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    Pete 12 years ago
    I know what you mean. That avatar over there? Spent like four hours just getting the outline of the head at least sort of right, and it still doesnt look quite right close up.

    Though to be fair, the shows animation is so stylized they dont really work unless theyre head on, side on, or staring to the left/right.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    So I've been trying out Windows 8 today. Performance is appalling until you can get your virtualization platform's virtual machine additions to install, but that's not what shocked me.

    Somebody hacked my Hotmail so that they could sell a World of Warcraft account with it.

    Edit: The only way to verify your account is to reply with a code they send you by text message, and my phone isn't supported. I'm just gonna start deleting personal information and abandon this piece of crap.

    Edit2: I just realized that my university uses Live for mail. *Successfully logs in with university credentials*

    Edit3: Oops, forgot my Xbox gamertag! And guess what else? The character combination "anon" is a reserved word in the Live Help thingymajigger, and I couldn't possibly think to use another screenname, so I won't be able to use plan B to recover that account either.

    ... Oh, yeah. This was supposed to be a post about Windows 8. Uh... Not much to say, really, other than Y U NO KEEP START BUTTON.

    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I also heard of the lack of a start button. You know, I think I'm staying in WinXP, Win7 and Linux. For a good amount of time. And yeah, about Linux... VALVE! Y U NO MAKE STEAM CLIENT FOR LINUX.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    And yeah, about Linux... VALVE! Y U NO MAKE STEAM CLIENT FOR LINUX.
    Steam uses a lot of technologies that are probably already running on a Linux machine, so they wouldn't hog enough RAM to feel good about themselves. My little brother has a full-featured Win7 desktop with a bunch of crap running in the background, and the amount of RAM he uses while idling on the desktop is larger than all of my laptop's RAM. [/Satire based on truth]

    So, yeah... Windows 8. It feels very tablet. The app store works nicely, I didn't feel like getting Mail working properly, Video is actually a media store rather than a player, and most importantly, I have NO IDEA what would happen if someone tried to use an alternate shell on the "desktop". Mainly because it's now messier than ever for a power user to figure out what's running on his computer. But hey, I understand what you gain and lose during a transition because I'm using Ubuntu just as they're polishing Unity. (A lot of the utilities that used to be in the System Settings window have to be downloaded separately in 11.10.)
    Amarth 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    E_net4 said:
    And yeah, about Linux... VALVE! Y U NO MAKE STEAM CLIENT FOR LINUX.
    Steam uses a lot of technologies that are probably already running on a Linux machine, so they wouldn't hog enough RAM to feel good about themselves. My little brother has a full-featured Win7 desktop with a bunch of crap running in the background, and the amount of RAM he uses while idling on the desktop is larger than all of my laptop's RAM. [/Satire based on truth]
    Every byte of RAM that is not used is wasted. An OS that uses more RAM when idle is better than one that doesn't use the resources it has available.

    The only really useful metric is 'RAM available for user software'. An OS that uses a lot of RAM just needs to swap out its own memory to disk to leave the RAM to other processes, so using RAM when idle is a completely wrong argument to bash an OS.
    Crazy 12 years ago
    Yes, the green and neon yellow thinglets are similarer because they don't have much to do with red. You can try the munsell hue test to see how well you can see which colors:
    Crazy 12 years ago
    OH! OH! And what happened to the chatroom?
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Crazy said:
    OH! OH! And what happened to the chatroom?
    It's still there, even though people don't use it all that much.
    Crazy 12 years ago
    Hurm. I'm on and in #monkkonenchat but it's empty and unregged.

    EDIT: I need to get there NOW because Amarth is talking about cake on facebook in belgese and I MUST KNOW ABOUT THIS CAKE.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Crazy said:
    Hurm. I'm on
    Abjects, man. The network's been officially Abjects since the move away from the previous network (can't even recall what that was called), Criten just redirected there for quite a long while.
    Crazy 12 years ago
    I C

    I always connected to, i guess i liked the symmetry of it.
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Huh. You're right, it's symmetric. I never noticed that before.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I posted something, but I changed my mind and couldn't delete the entire post. Here's a GIF instead.

    Edited 12 years ago
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Crazy said:
    Yes, the green and neon yellow thinglets are similarer because they don't have much to do with red. You can try the munsell hue test to see how well you can see which colors:
    You are a horrible person. I spent a good five minutes lining up all the hues only to discover that you were just wasting my time.
    Crazy 12 years ago

    You may use this one instead.

    To my enormous surprise, I actually got a perfect score, but it was really hard. I dare hypothesize that I don't actually have really great color vision but what with my art and stuff i've been comparing colors side to side a lot.

    Curiously, Munsell's first name is Farnsworth, I shit you not.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Crazy said:
    You may use this one instead.

    To my enormous surprise, I actually got a perfect score, but it was really hard. I dare hypothesize that I don't actually have really great color vision but what with my art and stuff i've been comparing colors side to side a lot.
    I got 56 (unsurprisingly concentrated in oranges, purples, and a few scattershot other areas).
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I got 16, without trying too hard. But the curious thing is the list of stats the system provides: the best and worst scores based on the gender and age range. I was also expecting a mean, considering how likely it is to get a perfect score and for some idiot to scramble and submit.
    As for the chatroom... I can't be bothered visiting it anymore. But we can give ourselves a push, if you're up to the challenge... of joining the chatroom often.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    So apparently, something is so badly the matter with Adobe's latest Flash player that Ubuntu will no longer let me have Firefox and Flash installed at the same time. And Mozilla's plugin checker directs me to Flash's download site, which links me to Ubuntu Software Center, which offers me exactly the package I can't install anymore. WAT.

    ... I'm not really complaining, though. Most of Youtube runs on HTML5 now, and if there's any other Flash content I want to see on the Internet, I have a Firefox extension that will sniff it out and let me download it directly, at which point I can use some other Flash player. (Gnash is kind of a desyncing pile of shenanigans, though.)
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I was trying to get Steam to start on Linux through PlayOnLinux, but it wasn't working properly, so I decided to start over and proceeded to delete the Wine prefix wherein my Steam partition was still mounted.

    I accidentally 40 GB of files.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Pete 12 years ago
    And after four hours worth of programming, I now have an application that does everything you could possibly want a Rubiks cube solving application to do... except solve Rubik cubes. priority sorting leaves something to be desired. Anyway, Im off to wikipedia to see how one goes about solving Rubik cubes.

    EDIT: Holy curse word this is an entire research field.

    Edited 12 years ago
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Does it make sandwiches?
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    So... Window management.

    I had to write a paper for a class, and I'm usually disorganized when I do that kind of stuff at the last minute. At one point, I got fed up with having to remember what program opened what format of text file and which taskbar group that was in (OH CELESTIA LONG MENUS OF OPEN WINDOWS), so I threw my outline and the folder with my resources in another virtual desktop, the open PDFs in another, and I left MSOffice alone on the first.

    The damn thing works. And well! I really like the idea of virtual desktops, I just needed a kick in the ass to start using them effectively.

    tl;dr bored and felt like sharing cool story, LOL@technology
    Pete 12 years ago
    So... deadlines.

    Ive had a project due on the 26th of April. 23:59:59.

    Ive sent it in on the 27th of April. 00:03:29.

    I think this is probably the first time I missed a deadline solely because Windows refuses to rename a folder that contains files in use. (Notepad++ was hiding in the corner, if you must know.)
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    One time, I started doing some homework without knowing or even caring about the due date, working at my own merry pace, and out of sheer coincidence, I ended up submitting it ten minutes before it was due.

    ... LIKE A BOSS.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    I wrote most of the programs for my Java classes on the day they were due. I needed to do something to keep it interesting, after all. ;P
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Since this is my modus operandi pretty much as well, the fact that programmers are lazy bastards still holds true.
    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Throughput or Hold. That's one of my programming motto's.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Since this is my modus operandi pretty much as well, the fact that programmers are lazy bastards still holds true.
    Hey, I am not a lazy bastard. I have a perfectly valid medical reason to sleep until noon.

    Narvius 12 years ago
    I'd say laziness IS a valid medical reason.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    If "Ponies" was a valid excuse for being lazy, I'd never get anything done.

    Narvius 12 years ago
    Yes, the most hardworking pony as an excuse for laziness. Well done.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago

    *Causes a dust cloud to appear while he runs away*
    Pete 12 years ago
    Narvius said:
    Yes, the most hardworking pony as an excuse for laziness. Well done.

    Easy enough to fix...

    Wrong pic! Wrong pic!

    Thats more like it...
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I installed Lubuntu on my old laptop. Literally the only thing I had to do myself to get all of the hardware working was adding a single line in a text file to start the ISA sound card driver that was already installed.

    Edit2: Redacted, I was imagining things. Excepting the fact that Chromium keeps trying to commit suicide, this is awesome.

    Edit3: Even THAT seems to have solved itself at some point. Now the only thing the matter with it is that it doesn't physically turn off after shutting down! I can live with that.

    Edit4: If you only have 256 megabytes of RAM, you aren't allowed to install Chrome/-ium addons. Just click on "Get more extensions". I dare you.

    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    So it seems to be my turn now.

    So I thought "Yeah, I'm missing a great deal if I don't put mods in Oblivion". So I just got a few hundred megabytes of mods, including and actually just limited to (without mentioning required tools, script extenders and etcetera), Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Unofficial Oblivion Patch, not Galsiah's Character Development and DarNified UI.
    After spending a while stuffing them in using the Oblivion Mod Manager, I happen to be unable to go beyond the main menu. I uninstalled and reinstalled the whole game, then the mods, only to see the same effect. I performed some retries with a different set of mods, and they were preventing me from having OOO. This, until I decide to install OOO before anything else. That worked. But then, some time after I started a new game,... it just stopped feeling fun, and I lost the mood for it. Whether it was the fact that everything turned, as expected, harder, or that I just don't quite enjoy heavy and strong characters, I do not know. If only the next few hours after that had been productive...
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