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    E_net4 13 years ago
    Suddenly... PONIES! Hundreds of them!
    Pete 13 years ago

    Seriously though, I cant even remember why I picked that star... nova... glowy thing anymore, and this is my Steam avatar at the moment...

    plus, Doctor Whoof.
    Kario 13 years ago
    "Pete" said:

    Seriously though, I cant even remember why I picked that star... nova... glowy thing anymore, and this is my Steam avatar at the moment...

    plus, Doctor Whoof.
    I liked the other one better it kind of reminded me of mystery and how the nest thing you post will be mysterious.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I finished watching Cowboy Bebop.

    This show was unique in that it managed to halve every characters likability with every episode. I quickly grew to dislike everyone besides... Ed. She maintained a constant level of annoyingness throughout. Oh, and Ein, obviously. You CAN'T hate smart dogs.

    Watching it was a bit of a drag.
    Anyways - it was still worth it. Even though the plot made completely no sense approximately 92% of the time.
    I recommend it.

    Also, post #evil.
    Pete 13 years ago
    Ah, yes, 666. Funny story about that- turns out, the number I was assinged back when I was born was 333, so I can honestly tell people that I was born halfway to being devil incarnate.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Whats all this about Firefox 5? I thought we just went through that business.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Tomorrow's my final final, I have to give a 15-minute presentation.
    I'm slightly stressed out, since speaking in front of a jury never was and never will be one of my strengths.
    ...I seriously hope I don't fail that. I'm... mostly prepared. As much as Terraria, Portal 2 and SpaceChem allowed me to.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    Whats all this about Firefox 5? I thought we just went through that business.
    Not only am I using FireFox 5, I'm using the Aurora build of FireFox 5. I am on the cutting-est edge of browser technology.
    Areetsa 13 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    "Narvius" said:
    (the one people know from RPG's, not the one people know from RTS's)
    Wow. We are enourmous nerds.
    Well, no, not really. It's an important distinction; I mean, I know whenever I have to grind up assorted chemicals, I like to use an old Soviet 155mm I bought from a guy who said it fell off the back of a lorry..
    Pete 13 years ago
    "Areetsa" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    "Narvius" said:
    (the one people know from RPG's, not the one people know from RTS's)
    Wow. We are enourmous nerds.
    Well, no, not really. It's an important distinction; I mean, I know whenever I have to grind up assorted chemicals, I like to use an old Soviet 155mm I bought from a guy who said it fell off the back of a lorry..
    ...Right... if thats the case, Im sure you wont me leaving to hide behind that blast shield over there...

    Oh god Oh god Oh god oh god
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Crazy" said:
    Whats all this about Firefox 5? I thought we just went through that business.
    Not only am I using FireFox 5, I'm using the Aurora build of FireFox 5. I am on the cutting-est edge of browser technology.
    I'm using a BlazingFast build of Firefox 4.

    ... Wait, Fx5 is out? Already?
    Narvius 13 years ago
    And Fx4 Beta is still one of the few first topics! We are enormously slow.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    And Fx4 Beta is still one of the few first topics! We are enormously slow.
    There are many things we are enormous at, apparently. I guess we could just say that we are enormous and call it a day.

    I didn't really bother with the FF5 beta, I honestly couldn't see the benefit.
    Pete 13 years ago
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... k-fails-x/</a><!-- m -->

    Ill be over there, crafting a rocket to get the hell off this rock before the idiots blow it up. Dont mind me.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Seen that before.

    Well... luckily, pretty much all of the people I know get this right, but anything more advanced? God help thee.
    Squaring polynomials? Yeah, good luck.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Five days from now, Idiota will have been absent from the forums for one full year.

    Did he ever officially leave?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Curiously, last thing he posted was a "Welcome back" to Shingo.
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    The Aliens kidnapped him...
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    Everyone still remembers Minecraft, right? Of course you do! What a silly question!

    Anyhow... Linkage. And there's more where that came from. (No seriously, the guy has like 12 public Soundcloud tracks and most of them are Minecraft remixes.)
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Ohbtw I'm a university student now (getting older, not necessarily growing up ). In Wrocław/Breslau. Something (freely translated) called Automation and Robotics. I finally decided against IT because... well. It's what I do for half of my free time and I can very well learn that stuff on my own. I never got into the low-level stuff though, so this might help.

    I'm starting in October. Currently I'm sorting out where I'll live.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I just watched Requiem for a Dream.

    The hell.
    Kario 13 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    I just watched Requiem for a Dream.

    The hell.
    You watched it?
    i thought it was a great piece of music.
    i want to see it
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Apparently not: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

    So, what about the last Harry Potter? I believe I'll be watching it pretty soon, in 3D.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Yes, yes yes. Come back when you have seen Realm of the Senses.

    Don't watch with parents.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Yes, yes yes. Come back when you have seen Realm of the Senses.

    Don't watch with parents.

    Harry Potter? The only one I saw was #2, and that was more-or-less an accident.
    I just don't like the movies (I read the books though).
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    The only good Harry Potter movie was #3, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which was also the best book in the series. The movie was the best for a couple reasons, though: first, it was the first movie with Gary Oldman, who is awesome; second, it was the only movie to be directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who is obviously some kind of insane, genius director; and third, it has Remus Lupin and Sirius Black bickering like an old married couple so much that Snape actually comments on it, which is my personal favourite line in the entire series.
    Kario 13 years ago
    Well one of my favorite parts in the movies was the part when the centaurs took away the teacher in movie Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (I don't know the number big whoop. Wanna fight about it?) i was like "aw yes they nailed that [censored]" she was the character that really pissed people off.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    "Kario" said:
    Well one of my favorite parts in the movies was the part when the centaurs took away the teacher in movie Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix (I don't know the number big whoop. Wanna fight about it?) i was like "aw yes they nailed that [censored]" she was the character that really pissed people off.
    Heh, I recall that.

    I actually failed to keep track of my readings on the third book, though I managed to read The Chamber of Secrets and The Goblet of Fire entirely. As for Harry Potter games, what is this!
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I actually agree that #3 was the best book. I always thought so for some reason.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Talking about the books here. Only saw Azkaban as movie, thought it sucked.

    Then again, I find Azkaban to blow monkeyballs. Chamber of Secrets is my favorite, followed by Goblet of Fire and then the last ones.

    Philosopher's stone was the first one, so it's all about world building. Chamber of Secrets adds a very effective notion of racism (the whole pureblood thing that Marvolo is about), but Azkaban adds nothing of value. It doesn't even have Voldemort. Goblet of Fire has the whole Voldemort rebirth scene which is one of my favorites of the series.

    The last books, I dunno. I read them to see what happened, but nothing really great happened except the obvious spiral out of control. Someone I otherwise respect very much told me I should reread Order of the Phoenix though, so maybe I missed something in that.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Azkaban adds nothing of value. It doesn't even have Voldemort.
    Yeeeaaah... I'm thinking the reason I like Prisoner of Azkaban so much is because I couldn't give a flying fuck about Voldemort.
    Kario 12 years ago
    Anyone like percy Jackson and the olympians?
    I did it was great and Ancient sparta rules!
    E_net4 12 years ago
    So yeah, the last Harry Potter... nice 3D 'n' stuff. I was surprised to see the same effect on pictures of previous films, they must've engineer'd these.
    Areetsa 12 years ago
    So I completely forgot about this place. I seem to do that a lot.
    Side effect of that: took half a dozen tries to remember my password. Bit embarrassing, but entirely in character for me.
    Anonymous1157 12 years ago
    "Areetsa" said:
    So I completely forgot about this place. I seem to do that a lot.
    Side effect of that: took half a dozen tries to remember my password. Bit embarrassing, but entirely in character for me.
    It happens. At least you remembered it, right?

    Speaking of which, my little brother forgot his Minecraft password partially, but is such a pessimist that he won't sit down and try all of the (appropriately narrowed-down) permutations. We can't just use the forgot password feature because we have absolutely no idea whose email address the account is attached to. As a result, he can still play the actual game, but if he ever loses his lastlogin file, he's never logging in again.

    Hmm. I just put myself in the mood to crack his password for him. *Gets the paper where he wrote down the patterns*
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