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  • Werewolf 10 - LR

    E_net4 13 years ago
    Just Imagine

    In what we assume to be one single universe, a great system as a whole, lies each entity. If this entity is conscious of its surroundings, it may observe nothing more than what lies in this universe. There is only one. Lives are created for the purpose of being used for only one entity. And what is an entity but yet another system of its own? What makes it see, hear, move,… is nothing more than the arranged conglomerate of units with their own purposes. Consciousness is the key to a living being.

    And yet, there is another perspective of observation over these entities. Two eyes. Two ears. Two hands. Two arms. Two legs. Two feet. Two kidneys. Two lungs. Two sides of a brain. Can there be a cause for the bipolarity of most conscious entities? If there is, do not mind. Just imagine the following assumption: the look for balance. It becomes a property of, and only of, the number 2.

    The opposite arrangement of units for the same task is not a fruit of luck. Whenever we look directly at something, we are using both eyes. Whenever we wish to stand up, we are using both legs. And all to keep the entity balanced, because, as we assumed, the entity tends to balance in its form. Now look at the universe again. There is one. How can there be balance in the universe if the universe itself, being not two, isn’t balanced? The answer: there cannot. The previous assumption led us to an absurd. But do not worry, just imagine. Let us push our minds into a new concept: two universes. And do not forget to link these two.

    There. We now have balance. Or do we? Come again: we link the two universes… but how? That is where this concept becomes tricky. For most entities in one universe, let us call it L, there is a counterpart entity in the other universe, say R. The entities are bound, in the same way each entity has its balance. Whatever happens in L, R will respond, and vice-versa.

    This link between entities creates a curious feature: These entities behave like one. Plus, they are conscious of the surroundings in both universes. Hopefully, there is only one question left: How would it feel to be in LR?

    Werewolf 10

    Welcome to the 10th game of Werewolf at the InstantKingdom forums! I've decided to call this Werewolf variant LR Werewolf. Allow me to list all the key aspects of the gameplay:

    Initial stuff:

    • There are 2 teams: the Villagers and the Werewolves.
    • The goal of this game is... well, to win. To do so, you must eliminate the players of the other team.
    • This game takes place in two different worlds/realms/universes. Distinction between them is done by calling them L and R.
    • Each player is secretly given two characters at the beginning: one in the L world and another one in the R world.

    At night:

    • Night time is commonly shorter than day time, and allows you to perform night actions. No conversation is to take place in this topic while at night!
    • Night actions are performed by PMing me (E_net4). The player's possible night actions depend on his actual characters in both realms. Most actions only apply to the world that character is in. If you're a Guardian in L, for example, you may target a player to protect him in L only.
    • In addition to these, every player is allowed to optionally swap/switch their characters. This means the character's perk in L will be transferred to R and vice-versa. These actions are silent (they are not revealed) and are always performed before any other night action. This allows a guardian to successfully protect someone in the other world, even if the werewolves didn't switch as well (see the character list below for more).
    • Once you performed a night action, this one is applied all way until day time. In other words, you can only switch before doing any night action. You can still revise your choice before day time.

    Here's a valid example of a night action for a Seer in L and a Werewolf in R.

    I'll switch between worlds! I choose to observe <some player in R> for his role and target to kill <some player in L>.
    • If the player is unbound (special attribute, see exorcist character) or one of his characters in either realm is dead, the player can no longer switch, having to stay in one of the worlds forever.

    During the day:

    • Day time is where conversation takes place. You may specify in which world you're actually talking (L or R), although communication is always shared between them (obviously).
    [Fixed] • Out-of-character conversation must be done in italics.
    • During this time, all players may choose to vote on someone to be lynched, in each world they are living in. You must publicly specify your vote in this topic, with appropriate bolding or coloring, while also mentioning in which world you're applying that vote.
    • [update] A great reminder: You can only vote on worlds in which you are actually alive. Also, you'd rather just implicitly talk to both worlds rather than talking to a world in which you're dead. You can still see what's going on in both worlds AND talk about any of your dead counterparts, but no voting. This sentence also applies to completely dead players.
    • [new] Since your LR characters are spiritually and psychically linked, you may let one of them talk through the other, even if this other is dead.
    • At the end of the day, the 2 characters with the most votes in L and in R will be lynched, rendering them dead in the respective world. They still play as long as they have a character in a world. After this, it's night time again.
    • In case of a tie, the victim, from the most voted, is chosen by chance.

    More details (and answers to questions you might have):

    • Once a player is completely dead, as in, dead in both worlds, the player must forever remain silent until the game ends. This means no talking in the thread or spoiling through any other means.
    • At any point in the game, any player may opt to suicide. At night, just PM me your wish to suicide. In day time, just publicly announce so. A warning though: Suiciding in one world is against the common desire of balance, and so you may only choose to suicide in both worlds, making you completely dead. Unbound players (see Exorcist) are an exception, which can choose a world in which to suicide.
    • Private conversations can take place anywhere and anytime. By private conversations, I mean through any means but the actual topic. Use this to your advantage.
    • A common ground for these conversations might be the official (former name of InstantKingdom) chatroom (see main thread).
    • You can also perform a night action through other messaging systems (IRC, WLM, Steam, ...). Just make sure I talk back to confirm the action.

    List of characters:

    [list]- Villager: The common villager character. No special perk. Your goal is to kill all werewolves.
    - Werewolves: They're part of the werewolf team. It is their goal to eliminate the other characters. A werewolf is given the list of other werewolves in the world they were born in, at the beginning of the game. With the appropriate strategy, you can use your night action to choose a player to kill during the night, in that world only. This works in a similar matter to voting: the victim with the most werewolf votes dies in that world. In case of a tie, the victim is chosen randomly from the most voted, giving greater priority to werewolves than other characters.
    - Seer: He is an ally to the villagers, and his night action allows the player to identify a role of a character in the world he is in. As an example, a Seer in L (which could've been in R if he had switched before) can see the role of another player in L. Just make sure he's actually alive in L, otherwise it's a waste. Also note that if your target switched in that night, you'll actually identify the role that is in your world after the switch, as switching has a greater priority.
    - Guardian: Also in the villager team. At night, he may choose to protect someone, making him immune to werewolf attacks in that world. The guardian can still be attacked by the werewolves, whom he cannot defend against. You cannot target yourself.
    - Exorcist: Despite his alliance to the villagers, he is very chaotic and refuses to accept balance. At night, the Exorcist has a single shot to unbind a player. The action is silent, and will only be revealed to the target (without saying who did it). Unbound players can still live a somewhat natural life, but they cannot do the switching action at night. They can also choose to suicide in only one of the realms. Remember, you can keep the shot for as long as you like, but once you use it, there's no way back and the action cannot be performed again.
    - [updated] Soul matter: This character, although abundant in matter, is initially undefined. It will immediatly take the form of the character in the other world. It is made sure that a player cannot be assigned 2 soul matters. As so, the player can start doing night actions (one in each world) right on the 1st night. If the Soul Matter turns into a werewolf, everything would work as if he was assigned to become a werewolf in the first place. Switching becomes useless.
    So I guess I'm done. Please PM me if you have any question regarding the gameplay. If I can answer them, they will be listed above.

    The players:

    - Amarth
    - Crazy
    - Endymion
    - Grim Reaper
    - kario
    - MageKing17
    - Marvolo323
    - Murska
    - Narvius
    - NeoGangster
    - Shingo
    - Speedblade

    You may now start doing your night actions as you receive my PM! If you're confused, just PM me and I might help you (no way I'm spoiling though).
    Day time will start next tuesday at noon GMT (12:00 AM).
    Amarth 13 years ago
    I like this. A lot. Whoah.
    Pete 13 years ago
    Hilarious clusterfuck 2: Electric boogaloo. Im going to need the bigger popcorn bucket for this.

    *evil cackling*
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    I like the idea of allied werewolves actually getting enemies through switching roles, so nobody is really to be trusted EVER xD
    Kario 13 years ago
    I hope i don't get killed so quickly like usually.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "Kario" said:
    I hope i don't get killed so quickly like usually.
    You do realize that saying that is like painting a target on your head, right?

    you're a wolf in at least one universe and you're just saying that to throw off suspicion... aaagh too early to mindfuck myself.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    You do realize that saying that is like painting a target on your head, right?

    ...Unless you're a wolf in at least one universe and you're just saying that to throw off suspicion... aaagh too early to mindfuck myself.

    You do realize that saying that is like painting a target on your head too, right?

    ...Unless you're a wolf in at least one universe and you're just saying that to throw off suspicion.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    "MageKing17" said:
    You do realize that saying that is like painting a target on your head, right?

    ...Unless you're a wolf in at least one universe and you're just saying that to throw off suspicion... aaagh too early to mindfuck myself.

    You do realize that saying that is like painting a target on your head too, right?

    ...Unless you're a wolf in at least one universe and you're just saying that to throw off suspicion.
    Yes. Yes I do.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Very well folks. No matter how amusing it is to read these posts, please keep them to a minimum.

    Edit: I'm starting day time pretty soon.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Day 1

    No prophecies were ever created, and no living entity could perceive the following disaster. "What is balance but a mere child that must be contained and nurtured?" No, they said. They believed otherwise: an ever-flowing stream source, and an ever-absorbing sink. Who knew that balance could be actually harmed by the entities themselves? At that time, they knew.

    It was morning. The villagers were awoken by the uninterrupted bells of the chapel, meaning the presence of death among the village. It usually wasn't a reason to panic, but this was no ordinary death of old age.


    Most villagers had already surrounded the victim on the ground, facing upwards. It was Amarth, their best night guard. As the presence of capable men decreased, more would be the number of frightened villagers.


    They found Grim Reaper, who was bleeding profusely. They realised the entities they were up against were very viscious and blood-thirsty.

    The funeral was to take place in the morning, as soon as it was possible.

    Amarth, a Guardian, was killed in L by the werewolves.
    Grim Reaper was killed in R this night. He was a normal Villager in R.

    Yet again, don't forget that you are now unable to perform the switch action at night. Amarth stays in R and Grim Reaper stays in L.


    Now remember, people. Conversation implicitly takes place in both universes. Tag your conversation with L or R in case that part of the conversation is to be done in that world.
    In addition, this is the time you can vote for lynching. You must specify your choice, with either bolding or coloring, and the world you're voting in case you haven't specified it.

    Here's a (not so)"good" example of a conversation:

    *yawn* Let's start.
    This TrollololName guy is being suspicious. I say we lynch Trollolol.
    Meh, I don't know lol.

    No, there's no voting for mayor.

    Amarth : ALIVE in R
    Crazy : ALIVE
    Endymion : ALIVE
    Grim Reaper : ALIVE in L
    kario : ALIVE
    MageKing17 : ALIVE
    Marvolo323 : ALIVE
    Murska : ALIVE
    Narvius : ALIVE
    NeoGangster : ALIVE
    Shingo : ALIVE
    Speedblade : ALIVE

    The night will cover both worlds again at noon GMT (12:00 pm) of next Saturday (the 16th).
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Hmph. Attacks on high-level players. Maybe by other high-level players?

    I think the most important thing to know for us to be able to determine strategy is the Soul matter character. It means one character in each universe is there twice, which will hugely affect the things we can do. Unless it's villagers of course.

    Then again, the Soul matter probably has no interest in disclosing who he is...
    Marvolo323 13 years ago
    Excuse me, good sir, but exactly what is your definition of a "high-level player"? It doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Also, I must agree with you that the soul matter will not have any interest in disclosing who he is. We don't really have any information to use at this point, so we can't make even an educated guess.
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    "Marvolo323" said:
    Excuse me, good sir, but exactly what is your definition of a "high-level player"? It doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
    I think he meant it as "experienced player", i.e. someone who's played the previous Monkkonen / InstantKingdom Werewolf games.
    Marvolo323 13 years ago
    Okaay... then at this point, going solely on Amarth's judgement, we could pick a random high-level player to lynch. But, we probably wouldn't accomplish anything. I say we wait and see what the other people have to say.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    Guys, can't we roleplay a little bit and not use words like players?
    "Marvolo323" said:
    Okaay... then at this point, going solely on Amarth's judgement, we could pick a random high-level player to lynch. But, we probably wouldn't accomplish anything. I say we wait and see what the other people have to say.

    Seems like a good idea, sir, we do have something to go off on. I have something to say about it!

    Mr. Amarth says these bandits may know what the hell they're doing, because they knew who they should go for first, and got the guardian.

    I'd caught Mr. Kario and Mageking talking last night. Kario said he hopes he doesn't die, then Mageking came out and said that Kario is already trying to play mind games. I interrupted and told Mr. Mageking he could be doing the same thing, implying he should leave it alone. After I told Mr. Mageking he could be getting himself targeted too, he said "Yes. Yes I do."

    It looks like he was playing off Kario to have the werewolves target him, hoping the guardian would see what he was doing and guard him, and playing off me to say "Yes. Yes I do (believe I could be tartgeted)." But the wolves didn't target Mr. Mageking.

    Mr. Mageking is a "high-level" person, he could of came up with this. So unless there's a better candidate...

    Lynch Mageking17 in L

    But could he be a villager in R? Grim died instead so maybe he's innocent there?
    Kario 13 years ago
    Lynch Mageking17 because of the mind games mind games! wonder about it mageking sleep deprive yourself knowing NOTHING!
    Edit: World L
    E_net4 13 years ago
    I'm not counting that vote until you specify in what world you're speaking of.
    Edit: Ok.
    Crazy 13 years ago
    Dear speedblade,


    Love, Crazy
    Amarth 13 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    Lynch Mageking17 in L
    Why in L? And why not in R?

    What are you trying to accomplish/hide in L?
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    As Grim Reaper was a villager in R and he is a high level player I say we lynch him as he could be a wolf in L so lynch Grim Reaper in L.
    My next vote would be lynch Amarth in R as he liked this game the first second it started so I'm guessing he got interesting roles like Guardian in L and Werewolf in R, which would give him very interesting choices as he might backstab his werewolf allies.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    If you guys want a more condensed version:

    Amarth and Mageking are, in my opinion, the most threatening players to the werewolves cause they're smart. During the first night, Mageking looked like he was trying to make it so that there was no one better to target than him, and hopefully have the guardian catch on and defend him to waste a nightkill.

    But the werewolves in L targeted Amarth, when it should have been Mageking. Looks like Mageking tried to make sure Amarth wasn't protected and look like a Villager at the same time. So I think he's a werewolf in L. But he could still be a villager in R (because Amarth didn't die) so I won't lynch him there yet either.

    NeoGangster, Did you know that roles are assigned at random, and you actually have about a 75% chance to be a villager in one world and the same for the other?
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    "speedblade" said:
    NeoGangster, Did you know that roles are assigned at random, and you actually have about a 75% chance to be a villager in one world and the same for the other?
    And this proves what?
    Endymion 13 years ago
    Using just the fact that someone is considered as experienced player as an excuse to lynch those already attacked by wolves does seem suspicious. And do we really want to make sure that there are no "high-level" villagers alive?
    Since it does sound a lot like NeoGangster is trying to make sure that the people he and his wolf friends attacked are finished. I say Lynch Neogangster in L and R
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    Whoa, okay, first off, I was trying to make myself a target. Obviously whoever the wolves are, in both universes, were too smart to fall for that. Also, they decided that, since I'd made myself a target in the hopes that the angel would protect me and the wolves would attack me, that everyone else was probably fair game, and they aimed for two of the most threatening and experienced players. Assuming there's any cross-talk between werewolves in each universe, that is; it could be that we have two, entirely seperate groups of werewolves trying to accomplish their goals, which is why they didn't nail the same person in both worlds. Of course, just because each group was born into seperate universes doesn't mean they won't be acting in the other universe... which is why I find it suspicious, just like Endymion, that NeoGangster tried to finish off the two victims. I say Lynch NeoGangster in L and R as well.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    Thought the same about NeoGangster.

    Change Lynch Neogangster in L and R
    NeoGangster 13 years ago
    On second thought I find Grim Reaper more suspicious now than in my first vote as Amarth and him got killed on the first night and only Amarth made a statement even though Grim Reaper made a post he didn't say anything about his death in R. But this doesn't have to mean anything.

    I somehow missed Amarths second post
    "Amarth" said:
    "speedblade" said:
    Lynch Mageking17 in L
    Why in L? And why not in R?

    What are you trying to accomplish/hide in L?

    Amarth made a point there. Speedblade seems to know something in L so he might be a seer or a werewolf.
    Now in the case of the seer he would've identified someone at night which would've been Mageking17 as he found him very suspicious this night.
    What bugs me is that he changed his lynch vote so easily so the seer case seems pretty unrealistic because why would you change your vote from 100% werewolf to another guy who may or may not be a werewolf?
    If he is a werewolf on the other hand then he knows that neither Mageking17 nor me are werewolves so he wouldn't mind killing another villager first as Mageking17 won't be saved by a guardian in L this night.

    He also said:
    "speedblade" said:

    Amarth and Mageking are, in my opinion, the most threatening players to the werewolves cause they're smart.
    So if he's a werewolf he would obviously target both of them and he actually did.
    He killed Amarth in the night as he was way too afraid that Mageking17 was guarded by the guardian(as he explained in his post).
    At day no one can guard Mageking17 so he tried to make him suspicious and lynch him.
    But he only tried to lynch him in L because he is a werewolf in L but not in R. So if Mageking17 would've died his greatest threats would be gone.

    So he is actually quite suspicious.

    Kario also tried to lynch Mageking17 in L only. So this could make him an ally of speedblade in L.

    I change my vote to lynch speedblade in L.
    I revert my vote for R. As Amarth actually made me realise this.

    So much for suspicion in L. Nobody made anything suspicious in R so the only logical thing would be to lynch Kario in R so he can't switch his roles on the next night.

    I made myself quite suspicious too and I can't prove my innocence. But what I said will remain here even after my death.
    Lynching me in both L and R would imply that I'm a werewolf in both those worlds.
    If this really would be the case then lynching me in one of the worlds would be enough to prove that I'm not a werewolf in both worlds.
    If both our votes hit a villager in the first night then this will benefit the wolves a lot as they might switch their roles in the next night.
    Please consider this and think about your lynch votes again.
    I actually didn't consider this in my first votes.
    Murska 13 years ago
    Greetings, everyone.

    I would like to note, that I am Soul Matter and therefore a Villager in both worlds. So don't count on that role. Sorry.

    Other than that... I don't think we should lynch NeoGangster and the quick bandwagon on him is suspicious in itself.

    Speedblade should be lynched in both L and R for bandwagoning.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Although he drew quite some negative attention to himself, I will support speedblade.

    MK in L.
    speedblade 13 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    I don't think we should lynch NeoGangster and the quick bandwagon on him is suspicious in itself.
    Speedblade should be lynched in both L and R for bandwagoning.
    "speedblade" said:
    So unless there's a better candidate...

    Lynch Mageking17 in L
    "NeoGangster" said:
    "speedblade" said:
    NeoGangster, Did you know that roles are assigned at random, and you actually have about a 75% chance to be a villager in one world and the same for the other?
    And this proves what?

    NeoGangster is a better candidate than Mageking. Why, Murska, do you think we shouldn't lynch him? He is your wolf ally, that's why.
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    Whelp, the wolves of L know I'm not a wolf, as did the wolves of R, so there's not much stopping them from taking me out altogether (what with (one of) the guardian(s) in L dead), and NeoGangster's comments drawing attention to me seem like the wolves' attempt at killing me off without wasting a night action.

    All things considered (or just the ones I can be arsed to), I vote to lynch NeoGangster in L (since I don't have a say in the matters of R anymore).
    Murska 13 years ago
    NeoGangster might be a better candidate than Mageking, but that has nothing to do with the fact that Speedblade, acting much more like a wolf than NeoGangster, is a better target than either. What's your point?
    Crazy 13 years ago
    My IRC analysis of MK's yomi:

    [21] <%Shingo> I'd like to discuss some WW stuff
    [21] <%Shingo> but first, I'd better check the thread.
    [21] <+Crazy> I am curious as to what you wish to discuss.
    [21] <%Shingo> Basically, what to in terms of lynching.
    [21] <+Crazy> And your ideas?
    [21] <%Shingo> still reading through to get myself up to date
    [21] <%Shingo> xD
    [21] <Enlymion> As I see it most likely canditates atm are MK, speedblade and NeoGangster
    [21] <+Crazy> I'm thinking it interesting that MK was not targeted.
    [21] <%Shingo> Well this is where we get into the various stages of Yomi
    [21] <%Shingo>
    [21] <+Crazy> Pretty much, yeah.
    [21] <%Shingo> Did the werewolves not target MK because they thought he was being protected or did they not do it because he IS a werewolf or did they not do it because they simply preferred other targets
    [21] <+Crazy> The being protected thing seems a bit iffy to me.
    [21] <+Crazy> The targeting of high-level players does not.
    [21] <Enlymion> I agree.
    [21] <+Crazy> I mean, could they have been so sure that MK would be protected in both dimensions.
    [21] <+Crazy> ?*

    Also, later (I'm not posting the 800 different possible combinations Shingo felt like he needed to go through and analyse):

    [22] <+Crazy> Also, if MK were a villager and he made himself a target with the idea that the guardians would protect him.
    [22] <+Crazy> What would he do after the guardians are dead?

    So, right now I'd be going for MK on L and R.

    However, this is rather not final, because Murska seems to making points I agree on. But I've no idea on L/R specifics.
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Murska: Soul Matter in L or R?

    More important, maybe: why didn't you specify?

    Didn't think about it in your cover story?
    Crazy 13 years ago
    So I was sitting on IRC and...

    [22] <Murska_> :/ damn net...
    [22] <Murska_> anywy
    [22] <Murska_> I'd play NP. And as for Werewolf, sux to be Villager/Villager
    [22] <+Crazy> I'd imagine.

    Wait, did I just say that? Did I just say that?!

    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> So you aren't one, Crazy?


    Or, well, this was my inital reaction.

    Later on, i figured out somewhat of a gamebreaker.

    [22] <+Crazy> The two guardians could swap to the same world and protect each other indefinately.
    [22] <+Crazy> Game win.
    [22] <+Crazy> indefinitely, even.
    [22] <+Crazy> Could have, at least.
    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> Until of course one of them is lynched by wolves.

    [22] <Enlymion> Also soul matter
    [22] <Enlymion> there's one left if both worlds have one
    [22] <Enlymion> it could be L's protector

    Haha, silly Endy. What are the chances of that?

    [22] <+Crazy> Amarth, are you a guardian [i mean't soul matter] on the other word?
    [22] <+Amarth> yes don't lynch me


    [22] <+Crazy> FCUK YES
    [22] <+Crazy> YOU ARE?!
    [22] <+Amarth> Why do you want to know? ARE YOU A WOLF?
    [22] <+Crazy> Basically, if you just lied, we'd find out.
    [22] <+Crazy> But no.
    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> Also fun WW was 7
    [22] <+Crazy> I'm a goddamn guardian.
    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> Linked with a wolf :3
    [22] <+Amarth> Also, sideways: I still have a buttload of the NP points
    [22] <Enlymion> you need to protect each other now!

    But then

    [22] <+Crazy> Amarth, am I going to announce the thing we're doing on the thread?
    [22] <+Amarth> Wait what what thing?
    [22] <Enlymion> the protector thing
    [22] <+Amarth> The homoerotic thing?
    [22] <+Amarth> Oh.
    [22] <+Crazy> Yes.
    [22] <+Amarth> Well.
    [22] <+Amarth> There might be a problem with that
    [22] <+Crazy> We could do both.
    [22] <+Crazy> The wolves couldn't touch us because we're having super hot gay sex every night.
    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> You could RP the protection as the homoeroticism
    [22] <!Grim_Reaper> xD
    [22] <Enlymion>
    [22] <+Amarth> Don't want to break your safety bubble here
    [22] <+Amarth> Or fanatasies
    [22] <+Amarth> But I'm no guardian
    [22] <Enlymion>
    [22] <+Crazy> ...what?
    [22] <+Amarth> ... don't lynch me :p
    [22] <+Crazy> Then why did you claim otherwise?
    [22] <+Amarth> Because sarcasm.
    [22] <+Crazy> Of, FFS.
    [22] <+Amarth> What *idiot* would claim to be guardian in a full IRC room.
    [22] <+Crazy> One who just heard a gamebreaking plan that included two guardians publicly announcing themselves?

    FFS, Amarth. FFS. I change my vote in R to Amarth, because fuck that guy.

    So yeah, I'm a Villager/Guardian and going to die the next night. So goddamnit, whoever we're lynching I want to at least do the deed my goddamn self.

    (for those of you interested, MK made that last post at 19:42 GMT and we discussed this an hour later, at 20:42 GMT - the timestamps are +2)
    Amarth 13 years ago
    I don't buy a word of this. You left out two very import lines out of your chat logs:
    [21:40] <Crazy> But then one of the wolves could go "nu-nuh, im the guardian" and fuck everythign up.
    [21:52]<Amarth> What *idiot* would claim to be guardian in a full IRC room.
    I don't believe you to be an idiot. I believe you to be trying to set me up for whatever reason that might be.

    Well, I can only think of one reason, really.
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