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Forum » Games on a board

Games on a board

Amarth 13 years ago
So, boardgames. You know, Chess, Monopoly, Risk, Catan, Smallworld. Those things. With a table and a board and physical people around you to throw stuff at when they do stupid things.

Anyone into them? Because I kind of am lately.
Venom31 13 years ago
Well, lately I'm into Xiang Qi. Currently trying to understand Wei Qi (jap, eur - Go).
TNN17 13 years ago
(Obligatory Imma let you insert) Colditz is the best board game of all time.

Coordinate a team to escape Nazi controlled prison? Coordinate a united nazi front to keep them blighteys in line? Marvellous. I play with house rules to give the German side lethal anti-POW cards, it's a great way to spend an evening or two.
Narvius 13 years ago
I dun' have anyone to play with anymore because I used to win mostly.
My all-time favourite would be Catan, but I have a few more obscure ones.
E_net4 13 years ago
I do sometimes play Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, checkers and chess with the family. So far you gave me several board game names that are new to me.
Amarth 13 years ago
"Narvius" said:
but I have a few more obscure ones.
Yes. Give please. Always on the lookout for interesting ones. I should have known this was something for you.

"E_net4" said:
I do sometimes play Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, checkers and chess with the family. So far you gave me several board game names that are new to me.
Oh boy. You have so much to learn. Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit could be compared to something like Doom. Good at the time, still a bit classy maybe, sometimes played for old-time's sake, but frankly there's much better stuff out there today.

My things! Smallworld is a huge hit in our group. Puerto Rico, Power Grid and Bohnanza hit the table every once in a while. We recently discovered Chaos In The Old World which was the first game to make me want to physically hurt another player. Also playing as Warhammer Chaos Gods is so awesome. Right now I'm on a bit of a Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game binge, but we're still in the humans-would-get-utterly-destroyed-even-without-cylon-traitors phase so my group is getting a bit weary.

There's probably more I'm forgetting.
EDIT: Like Tichu! Oh god, tichu. Awesome game.
NeoGangster 13 years ago
"Amarth" said:
... Chaos In The Old World...
yes this is awesome, Khorne rocks btw xD
E_net4 13 years ago
"Amarth" said:
"Narvius" said:
but I have a few more obscure ones.
Yes. Give please. Always on the lookout for interesting ones. I should have known this was something for you.

"E_net4" said:
I do sometimes play Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, checkers and chess with the family. So far you gave me several board game names that are new to me.
Oh boy. You have so much to learn. Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit could be compared to something like Doom. Good at the time, still a bit classy maybe, sometimes played for old-time's sake, but frankly there's much better stuff out there today.
Doom does get better with Skulltag.
Amarth 13 years ago
Monopoly gets better with nukes.

No, I haven't tried it, but it was a running joke between my cousin and me when he had to program Monopoly for a class and found it somewhat boring. "Have you implemented the nukes already?" He never did though. I now want to develop a version of Monopoly with nukes.

Hmm. And mutations.
MageKing17 13 years ago
"Amarth" said:
Monopoly gets better with nukes.

No, I haven't tried it, but it was a running joke between my cousin and me when he had to program Monopoly for a class and found it somewhat boring. "Have you implemented the nukes already?" He never did though. I now want to develop a version of Monopoly with nukes.

Hmm. And mutations.
Reminds me of my second-quarter Java class, where we had to implement a boring simulation of customers at an ATM machine. We spiced things up by including a random chance for a terrorist attack. Didn't think of making it a nuclear strike... oh well.

We played a game of Scrabble last night; the person who wanted to play the least won in a landslide. I swear the universe runs on irony.

As to other board games, I can never seem to find anything that beats the trifecta of Risk, Stratego, and Battleship. Although I did once play that future version of Risk, the one where you can conquer the moon; I thought it was silly.
E_net4 13 years ago
"Amarth" said:
Monopoly gets better with nukes.

No, I haven't tried it, but it was a running joke between my cousin and me when he had to program Monopoly for a class and found it somewhat boring. "Have you implemented the nukes already?" He never did though. I now want to develop a version of Monopoly with nukes.

Hmm. And mutations.
Quick! Yrg'f qhzc Abgevhz3Q! This is awesome!
Amarth 13 years ago
The only practical problem right now is that I don't have a monopoly set to playtest with.

Or don't I? We used to have one at home, maybe it's in one of the boxes... Though it probably went to another part of the family.
Murska 13 years ago
I've always liked board games but there's nobody around to play with.
Endymion 13 years ago
I sadly haven't gotten around to playing boardgames in a few years.
Also I hear <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> are quite good.
Crazy 13 years ago
Only boardgame I've had a reasonable amount of fun with was a homebrew Baila boardgame.

Uh. I don't remember much of it.
caldazar 13 years ago
I often play Dominion with my wife and/or friends, although technically this is more of a card game than board.
Ticket to Ride is a fun group game.
Carcassonne is fantastic, but takes oh so long sometimes.
Settlers of Catan - I've only played it twice, but really enjoyed it.
And of course Scrabble.

I'm a big fan of games - board, PC, console, card, and Pen & Paper RPGs. Been playing for as far back as I can remember...all the way back to before the red box Basic Edition D&D from the 70's.
harwe 13 years ago
Try Arkham Horror
Amarth 13 years ago
I'm seriously starting to think Battlestar Galactica is about the best game ever and definitely the best game I have. The mind games you can play in that game...

I still have to take The Resistance (which is a werewolf-like game for less players) for a test drive though. It sounds promising.
Areetsa 13 years ago
Battletech is my board game of choice. Haven't actually played the physical version for a while- my handwriting is atrocious -but the java based Megamek port is pretty good.

Wouldn't mind trying that Battlestar Galactica one at some point, though. What's it like?
Amarth 13 years ago

You play as crew of the Galatica, trying to fend off all sorts of crises that befall you, like Cylon attacks, resource shortages, uprisings, all sorts of things from the series. So in this sense it seems like a cooperative game, kinda like Pandemic if you ever played it, but more indepth. However, there are hidden Cylons among the players, whose goals are to subtly keep the humans from succeeding in fending off the many dangers.

So accusations fly around. You have to trust people if you want to survive, but if you do it might very well backfire. It is possible to keep players from doing to much harm by throwing them in the brig, but if you throw a human player in the brig, things might seriously get screwed. And of course the Cylons all want this to happen, so they increase the paranoia, joining the accusations, trying to set the humans against each other. People make decisions that might be sub-optimal. An oversight or sabotage? Was the other possibility of a hidden choice that needed to be made really worse than this one? And why is that player not joining the discussion?

Treachery, deception, bluff, backstabbing. I like this kind of game.

It needs to be said that it's absolutely not perfect though. The tactics the humans need to use are often clear for experienced players, so if you are in a group of those, it's hard to play an effective Cylon, and the endgame (once all Cylons are revealed) becomes pretty mechanical action-reaction. Still, awesome game.
Areetsa 13 years ago
"Amarth" said:

You play as crew of the Galatica, trying to fend off all sorts of crises that befall you, like Cylon attacks, resource shortages, uprisings, all sorts of things from the series. So in this sense it seems like a cooperative game, kinda like Pandemic if you ever played it, but more indepth. However, there are hidden Cylons among the players, whose goals are to subtly keep the humans from succeeding in fending off the many dangers.

So accusations fly around. You have to trust people if you want to survive, but if you do it might very well backfire. It is possible to keep players from doing to much harm by throwing them in the brig, but if you throw a human player in the brig, things might seriously get screwed. And of course the Cylons all want this to happen, so they increase the paranoia, joining the accusations, trying to set the humans against each other. People make decisions that might be sub-optimal. An oversight or sabotage? Was the other possibility of a hidden choice that needed to be made really worse than this one? And why is that player not joining the discussion?

Treachery, deception, bluff, backstabbing. I like this kind of game.

It needs to be said that it's absolutely not perfect though. The tactics the humans need to use are often clear for experienced players, so if you are in a group of those, it's hard to play an effective Cylon, and the endgame (once all Cylons are revealed) becomes pretty mechanical action-reaction. Still, awesome game.
Sounds a bit like Paranoia- don't know if you've heard of it, but supposedly, a good game of Paranoia has several player deaths during the mission briefing, (but there's clones on hand so it's okay) and a great game has a TPK or two before the briefing.
Amarth 13 years ago
I've GM'ed Paranoia.

There are some parallels. Paranoia is more slapstick and humor though. In Paranoia, you *know* everything is out to get you, and it doesn't really matter because that's what it is about. You just play along as well as you can. The fact that the players get physically rewarded (they get 'perversion points', represented by poker chips, that allows them among others to 'cheat' at die rolls) by pleasing/amusing the GM kind of sets the tone of the game.

BSG is a lot more subtle and intense when played well. And it's not a role playing game, obviously.
E_net4 13 years ago
There's a "Permanent Paranoia" game going on AnyNowhere. But I don't pay much attention to it.
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