They stopped working once my max energy got to 479.

    And what does fixing the maps.dat to cover the full area mean? Just changing the width part to 4 doesn't do anything about being able to just walk inside Var'Equinallin.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    I swear a lot of the changes I made for 0.3 just didn't take when I archived it for download. Alright then, change the entry to this:

    4;//width of map below
    3;//height of map below

    That should guarantee that you can't walk into the ship.

    Sounds like a plan about the Electronics Damaged, maybe I'll do the same as I do for the illnesses and have an item drop into your Options Menu.

    Charge Cells should work until you have 500 maximum energy - The Android starts with 20 tokens, and one is used up each time until zero, and 500 max energy is reached. I've checked and this is functioning correctly.

    Tweaked the Android's armour rating to apply changes to armour faster after applying plating.

    Edit: Took a bit of doing, but I've got the electrical interference to show up in your options menu.

    Update dos: Since I insist on using "I" for my inventory needs, and insist on hitting "O" by mistake every time and unequipping everything, I've added a small subclause which automatically opens your standard inventory after you've shut off the options screen, letting you reequip your gear (or, more commonly for me, use the health item I was trying for in the first place).

    Update Tres: I believe I've fixed a comparatively rare glitch where looting the escape pod crashes the game. If not, then hopefully I've just made it even rarer, which I can live with.

    Edited 12 years ago
    harwe 12 years ago
    Mirrored on my share:

    Main folder for Notrium mods (since profile url has been disabled):
    TNN17 12 years ago
    You're a gent Harwe, cheers.

    Updates: Playing with pears. Graphics done, food poisoning done, still need a distribution mechanic, still need to do the two fruit tree species.

    Trees done, Distribution done, and gremlin done, each fruit tree will drop fruit around itself so long as it is the appropriate season.

    Reeds are done. I wasn't happy with the graphics, so I redid them. I may expand on them at a later date.

    To do:

    Fireleaf (Images done).
    Thorns and Undergrowth (Awkward. These are going to be simple, immobile creatures with an unpleasant melee in the case of thorns, but the main issue will be ensuring they expand and grow in an awkward way to block movement, rather than just being some isolated locational blockage)
    Animal Nests (Basically a natural wreck)
    Insect Nests (Living immobile creature that drops flying arthropod swarms when it's attacked, this is going to be fairly awkward to say the least)
    Trash - Spontaneously dropped loot tables for abandoned campsites (graphics needed from scratch), old corpses (same), and generally abandoned items (comparatively simple).

    Once all this is done, then I'll be able to start work on the start-up item handler and the daily respawn handler.

    After that it's a downhill trek to get swamps and green aliens finished and 0.31 out. Hopefully should have this all done by the weekend.

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Comparatively small update: Fireweed bushes are done. Unlike the other plants, you won't use these up by gathering from them, but it may take awhile for them to regrow the useful parts.

    At a later date I'll be implementing molotovs to accompany these, but until that time all they're good for is being a disposable source for lighting fires.

    Expanded Snack It! the automatic food command to cover cooked Mushrooms, Green Plants and fruit.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Update: A few niggles here and there slowing me down (as is the SCP site which I'm now addicted to reading, thanks Narvius), but undergrowth is now implemented. It spawns seedlings, which grow into sprouts, which grow into full grown, path blocking, bushes, which then also generate seedlings when there is enough rain. Thorns have been nixed, though cactii which carry their properties still exist.

    Still to do: Nests (and affiliated insects), and trash.

    Once these are done, universal plot objects which handle spawning will be introduced. These will be randomly seeded across all maps, and will number approximately twenty times the total available number of active maps, average around twenty seed items on an average exterior map.

    From there I've got the fairly mammoth task of revamping all subsequent creature and item spawns from scratch, but things aren't going too badly there.
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Wait until I post a link to that other site that is prone to sucking in a lot of time.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Whatever it is it'll have to wait. I'm only up to SCP 147.

    On a more achievement oriented note, spawning is now controlled by the presence of Habitat plot objects, one for each potential side. This means spawning is far easier now, and uses about half as many conditionals or fewer to control the procedure. This should hopefully make things progress more smoothly in future.
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Wait until I post a link to that other site that is prone to sucking in a lot of time.
    Are you talking about the one that will reportedly ruin your life?
    Narvius 12 years ago
    You are one evil, EVIL reaper.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Fortunately I've already wasted several months reading TvTropes and have reduced my trope binges to scarce hours at a time.

    As such, updates!

    Nests are introduced. These randomly drop eggs, kindling, tinder, and one or two angry, angry parent aliens, whose type is defined by possible creatures in the local habitat. Deviancy is unlikely, but actually possible, which I may need to look into at a later date.

    Eggs need to be appended to my rather excessive list of cookery items, but are otherwise done.

    Molotovs are almost done, throwing one makes fire, and explodes with things that make even more fire.

    Hives still to do, which will happen after I finish the aforementioned eggs and fireball creators.

    Update: Molotovs are done, tested, and explode real good.
    Eggs are done, and can be used to make broth, the overall best food item, much more easily than most other means, though they're quite rare.

    Concerning cookery, I'm currently keeping it intentionally pretty barebones. I'm happy to expand it if people want, but otherwise I'll be devoting my time into meatier aspects of the engine, since I could easily run through hundreds of possible ingredients, sub-ingredients and end products just covering potential food applications.

    Edited 12 years ago
    TNN17 12 years ago
    It occurs to me, by using an on-spawn randomiser to select foliage-type for tree creatures, that I could replace all instances of "trees" with a single universal tree creature with trunk and all.

    Would this be something people wanted?

    Pros: Verisimilitude, high player control over their environment, abundant supplies of wood, potential for forest fires, and since it would use my spawn mechanism rather than the Notrium default, it could be coded to avoid putting trees in deep water (which would then allow deep water to be used randomly in a map, rather than being restricted to pregens like the lake).

    With quite a bit of extra work, I could actually make it so that each tree had an autumn canopy, and possibly even a winter canopy (which would be branches, and not provide shade).

    Cons: Trees would probably need to be stopped from being affected by the wind - since the only way for a tree canopy to correctly remove when the tree dies is to constantly destroy and recreate it.

    Having said this, by writing this all out I've realised that I might actually be able to make each tree only destroy its canopy on-death, though it might take me awhile to actually set this up.

    So yeah, lemme know if you have a preference to destructible or non-destructible trees.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Narvius 12 years ago

    (translated: Forest fires? Cool!)
    Forum » Notrium Final Mix - New Version out. 0.31
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