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    Narvius 11 years ago

    Neither do I have any idea what you are talking about, nor do I know what this is, but it's the first thing Google told me when I asked him for an invisible font. x3

    Edited 11 years ago
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    It seems Game Grumps might be getting some "competition".

    That, or it's just another one of those Let's Play channels that everyone seems to be making these days.

    Hopefully this one's better than most.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I know about about three Let's Play channels, and those would be DeceasedCrab, chuggaconroy / TheRunawayGuys and pewdiepie. There might have been others. And LP'ing is certainly older than "these days".
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Pewds is hilarious at times. Especially on Fridays.

    ... And that's all I have to say. >.>
    Narvius 11 years ago
    He's like a retarded puppy. Reeeally funny, but gets tiring after a while.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    You need to play Dungeon Hearts.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Deploying kind of smooth jazz.
    Edited 11 years ago
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I like kind of smooth jazz.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    I had to stop listening to it. I literally stalled. o_o
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Incidentally, I officially took up drumming. It's awesome, though kinda exhausting. Which makes it even more awesome.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I just spent something like 36 man-hours working on a final project for a class. I did most of the project, but wasn't able to completely finish everything I needed to turn in. That was mainly because my design was HUGE in comparison to everybody else's.

    You know what?

    Other people finished less of it.

    And I have VLOOKUP() to thank for finishing the most time-consuming part for me. Namely, automatically filling out extremely large Karnaugh maps from a truth table.

    I love spreadsheets.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    The only thing slower than waiting for eight gigabytes of data to trickle over USB 1.1 is walking through a cobweb on soul sand over ice backwards while crouching and blocking after drinking a slowness potion. (lol Minecraft)

    In other news, the Free Software Foundation has set up a website about ditching Windows 8.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I saw Iron Man 3.

    That thing at the end with the suits (So I don't overly spoil the movie for people who haven't seen it) was pretty YAYing awesome. Good movie all-around, and the ending does a good job of tying up the story while still opening up some new questions. Like how we can even have an Iron Man 4 after Tony Stark spoiler spoiler spoiler.
    Amarth 11 years ago
    A friend of mine worked on the special effects of Iron Man 3!

    So I watched Iron Man 1 yesterday, gonna see the 2 next and then I can see 3!

    Don't really like the first one, but hey. Gotta support your friends.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Does anyone actually follow blogs/forums/etc. via their RSS feeds? I feel like I'm the only one that uses them.

    Honestly, I like having all of the blogs and news sites I follow available from one desktop application so I don't have to check a gazillion different sites manually. More importantly, RSS supports downloading "descriptions" instead of a full webpage, which usually ends up being the full text on the website anyways, but without the bloat.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    Does anyone actually follow blogs/forums/etc. via their RSS feeds? I feel like I'm the only one that uses them.

    Honestly, I like having all of the blogs and news sites I follow available from one desktop application so I don't have to check a gazillion different sites manually. More importantly, RSS supports downloading "descriptions" instead of a full webpage, which usually ends up being the full text on the website anyways, but without the bloat.
    I have a number of RSS feeds bookmarked in FireFox, and I check them for new entries instead of going to each of the pages looking for new stuff. Not quite the same as having a program collect all new feed entries and present them to me, but I don't check that many RSS feeds.
    Pete 11 years ago
    I probably should, considering how many webcomics I tend to end up checking on half a dozen times every day even though I know when they update anyway...

    Eh. Too much effort. #incrediblyinneficient
    Endymion 11 years ago
    I use some rss live links chrome extension and I use it to check nearly everything except forums and a few other things. Currently I have subscribed to about 130 feeds.
    Edited 11 years ago
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I just follow Rock Paper Shotgun, Questionable Content, xkcd, xkcd What If, Extra Credits and two devlogs (MISERY Mod for Stalker: CoP and Shining Rock Software, for the village builder Banished) via RSS.
    Edited 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Endymion said:
    Currently I have subscribed to about 130 feeds.

    *Falls out of chair*

    ... In case anyone was wondering, the question came up when I noticed RSS feed subscribers don't count towards microblog followers. I follow a lot of Tumblrs by RSS. It would be interesting if someone did a study on this and came up with a rule of thumb to guess the number of people really following a blog.
    Endymion 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    I just follow Rock Paper Shotgun, Questionable Content, xkcd, xkcd What If, Extra Credits and two devlogs (MISERY Mod for Stalker: CoP and Shining Rock Software, for the village builder Banished) via RSS.
    For some reason I've never been able to get Questionable Content rss feed working despite trying it a few times over time.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Endymion said:
    Narvius said:
    I just follow Rock Paper Shotgun, Questionable Content, xkcd, xkcd What If, Extra Credits and two devlogs (MISERY Mod for Stalker: CoP and Shining Rock Software, for the village builder Banished) via RSS.
    For some reason I've never been able to get Questionable Content rss feed working despite trying it a few times over time.
    I started following QC yesterday without any trouble. (By the way, thanks for it, Narvius.) Maybe the problem is that the feed has a backlog of about 200 comics attached to it?
    Narvius 11 years ago
    It has. Don't know why. Don't personally mind, though.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    It has just occurred to me that you can write the entire preplanning summary for a story, movie, or most other literary or creative works by just surfing TVTropes:

    1. Make a timetable and start filling it with tropes that deal with character interactions, plot points, certain kinds of events, and other shenanigans.

    2. As you add characters to make step 1 work, just write their name and make a list of character tropes that apply to them.

    3. Don't even bother writing the story itself and just publish the TropeNotes{TM}.

    4. ...

    5. Profit!

    Endymion 11 years ago
    I've actually thought of doing just that occasionally since I've had some great ideas for stories with just
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I once got a Captcha while filling out a web form that had a word with a long S in it, which the uninitiated would confuse with a strangely-placed F. Since I know how this kind of Captcha is supposed to work, I assumed that the system was looking for a correct answer in the other word, and would use whatever answer I gave for this unusually-spelled word to aid some translation project. So I wrote the word with an S.

    It told me I got it wrong and made me answer a different one.

    Well, gee, thanks. I'm just gonna go cry in this corner over here because I'm too smart for my own good. And because that translation project now has to check every single word with an F in it to see if it's really an S.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Just Dance is more fun than it should be.
    Also, walking home at night at 1am in full rain with no protective gear is less fun than that.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Also, walking home at night at 1am in full rain with no protective gear is less fun than that.
    Were you also singing?

    'Cause that would mean you were...


    Singing in the-- *Shot*
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    I once got a Captcha while filling out a web form that had a word with a long S in it, which the uninitiated would confuse with a strangely-placed F. Since I know how this kind of Captcha is supposed to work, I assumed that the system was looking for a correct answer in the other word, and would use whatever answer I gave for this unusually-spelled word to aid some translation project. So I wrote the word with an S.

    It told me I got it wrong and made me answer a different one.
    So why the hell didn't you type an ſ?
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    MageKing17 said:
    So why the hell didn't you type an ſ?
    Becauſe it's not a ſymbol on my keyboard (Almoſt definitely for good reaſon), and it was an impulſive deſiſion. If I really wanted to go out of my way to uſe the right glyph, I could have ſtarted up charmap.

    (Nonſtandard characters for the win, yo! Alſo, good luck finding all the ligatures. They blend perfectly in my font.)
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Double post because ERMAGERSH.

    I spent six hours yesterday trying to get my little brother's computer to boot Linux Mint via UEFI. (Eight counting convincing and installation, but the virtual machine left him pretty convinced and it installed quickly.) Linux's efibootmgr wouldn't do anything, Windows' bcdboot would add entries that don't show up in the boot manager, and I wasn't getting anywhere fast. I/we would have to boot Linux via the EFI shell manually every time if I couldn't get this working. Then, I had the GENIUS idea of installing a firmware update for the motherboard, which, upon checking, there was one.

    Now, Windows' boot entry is gone, efibootmgr worked on the first try, and I have effectively reversed the situation so that we have to launch Windows manually and Linux works like a charm.




    The irony is that the firmware update was supposed to make the motherboard Win8 compliant, and it ended up breaking Win7 and enabling Linux. Thanks, Redmond! (And screw ASRock for such a piss UEFI mumble mumble)

    ... In completely unrelated news, Skype for Linux hasn't been cosmetically updated since Microsoft bought it. This is simultaneously fantastic and horrifying.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Dwarf Fortress, again after a few years. And my current WikiTab/GameHour rate is only 6, so I still remember most of everything.
    TheSlider 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:

    I spent six hours yesterday trying to get my little brother's computer to boot Linux Mint via UEFI.[...]

    Reminds me of my old laptop. I tinker around with puppy linux on usb and since there is no bios usb boot option, i installed the win 32 version of plop .
    It's quite neat with an oldschool ui interface that lets you choose which drive to boot and has a classy animated starfield in the background.

    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I tried out the Windows 8.1 preview today.

    I was going to write a bunch of stuff about how it's generally good, but some of the technical details are sloppy, but the OS didn't really excite me overall.

    So rather than write eloquently (Pfft who does that anymore), let's say the same thing in bullet points.

    The DPI scaling is excellent, automatic driver installation is excellent, animations on my goddamn Intel 945 are fluid (and excellent), my entire suite of preferred cross-platform applications run excellently, the task manager is surprisingly excellent for at-a-glance information but falls unexcellently flat in giving details, getting to the desktop search is long-winded (Not so excellent) and the thing doesn't turn up useful results in the first place (Needs more excellent), my system can't shut down properly and just sits there with the screen off (HILARIOUSLY far from excellent), I browsed the app store but didn't like anything I saw enough to install it (Tellingly un-excellent), and the filesystem is a mother[censored]ing disaster. (NOT. EXCELLENT.) Also, I have not tried any, but I have seen evidence that 32-bit Windows 8 includes a 16-bit compatibility layer that should be able to run Windows 3 programs well. A game of SimTower right about now would be... Um... What's the word? Oh, yeah! Excellent.

    So, I've come to the conclusion that there's nothing actually wrong with Windows 8 as long as you're going to passively avoid apps anyways, but the whole thing isn't compelling enough to get people to switch. Also, RT would be useless to me.

    Edited 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    In not-surprising-news, Windows RT is such a big flop that Asus is dropping out.

    And in not-actually-news-because-everybody-already-knows-I'm-a-super-geek, I really wanna buy an Asus P2B-DS and a couple of Pentium 3s and build a computer with it. That would be ghetto-fabulous. (*cough*And faster than my Compaq*cough*)
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