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    E_net4 12 years ago
    Well yes. Ricky Martin, anyone?
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Pete said:
    Oh, memories. Anyone else have a healthy dose of nostalgia and/or reminiscing about the times when they were younger and had much less taste?
    Well, let's see... there's this little nugget from LittleKuriboh. Then there's this, which is totally brilliant, if only for the bit at 0:40 ("When I was a lad, I ate Crazy Old Maurice... but now that I'm grown, I eat all of my de~cora~ting!"). And then back to LittleKuriboh for this hilarious merging of the new Battlestar Galactica and Sealab 2021.

    And while we're on LittleKuriboh, I have six words for you: Screw the rules, I have money!

    ...But if that's not nostalgic enough for you, have this (all the way from 1992!). Put that in your pipe and smoke it (on endless repeat, preferably ).
    Narvius 12 years ago

    Narvius 12 years ago
    So, second week of summer vacation.
    I'm walking barefoot so much calluses have started to form on my soles.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    Another pointless post that nobody reads. Brace yourself.

    Every time I read someone spell "enough" with a T, I die a little bit on the inside. There isn't even an excuse, like using the wrong they're/their/there or to/two/too.

    Also, Philips makes the best affordable headphones, judging from a comparison of 5+ different brands of headphones sitting around our house. All other headphones have muffled treble and extreme bass.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Now that's new, spelling "enough" with a T. But yes, sometimes we just want to yell them to go back to school.

    In other random news, my university work is complete. So I'm in some sort of holidays now.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I wanna get into animation as a hobby (And to be famous on YouTube, of course), but I'm stuck at the "I have no idea what I'm doing so I'll just procrastinate until I figure it out" stage.

    Plenty of sketches to start working from, though. Except they're for several different animations I had ideas for. *Facepalm of frustration*
    Narvius 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    That song is brilliant.

    ... Oh look, it's my old post about what I wanted to do this summer. Didn't happen. *Facedesk*
    Narvius 12 years ago
    I decided to learn me some nihongo at the beginning of summer vacations, and I actually managed to get quite some of it done. Some basic grammar, over a hundred pieces of vocabulary and writing and reading the two syllabaries (Hiragana/Katakana). Mostly procrastination, though.

    I think my favourite line from the song "And the meat absorbs all the SPACE!".

    Edited 12 years ago
    Kario 12 years ago
    So guys, I finished my first Zelda game. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Any tips for my next adventure? Which should I take next?
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Kario said:
    So guys, I finished my first Zelda game. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Any tips for my next adventure? Which should I take next?
    The next one (i.e. Majora's Mask), perhaps?
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Yeah Majora's Mask would be a good choice, it's the weirdest one I'd say, Also Windwaker is nice and has some references to OoT.
    Edited 12 years ago
    Narvius 12 years ago
    I had the most epic thing happen during a session of D&D.

    Situation: The big bad of the campaign was a corrupt politician, puppet master type. It was established earlier that we'd need to unearth his evil doings. We needed to tail him to some place we knew he'd meet up with some shady folks, and we learned he'd be passing through the (bustling) marketplace, ideal to follow him without getting noticed (by him, or his numerous guards).

    So we're on the marketplace. Suddenly, our warrior (!) goes: "I discreetly walk up to the lord and attempt to behead him with one strike."

    Our game master frowns. Then he smiles, and says "All right. Roll reflex 25 to get through the sea of people, then stealth 25 to do so without getting noticed by the guards, then land a critical to succeed the instakill."

    We knew this would totally not happen - the only way he could pass the stealth AND critical checks were natural twenties (so that's 0.25% right off the bat).

    20. The entire group laughs out loud.
    20. Again, laughter. The GM goes "All right, you're there."
    20. This time noone laughed. You could literally feel the epic in the air.

    A split second of silence, the groups bursts into laughter. The GM just stares at the table in disbelief.


    We pretty much skipped the entire second half of the campaign. Our GM salvaged it, though; Our buddy was now a criminal, after all he just killed some important guy in the middle of the goddamn marketplace. So from thereon, we were on the run. We barely survived the escape.
    Grim Reaper 12 years ago
    Narvius said:
    *epic tale of critical success*
    That reminded me of this epic tale of critical failure.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    I laughed a lot harder than I should have at this. Like the cashier who accidentally rang up item number 404.
    (Edit: Didn't become a link automagically)

    Edited 12 years ago
    E_net4 12 years ago
    So it has come to this. Looks like the end of the world is near.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Anonymous1157 said:
    I laughed a lot harder than I should have at this. Like the cashier who accidentally rang up item number 404.
    (Edit: Didn't become a link automagically)
    So, er... what was the funny part?
    Narvius 12 years ago
    I lol'd. While reading some random article, I learned that Microsoft apparently has a "Digital Crimes Unit".
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Happy Birthday, Narvius!
    <insert birthday cake pic here>
    Narvius 12 years ago
    :3 Thanks.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    Happy Birthdayyy Toooo Youuu!
    Narvius 12 years ago
    So, today, I had a dilemma. Go to the lecture at 7:30am or sleep on?

    In the end, common sense lost.
    I went.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    Now that's some uncommon common sense.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    My classes are no earlier than 9:00AM.

    But I still wake up at 7:00AM.

    Narvius 11 years ago
    If you lived in Poland for a while, you'd find this kind of sense not only common, but prevalent.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Dunno, it just occured to me that this forum might see more newcomers if it the most active topics weren't Werewolf and Programming ones.
    Amarth 11 years ago
    If there were more newcomers, the most active topics wouldn't be the Werewolf and Programming ones? :p
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Good point, actually.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    So, E pointed me to that wonderful app called "Sleep As Droid". It keeps track of your sleeping time and stuff, among other things.

    I accumulated five hours of sleep debt in three days. Yay!
    E_net4 11 years ago
    It's actually called "Sleep As Android". And my only advice is to not use it if your battery life is too short (or you can plug it in for the night). It sure shows how much and how well you've been sleeping. Do give it a try.

    ...Mostly because there's a 15-day trial after which you have to buy the app. I'd say it's worth the money.
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    I've been trying to slim down a Windows 7 install in a virtual machine because the physical HDD it's sitting in is full. It turns out that the bulk of the drive space is taken up by one folder filled with copies of old DLLs for the new backwards-compatibility modularization system.

    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    ... In other news, I've managed to create a situation where one computer accesses the internet over a wireless connection, but resolves DNS names over a wired connection through another computer. If I disable the wireless connection, I get no internet access, but if I disable the DNS server on the other computer, I (Wait for it) get no internet access.


    Edit: Oops, got it working. Never actually started DNS. How embarrassing.

    In other, OTHER news, I've been experimenting with... well, whatever pops into my mind that involves two computers, and I've found that using X11 over the network using XDMCP is so heavyweight network-traffic-wise that I can't use a KDE program over an Ethernet connection that goes through a USB1.1 adapter. Neverminding that small snag, it's LOADS of fun to make a computer disappear by hiding it IN MY FREAKING DESK DRAWER and using it over a LAN connection.

    Edited 11 years ago
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Oh... How nice of you to suggest your abundance of miscellaneous activities. How do you have the time for such experiments?
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago

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